[Closed--PCs chosen] Changeling the Dreaming: Duchy of Storms [System][BON]

Started by Blythe, February 05, 2018, 05:20:28 PM

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Name:    Donovan “Sir Stitches” DuboisPlayer: Esoterrorist
Chronicle:   The Duchy of StormsMotley: ---
Court:   UnseelieSeeming: Wilder
Legacies:   Beast/Paladin   Kith: Boggan
House:   Daireann   EXP Spent: 0 EXP

Physical       Social       Mental
Strength:   ●●●●●●Charisma: ●●○○○   Perception:●●●●○
Dexterity:   ●●○○○Manipulation: ●●○○○   Intelligence:●●○○○
Stamina:   ●●●○○   Appearance: ●●○○○   Wits:●●○○○
Strength - Crushing, Perception - Insightful

Talents       Skills       Knowledges
Alertness:   ●●○○○Animal Ken: ○○○○○   Academics:●○○○○
Athletics:   ●●○○○Crafts: ●●●○○   Computer:○○○○○
Brawl:   ●○○○○   Drive: ●○○○○   Enigmas:○○○○○
Empathy:   ●○○○○   Etiquette: ●●○○○   Gremayre:●○○○○
Expression:   ○○○○○   Firearms: ○○○○○   Investigation:●○○○○
Intimidation:   ●○○○○   Larceny: ●○○○○   Law:○○○○○
Kenning:   ●○○○○   Melee: ●●●●○   Medicine:○○○○○
Leadership:   ○○○○○   Performance: ●○○○○   Politics:●●○○○
Streetwise:   ●○○○○   Stealth: ●●○○○   Science:○○○○○
Subterfuge:   ○○○○○   Survival: ○○○○○   Technology:○○○○○
Specialty - Bludgeoning Weapons

Backgrounds       Arts       Realms
Dreamers:   ●○○○○Autumn: ●●○○○   Actor:●●○○○
Title:   ●●○○○Sovereign: ●○○○○   Fae:●●●●○
Treasure:   ●●○○○   ? ? ?: ○○○○○   Prop:●○○○○
Treasure:   ●○○○○   ? ? ?: ○○○○○   Scene:●○○○○
Resources:   ●○○○○   ? ? ?: ○○○○○   Time:○○○○○

Glamour:   ●●●●● ○○○○○Willpower: ●●●●● ●○○○○   Nightmare:○○○○○ ○○○○○Banality:●●●○○ ○○○○○

Birthright: Craftwork: Boggans enjoy nothing more than good, honest work. Their reputation for being consummate craftspeople is well earned. While unobserved, Boggans can accomplish any task involving physical labor or craftsmanship in one third the time. Other Boggans may be present but they must not be observed. No Boggan can ever botch a Crafts roll.

Social Dynamics: Boggans are keen observers of social interactions, and their inherently unobtrusive nature allows them to witness things that otherwise might remain hidden. A successful Perception+Empathy (or subterfuge) roll allows the Boggan to parse the social dynamics together. The difficulty ranges from 5 to 9 at ST discretion. Success on this roll may lower future rolls with interactions with the group, especially Social rolls.

Frailty: Call of the Needy: Boggans are inherently helpful, and cannot resist offering aid when it is needed. When they encounter someone who legitimately needs help, the player must make a Willpower roll at difficulty 8 to not offer some type of aid. This does not apply to sworn enemies.

Antithesis: Not repaying a favor freely given.

RealLevel Chimerical
[ ]Bruised[ ]
[ ]Hurt (-1)[ ]
[ ]Injured (-1)[ ]
[ ]Wounded (-2)[ ]
[ ]Mauled (-2)[ ]
[ ]Crippled (-5)[ ]
[ ]Incapacitated[ ]

Merits & Flaws

- Blessing of Atlas / 5 / Remarkable among trolls and seen as a true miracle among other kiths, the Blessing of Atlas raises your Strength and permanent Strength cap by 1. You are slightly larger than your ilk and defined as if carved from marble. If it comes to light you possess this merit you will be expected to be a burgeoning hero or feared as an upcoming warlord.

- Changeling Eyes / 1 / Your eyes are a startling color, maybe emerald green, violet, or yellow. This is a sign you are a changeling, recognizable to those who know the ancient lore. (White)

Echoes / 3 / When church bells are ringing and Donovan can hear them he is at a -2 (pain) penalty for all actions. This stacks with wound penalties.

Personality: Donovan is an outlier in many ways. He never quite fit in in the Duchy of the Delta Crescent, always “too white” or “too redcap” to fit in places easily. So, in short, he's stopped trying too much. He's brusque but not unnecessarily rude. When you are under his hospitality his nature softens to that of a sweet but stern uncle.

History: Donovan Dubois is from a wealthy Louisiana family in the Duchy of the Delta Crescent. He was raised in finery with nearly every want met by his doting parents. However his peers and extended family were not so kind. His parents had been “lucky” in a court case and won their earnings through trial. This led to him being “new money” for most of his “peers.”

When he grew old enough to go to school he was punished by those who didn't accept him until he grew bitter. His chrysalis came when he was watching the groups flowing around him with the small threads of social intrigue started glowing for him. He suddenly knew Cindy had a crush on Brad who had a crush on Chad or that Beth was bulimic and what drugs Greg did. His plunge into his fae nature was an awakening of glory.

Using his knowledges to ply these people he began to worm his way through the school system and even fae culture. His strength kept growing as he got older until he started falling back on it if his social machinations fell short. He was like the entire crime family in one person.

Life as a Boggan is not easy either. Most fae overlook you as some nonsensical party planner or worthless gossip to pound for information. It was a an uppity Nocker that pushed him over the edge; the man was shaming one of the Changelings who offered hospitality to all. Donovan beat him to an inch of chimerical knockout much to the humor of Lord Glynn of House Daireann.

Lord Glynn took Donovan under his wing, honing this bludgeon into a rough gem. In short time he was the hammer of Lord Glynn, rough muscle who could also snipe easy targets for courtly intrigue.

It was last year when Duchess Gabriella visited the Duchy of the Delta Crescent that Lord Glynn saw a proper opportunity. There was not much room for Donovan to grow in Louisiana, especially with his reputation. However Gabriella needed courtly help and no one could easily turn down such a useful knight. With Lord Glynn's blessing, Donovan was knighted and given to the service of Gabriella for her rule in Oklahoma. 

