The Paradise Hotel (Inspired by the song Hotel California)

Started by Untamed Skies, September 04, 2012, 10:14:56 PM

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Untamed Skies

Everyone has a different story about how they found the paradise hotel. A place to stop for the night, a safe haven, the place looked kinda cool from where they found it. Some even claim they were on a different highway altogether. What is common however is that  they found it standing alone off the side to the highway with nothing and no one near them for miles around.
There isn't anything special initially about the building, in fact it seems quite rundown, and most would pass on it if they had any other choice. Though the price for admission seem honest enough for the quality. Still there is something more, something alluring catches your eye.
For some it could be a beautiful woman, or perhaps a strong built man, someone who has a look in their eye daring you to follow. Maybe it's a sweet scent, the vibrations of a beautifully played by your favorite instrument, or the wall decorated with the most exsqusit painting that just promises more to come.

Once you've paid for your stay your are lead through a maze of hallways, the more aware of the people realize they are going down, likely underground, before the ground raises again . After what seems like eternity finally you walk onto the scene of what seems to be impossible. On either side of the main passway are two buildings, which can be recgonized as the hotel rooms themselves. As you walk past them you find a vast swimming pool regulated by what appears to be a tropical waterfall. As you investigate you find everything you could possibly care to entertain yourself, and even some things you didn't initally find on your first sweep you find again later as if it was plucked from your thoughts. It seems truly you've found paradise. However this place isn't without it's hells and mysteries.

The idea

The Paradise Hotel is basically my spin on the Hotel California. All the patrons there are treated to paradise, given anything they could desire aside from people outside of it. It's designed to tempt you into staying forever, and the other patrons are a part of that trap in a sense. Finding unity and companionship with one another. If you've heard the song it talks about a beast controlling the place, and in this case it is a demon that basically feeds off the emotion of joy and pleasure. Which is why the hotel is paradise. The conflict will come from those trying to find a way back to their old lives.

The Humans
The patrons are basically split into three parties. The new patrons only seeing the impossible happen before their eyes. The Old patrons who know they are trapped and have elected to let everyone discover for themselves their confinment. And those completly seduced by the demon and basically would work as "staff" to garuntee everyone stays happy.

The Demon
Won't really come into play until the end of it, assuming this roleplay reaches a conclusion at all. It has the ability to give someone whatever it is they desire so long as it doesn't conflict with the free will of a mortal. Meaning he can't make the super hot waitress love you, nor can he summon someone from the outside world into his little paradise, and finally he can't bring back the dead. He can do basically anything else, if you are elderly he can make you young, if you desire a giant canvas to paint on he can give it to you. Any activity, or food, any material desire he can give you. Though he will never give you a escape route, he will make it appear as if you found one to give you that little sense of joy for him to feed off of and become stronger. So long as you can find a way to have joy or pleasure you could literally live forever, but once you are no longer happy, and can no longer force yourself to find pleasure you simply disappear.
There is a chamber in the caves which is never in the same spot twice full of mysteries and riddles, but the key to destroying the demon may exist inside of it.

Character Sheet

[td][b]User: (E account name)[/b][/td]
[td][b]Name: (Character's name)[/b][/td]
[td][b]Staff or Patron?: (Do you work for the demon?)[/b][/td]
[td][b]Age Apparent: (how old does your character appear?)[/b][/td]
[td][b]Age: (how old is your character really?)[/b][/td]
[td][b]Tastes: (What are your character's hobbies and joys? What are your character's pet peeves)[/b][/td]
[td][b]Personality: (what is the temperment of your character?)[/b][/td]
[td][b]Background:(Any prevalent information on your character's life before the paradise hotel)[/b][/td]
[td][b]Height: (How tall is your character?)[/b][/td]
[td][b]Weight:(how much does your character weigh?)[/b][/td]
[td][b]Build: (are you athletic, stocky, somewhere in between)[/b][/td]
[td][b]Hair: (hairstyle and build)[/b][/td]
[td][b]Eyes:(the color of your character's eyes)[/b][/td]
[td][b]Appearance: (a picture or description of your character's overall look)[/b][/td]


I'd be happy to answer any questions, and am open to more suggestions to make this RP more interesting.


