Potterverse: Magical London

Started by RubySlippers, May 16, 2015, 05:06:58 PM

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This would need a GM or two, but be as a concept for characters sixteen or older who are young adults in London in 2016 and onward, so would have either by the Canon passed the 5th Year OWL exams and decided like many to not continue at Hogwarts OR be a Squib who kept some ties to both worlds OR maybe you never went to Hogwarts opting for the WOMBAT exam and trained in magic in other ways OR want to play some kind of magical creature like a Goblin. But your in London and making your way in the world.

I'm not saying it should only be in London magical folk have many ways to travel in country and abroad after all.

But that is my idea for the game to keep it character age appropriate and in the Canon Potterverse.