Flaws - +4
Merit - 5
Backgrounds – 2
Realms – 6
Willpower – 4
Melee 4 – 2

2 dot - The Lighter of Emotions: Whatever this lighter is used to light flares emotions as well (Summer 2).

1 dot - Lord Glynn's Gift: A 3-pound hand sledgehammer this weapon hits harder than one would imagine (Dragon's Ire 1).
Sloppy toppy for papi, I leave sloppy Joe shook - I only call you Captain because your dick off the hook!

Marie Reynolds


Human Appearance

Seeming Appearance

Name:    Aubrey DriscollPlayer: MR
Chronicle:   The Duchy of StormsMotley: ---
Court:   SeelieSeeming: Wilder
Legacies:   Courtier/Rake   Kith: Autumn sidhe
House:   Fiona   EXP Spent: 0 EXP

Physical       Social       Mental
Strength:   ●●○○○Charisma: ●●●●○   Perception:●●○○○
Dexterity:   ●●○○○Manipulation: ●●●○○   Intelligence:●●●○○
Stamina:   ●●○○○   Appearance: ●●●●●   Wits:●●●○○

Talents       Skills       Knowledges
Alertness:   ○○○○○Animal Ken: ○○○○○   Academics:●●○○○
Athletics:   ○○○○○Crafts: ○○○○○   Computer:○○○○○
Brawl:   ○○○○○   Drive: ○○○○○   Enigmas:○○○○○
Empathy:   ●●○○○   Etiquette: ●●●○○   Gremayre:●●●○○
Expression:   ●●○○○   Firearms: ●○○○○   Investigation:○○○○○
Intimidation:   ○○○○○   Larceny: ○○○○○   Law:●●○○○
Kenning:   ○○○○○   Melee: ○○○○○   Medicine:●●●○○
Leadership:   ●○○○○   Performance: ●●○○○   Politics:●●●○○
Streetwise:   ○○○○○   Stealth: ○○○○○   Science:○○○○○
Subterfuge:   ○○○○○   Survival: ○○○○○   Technology:○○○○○
? ? ?:   ○○○○○   Massage Therapy: ●●●○○   ? ? ?:○○○○○

Backgrounds       Arts       Realms
Resources:   ●●○○○Contract: ●●○○○   Actor:●●○○○
Dreamers:   ●○○○○Oneiramancy: ●○○○○   Fae:●●○○○
Title:   ●○○○○   ? ? ?: ○○○○○   Prop:○○○○○
Contacts:   ●●○○○   ? ? ?○○○○○   Scene:●●○○○
Retinue:   ●●○○○   ? ? ?: ○○○○○   Time:○○○○○
Remembrance:   ●●○○○   ? ? ?: ○○○○○   ? ? ?:○○○○○

Glamour:   ●●●●● ○○○○○Willpower: ●●●●● ○○○○○   Nightmare:○○○○○ ○○○○○Banality:●●●○○ ○○○○○

Unearthly Beauty — Sidhe stand out in a crowd due to their beauty and regal bearing. Sidhe receive two additional dots of Appearance, even if this brings that rating above 5. When they invoke the Wyrd (p. 259), this beauty becomes overpowering. If a sidhe invokes the Wyrd in the presence of a character, the player must roll Willpower (diffculty 8). If that roll fails, the character can only stare in awestruck wonder at the sidhe for one turn for each dot of the sidhe’s Appearance.

Noble Bearing — Sidhe carry a quiet dignity at all times. Cantrips designed to humiliate them or make them look foolish automatically fail (that does not prevent cantrips from harming them, of course, they just don’t lose their poise when it happens). Sidhe cannot botch Etiquette or Politics rolls.

Adoration — Autumn sidhe are better with mortals than their Arcadian cousins, but that carries problems of its own. Any time an Autumn sidhe successfully enchants or even meaningfully interacts with a mortal (successful use of Intimidation, Expression, Leadership, etc.), the Storyteller should roll the mortal’s Willpower against a diffculty of the sidhe’s Glamour rating. Failure means that the mortal takes an extra interest in the sidhe, which can manifest as anything from persistently offering favors or discounts to asking personal questions or sharing unwelcome confdences, or even asking for pictures or autographs. It also means the mortal has no trouble remembering every word and detail of the interaction, which can be a problem for sidhe trying to remain inconspicuous. A botch on the roll indicates the mortal either develops an unhealthy fascination with the sidhe in the case of a positive interaction, or an obsessive hatred in response to a negative one.


RealLevel Chimerical
[ ]Bruised[ ]
[ ]Hurt (-1)[ ]
[ ]Injured (-1)[ ]
[ ]Wounded (-2)[ ]
[ ]Mauled (-2)[ ]
[ ]Crippled (-5)[ ]
[ ]Incapacitated[ ]

Merits & Flaws

Jack of All Trades/ 5pts:
You’ve a large pool of miscellaneous skills and knowledge obtained through extensive travels, the jobs you’ve held, or all-around know-how. You automatically have one dot in all Skill and Knowledge Dice Pools. This is an illusory level, used to simulate a wide range of abilities. If you spend experience in any untrained Skill or Knowledge, you must still pay the point cost for the first level.

Natural Linguist/3pts:
The well-traveled changeling knows the use of being able to comprehend many languages. You may reduce the difficulty of any task involving the study of written or spoken languages by three, and each purchase of the Language Merit gives you two languages instead of just one.

You know a language in addition to your native one. You can take this Merit multiple times, each reflecting a different language.

You have a high degree of off-hand dexterity and can perform tasks with the “wrong” hand at no penalty. The rules for taking multiple actions still apply, but you do not suffer a difficulty penalty if you use two weapons or are forced to use your off hand.

Double Jointed/1pt:
You’re unusually supple. Reduce the difficulty of any roll involving body flexibility by two. Squeezing through a tiny space is one example of a use for this Merit.

Friendly Face/1pt:
You have a face strangers are inclined to trust. The effect doesn’t fade even if you attempt self-deprecation, leaving you at –2 difficulty on all appropriate Social rolls (yes for first impressions, no for Intimidation, for example) when a stranger is involved. This Merit only functions on a first meeting.

Dexterous Toes/2pts:
Anything you can do with hands (fring a gun, drawing, playing a musical instrument, etc.) can be done just as well using your feet. Polite society tends to frown on such behavior, but sluagh and pooka laugh at such prissiness.

