Looking for M/M

Started by Oniya, March 17, 2024, 06:49:09 AM

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I'm going to start this with a little bit about me and my characters.

First off, although I'm in the Eastern US, I work an early morning shift.  I've found it easier to wake up in the evening, and do my online things before work, while the house is quiet.  That said, I tend to moderate-length posting and don't expect rapid back-and-forth.  Outside of scene-setting, I don't do longer than 3-4 paragraphs, to avoid running over possible reactions from my partner.

My characters are all male and identify as such - regardless of what ends up being done to them.  Global ons and offs are available at the link in my signature, although I do make some exceptions under specific circumstances (also noted at that link.)

Since I tend to overthink things, I will be posting 'pitches' to start out with, including a very basic world-type, what I'm looking for, and a short 'cover blurb'.  If a pitch intrigues you, please drop me a PM.  In a few days, I'll be editing in some more detail on the plots, so check back if you're on the fence!

It's Just a Game... Isn't It?
[world type] Split (RW/VW)  RW:  High tech  VW: negotiable (multiple 'programs' possible)
[seeking character type] Dashing but unscrupulous inventor/businessman
[pitch] MC works for YC's company, and is selected to help test a new 'full sensory VR technology'.  However, the assignment has a more nefarious purpose.
[plot] The invention has two levels.  The first is a fully above-board VR unit that uses a special suit to simulate things like environment (heat/cold/wind/etc), pressure/impact, and other sensory inputs.  The suit is some light, stretchy material that conforms a little better than your average superhero costume, with sensors and neurostimulators worked into the fabric for data collection and transmission.  The 'dark side' is a modification/training agenda.  The 'special suit' (Not for public release!) includes nanotech that allows additional options for both local and remote stimulation.  The 'training agenda' is a code-set that integrates with standard programs and the nano-mesh to increase arousal through nerve-stimulation.  The wearer is given a 'pleasure ping' during virtual encounters to make him more likely to be aroused by the same occurrence in either the virtual or the real world.  Visual stimulation can also be provided by 'cut scenes' that show the encounters from an outside perspective at the whim of the controller

The Duke and the Dandy
[world type]:  Feudal
[seeking character type]: Charismatic rogue
[pitch]:  A noble has been dressing as a woman to stay informed about the things his subjects are going through.  When his secret is discovered, he is forced to expand the ruse.
[plot]:  MC (actual title could be something other than 'duke') has a reputation for being reclusive and single, but is widely regarded as a 'good sort'.  The local populace sometimes even finds their grievances addressed before they can officially bring them. 

The reason for this is that the duke has discovered that people talk more freely in front of women, and uses that to his advantage, slipping out of his estates in non-descript feminine garb and spending time in public establishments. 

One evening, he is waylaid by ruffians.  Their assault is interrupted before any significant bodice-ripping or exposure (of any sort) has occurred, as a flamboyant traveller happens upon the scene.  After the brigands are disposed of, he discovers the duke's secret (there could be some intervening encounters if desired).  With this knowledge, there are two paths:

1) The smooth seducer (Light to Kinky):  The rogue is intrigued by the idea of bedding a noble.  Cushy digs, no real responsibilities – and if he gets tired of it, he can move on without consequence.  To that end, he sets about 'helping' the duke.  Sure, pubs are a good source of information, but there are other venues.  Mind you, a woman is expected to behave a little differently – nothing too scandalous... at first...

2) The sinister secret-keeper (Non-Con):  The rogue sees his immediate hold over the duke.  He's not interested in the political stuff, but he could be set for life here.  Revealing the duke's secret would create utter chaos, and he knows that the duke will do anything to prevent that...

The Last of his Kind
[world type]:  Any.  Time/space travel possible and permissible.
[seeking character type]:Mysteriously knowledgeable stranger
[pitch]His past actions left him doomed to an eternity alone – until a stranger offers him a future.
[plot]MC believes he is the last of his species.  More explicitly, that he caused the destruction of his own species.  Whether this was a deliberate act or an accidental one doesn't precisely matter – he bears the guilt and the remorse.  Even death isn't an escape – he inevitably finds himself in a new life and eventually remembering all that went before ('the curse').  Naturally, some parts are clearer than others, but these tend to be the most emotionally charged memories (and those haven't been that good.)

YC arrives on the scene.  He appears to know a lot about MC – not only the bits that MC remembers, but some of what was in the gaps.  (Author's note:  This knowledge may or may not be accurate, depending on YC's motives.)  Oddly enough, he claims to have come from the same place as MC, although he's not very responsive on how he escaped the cataclysm.

YC legitimately escaped.  He might bear a grudge, or he might be relieved that he isn't the only survivor.
YC is a rival of MC in a similarly new life.  Does this mean others might be out there, or is Fate intervening?
YC is the actual person who caused the cataclysm.  He has plans for the final subjugation of his one remaining counterpart
YC is some time-slipped incarnation (Eternal Champion-style) of MC. 

In any event, the shared history makes a strong reason for them to spend time together.  The relationship could be wholesome and healing, or it could be dark and twisted.  At some point, they end up having sex.

Some long-buried bit of genetic coding gets triggered, and MC finds that his body is becoming more accommodating, regardless of what he's learned about YC, or how he feels about them.
"Language was invented for one reason, boys - to woo women.~*~*~Don't think it's all been done before
And in that endeavor, laziness will not do." ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Don't think we're never gonna win this war
Robin Williams-Dead Poets Society ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Don't think your world's gonna fall apart
I do have a cause, though.  It's obscenity.  I'm for it.  - Tom Lehrer~*~All you need is your beautiful heart
O/O's Updated 5/11/21 - A/A's - Current Status! - Writing a novel - all draws for Fool of Fire up!
Requests updated March 17