Ssieth's Elliquiy Script Initial Install & Setup Tutorial (image heavy)

Started by Mister Morgue, July 04, 2019, 10:46:04 AM

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Mister Morgue

Hey there! So for those of you who haven't heard of Ssieth's wonderful Elliquiy script, let me sing its praises for you! Honestly, if you use E a great deal, it can really save you time, and allow you to keep track of all sorts of things. Now, I may not be an expert on all the things that this script provides, but I can at least show you how to get it set up, and the features that I find the most useful for my posting needs - of course if others have suggestions and know of useful things the script can do, they're more than welcome to share!

Under each step you'll find a bunch of spoilers inside, under each of those spoiler tags is a screenshot of what I'm hoping to show you. Clicking the spoiler tag will open the spoiler, clicking it again will close it and re-hide the contents it holds! Of course my look and feel of E will probably be very different from yours, but I'm hoping that the visual will help you out all the same!

Step One: Installing
Step One: Installing

First off, you're going to have to go here in order to get the script. If you read through the first post it will give you a general over view of what you need.

Now, depending on your browser, you're going to install something called GreaseMonkey or TamperMonkey - I personally use the latter on firefox, which you can find here, but you can get it for chrome as well over here. I'll use chrome as an example since I didn't have it installed there.

1. Click the
"Add to Chrome"

button to install Tampermonkey (or Greasemonkey). Once installed, Tampermonkey will open up a window with information saying it was successfully installed, you can close this window.

2. Navigate to Ssieth's script page, and

the script she has linked there.

3. Once installed, you'll see a little icon appear in your browser bar, if you click on it you'll get this
dropdown menu
. You'll want to go to the
in order to make sure the E script installed correctly and is turned on. If you see
then it's installed and turned on.

Step Two: Cleaning up
Step Two: Cleaning Up!

Now, let's go back to E! If the script is indeed working, you'll see a little
pop up on that TamperMonkey icon, this means that the script is active on the page that you're on!

Refreshing your browser will reveal a ton of new things that weren't on E before you installed the script, and I'm going to try to go through them with you and help you figure out how to handle all the new information!

The first thing you'll probably notice is the big bar talking about the new version of the script. It provides a link that takes you back to Ssieth's thread and gives you an overview of all the changes that have been made with the latest version of the script! But to get rid of that big bar, simply click the
link at the bottom
and it will disappear until the next time the script updates!

The other thing that will probably pop up is a
red notice
of replies, as well as the
section on the navigation bar. These will both lead to the same place if clicked, but the drop down bar will take you to the latest post for that thread. If you're like me and you don't want to be told every single time a reply is made on a thread you posted in once ages ago, you're going to have to go to each of those threads and click the
ignore replies
button. After that, you will no longer get notifications of replies posted to those threads!

Step Three: Settings
Step Three: Settings

In the navigation bar, you'll find a link called
Script Settings
. Hovering over it will give you a drop down, but for now you're just going to click straight on that button, and pull up the settings menu for the script.

You're going to see a list of things that you can click on to drop down your settings. You can easily spend a great deal of time here, and some of it is going to be a little confusing. Most of these options, however, you can hover your cursor over and you'll get a little information on each item.

One of the things you might notice right away when going to look at your RP posts, however, is that now all your dialogue is (unless otherwise coded), highlighted in blue. This is because of a
Styling effect
within the settings. You can change the colour of it here, but if you don't like it at all, you can also turn it off!

Useful Tools
Useful Tools

Snippets - Snippets are a really useful tool if you do a lot of headers in posts, or have formatting that you need to do for group posts, or personal threads such as your A/As and Interest threads. You want to make sure that they're turned on in the
menu first! Under the dropdown menu that pops up under
Script Settings
, you'll see one for Snippets. Clicking on this will pull up the option to Add a Snippet, right now you won't have any, but I'm going to show you why they're so useful!