Good Listener/1pt:
Pooka excel at the ability to get others to open up to them; however, you are a master confidant. A word here, a gesture there, you crack people open like oysters and harvest their secrets like pearls. Your ability to listen makes others tell you their feelings, concerns, and hidden dreams. They don’t know why they’re telling you, but they usually feel better afterwards. All rolls related to obtaining information from others are at a –2 difficulty.

Fallen Noble/3pts:
Once, you held near-absolute power in a freehold, but those days are gone. Perhaps you stepped down, or your city fell to a rival Court; it matters little now. What matters is your replacement is aware of your prior position, and has concerns you might be trying to make a comeback. If the new ruler sees an opportunity to get rid of you, she just might take it.

Recruitment Target/3pts:
An enemy organization wants you, and they want you bad. Every effort is being made to recruit you, willing or no, and the press gangs usually show up at the worst possible time. For every friend you have who will defend you, another will wonder what is so special about you that draws this malevolent group to your doorstep.

You have an enemy, or perhaps a group of enemies, who want you harmed. The value of the Flaw determines how powerful these enemies are. The most powerful enemies (kings or impossible horrors from the Dreaming) would be fve-point Flaws, while someone nearer to your own power would be worth only one point. You must decide who your enemy is and how you earned such enmity in the frst place.

Personality: Aubrey an easy going well mannered person that Worked hard and played harder. Aubrey also made people always felt comfortable and people took naturally to confiding in the young autumn sidhe. Since being born outside of Arcadia Aubrey took to not being afraid of hard work and earning peoples trust and respect. Aubrey has always seen both commoners and Kithain as  equals. Aubrey always seemed to be confident, genuine and adventurous. Aubrey also has  a demeanor that made it only obvious to be a well known caregiver and host or peacemaker whether it was at work or play. Aubrey always  sought to look after others. He/She always looked at helping others and keeping the peace and making people relaxed as a beautiful and  glorious experience things you learned the bonds your formed and the memories are priceless.  [/b]

History: Aubrey was born and raised outside of Arcadia and just like all the others in his/her family  had to learn to walk the tight rope of living life in the autumn world. He/she went to school, extracurricular activities and still had to make time for taking of her Fae life as well Her Father Thomas Driscoll a landed Baron and Author. Her Mother Ann Driscoll a party  planner and fashion designer.

High School  made it  a bit  harder but with his/her childhood Kithain friends Laura Sanders and Teri Hamiliton at his/her side they  struggled through and made it work Also as tradition Aubrey had to earn a title as family tradition dictated.  He/She set her mind to the task of getting  the hardest working person in the freehold her own mother she would get to take time for her self and rest and relax. She surprised everyone when she did it and thus earned her title of Squire.

After High school Aubrey went to college for pyschology and Massage Therapy school, From College Aubrey  in Massage School met Sarah Dunham. Aubrey formed lasting friendship with these Sarah and even after school  she has kept in touch and the reunite discuss  there  dreams and goals and encourage each other just like the did in school.  They usually spend time together at  one of each other's houses and  have drinks and play board games and video games  when the met up.

As Aubrey grew and matured eventually she was granted a freehold of her own to look after and she did well and commoner, noble and kithain alike  like her. Though she would soon discover not all was well as she thought and a member of house balor conspired against her and she found herself ousted and on the run until she found herself at the next nearest freehold and was given hospitality and sanctuary at the Freehold and Domains of Duchess Gabriella Cox where Aubrey has now set up shop and works in the free hold and the community as Massage Therapist and in the freehold as a caregiver to  listen when people need a friendly ear or the just need to relax and works a diplomat always liking to keep the peace at freehold gatherings.

Freebie Points
Remembrance raised 2  dot  2pt
Contacts  raised 1  dot  1 pt
Resources raised 1 dot 1pts
retinue raised  1 dot    1pts
Realm(Scene) Raised 1 dot 2 pts
Willpower Raised 1 dot 1 pt


Name:    Brandon Patterson / Sir Balthazar Tori ap’ BeaumaynPlayer: Muse
Chronicle:   The Duchy of StormsMotley: ---
Court:   SeelieSeeming: Grump
Legacies:   Troubadour / Knave   Kith: Troll
House:   Beaumayn   EXP Spent: 0 EXP

Physical       Social       Mental
Strength:   ●●●●●Charisma: ●●●○○   Perception:●○○○○
Dexterity:   ●●●○○Manipulation: ●○○○○   Intelligence:●●●○○
Stamina:   ●●●○○   Appearance: ●●●●○   Wits:●●○○○

Talents       Skills       Knowledges
Alertness:   ●○○○○Animal Ken: ○○○○○   Academics:●●○○○
Athletics:   ●●●○○Crafts: ○○○○○   Computer:●○○○○
Brawl:   ○○○○○   Drive: ●○○○○   Enigmas:●○○○○
Empathy:   ●○○○○   Etiquette: ●○○○○   Gremayre:●○○○○
Expression:   ●●●●○   Firearms: ○○○○○   Investigation:●○○○○
Intimidation:   ○○○○○   Larceny: ○○○○○   Law:○○○○○
Kenning:   ●●●○○   Melee: ●●●●○   Medicine:●○○○○
Leadership:   ●○○○○   Performance: ○○○○○   Politics:●○○○○
Streetwise:   ○○○○○   Stealth: ○○○○○   Science:●○○○○
Subterfuge:   ●○○○○   Survival: ○○○○○   Technology:○○○○○

Backgrounds       Arts       Realms
Chimerical Items:   ●●●○○Skycraft: ●●○○○   Actor:●●●○○
Dreamers:   ●●○○○Wayfare: ●○○○○   Fae:●●●●○
Remembrance:   ●●●○○   ? ? ?: ○○○○○   Prop:○○○○○
Resources:   ●●○○○   ? ? ?: ○○○○○   Scene:○○○○○
Title:   ●●○○○   ? ? ?: ○○○○○   Time:○○○○○

Glamour:   ●●●●○ ○○○○○Willpower: ●●●●● ●○○○○   Nightmare:○○○○○ ○○○○○Banality:●●●○○ ○○○○○




RealLevel Chimerical
[ ]Bruised[ ]
[ ]Hurt (-1)[ ]
[ ]Injured (-1)[ ]
[ ]Wounded (-2)[ ]
[ ]Mauled (-2)[ ]
[ ]Crippled (-5)[ ]
[ ]Incapacitated[ ]

Merits & Flaws

- (5)   Blessing of Atlas

(1)   changeling's Eyes
(2)   Enemy: (Dame Onnica __, ex lover, Shadow Court Sidhe)
(2)   Intolerance: Ravagers
(2)   Phobia: Buzzing, stinging things. 

