That New Beatles Song

Started by Kelindel, November 03, 2023, 07:12:02 AM

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It's haunting, it's beautiful. I've loved The Beatles all my life, they are my favorite band even though they came and went before my time. Tears came to my eye to hear something new and as powerful as ever born of an impossible situation that was almost lost to us forever. I am eternally grateful for the chance to see this. As a final song, it is.... perfection and may be my new favorite Beatles song.

I am shook.

I know the Beatles are not everyone's thing, but that they managed to take this old demo with John singing, incorporated bit of George's work and then in secret managed to bring it all together for one final Beatles song, so many decades later, after the tragic passing of two of them, plus the hauntingly beautiful melody and words that wrench the heart in the context of the story of the Beatles. I can't gush enough.


Nice little documentary of how it all came together...


It is a haunting and beautiful melody and having like a present day Paul in there I can only imagine how difficult that is. The song has some sway to it and yeah once you get past the AI of Beatles Past it has a bit of a beat to it and it still keeps with the antics of the Beatles from the 60's while stirring up the emotionality of their trippier last days as a band. 


My father died last week age 76. He was a lifelong Beatles fan, and he would have loved to hear this last Beatles song. I have fond memories of him playing all his Beatles singles and albums on our old Pye radiogram in the lounge on a Sunday evening after bath time when I was young in the 70s and early 80s...
His treasured Beatles albums and singles are the only possession of my father’s I have now and each time I play them it will remind me of my father, and how the Beatles were the soundtrack to my childhood.  This song is for you dad... xxx