If you have headers that you use in posts, you can take that header code, and input it into the
Snippet content bar
. After you name the snippet, just click on "Set" and it will add it to your current snippets. No matter what order you add these in using this tool, they will always appear in alphabetical order in the snippet menu. Eventually, if you're like me, you're going to end up with a
huge list

Now, this is where things get good! In order to utilize those snippets you created, all you have to do is go to make a new post! The
snippet tool
will appear on the top right of the editor.
Hovering over
the word "Snippet" will pull up a drop down menu of all the snippets you created. All you have to do is make sure you're focused on the main editing window, and click on whichever snippet you need - it will
automatically insert
that snippet into the editor window!

Quick Topics
Quick Topics - Quick topics are great for if you go to a bunch of specific threads pretty often, or have personal threads and trackers for challenges like ElliWriMo or Elliquiy BINGO! In the
Settings menu
that you were in before (you get to this by clicking on "Script settings" in the main navigation toolbar), you'll see a section for Quick Topics. Just make sure that's turned on. Personally, I turn off having the quick topic go to the last post, because I use my Quick Topics for trackers and personal threads like A/As and O/Os and whatnot, and don't need to see the latest post. If you want this feature, just leave it checked!

In order to add a quick topic, all you have to do is go to the thread you want to add, and click on one of the new
fancy buttons
that are at the top of the thread. This will add it to the quick topic
dropdown menu
. To navigate to one of your quick topics, just hover over the link and click whichever one you wish to go to, and BAM! You're there!

If you need to remove one of your quick topics, or you want to re-name them, just
click on Quick Topics
in the navigation bar, and it will pull up an editor window. Just like with snippets, these usually appear in the dropdown in alphabetical order. So if you want them to be listed in a specific way, add numbers like I did! You can also delete your quick topics from here, or from the thread directly by clicking "Remove Quick Topic" at the top of the page where you originally hit the button to add it.

Drafts - Drafts. Drafts are sometimes a lifesaver. There are other scripts that you can install that will save your posts for you, but drafts are built into the script to help you from losing something you worked really hard on! To make sure that they're turned on, go into the
Settings menu
and turn them on! By default, the auto-save feature is set to 0, you can change this to however many minutes you want, I set it to 1, so that once every minute it saves a draft that, should my browser crash, will load up when I come back to the editor for that thread.

You can also
manually save
drafts, by clicking "Save Draft" at the bottom of the editor. A little "Drafts"
will pop up at the top of the editor (next to Snippets), and will show you the draft you have saved. Clicking a particular draft will load it into the editor.

If you turned on that setting initially, after you post those drafts will be removed. Otherwise, you can simply click the "clear draft" button under the editor to remove the drafts it has saved for that thread.

Bookmarks - Bookmarks are things that are greatly improved using the Escript from Ssieth! Again, you'll want to go into the
to make sure they're turned on, and that you've got the settings just the way you want them. I'm showing you how I have mine set up, but you can experiment as you see fit with those settings.

When you want to add a thread as a bookmark, just click on the button at the top (or bottom) of the thread that says
"Add Bookmark"
. Doing this will
pull up a Tag Menu
. This is where you can create tags to separate and organize your bookmarks! Keep your Tags to one word, or a combination of words without using spaces in those tags, otherwise things could break!
is an example of my bookmarks from the dropdown you get from hovering over BMs.

I'll use my Storyteller Café tag as an example. You see that I didn't add a space between the words, because that tends to break the tagging system. Clicking on that link will take me directly to
all the threads
I've marked with that tag!

If, for some reason, you need to remove one of your tags, that's under
Script Settings
. Just hover over Script Settings, and then navigate down to "Manage Tags" and click it. You'll get a menu that pops up with all your various tags. Clicking the tag on that list will give you an option to delete that tag entirely.

NOTE: When you add a new bookmark, I recommend adding the "NotOwed" tag that is automatically given to you. This way those bookmarks won't show up as threads that you owe replies to even if you've never posted to them!