Personality: A little about your character's outlook.

History: A little info about your characters' past. At least a couple of paragraphs, please?

More detail forthcoming, needed to get this where I could see it.
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)


Ahahaha! So excited now as i got my dibs on that commission! Talking with Mel "now" (back and forth over PMs) about what i wanna get!!!
My Ons and Offs!

You! On our wavelength! Carry our message, its heavy! Made of rocks!! Apocolypso dancing! SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY! You'll want to cut your wrists with the whole knife, but you'll only need the edge!


Letting folks know that I promise I'm not ignoring newly submitted sheets or PMs; I am just going to be unable to post until the 21st (earliest I can get a doctor's appointment for something). The deadline for the first draft of sheets is still the 19th, so I won't look at any new sheets posted after that date.

When I return to regular posting, will be getting feedback on sheets submitted & will answer PMs. Thanks so much for your patience in advance.


No problem! Take your time and may your health be the best it can be. :3
Sloppy toppy for papi, I leave sloppy Joe shook - I only call you Captain because your dick off the hook!



Mornign of the ninteenth or night of the ninteenth? 

i'm dozing off here and neither I nor M.R. really know how to work these formatings? 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)


Aaahhhhhahahahahahah!!! Just got the initial lines!!! Fooking love it!!!!!
My Ons and Offs!

You! On our wavelength! Carry our message, its heavy! Made of rocks!! Apocolypso dancing! SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY! You'll want to cut your wrists with the whole knife, but you'll only need the edge!


Work in progress; most of the broad strokes are there.
Right. More or less complete; details to be hashed out probably on editing pass. For now though, I'm done; points spent and most of the bits settled.

Arianthe Brunne

Name:    Arianthe BrunnePlayer: Thorne
Chronicle:   The Duchy of StormsMotley: ---
Court:   SeelieSeeming: Wilder
Legacies:   Sage   Kith: Clurichuan
House:   Scathach   EXP Spent: 0 EXP

Physical       Social       Mental
Strength:   ●●○○○Charisma: ●●○○○   Perception:●●●○○
Dexterity:   ●●●○○Manipulation: ●●○○○   Intelligence:●●○○○
Stamina:   ●●○   Appearance: ●●●○○   Wits:●●●○○

Talents       Skills       Knowledges
Alertness:   ●●●○○Animal Ken: ○○○○○   Academics:●●○○○
Athletics:   ●●●○○Crafts: ○○○○○   Computer:○○○○○
Brawl:   ●●○○○   Drive: ●○○○○   Enigmas:○○○○○
Empathy:   ●○○○○   Etiquette: ●○○○○   Gremayre:●●●○○
Expression:   ●●●○○   Firearms: ○○○○○   Investigation:●●○○○
Intimidation:   ○○○○○   Larceny: ○○○○○   Law:●○○○○
Kenning:   ●●○○○   Melee: ○○○○○   Medicine:●○○○○
Leadership:   ○○○○○   Performance: ●●●○○   Politics:○○○○○
Streetwise:   ○○○○○   Stealth: ○○○○○   Science:○○○○○
Subterfuge:   ●○○○○   Survival: ○○○○○   Technology:○○○○○

Backgrounds       Arts       Realms
Resources:   ●●○○○Contract: ●●○○○   Actor:●●○○○
Contacts:   ●●●○○Naming: ●○○○○   Fae:○○○○○
Remembrance:   ●●○○○   ? ? ?: ○○○○○   Prop:●○○○○
? ? ?:   ○○○○○   ? ? ?: ○○○○○   Scene:●●○○○
? ? ?:   ○○○○○   ? ? ?: ○○○○○   Time:○○○○○

Glamour:   ●●●●● ○○○○○Willpower: ●●●●● ○○○○○   Nightmare:○○○○○ ○○○○○Banality:●●●○○ ○○○○○

Twinkling of an Eye — Now you see them, now you don’t. Look away for only a moment, and a clurichaun can disappear into her surroundings, completely undetectable. Unless the clurichaun is bound with iron, she can vanish in a blink, even from someone’s physical grasp, reappearing within the same area but out of her observer/captor’s line of sight. If someone is physically touching the clurichaun, or she is tied up or otherwise restrained, disappearing costs one point of Glamour.
Fighting Words —After only a few moments, a clurichaun can get a read on a person or group, knowing exactly what to say to provoke a fight. Clurichaun view fighting as an ice breaker and a form of rough-and-tumble bonding. The clurichaun can prod anyone into throwing the first punch, which the target can resist through a Willpower roll (difficulty 8). This birthright can be used to incite a fight between the clurichaun and the target, or between the target and another person.
Hoard — For clurichaun, collecting isn’t a mere hobby, but a consuming obsession. They must spend time with their collection frequently to satisfy this aspect of their nature, an easier task for a clurichaun with a smaller, more portable collection than for one whose hoard is large or unwieldy. Spending more than a week away from her collection triggers Banality.

RealLevel Chimerical
[ ]Bruised[ ]
[ ]Hurt (-1)[ ]
[ ]Injured (-1)[ ]
[ ]Wounded (-2)[ ]
[ ]Mauled (-2)[ ]
[ ]Crippled (-5)[ ]
[ ]Incapacitated[ ]

Merits & Flaws

Eidetic Memory (2pt. Merit)
You remember, with perfect detail, things you see and hear.
Documents, photographs, conversations, etc., can be committed to memory with minor concentration. If you as the player forget an important piece of information the Storyteller believes your character would recall, the Storyteller will jog your memory.
Under stressful conditions involving numerous distractions, you must make a Perception + Alertness roll to concentrate and absorb what your senses detect.
Soul of the Muse (4pt. Merit)
You are an inspiration to creators of all types. Whether you are artistically gifted or not, other artists find it far easier to create masterworks when you are around. If you are in the presence of any creator — whether you are acting as a model, providing counsel, or singing a song — that creator reduces the difficulty
to create his work by three. This creative stimulation applies to works of wonder and destruction alike, as you inspire all.