I think your idea is very interesting and would like to be a part of it.   If my character idea meets with your approval I can flesh her out some more. 

User: JinxedMinx
Name: Tara Petersen
Staff or Patron?: Patron
Age Apparent: 24
Age: 24
Tastes: (What are your character's hobbies and joys? What are your character's pet peeves)
Personality: Forced gaiety hiding the emptiness she feels inside.
Background:Tara is a recent widow who feels responsible for her husband's death. Although it wasn't her fault, she can't shake the guilt and guilt is all she is capable of feeling. She has engaged in the risky behavior picking up strangers in rough bars since his death not because she is suicidal but because she is looking for something to make her feel alive. If she finds happiness in the hotel she may never want to leave.
Height: 5'8"
Build: She has recently become a little too thin for her height.
Hair: Long red hair
Eyes: brown eyes

Untamed Skies

She looks good to me, it'll be interesting to see how she progresses in the hotel and with other people.


I'll admit I'm interested... I have a half-character formed in my mind; a guy with an unfullfilling sex life arrives at Paradise Hotel, and is turned into a very sexy, very lusty girl... who happens to find sex /quite/ satisfying.  So if she wants to find a way out, she's gotta find a way to stop enjoying the amazing sex.  XP

...I think I'm gonna wait a bit, see if others join or are interested before actually making a character sheet.

I'm into transformations (mental and physical), gender bending (preferably male to female), mind control, forced impulses, love, wants/desires, etc. etc. etc., and being the sub... though I am learning to be a cruel Dom.  ;D  If you're interested in any of this, either PM me or take a look through my ons and offs or my cravings, and then PM me!  ;D


Your idea it's awesome.... i would like to get in, so... i would present you my character and you say whato you think about, ok?

User: RockYourWorld16
Name: Raziel D'Lume
Staff or Patron?: Yes, works for demon
Age Apparent: 22 years old
Age: Billions of years(i would explain it later)
Tastes: He Lived in france, likes the music, plays guitar very well
Personality: Serene and quiet, with a strong character when it's necessary
Background: The truth: Raziel it's an Angel, but he was sent to live in earth as a mortal, 22 years before he was reincarnate as a baby in paris, france, so, it's a mortal, but he has holy skills that can not understand, came to the hotel because he has the ability to feel supernatural presences, but at last, he is seduced by the demon's power. the demon tells Raziel that he knows what Raziel is and where it comes, so, Raziel accepts working for the demons in exchange of knowledge about himself
Height: 1.92m (My height haha)
Weight: 75 pounds
Build: Athletic
Hair: Medium hair ('til end of neck), straight and smooth, brown
Eyes: Shiny brown
Appearance: he is always dressed with a black cotton jacket and dressing pants, biker fingerless gloves and square glasses, always carry with him a guitar and a little harmonica in his pocket
A greater foundation.


User: JuliettaRossi   
Name: Dahlia Stevens
Staff or Patron?: Staff
Age Apparent: 22   
Age: Will be turning 95 this November...
Tastes: (What are your character's hobbies and joys? What are your character's pet peeves)    
Personality: Lives to serve, quite literally... Soft spoken - it's always the quiet ones though, isn't it? Sometimes it seems as though she appears out of nowhere - quiet and unobtrusive - guests seem to only notice her when they want to.
Background: From Chicago. Came here in 1939 looking for a job, got it, and never left. Had aspired like so many others with stars in her eyes wanting to be a movie star, coming all the way from Illinois on her own (times being a little different then than they are now...). She needed something to help her survive until she could make it, but was it the big break that never came or was it simply that she could never seem to leave?
Height: 5'5"   
Weight: 120
Build: slight of build, but curvy still.
Hair: Long brown hair   
Eyes: green eyes   

Untamed Skies

Ok Dahlia is accepted, looks good.

