Harvest Moon/Stardew Valley Type Game

Started by Sephora, August 26, 2017, 11:30:17 AM

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Having played pretty much all of the harvest moon games, as well as just about every variationI consider myself a pretty big fan of the Genre.  With that in mind, I've decided to try and co-GM a harvest moon themed game using all of the fun filled cliche's that are known so well to those familiar with the series. 

I would like to involve the traditional relationship points, the love rivals, and the special events into what I hope will be a very fun and sexy game.  This will range from being able to clearly see where you stand relationship wise with characters with the use of relationship points, to your significant other refusing to sleep with yours until you upgrade the size of your bed.  Additionally, rather than have it just be me playing all the npcs, I would like it if we each took on a 'main character' and created npcs and suitors for each others characters.

I started working on the game with another person, but it hasn't worked out---so now I have a bunch of character concepts.  All I need is a partner!  I am open to discussing the type of world the farm is in, as well as overarching plots.  Is this a case of saving the town?  Of resurrecting the harvest goddess?  Of kicking the next town overs ass at the cooking festival?  The options are endless!

Let's have some fun.