Enslaving his smackhead mother (M seeking F for smut based incest RP)

Started by Itsallgoodfun, July 07, 2013, 02:31:12 AM

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I wondered if anyone would be interested in a fairly smutty incest RP, of which I have a few different ideas for:

Alan's father had left without any warning. One night he was up in his room, and he heard her screaming at him to stay. The desperation in her voice was clear, and Alan couldn't understand why? She was a young vibrant woman, who had somehow become completely submissive to his jerk off father. She would do everything he requested, and yet as far as Alan could see, he did nothing to deserve her attention. Especially as Alan knew that he had been having an affair for the last two years. However, that didn't change the fact that after that fateful day, she wasn't the same woman. Sombre and withdrawn, Alan could only take care of her as best he could. But there was only so much a son could do for their mother. But one day, her rather slutty friend came over and talked her into going out.

That evening his mom had gotten drunk, and her so called friend had managed to convince her, that if she snuffed up this little pile of white powder... she would forget all of her troubles.

Well that had been the beginning of the end as far as Alan was concerned. She became addicted ridiculously quickly. Simply because she found solace in the dangerous world of narcotics. However, because she didn't really earn a lot of money, it became increasingly difficult for her to feed her expensive habit. So when Alan caught her giving a guy a blowjob for money, he decided enough was enough.


She had given birth to a little boy many years ago. But being a very young teenager at the time, she had made a rather rash decision about his future.

Dropping him on the doorstep of the local orphanage, he was only a day old when she had last seen him. However, unbeknown to her, 19 years later, he had engineered it so that she was going to be more dependant on him, than he would have been on her as a baby.

The welfare system he had lived through had been hell. No one wanted him, and they had made that fact very clear every single day of his life. Granted he had been a little tearaway since he was old enough to walk. But, he never believed that the way they treated him was fair. So the only choice he saw for himself was crime. From the age of 12, he had been getting into trouble with the police. However, the moment he hit his 16th birthday, he was already brokering multi million pound deals with foreign drug barons, not to mention everything else he was involved in. Being so young always put the other side at ease, and usually meant that his gang got a better deal than they normally would.

Despite it all though, he only ever had one goal in mind.

To get the bitch back that had dropped him on the doorstep. And now, at the tender age of 19, his time for retribution was now. As soon as he had found out that his mother had been a drug addict all these years, he knew exactly what he must do.

Alternatively, if you are interested, but have a different idea, then let me know.

As stated, this will be a fairly smut heavy RP. Looking for a very open minded partner, who is open to different ideas.

PM if you are interested.

"There's no fear when you're having fun"

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing."

My story ideas