Bard’s Tongue (1pt. Flaw)
You speak the truth, uncannily so. Things you say tend to come true. This is not a facility for blessing or cursing, or an effect that can be ruled by any conscious control. At least once per story, an uncomfortable truth regarding any current situation will appear in your head and through your lips. To avoid speaking prophecy, you must expend a Willpower point and take a Health Level (bashing) from the strain of resisting.
Iron Allergy (4pt. Flaw)
Most of the Kithain only suffer pain when in contact with cold iron. You suffer from actual wounds. Cold iron reacts like a hot brand when touching your skin. For each turn in contact with iron, you suffer one Health Level of chimerical damage.
As a four-point Flaw, you take one Health Level of real damage for every three turns in contact with cold iron.
Twitch (1pt. Flaw)
You’ve some sort of repetitive motion that manifests in times of stress, and it’s a dead giveaway as to your identity.
Examples include a nervous cough, constantly wringing your hands, cracking your knuckles, and so on. It costs one Willpower point to refrain from engaging in your tic.

Personality: Arianthe's quiet intensity bleeds into everything she does, and seems to infect everyone around her. She tells stories that sweep up a listener, and she rarely enters a room unnoted. She has a tendency to mutter or hum, or at least move her lips silently to some unheard song or tale that certainly /is/ noticeable.

History:Birds of a feather flock together, so the saying went. For a younger Arianthe, it just meant her normal was somebody else's insanity. Grandma Katleen was sometimes human, sometimes a cat, and never capable of a straight answer. Grandma Masla told stories that always came true. Mama's hair moved with the wind, like fire ... and Arianthe accepted it, with the simple faith of a child. All of the dozen or so members of that small caravan were something Else, something of wonderment. And they met others, no less strange, many terrifying, but all their own kind of normal, everywhere they went.
As she matured, she learned that her normal was fair from normal, and most people's normal was boring. But they enjoyed her stories, even if most of them didn't think they were true. That suited Arianthe; they weren't meant to believe, only to learn. Only to see, for a moment or two, a spark of wonder, to remember what it was to dream.
The dreams seemed real, more and more, every night. Dreams of music, of dancing and laughter and everything seemed so /real/ ... and then, one day, Arianthe woke up, and began to understand.

   These days, she has settled. It happens, not all of them are wanderers by nature, and her family knows where she is and why she chose to stay and make her way in this city. Arianthe spends much of her time telling tales in a small tavern, and the rest collecting tales to tell. This place is ... well. It is full of stories, and even more full of people who need to hear them. She's been in the Duchy of Storms for a year and a half, give or take a week.

ETA: Details, man, details...

Writer of horrors, artist of mayhem.

Currently available, frequently lurking.
Ons and Offs
Absences and Apologies
Ideas and inspirations: small groups


Quote from: TheLaughingOne on February 19, 2018, 06:13:15 AM

Aaahhhhhahahahahahah!!! Just got the initial lines!!! Fooking love it!!!!!
Oh, that's awesome!


heheh, Melissa Uran (who did alot of work on the 20th anniversry book, and, well, of white wolfs stuff in general) had sudden fund raise comission thing, and managed to snag a slot:3 Just a little 2.5x3.5, but still, AWESOME!!
My Ons and Offs!

You! On our wavelength! Carry our message, its heavy! Made of rocks!! Apocolypso dancing! SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY! You'll want to cut your wrists with the whole knife, but you'll only need the edge!


Name:    Brandon Patterson / Sir Balthazar Tori ap’ BeaumaynPlayer: Muse
Chronicle:   The Duchy of StormsMotley: ---
Court:   SeelieSeeming: Grump
Legacies:   Troubadour / Knave   Kith: Troll
House:   Beaumayn   EXP Spent: 0 EXP

Physical       Social       Mental
Strength:   ●●●●●Charisma: ●●●○○   Perception:●○○○○
Dexterity:   ●●●○○Manipulation: ●○○○○   Intelligence:●●●○○
Stamina:   ●●●○○   Appearance: ●●●●○   Wits:●●○○○

Talents       Skills       Knowledges
Alertness:   ●○○○○Animal Ken: ○○○○○   Academics:●●○○○
Athletics:   ●●●○○Crafts: ○○○○○   Computer:●○○○○
Brawl:   ○○○○○   Drive: ●○○○○   Enigmas:●○○○○
Empathy:   ●○○○○   Etiquette: ●○○○○   Gremayre:●○○○○
Expression:   ●●●●○   Firearms: ○○○○○   Investigation:●○○○○
Intimidation:   ○○○○○   Larceny: ○○○○○   Law:○○○○○
Kenning:   ●●●○○   Melee: ●●●●○   Medicine:●○○○○
Leadership:   ●○○○○   Performance: ○○○○○   Politics:●○○○○
Streetwise:   ○○○○○   Stealth: ○○○○○   Science:●○○○○
Subterfuge:   ●○○○○   Survival: ○○○○○   Technology:○○○○○

Backgrounds       Arts       Realms
Chimerical Items:   ●●●○○Skycraft: ●●○○○   Actor:●●●○○
Dreamers:   ●●○○○Wayfare: ●○○○○   Fae:●●●●○
Remembrance:   ●●●○○   ? ? ?: ○○○○○   Prop:○○○○○
Resources:   ●●○○○   ? ? ?: ○○○○○   Scene:○○○○○
Title:   ●●○○○   ? ? ?: ○○○○○   Time:○○○○○

Glamour:   ●●●●○ ○○○○○Willpower: ●●●●● ●○○○○   Nightmare:○○○○○ ○○○○○Banality:●●●○○ ○○○○○




RealLevel Chimerical
[ ]Bruised[ ]
[ ]Hurt (-1)[ ]
[ ]Injured (-1)[ ]
[ ]Wounded (-2)[ ]
[ ]Mauled (-2)[ ]
[ ]Crippled (-5)[ ]
[ ]Incapacitated[ ]

Merits & Flaws

- (5)   Blessing of Atlas

(1)   changeling's Eyes
(2)   Enemy: (Dame Onnica __, ex lover, Shadow Court Sidhe)
(2)   Intolerance: Ravagers
(2)   Phobia: Buzzing, stinging things. 

Personality: A little about your character's outlook.

History:   Brandon Patterson can't remember when it first crossed his mind that he wanted to be a writer.  Only child of a single mother who read to him practically from the day he was born, Brandon grew up in the home of his wealthy grandparents.  They owned several cotton gins, and lived in a big house with a nice garden in a small West Texas town called Quana. 

