Seeking any author for dom/switch/non d/s Fem Elves for fantasy stories

Started by Galactic Druid, September 11, 2017, 02:03:54 PM

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Galactic Druid

Sorry for the vauge title everyone, it was hard to find something that actually fit the character limit! Anyway, I've had a couple of ideas lately that I really want to get on paper a post, but since they don't really fit too well on any of my other pages, I figured I'd make a new one. I have a ton of other interests, so if these don't fit quite what you're looking for, please feel free to browse my other cravings in my signature!

I'm including a couple of pictures with some of these ideas; while they did make for decent inspiration while thinking about new story ideas, they are totally negotiable if you'd rather play a different picture or description.

Arranged Union (Note, I'm definitely not married to this title. Ha, puns!)
Aaryn is the heir prince to a race of humans who'se industrious culture has long clashed with the neighboring elven kingdom. Neither culture was wrong, nor evil, they were just... different. The elves tended to value the balance of nature, and accomplished many of their goals through magic, while the humans preferred to 'tame' their lands, replacing forests with large, steam-spewing cityscapes and planned farms to feel their packed populations. Tiring of years of fighting, both kingdoms had been putting major efforts into mending the gap between them and gaining a better understanding of one another that accumulated in an alliance, sealed by the arranged marriage of Aaryn and the closest thing the elven kingdoms had to a princess, your character (whom I'm leaving as open as possible since I like to let my partners write their own characters). Both Aaryn and his bride to be are happy with the arrangement and dedicated to their people, and to making the union a successful one. If anything, meeting his future bride only strengens his resolve, especially as she introduces him to the intensity of elven desire and mating rituals, something she doesn't feel needs to wait until after the cceremony. If anything, Aaryn is a bit caught off guard by her desire.

Unfortunately, not everything is perfect. Separatists on both sides would like nothing more than to see the union fail; elven factions who feel the humans should be surpressed in kept in line before thery ruin the planet, human merchants and thieves guilds who don't want their vision of industry compromised, pure-race extremeists who see a union of their races as unholy, and many other dangers lay below the surface of either society, waiting for their moment to strike, even possibly sending young couple on the run as early as their wedding day...

Note: While I'm looking to have a lot of fun with this one, I'm just as interested in the danger and intrigue; in playing a couple on the run from would-be assailants and political rivals. I'm looking for a great mix of story and smut with someone whose just as excited about writing the next plot twist or battle as they are the next romantic interlude.

Necessary Evils
Connors coronation couldn't have gone much worse, even his own father wasn't currently speaking to him. Not that he'd expected much better. He's used the ceremony as a chance to address the people of the kingdom he was just named the heir to. For too long, in his opinion, the voices of all but the nobility had gone unheard. Unlike his brothers, he'd actually spent time among the commoners working in the city guard. It had been meant as a punishment in his youth for acting so unlike a royal. Instead, being forced to work like a commoner had opened his eyes to them. The inner city that surrounded the palace treated the peasants terribly; often they took what they wanted, then taxed the lesser citizens for the privilege of doing business with them. Noble businessmen could easily get away treating their workers no better than slaves. Royal guards, smiths, chefs, and more were recruited not on talent, but by noble bloodlines. Riches in the kingdom belonged to an elite few by birth, who guarded their positions and numbers jealously. It was all due for change.

He'd expected some resistance when he announced it was time for a change, but he hadn't expected the attempts on his life to begin to abruptly. His brothers weren't the only ones who would love to see an early end to his life, with any of them taking the throne in his place. He needed an ally if he was going to even survive long enough to ascend to the throne. In his time in the guard, he'd heard rumors of a woman, a dark elven assassin, who had a reputation, despite being merciless with her targets, for acting on a moral compass of sorts. She only took on specific jobs she found agreeable, and supposedly worked within a code of honor. Such a woman might be exactly what he was looking for to keep him alive. He wasn't expecting her, however, to take such a personal interest in him, or the future she saw for them...
A/As last updated 11/27 - Halfway past busy season!

Galactic Druid

9/13 - just some grammar and code fixing before I add some new stuff tonight or tomorrow.
A/As last updated 11/27 - Halfway past busy season!


Hi, I saw your necessary evil one, and Id love to play that one out with you, if you havnt found someone for it already.

Galactic Druid

10/18: Updated my O/O page recently, and made a few changes here to reflect them
A/As last updated 11/27 - Halfway past busy season!