How Aurora earned her wings (F/F characters)

Started by Zeitgeist, December 02, 2016, 08:41:06 PM

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With allusions to Maleficent, Aurora and fey creatures, let us tell the story of how Aurora earned her wings.

The brook trickled musically along the smooth stones, an accompaniment to a spectacle no worldly eyes have witnessed before. The queen’s attention was undivided and pleased though she was at the progress made, she would see it through. This was business she told herself, though even she would admit what she spied aroused her deeply. There underneath the generous secreted shade of a willow did the queen’s handiwork unfold. The patient grooming her handmaiden studiously practiced was paying off in spades. The fey creature, a woman in all aspects but tell-tale faerie-wings, plied her mouth to that of another, albeit very human woman. It was that human’s maidenhead the queen would see washed away down the brook. Aurora was her name, an unwitting if now all but willing victim. In truth Aurora was a princess, though ignorant of her royal standing, she was destined for far greater roles than such petty human titles. Aurora too would earn her wings, like all the other pretty fey of the queen’s domain. Aurora would be groomed to be the queen’s lover.

Such delicate matters were not to be left to chance.The queen had no patience for adolescent fumblings and pawing. For now she would watch over them, two younglings playing at adult games, awaiting the right moment to pounce and take Aurora’s maidenhead herself.