Some Ideas[F looking for M]

Started by Little Wolfie, September 06, 2016, 11:50:47 PM

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Little Wolfie

I have a few pairings I'm interested in. I've been on an Inuyasha kick lately. Also, Bleach and Naruto.
I've been gone for a year, and had put down the pen also. So, I'm not going to lie, I will be a little rocky until I get back into the groove.
Our writing can be dark, romantic, all kinds of mixes.
Or you could throw your own ideas, it can be a work in progress!

Harry Potter

They can be originals or your own, again, it all can be worked out!
With Life comes Death. With Death comes Mourning. With Mourning comes Pain. With Pain comes Death. It's a circle we live. When you don't fear Death, yourself, but fear Death of those close, You deal with circle many, many times. Tis, is why we try to turn the pain from mourning, into something enjoyable. But, when it is failed, it will lead to Death, and the circle, will start over. It's like the circle of Life, but not how you were taught.

Little Wolfie

Some other pair

With Life comes Death. With Death comes Mourning. With Mourning comes Pain. With Pain comes Death. It's a circle we live. When you don't fear Death, yourself, but fear Death of those close, You deal with circle many, many times. Tis, is why we try to turn the pain from mourning, into something enjoyable. But, when it is failed, it will lead to Death, and the circle, will start over. It's like the circle of Life, but not how you were taught.