NOTE 2: When adding bookmarks with tags, please be aware that you have to do this one at a time. If you open up multiple pages to bookmark, you will have to REFRESH each of those pages after you've added the previous bookmark, otherwise the script will delete other bookmarks that were made. I think this is because the script gets confused by the multiple page adds from different tabs.

Hopefully that helps you all out with installing and setting up the script! If you have questions or tips for the script, please don't hesitate to ask or share!

Happy writing!

<3 MM.

Mister Morgue

As far as I'm aware, Ssieth is working on a different back-up system since Cabbit is now pretty defunct. I think that you can still copy the text over from it, I'd recommend saving it in somewhere like a notepad file, and then copy it into the box and it should transfer. However I do not know how long this system will still be in effect or when it might update to something else.

One more thing!

Once you've got all those lovely bookmarks and snippets, you're not going to want to lose them if you have to reinstall your browser, or you move to a new browser or something like that - this has happened to me, so I'm going to show you how to stop yourself from losing everything you just worked so hard on.

If you needed to re-install the script, you're going to find that all your settings are gone on a new install. If you follow these steps, though, you shouldn't have to worry about it!

Exporting Settings
Exporting Settings - This is what you're going to want to do to ensure all your hard work isn't lost in the event you have to change browsers, or if you want to install the script in multiple places like a home PC and a laptop that you carry around. The settings are generally saved locally, and don't carry over with your account to other browsers. To get your settings to be in other locations, you have to install the script on each device you wish to use it on - unfortunately, as far as I know, you cannot use this on mobile.

Once everything is the way you like it, you're going to want to go to the "Script Settings" dropdown, and choose
Export Settings
. Clicking on that will pull up a
with a whole lot of what looks like gibberish in it. What you can do is copy all that gibberish into a text file using something like Notepad, and save that somewhere on your computer as a back up, but what I like to use is the ability to copy your settings to cabbit using the link at the top of the window.

When you first click that link, you'll get a window that shows
this screen
. This has a time-out on it, and if you don't choose an option before the timer expires, you'll just go back to E and the export settings window where you can click the Cabbit link again to get the same screen to come up. Here you're going to need to approve Tampermonkey's exporting settings to Cabbit. You can choose to allow only once, allow temporarily, or allow always. I allow always because it's easier for me, but you can choose what you like - though I'm not sure of the effect of only temporarily allowing the export and what that might result in.

Once you allow the script to export your settings, you'll get a little
pop up, just hit OK, and that's it! Your settings have been exported and are available using the Import function!

Importing Settings
Importing Settings - Now say you've had to re-install a browser, or you've switched browsers, or you're on one of your other devices and you need to pull all your bookmarks and snippets into the script that you've installed again. Well, now you want to import your settings!

To start off you're going to go to the
Script Settings
menu, and choose "Import Settings" - this will pull up a window similar to the export settings option. This window, however, will have a
blank space
where all that gibberish might have been in the export function. You'll also see a big red warning at the bottom of the window that tells you this will overwrite your current settings once you've imported, and if you mess up pasting in the information and save, it could mess up your script. Just make sure that if you're using the copy-and-paste method you copy your export settings exactly as they are and save them as such, and then paste those settings in exactly as the same to ensure nothing gets messed up.

However, if you're using the Cabbit back-up, you're not going to have to worry about that! If you're signed into E, all you have to do is click on the link at the top of the window that says to
"Load settings"
from Cabbit, once you click that it might take just a moment to import things, but you'll get a little confirmation pop-up when they've been imported. Everything should be there now, your bookmarks, snippets, and quick topics! If they don't show up immediately, simply refresh Elliquiy, and they should all work just the same as before or on your other device!

Note: Please keep in mind that if you make changes, add bookmarks, snippets, or quick topics - you're going to have to update your exported settings otherwise it WILL NOT INCLUDE THEM until you do! I suggest backing up your settings any time you make major additions or changes to things!