As for Raziel I need to know a bit more, has he given his free will over to the demon? Or is he just staying there and being given information bit by bit? Something with celestial power could actually hurt it would require he'd have to play a different game with Raziel.


Quote from: Untamed Skies on September 06, 2012, 04:53:15 PM
Ok Dahlia is accepted, looks good.

As for Raziel I need to know a bit more, has he given his free will over to the demon? Or is he just staying there and being given information bit by bit? Something with celestial power could actually hurt it would require he'd have to play a different game with Raziel.

Raziel doesn't know at all what can he do, and even thinks that the demon it's more powerful, so, the demon it's manipulating him, making him interact and doing "things" with others in the hotel, as he can get more information bit by bit(the demon lies) and the demon keep feeding on people's joy.

Raziel thinks like an ordinary human, so, he wanna know what he can do things like floating in the air and levitate objects, he can also dissapear the darkness and weaken the demonic energy, but he doesn't know.... maybe in a advanced part of the history he learn how...
A greater foundation.


The game concept is appealing, and after seeing Dahlia bent over like that, I'm even more interested.

I'm thinking something allong the lines of a struggling writer who stops for the night, and finds things...very interesting, to say the least, which sparks his creative juices.  This is just a rough idea, of course.

Untamed Skies

@Rockyourworld I guess it's another angle to look at down the road, I'll ok it but on the basis your angel doesn't know or have any ideas how to harm or get away from the demon.

@Cosmo, that sounds good, god knows he'll have a hell of a story if he can escape.


Quote from: Untamed Skies on September 06, 2012, 08:25:28 PM
@Rockyourworld I guess it's another angle to look at down the road, I'll ok it but on the basis your angel doesn't know or have any ideas how to harm or get away from the demon.

@Cosmo, that sounds good, god knows he'll have a hell of a story if he can escape.

Exactly, Raziel Believes that he is a common human, and thinks like that
A greater foundation.

Untamed Skies

Ok that's fine with me then.

        User: Untamed_Skies
        Name: Adam Spires
        Staff or Patron?: Patron
   Age Apparent: 20
        Age: 50
   Tastes: Adam enjoys music, a good drink, and seeing how the area arounds him changes as new people come in. He Dislikes the ignorant, and doesn't trust the staff at all.
        Personality: Adam is a fairly open guy, though he looks to keep himself away of new people sometimes he can't help himself, he does still like the right sets of curves and a nice silver tongue. More then anything he is stubborn, often disappearing into the tunnels for days trying to find that room he once discovered. Admittedly being trapped for fifty years has left a bitter taste in his mouth and he doesn't always look at the impossible as something as fascinating anymore, in fact the plainer something is the better in his opinion.
   Background: Adam was a up and coming musician back when he was younger, initially he was in a heavy metal hair band called Snake Skin, and was the lead singer as well as the song writer so he knew every instrument well. Of course he was never huge, so he went from tour to tour in his beat up cadilac and one especially long drive he stopped at the dinky little shack called the Paradise Hotel. It was exciting at first, an amazing stage, and a weird device that allowed him to record music and then play it all at once as if he had his band. However he found himself not being fully seduced with a promising career ahead of him. However as he tried to check out he found none of the staff would point him to the right person, and when he decided to just try and leave he found that the tunnels yielded no exit, and that if it was possibly they shifted. Unable to leave and lacking the desire to stay he spent a great amount of time enthralled in writing music and trying to wait for new guests to walk by him in the tunnels. Failing in his second goal he eventually found a mysterious room that was full of riddles and puzzles, but since he found it it's moved again. Convincing him that if he can decipher them it's the key to his freedom. For now he enjoys the simple pleasures available to him, waiting patiently for  his next opportunity to find the tunnel.
        Height: 5'11"
        Weight: 175lbs
        Build: Atheletic, built like a rockstar that's kept his form impossibly well over the last thirty years.
   Hair: Shaved his head when he discovered that hair bands are no longer popular.
   Eyes: Green.


