Best Auntie (The Vicenary) - Closed

Started by Zeitgeist, January 08, 2009, 10:31:11 PM

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This is a F/F character roleplay. What follows is set in a contrived world of my own creation, I've added some definitions at the end to explain some, but the setting, the world in which this story takes places can be found here:

I've used the name Rochelle and left the other nameless for now. The co-writer would be free to choose another name if they wished. I would play the part of the auntie. I am however open to switching that around. Its something of a dominant/submissive choice.

Rochelle very much wanted to have a baby. She had tried twice now, sadly without success. The first try had been with a lover of her's. It was perfect, they were deeply in love, lived together and were a perfect match. Ultimately however it was not meant to be. Despite much preparation and a night of great lust, Rochelle did not become pregnant. Their relationship became strained and difficult and they eventually separated. Since, they only exchanged brief e-mails and infrequent stilted phone calls.

Her second try was borne of a torrid love affair lasting just two months. She was the friendly acquaintance of her older sister. The two had hit it off almost immediately, spending the first week together day and night, and often in bed. It was an impetuous and largely lust filled affair, she knew that now, but they had decided to have a baby together, so sure were they of each other. Soon after however her lover died in a tragic accident, slipping onto the rails of the trains that buzzed around the metropolis of Viginti. She was sliced in half. Even more sad, Rochelle found out soon after that in fact she had no become pregnant.

She leaned on her mother and sister heavily in her grief. She was heartbroken and sadly unlucky in love it seemed. After a year or more Rochelle picked herself up and began her life anew. Love and activities were a balm to her deep hurts. She had a place of her own again, her mother and sister visited often. Slowly she began to entertain the idea once again of having a baby. She was without a companion however and struggled to make the kind of connection she wished. Still, she indulged in the VR lounges, playing over in her mind how she'd become pregnant, the resulting exotic orgasm that followed, and the joy that would be found in knowing she was pregnant. It wasn't the same however, as visually stimulating the VR images were, she had experienced the real thing before. The visits to the VR lounges dwindled as she lost interest in the experience. The doctors could give her no clear indication whether or not she could get pregnant, though the medically engineered 'pistal pods' rarely failed, and she might have to rest with the knowledge she was just unable to conceive. She could have done it herself even, however it wasn't what she wished, and wanted her baby to have a true auntie.

One day, her own auntie gave her a lead and recommended a woman who herself was three times over an auntie. She was something of a legend among circles, and while she was not a doctor, her skill at putting women at ease, and her touch in the bedroom was well thought of. She was not someone however that Rochelle could call up and schedule the deed. She would have to be wooed and dated, she would have to demonstrate she would be a responsible, loving mother. A meeting could be set up, coffee or something casual, but it was up to Rochelle to court, and eventually convince this woman to impregnate her.


Birthing - Or rather, impregnating. As described elsewhere Vicenarian doctors and geneticists have developed the means to allow women to  give birth to as many children they wish, always resulting in a female baby. The genetic and cloning issues have been resolved satisfactorily and the risk of birth defects or disease is low. When a couple or lone woman wishes to become pregnant she is prescribed a 'pistal pod'. This is a delicate egg shaped pod with a membrane that dissolves when made wet and heated. It is inserted into the vagina, by either herself or a lover, and often involves the rituals of sex. Soon after it is inserted and thus heated, it will burst and impregnate the woman, and at the same time chemically inducing an exquisite orgasm. A woman, be it a lover or partner, or rarely a sister or mother, that assists is referred thereafter as the 'Auntie' and typically is known to the child thereafter as such. Assistance however is not necessary and it is not uncommon at all for a woman to impregnate herself. Faux pistals can be had on the black market but they are highly illegal as one could not tell the difference between and actual pistal and a fake one. The fake ones quite expensive as they induce unimaginable orgasms, often enhanced with illegal drugs. A faux pistal laced with drugs have been known to induce orgasms lasting as long as ten minutes. The effect while pleasurable causes rigorous shivering and leaves the recipient exhausted and dehydrated.

VR - Visual as well as physical devices that allow the wearer to experience almost anything their imagination can dream up. These are often sexual in nature but need not be. They come in the form of either a simple wrap around visor for visual stimulation to suits with strategically placed sensors, in obvious and some not so obvious areas of the body. These can be rented by blocks of time at VR lounges. People take part either individually or in small groups. The images could be programmed scripts or manipulated by a second person, even back and forth, among really any number of people. Participants of two or more are placed in Plexiglass pods where they can see, but not touch each other. It really isn't deemed appropriate to touch someone else while they VR as it defeats the purpose and ruins the imagined imagery. The VR lounges serve alcohol and other drinks, and have various public and private spaces for the customers. Drugs and other illegal activities can be found here at some of the more seedier establishments.

Auntie - A lover or partner who assists in inserting a pistal pod and participating in its consummation. See birthing rituals.


I liked your world idea. I really would like try it. PM with more details about the VR



Ada, prolific dancer, 'auntie' three times over. Romance her, date her, court her and long for her touch :)