My Box Of Delights

Started by Dyiashia, September 13, 2014, 12:46:03 AM

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General Idea’s
   Outcast/Popular Guy
   Goth Girl/ Popular/Normal guy
   Boss’s daughter/Employee
   Boss’s sister/Employee
   Harry Potter
   Tom Riddle/OC
   Lestrange brothers/OC
   Once Upon A Time
   Peter Pan/OC
There is a mirror in YC room that puzzle’s YC because instead of showing his face it shows someone else’s face it shows, MC face. When bad things happen to YC good things happen to MC and visa verse of course there are day when both our character have the same fate. What is this Mirror? Will you ever figure out it powers?

MC has been in love with her brother, since they were children. She is kind but possessive, he is older than her and she knew he had girlfriends, while anger she never cared in till she walks in on her brother having sex with his girlfriend. Enraged and hurt she sneaks in his room while he’s sleeping and makes him realize that they belong together.

MC has been abused and hurt her whole life then she find out she has a twin/brother and he makes her move in with him and protects her. Damaged from all abuse she suffered she becomes obsessive and possessive of him, even going as far and sneaking in his room and tattooing her name on his chest.

YC a paranoid schizophrenic enrolls in college to better himself and hopefully get a good job to support himself. YC spends his entire day locked inside his apartment taking online classes and eating take out. When he does go out he interacts very little even though he’s trying to get better it is hard. Even while on his medication, he still hears the voices in his head is scared he will get or that he’ll hurt someone else. One day, he is visited by the councilor and forced to take a freshman class to meet other people. During the class he is partnered with MC who is an abused, quirky girl. She is kind to him and defends him from the other students yet she does nothing to defend herself.  Mesmerized by her soft voice, nice words, and pretty face, and strange behavior, his anxieties melt away and he drops his guard for their project. From that day onwards, he becomes obsessed with her believing she is his only salvation from his inner darkness. Convinced that his feelings for her are true love, he refuses to let her out of his sight fearing that she will get hurt out in the world, or worse, run away from him.
MC was only 13 years old when her older brother left to join the Army at 18. She always thought he was the coolest, nicest, funniest and most handsome guy she had ever met growing up. However, he always brushed her off. Who could blame him? She's just a little kid. Even though, he never wanted to play with her or let her tag along with him and his friends, she still loved him. But once he left their mother became cruel towards her and she blame it on her brother for not being able to protect her, now she doesn’t feel like she needs it but does she? It wasn't until he came back home six years later that he started paying attention to her . . . maybe a little too much. But the problem is he’s noticed that his step-father has also noticed her and doesn’t mind putting his hands on her. Will he finally be a good brother and protect her or is she forced to protect herself again alone in the world?

*My last two idea's came from ZhenShanMei trend, i edited them a bit as there was some things i wanted to add but i also wanted to rp them, you should look at her trend she has some nifty plots and pictures.
Your BEAUTIFUL even if you don't feel it, Stop putting YOURSELF DOWN and realize you are PERFECT. If I can see it why can't you?