User: CalypsoNymph
Name: Was Jason, but now goes by Jane.
Staff or Patron?: Patron
Age Apparent: Late teens, possibly older twenties.  No younger then 18, no older then 22.
Age: Twenty four
Tastes: Currently... anything that brings her physical pleasure, but she doesn't really 'accept' that.  She would love pleasure torture, and, if 'taken' properly, she could easily learn to enjoy some BDSM.  What she doesn't like is being treated meanly.  Insulted, or the like.  Being treated like an object is fine...ish... but being insulted gets her pretty mad pretty quickly.
Personality: Intellegent and quick witted, generally.  She's smart and keeps her eyes about her, and since comeing to Paradise Hotel she's very reserved.  If she can get away with it.  Which she can't.  It's increadibly easy to get her aroused, and it makes it much harder for her to think clearly when she is.
Background: He used to be a fairly standard young adult.  Graduated college with a basic degree, got a five day eight hour job... he was satisfied with his life.  Mostly.  The one thing he could never really enjoy in his life was sex.  One day, on a weekend, he was driving aimlessly... and he spotted a particular gorgeous women near Paradise Hotel... and he thought she might be the 'spice' he needed.  He foolishly parked his car and entered the hotel, and now he... is a she.  A very sexy, slutty she.  Whose mind fogged up with lust after a few carresses.

She's learned to try to avoid others, and if she can't do that, try to keep them away... but what she doesn't know is that she excretes a subtle pheromone that helps get others 'in the mood'.  It's not enough to force them to do anything, but given with how she looks... it's usually enough.

What she won't accept about herself is that she actually really, really, really loves how things are now.  She's getting tons of enjoyment out of this, which is why the Demon turned her into what she is, but won't let herself realize that.  If she did, maybe she could get her sensual feelings more under control...
Height: Around 5' 2''.  A bit short.
Weight:  120
Build: Thin, and weak, but curvy.  Think the standard 'barbie blond' type.
Hair: wavy beach blond hair that reaches her armpits.  It's also indistructable.  She's tried.
Eyes: Bright blue.
Appearance: As mentioned earlier... basically a living barbie.  Perfect porportions, big DD breasts, wide hips, long hair... her face is a picture perfect example of femenity.  Wide blue eyes with long eyelashes completment her cute nose and perfect checkbones, which is completed by her naturally pouty, naturally pink lips.  She looks like she is wearing makeup to enhance her buety... she isn't.

Her body is, as mentioned, what one could consider 'perfect'.  If they liked the sterotypical, pornstar, vacent looking slut look.  Narrow, hairless arms and legs, each finished with pink nails... much to her consternation.  No matter what she does, she always finds herself in a too tight pink tube top, pulled and designed in such a way it reveals nothing, a pink microskirt, and some tall tall pink four inch heels.  She tends to also be wearing pink panties and a pink bra, as well... but if she gets aroused, they disapear.

Approved or not?  I'd understand if it's a no, but I'd naturally prefer a yes.  She's built a bit for the porn, I'll admit, but there's also the potential for character development... in a lot of directions.  Depends on how things go.  And if the sex gets to be too much, then the Demon could always lower her sex drive, to make when it does happen more precious for her, to up the pleasure she feels, increasing his power more...  You see how it is, I'm sure.

I'm into transformations (mental and physical), gender bending (preferably male to female), mind control, forced impulses, love, wants/desires, etc. etc. etc., and being the sub... though I am learning to be a cruel Dom.  ;D  If you're interested in any of this, either PM me or take a look through my ons and offs or my cravings, and then PM me!  ;D

Untamed Skies

I'll admit it's not something I'd have thought of haha. I don't see anything wrong with the character though, so she's accepted.