   School was rough on Brandon.  Big and strong for a boy his age, he was still very much a geek.  A peaceful child who didn't want to hurt anyone, he let himself be beat on by bullies several times in junior high.  In sixth grade, befriending a girl named Anabelle who also loved to read, bullies surrounded the two of them, looking for some fun.  In keeping with the code, the girls started shovving little Annabelle around while the boys grabbed Brandon and took turns punching him. 

   When Annabelle hit the ground with a cry, Brandon snapped.  He didn't care about his own pain, and he didn’t care about the code.

   Those girls were hurting his friend. 

   He made them stop. 

   The principle was not at all happy about finding five girls in the nurses office with black eyes and broken noses.  He had Brandon in his office and sent the others home or to the doctor without a word.  He spent fifteen minutes yelling at Brandon that he shouldn't hit girls... 

   That was where Brandon's mother found them, and her tongue lashing left the forty year old man sitting at his desk in tears.  Her last words to him before she took Brandon home were, “I didn't raise a sexist.” 

*   *   *

   Brandon had a much harder time in school for a while, but before long he decided to actually defend himself—usually more by wrestling than throwing punches.  By high school, the bullies were too afraid of being tossed through the air to mess with him, the weaker kids tried to befriend him in hopes that he'd protect them, and the football coach was salivating for him. 

   “I'm sorry, coach,” Brandon told him, “I had as short story published over the summer.  I'm working on a novel now, and I started taking kendo in Amarillo on the weekends.”  Walking away, arm in arm with Annabelle on their way to their first class, he said softly, “Oh, my Lord...  Football?  How boring is that?” 

   The little blond giggled. 

   On Anabelle's sixteenth birthday, after her party, the two got in Brandon's room. He read two chapters from the fantasy novel he was writing to her, and then they began to kiss.  This time, instead of stopping him when she got too hot, Ana belle began to unbutton her blouse... 

   Cuddling with his beloved after a long night of passion, Brandon noticed as he was drifting off that his hands looked blue... 

   The next few days were pretty confusing.  Not only had Brandon gained a foot and a half over night, no one else could see it.  He questioned his sanity a few times, but every time he remembered that—when he woke up in Anabelle's arms, she'd told him that his eyes had changed—going from brown to blue. 

   It was the little pixie in the garden—a neverlander he half remembered from when she'd enchanted him a as child--who began to explain to him what he was, and actually told him he should sign up for an MMO called Enchanted Star Realms online. 

   This was where he met the creator of the game, Duke Brenden Beaumayn.  Baroness Tamora Hale knighted him the next year, bringing him into House  Beaumayn and The Knights of the Good Hand.  (Brandon—or Balthazar Tori as the Changelings had known him since his Sain Day—thought Tamora was the most beautiful being he'd ever imagined, but his love for Annabelle kept him from wooing her. 

   Balthazar moved to McAlister, Oklahoma for college and offered his fealty and service as a knight to Duchess Gabriela Cox.  Annabelle went to Dallas to study Biology, and their relationship faded in the coming months. 

   Balthazar has had a recurring crush on his Lady ever since, but he thinks she's beyond his reach.  He's had a few dalliances since then, but only one was serious. 

   He threw himself both into changeling life and into his writing, publishing several fantasy and romance novels. 

   On his editor's advise, he Brenda Aaron for the romances.  The deception bothered him, but he was new to the field and trusted his editor. 

   Three years ago, a new knight came to town, Dame Onnica Sioban.  Balthazar was utterly taken with the beautiful sidhe.  He wooed her and won her love—or so he thought.  Last Year, Onnica was discovered to be a Shadow Court spy who'd been sewing discord among the Seelie. 

   For the first and only time to date, Balthazar disobeyed a direct order from Gabriella. He moved ahead of the three knights going to arrest Onnica.  Those three were jumped by Shadow Court assassins.  They were slowed and wounded, but manage to drive the five away.  They found Onnica and Balthazar locked in a fierce duel as Onnica tried to escape with the Pennon of the Freehold. 

   Onnica escaped in the end, leaping from a high tower to be spirited away by a giant was, but Balthazar's willingness to put his duty before his love—and his lady's orders—allowed him to save the freehold's keys from being carried to the Shadow Court. 

   Baltahzar took a knee before Gabriella and offered to serve pennace for his disobedience.  She pardoned him, but Baltahzar spent several months fighting with his unseelie legacy.  He took a leave from his duties and poured his energy into a new romance novel.  After it went to the publishers, an order form Gabriella arrived commanding him to return to his duty and deal with a chimera rampaging on the New Mexico border. 

   It was the last nudge Baltahzar needed to find himself again, and he has happily returned to his duty since. 

Bonus Points:  (15 + 7 from flaws)   
--7: +7 Backgrounds
--4: +2 Realms (Actor)
--2: +1 Skill (Expression)
--2: +1 Skill (Melee)
--5:  Merit (Blessing of Atlas)
--2: +1 Willpower
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)


Hey Nadir, one idea for your Legend could be that you are the Cat Sí, the legendary progenitor of the Ceilican, the fae-cat Bastet changing breed. That might be an interesting connection (or opposition to) garou and other changing breeds as well as give you a mixed and interesting set of possible powers that are still linked to being faerie and changing shape.


Noting that the deadline for the first round of CSes has now passed and I will accept no more new sheets at this time. From here on in, the only sheets I'll accept are 'fixed' or 'final' versions of drafts that were submitted before the 19th. I will update the thread's first post to reflect this.

I'll be answering PMs and doing feedback over the next few days; it will take me a bit to catch up. The final deadline for re-done sheets will be March 1st--my apologies on the 'late' deadline for re-done stuff, but my goal is to give myself at least three days to catch up with the thread and get PMs out and 3 - 4 days for people to be able to do edits as needed in response to PMed feedback they get before final selections happen.


Slowly working on doing feedback--updating table so it makes it easier. People who have not yet received an initial PM from me will get priority for being PMed tonight so they can have more time to make revisions & provide me information I need.

