New World Of Darkness Combined: THE ACCORD (Intrest Check)

Started by Spero, January 21, 2015, 08:44:53 PM

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I'm going to start posting a character thread soon, please just put your characters Name, Pic and How they came to be part of the Lafayette Accord.

PM me their back stoey, race and character sheet. This is information that other players should not see.
RP Status: Seeking New Roleplays // Muse Status: Active and Around // Mood Status: Hopeful
CRAVING!: Dark Fantasy & Warhammer 40k Roleplay! Please PM if you want to RP~


~~~ Character ready ~~~
Ellen Jheon

Ellen came to Lafayette for three reasons, with varying degrees of high-mindedness behind them. The first was her job. She'd missed a few work appointments from her time spent abducted by the Accord, and felt it would be best to start afresh in a new city. There were friends in Louisiana - they helped her set up practice there. Next, there was her sense of duty. For all that she didn't like the idea of the Accord, she did see the value in fighting - and maybe dying - at their hands, and recognised that her particular skillset might make her valuable to them. The last, and perhaps most important, was her opposition to the Church of Ultimate Truth, which had grown particularly strongly in the city. As far as Ellen's concerned, there's only room for one new vision of the world that harps on about faith, hope and love, and it's not the one that produces horrible stock-photo-laden pamphlets in bloody Arial.

A psychologist by trade, she's angling to join the Lafayette Accord Cell as a Ritualist - she politely (and somewhat abashedly) counters suggestions that she should be on the front line with a shake of her head and an avowal that she can do far more good off the front line.

Personality: Ellen Jheon exudes an air of quiet, smiling intensity; meet her under almost any circumstance, and she's kind, thoughtful, considerate, albeit in a purposive, slightly forced manner, something that's underlined by the clear emphasis and   Just because she's a very pleasant humanitarian doesn't mean that she isn't colossally arrogant, though. It's her (benevolent, compassionate, well-meaning) way or the high way, and as soon as things start going against her plan, the smouldering angry embers of who she was soon start to emerge again.