Charm's little brother: Power

Started by Xillen, June 20, 2009, 03:13:59 PM

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I wrote Charm a little brother: Power. It can currently be found in the #Power channel.

Power is a game about power. One person has it, and the other people must try to get it from this person, by performing dares.

If you want to get the power, you need to ask the current owner of the power (as indicated by voice) to give you the power. The owner of the power must give you a dare, and if you follow the dare completely, the owner must give the power to you, after which the original owner is no longer in possession of the power. Now it's your turn to hand out dares as others beg to have the power.

There are no limits to the dares, but dares should be something that can be RPed out in the room. (This is up for debate).

Performing the dare is not mandatory, but if you do not want to perform the dare, the current owner of the power is not required to give you another dare.

When multiple people ask for the dare, you can give everyone the same dare (making it a competition if you'd like), or give each person individual dares. If more than one person performs a given dare, you must give the power to the person you think performed his or her dare the best.

Finally, whenever you are in possession of the dare, you can pick one of the following options:

Change the background setting (Use the "!setting" command, followed by the setting you'd like to see. For example: "!setting the beach."). Everyone is teleported over to the new setting. Everyone is required to abide by the current setting in the roleplay. So if the current setting is a deserted island, you can't flop down on the couch to watch TV.

Alter a part of your body (Use the "!alter" command, followed by the body parts you'd like to have. For example: "!alter a pair of wings."). Body alterations last until the next time you alter your body! If you want multiple alterations to stack, you have to include all the alterations (Say you asked for wings earlier, but now like you have a tail as well. You have to type "!alter a pair of wings and a tail.") You cannot remove your own body alterations until you have gained power again. Because of this option, everyone starts as a normal human of his or her true gender. If you'd like to play cross gender, or want to be a furry, you have to get the power once and then alter your own body.

Receive a special item (Use the "!item" command, followed by the item you'd like to have. For example: "!item a wand of arousal."). You can use such items to apply certain magical effects to yourself or others (assuming you have their OOC approval). You cannot use any magic, unless you're in the possession of a proper special item. Special items vanish after 24 hours or whenever you call for another special item, whichever comes first.

Note, you need to type "!power nickname" to give the power to some one else. If there is no power in the channel, a channel operator can give the power to anyone.

Additional note, you can run timers in the channel, by typing "!timer seconds description". You must choose between 5 and 86400 seconds.