I'm into transformations (mental and physical), gender bending (preferably male to female), mind control, forced impulses, love, wants/desires, etc. etc. etc., and being the sub... though I am learning to be a cruel Dom.  ;D  If you're interested in any of this, either PM me or take a look through my ons and offs or my cravings, and then PM me!  ;D


a interesting cast for this history, don't you think? x3

I'm looking forward to this, also, i will try to get a picture really accurate for Raziel  8-)
A greater foundation.


Quote from: RockYourWorld16 on September 06, 2012, 10:55:39 PM
a interesting cast for this history, don't you think? x3

I'm looking forward to this, also, i will try to get a picture really accurate for Raziel  8-)

I can't wait to see his picture. I think it is fun to get an image of the character and later see a picture, just to see if my imagination is equal to the creation.

Untamed Skies

I for whatever reason lack the ability too fully describe an appearance as well as I would like too. And I'm waiting just a bit longer to see who else we can attract to this. The flavor it has the more likely I think for it to be fun and succeed



Here comes Raziel, it really looks like that, the only difference is his eyes color, like i said before, it has brown, not blue eyes
A greater foundation.

Untamed Skies


I'm looking forward to this history, i think that would be very succesful
A greater foundation.

Untamed Skies

I'm going on the rules of those that can learn the demon's true name can have power over him, so he goes by a fake one.

User: Untamed_Skies   
Name: True name unkown, goes by Eden
Staff or Patron?: Owner   
Age Apparent: Human form appears mid 30's
Age: 45,000
Tastes: Eden's pleasures are the pleasures of those in his realm. Admittedly he enjoys the more exotic and unique ones, the little desires that are truly one of a kind make his world fun. The only thing he truly doesn't like are those that try to escape but he knows he has total control over his realm and no one so far has ever come close.
Personality: He moves and talks like a actor on stage, enjoying the temptation, liking to see how people begin to break and fade. Seeing the struggle of those that no longer find satisfaction in his gifts or seeing the ones that come to worship him. Eventually everyone breaks no matter how long, they all give up in the end, and he works to break them. Remove the empty shells or find a eternal meal in those devoted to him.
Background: Eden has seen the dawn of man and it's rise, and recognized that every human has a desire and a dream they wish to see accomplished. However to affect the physical world is to be exposed so he create gateways and portals to his domain to lure the tired, lost, and weary into his comforts before closing the door and locking them in. In the very ancient past he was revered as a god by some, some recognized him for the demon that he is. It never mattered in the end, humans desire, and he can grant most of the intimate desires a human could never otherwise gain. By the time they are thinking, by the time they want to back out, by the time they want to escape always it's been to late. Over the 45,000 years he's been luring humans he's only become stronger and stronger, and his home has been changed and shaped by those who enter it with their desires.
Height: The human form stands at 6'2" his demon form is closer to 12'4"
Weight:  The Human form 200 lbs and the demon form is 400
Build: Very atheletic, muscular from head to toe. The demon form is hulking, towering   
Hair: Human is well styled black hair like he's a playboy of some sort, as a demon it's long flowing and black.
Eyes: His eyes are always silver
Appearance: As a human he looks like a billionaire playboy, constantly wearing fancy outfits and uniforms, and carrying himself in such fashions as a god  might. His hair is usually slicked back neatly to attract all those around him.
                      As a demon he is gigantic and imposing. His skin is black as coal, his hair black as coal, he'd seem as if he was a moving shadow if it wasn't for vibrant yellow eyes that seem to pierce through you. His skin is thick, so thick no blade or knife ever seems to be able to harm him.


Excellent idea for Eden, Excellent reference to the song "they stabbed it with their steely knives but just can't kill the beast...."

Also.... The Dahaka is a good, imposing idea for his demon form  ;D
A greater foundation.

Untamed Skies

I'm glad you liked the reference, and when I think imposing demon I always think the Dahaka that I spent thirty plus hours running away from so I thought it's fitting.


I don't know whether to be enthralled or repulsed.

Great job! :)