NameConceptSheet SubmittedInitial PM Sent?Needs Reply After 1st PM?
Marie ReynoldsSeelie Autumn SidheYYN
SparrowhawkeUnseelie SlaughYYN
TheLaughingOneSeelie PookaYYN
EobelleUnseelie Sidhe (Arcadian)YYN
ThorneSeelie ClurichaunYYN
marauder13Unseelie RedcapY YN
MuseSeelie TrollYYN
EsoterroristUnseelie BogganY YN

I've decided I'll be selecting 6 players total overall, that way if I have one or two drops later in the game, I should still have a large enough group to continue. I will have a round of PMs out to people probably within the next 24-48 hours, ideally. If I don't, don't sweat it, it just means its taking me a little longer than anticipated to go over character sheets. :)


Everyone has received at least 1 starting PM for an initial sheet review! I am now working on replying to PMs to players in general now that everyone's on the same footing. :)

A few notes for people:
- It helps me in your histories if you mention when your PC came to the Duchy of Storms, if they are not originally from there.
- Remember that Changelings are still part of the real world, too. Make sure they have legal first and last names. (If you have a reason to not know what this name is ICly, we can work out if you are comfortable with me 'naming' your character or if you prefer to name them yourself and simply 'discover' the info ICly)
- Be careful about Backgrounds. If you have no points in Resources, you are in a lot of trouble in-game, because you have no way to pay for a place to stay and no way to pay your bills. There are plenty of IC reasons to have no Resources at all, but consider not putting all your points in Changeling-only backgrounds, or you may find yourself in a spot of trouble in-game. >:)
- For Treasures: When you select the Treasure background, please assign it a Rank in an Art that corresponds to the dot-value of your Treasure. (A one point Treasure should have a level 1 Art)


  So I've been looking at the chimerical items background.  In 2nd edition, having chimera: Items t 4 gave you 4 items, a level 4, a level 3, a level 2 and a level 1. 

  It would seem that in this system, to do the same thing, you'd need to spend 10 bacground points on items.  Is this correct?  If so, why would anyone not just buy 4 treasures for the same price?  ^_^;
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)


Quote from: Muse on February 24, 2018, 06:37:57 AM
  So I've been looking at the chimerical items background.  In 2nd edition, having chimera: Items t 4 gave you 4 items, a level 4, a level 3, a level 2 and a level 1. 

  It would seem that in this system, to do the same thing, you'd need to spend 10 bacground points on items.  Is this correct?  If so, why would anyone not just buy 4 treasures for the same price?  ^_^;
Because chimerical items, while not imbued with arts, came be as massive or fanciful as you want when you get to high levels which is amazing.  Want a Final Fantasy mobile base in the dreaming?  How about magitech armor for your Troll?  And then when you call upon the wyrd, you are are shockingly, horribly beweaponed where ever you are!  Or maybe your mobile base appears out of no where to pick you up from certain doom on a cliffside when you are surrounded by snarling lupines!

Also super useful are high level chimera.  Want a dragon friend that can manifest beside you to fight?  A living flamethrower that no one but changeling can detect or strip from you?  I bet leeches would never expect that coming, and could save your ass if they decided to take an interest in you.  Want to intimidate a redcap?  A 20 foot giant made of obsidian and hate that has 6 very punchy arms might be good backup.

Chimera are super useful in the dreaming... and useful in the Autumn world because they always are useful against changelings, and against non-changelings they are an ace that you can keep up your sleeve that no one can detect.  There are a few non-changeling can can detect chimerical items or creatures, but they are few and far between and know better than to fuck with you if you have a wyvern following you around, or maybe a 12 foot long fuzzy moray eel named Steve.


Oh, so treasures can't be purely chimerical?  That makes sense. 

:)  I'm well aware of how nice it is to ave chimerical tools, weapons, and armor.  :)
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)


Chimerical items can have physical form in mortal eorld, but its rarely as its chimerical form. A noble might have a beautiful chimerical sword that is in mortal world a beautiful cane, or a common hunter might have a spear that changes size, and in mortal world is a telescoping radio antenna. Or your chimerical sword could be an actual sword, some fancy wall hanger or an heirloom from way back family.

One thing someone pointed out to me, is if deciding an objects chim/mortal forms, imagine yourself as a child and think of something you might imagine you could pretend is the chimerical item/weapon. Back scratchers become swords, radio antenne become spears, and so forth.
My Ons and Offs!

You! On our wavelength! Carry our message, its heavy! Made of rocks!! Apocolypso dancing! SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY! You'll want to cut your wrists with the whole knife, but you'll only need the edge!


A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)


Name:    Brandon Patterson / Sir Balthazar Tori ap’ BeaumaynPlayer: Muse
Chronicle:   The Duchy of StormsMotley: ---
Court:   SeelieSeeming: Grump
Legacies:   Troubadour / Knave   Kith: Troll
House:   Beaumayn   EXP Spent: 0 EXP

Physical       Social       Mental
Strength:   ●●●●●Charisma: ●●●○○   Perception:●○○○○
Dexterity:   ●●●○○Manipulation: ●○○○○   Intelligence:●●●○○
Stamina:   ●●●○○   Appearance: ●●●●○   Wits:●●○○○
Specialties: Strength (?), Appearance (?)

Talents       Skills       Knowledges
Alertness:   ●○○○○Animal Ken: ○○○○○   Academics:●●○○○
Athletics:   ●●●○○Crafts: ○○○○○   Computer:●○○○○
Brawl:   ○○○○○   Drive: ●○○○○   Enigmas:●○○○○
Empathy:   ●○○○○   Etiquette: ●○○○○   Gremayre:●○○○○
Expression:   ●●●●○   Firearms: ○○○○○   Investigation:●○○○○
Intimidation:   ○○○○○   Larceny: ○○○○○   Law:○○○○○
Kenning:   ●●●○○   Melee: ●●●●○   Medicine:●○○○○
Leadership:   ●○○○○   Performance: ○○○○○   Politics:●○○○○
Streetwise:   ○○○○○   Stealth: ○○○○○   Science:●○○○○
Subterfuge:   ●○○○○   Survival: ○○○○○   Technology:○○○○○
Specialties: Appearance: Beefcake, Expression (Creative Writing), Melee (Polearms), Strength: Big Guy

Backgrounds       Arts       Realms
Chimerical Items:   ●●●○○Skycraft: ●●○○○   Actor:●●●○○
Dreamers:   ●●○○○Wayfare: ●○○○○   Fae:●●●●○
Remembrance:   ●●●○○   ? ? ?: ○○○○○   Prop:○○○○○
Resources:   ●●○○○   ? ? ?: ○○○○○   Scene:○○○○○
Title:   ●●○○○   ? ? ?: ○○○○○   Time:○○○○○

Glamour:   ●●●●○ ○○○○○Willpower: ●●●●● ●○○○○   Nightmare:○○○○○ ○○○○○Banality:●●●○○ ○○○○○




RealLevel Chimerical
[ ]Bruised[ ]
[ ]Hurt (-1)[ ]
[ ]Injured (-1)[ ]
[ ]Wounded (-2)[ ]
[ ]Mauled (-2)[ ]
[ ]Crippled (-5)[ ]
[ ]Incapacitated[ ]

Merits & Flaws

- (5)   Blessing of Atlas

(1)   changeling's Eyes
(2)   Enemy: (Dame Onnica __, ex lover, Shadow Court Sidhe)
(2)   Intolerance: Ravagers
(2)   Phobia: Buzzing, stinging things. 

Personality: Just, kind, geeky, and gentle.  Laid back, romantic, and protective. 

History:   Brandon Patterson can't remember when it first crossed his mind that he wanted to be a writer.  Only child of a single mother who read to him practically from the day he was born, Brandon grew up in the home of his wealthy grandparents.  They owned several cotton gins, and lived in a big house with a nice garden in a small West Texas town called Quana. 

   School was rough on Brandon.  Big and strong for a boy his age, he was still very much a geek.  A peaceful child who didn't want to hurt anyone, he let himself be beat on by bullies several times in junior high.  In sixth grade, befriending a girl named Anabelle who also loved to read, bullies surrounded the two of them, looking for some fun.  In keeping with the code, the girls started shovving little Annabelle around while the boys grabbed Brandon and took turns punching him. 

   When Annabelle hit the ground with a cry, Brandon snapped.  He didn't care about his own pain, and he didn’t care about the code.

   Those girls were hurting his friend. 

   He made them stop. 

   The principle was not at all happy about finding five girls in the nurses office with black eyes and broken noses.  He had Brandon in his office and sent the others home or to the doctor without a word.  He spent fifteen minutes yelling at Brandon that he shouldn't hit girls... 

   That was where Brandon's mother found them, and her tongue lashing left the forty year old man sitting at his desk in tears.  Her last words to him before she took Brandon home were, “I didn't raise a sexist.” 

*   *   *

   Brandon had a much harder time in school for a while, but before long he decided to actually defend himself—usually more by wrestling than throwing punches.  By high school, the bullies were too afraid of being tossed through the air to mess with him, the weaker kids tried to befriend him in hopes that he'd protect them, and the football coach was salivating for him. 

   “I'm sorry, coach,” Brandon told him, “I had as short story published over the summer.  I'm working on a novel now, and I started taking kendo in Amarillo on the weekends.”  Walking away, arm in arm with Annabelle on their way to their first class, he said softly, “Oh, my Lord...  Football?  How boring is that?” 

   The little blond giggled. 

   On Anabelle's sixteenth birthday, after her party, the two got in Brandon's room. He read two chapters from the fantasy novel he was writing to her, and then they began to kiss.  This time, instead of stopping him when she got too hot, Ana belle began to unbutton her blouse... 

   Cuddling with his beloved after a long night of passion, Brandon noticed as he was drifting off that his hands looked blue... 

   The next few days were pretty confusing.  Not only had Brandon gained a foot and a half over night, no one else could see it.  He questioned his sanity a few times, but every time he remembered that—when he woke up in Anabelle's arms, she'd told him that his eyes had changed—going from brown to blue. 

   It was the little pixie in the garden—a neverlander he half remembered from when she'd enchanted him a as child--who began to explain to him what he was, and actually told him he should sign up for an MMO called Enchanted Star Realms online. 

   This was where he met the creator of the game, Duke Brenden Beaumayn.  Baroness Tamora Hale knighted him the next year, bringing him into House  Beaumayn and The Knights of the Good Hand.  (Brandon—or Balthazar Tori as the Changelings had known him since his Sain Day—thought Tamora was the most beautiful being he'd ever imagined, but his love for Annabelle kept him from wooing her. 

   Balthazar moved to McAlister, Oklahoma for college and offered his fealty and service as a knight to Duchess Gabriela Cox.  Annabelle went to Dallas to study Biology, and their relationship faded in the coming months. 

   Balthazar has had a recurring crush on his Lady ever since, but he thinks she's beyond his reach.  He's had a few dalliances since then, but only one was serious. 

   He threw himself both into changeling life and into his writing, publishing several fantasy and romance novels. 

   On his editor's advise, he Brenda Aaron for the romances.  The deception bothered him, but he was new to the field and trusted his editor. 

   Three years ago, a new knight came to town, Dame Onnica Sioban.  Balthazar was utterly taken with the beautiful sidhe.  He wooed her and won her love—or so he thought.  Last Year, Onnica was discovered to be a Shadow Court spy who'd been sewing discord among the Seelie. 

   For the first and only time to date, Balthazar disobeyed a direct order from Gabriella. He moved ahead of the three knights going to arrest Onnica.  Those three were jumped by Shadow Court assassins.  They were slowed and wounded, but manage to drive the five away.  They found Onnica and Balthazar locked in a fierce duel as Onnica tried to escape with the Pennon of the Freehold. 

   Onnica escaped in the end, leaping from a high tower to be spirited away by a giant was, but Balthazar's willingness to put his duty before his love—and his lady's orders—allowed him to save the freehold's keys from being carried to the Shadow Court. 

   Baltahzar took a knee before Gabriella and offered to serve pennace for his disobedience.  She pardoned him, but Baltahzar spent several months fighting with his unseelie legacy.  He took a leave from his duties and poured his energy into a new romance novel.  After it went to the publishers, an order form Gabriella arrived commanding him to return to his duty and deal with a chimera rampaging on the New Mexico border. 

   It was the last nudge Baltahzar needed to find himself again, and he has happily returned to his duty since. 

Bonus Points:  (15 + 7 from flaws)   
--7: +7 Backgrounds
--4: +2 Realms (Actor)
--2: +1 Skill (Expression)
--2: +1 Skill (Melee)
--5:  Merit (Blessing of Atlas)
--2: +1 Willpower
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)


Deadline is tomorrow! If you haven't, make sure you've made any last-minute changes you want to your sheet, and if you need me from anything PM-wise, today would be the time. If I have not replied to something you sent, absolutely poke me. :)


*bounces excitedly and wishes character picture thing was done!!!!*
My Ons and Offs!

You! On our wavelength! Carry our message, its heavy! Made of rocks!! Apocolypso dancing! SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY! You'll want to cut your wrists with the whole knife, but you'll only need the edge!