Open Until 8/22!: Barkeep on the Borderlands (Fantasy System Pub Crawl)

Started by Nastara, August 14, 2023, 09:36:00 PM

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You meet in a tavern...

The Monarch lies dying of a deadly, but slow-acting poison. They drained the coffees to pay for a powerful antidote of blood of a unicorn, feather of a phoenix, toenail of a giant, and eye of a tiger. The antidote is a powerful magic... but not one that is saving the Monarch as it was apparently mixed up in the delivery to one of the Keep's many pubs.

It is, unfortunately, also a time of celebration, the yearly Raves of Chaos festival that celebrates the victory of brave heroes who rid the Keep of danger many years ago. In celebration, few if any laws are enforced and adventurers and drunks are charged with being the hand of the crown.

Your Jolly Crew has come together to claim the hefty reward the Monarch is offering (the victors weight in gold along with a barony in the Borderlands recently acquired edges) by plunging into the bars, pubs, taverns, and whorehouses of the Keep on the Borderlands.

The Setting
From the Barkeep on the Borderlands scenario...
"Barkeep on the Borderlands is a barhopping, fantasy adventure amidst Mardi Gras-like festivities, including 20 detailed pubs and dynamic drinking rules.

Barkeep on the Borderlands flips the script on the tired trope of starting in a tavern. In this adventure, players explore the many taverns  of  the Keep in search of a missing antidote, getting into shenanigans along the way. The pubcrawl is like a dungeoncrawl  but with bars and streets instead of rooms and corridors."

The Game
This will be using a variant on a couple of modern OSR games with a focus on making play move quickly, surprisingly, and to resolve combat quickly. Characters will have their DnD style stats, a handful of items, and a couple of other small advantages, but they are largely level 0 or 1 characters.

Combat will be resolved quickly, with just a couple of rolls, and losing will lead to wild fucking rather than death!

I'm a story gamer first, so definitely expect narrative first and mechanics as added flavor!

The Jolly Crew
For this game, I'm looking for a rough team of lady adventurers, rogues, layabouts, and drunks who see an opportunity to make some coin and take it. They may be traditional adventurers, but they might just be on the cusp of it. The game will have high weirdness but start at relatively low power levels. Magic items and growth will be super available, as will plenty of sex! I want to keep things fun, flirty, and light either way! Death will not be a concern, with hitting 0 HP more or less guaranteeing that you stumble out of a brothel covered in cum in the morning!

If we finish Barkeep on the Borderlands, I'm also open to moving on to the larger world, though there's PLENTY to do in this book and emergent play always adds more!

I've put below a little bit of code (also posted in the thread itself) for people to fill in regarding what kind of character they would like to play.  I would love to be able to have everyone play but in the interest of not over-reaching beyond what I can manage, the team size is going to hover around 5.  As such, I'll be looking at characters, sexual prefs, etc, and trying to put together the game that will treat all of us best!  You are welcome to put as much into this (and provide additional information) if you wish, but I'm mostly looking for interesting characters.

What I'm looking for in terms of finding characters (because people always ask!) is:
-Dynamic, interesting characters with description physically and/or personality that catches my eye!
-Female rapscallions who are quick to dive into adventure and drinks!
-Goodness-of-Fit with kinks/character roles/combat roles!

In terms of my own kinks and prefs, I will be looking for adult characters and skipping 'small' creatures (like gnomes/halflings/goblins). In general, I would prefer art claims over face claims to help keep everything fantastical!

also im a sucker for big tits but i wont let that influence me

[b]Adventurer Info[/b]
[float=right][img width=300 padding=10]http://PIC URL[/img][/float]
[b]Name: [/b]
[b]Race/Profession/Vibe: [/b]
[b]Why Risk This?:[/b]
[B]What's Your Drink Of Choice?[/b]
[b]Interested In: [/b]This is mostly what YOU the player are interested in. This can include types of partners as well as kinks if you would like!
[b]Brief Description: [/b]At least some physical, some personality. Feel free to include NPCs, places, factions, or whatever if they add to it!
[b]How Often Do You Elliquiy?: [/b]Daily? Weekly? Constantly but only on weekends? Just give me a little pattern.

Character Creation
Character Creation will be simple and can be done once we have a group together. If you'd rather make your character stats and all (for example, if you want to roll on tables to generate a concept), let me know! I'm currently working up a little writeup, but it will be QUICK generation when it's up.

Character creation is a modified version of the Macchiato Monsters rules! If you want to do it now, feel free to. If not, you can wait until the team is assembled in the OOC area. In general, I'm not too worried about balancr, because a lot of our goal is to fail and fuck! If you roll something and don't like it, change it. If youd rather pick, I won't stop you.

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1. Roll 3d6 each for STRength, INTelligence, WISdom, DEXterity,
CONstitution, and CHArisma. Swap scores as you please.
2. Invent a trait; for example, a race, occupation, background, or faction.  You have Advantage on a roll when a trait is relevant.
3. Record your hit die: d6.
4. Choose two below (or the same entry twice):
▪ Add d6 to a stat that is 10 or less.
▪ Write down another trait.
▪ Gain a hit die of the type you already have.
▪ Martial training: step up your hit die or dice
▪ Specialistic training: come up with a daily ability (ex: faithful pet, resist pain, twin weapons, silver tongue, detect lie, light
sleeper, trick shots, martial arts, acrobatics, and so on. Spell-like abilities are
possible, but if you want a magical character, maybe you should look at magic
training below.
* Magic training: come up with two spells. Spells are described in a few words, such as Control Undead, Sense Magic,
Battlefire, Summon Forest Animals, Flight… You have to come up with the
spells your character knows. The more precise the wording, and therefore the
narrower the focus of the spell, the easier it is to use
5. Roll your hit die or dice for your current hit points total. You can decide to permanently spend 1 point of CON to roll again (add 1 to your HP if you
don’t roll better).
7. Roll for your equipment, weapons, armour, and such. Talk to the
Referee and decide what your gear says about your character. A character starts with random stuff, including armour and weapons. Roll d20,
d12, d10, d8, d6, and d4 on the following nine tables. You have to decide a table
and a die before you roll, but you can ignore tables, or roll several dice on the
same one.

The tables are:
Equipment and Food
Wealth and Valuables
Melee Weapons
Missile Weapons
Magical Trinkets
Heirlooms & Heritage

Equipment Tables

Equipment and Food
. Bread and ham Δ4, ragged cloth bag, sock filled with pebbles.
2. Dry biscuits and nuts Δ8, backpack, blanket, rope Δ10, pilgrim hat.
3. Jar of snail soup Δ6, old ox, rolled up carpet, 2 sacks, crowbar.
4. Boiled turnips and butter Δ6, empty saddlebags, bedroll, 2 bear traps.
5. Liver and pepper sausage Δ4, torches Δ6, grave robber's tools Δ8, iron spikes Δ6.
6. Dried beans & meat Δ8, calligrapher's tools Δ8, holy symbol Δ6, lantern & oil Δ8.
7. Freshly killed rabbits Δ4, traps, sack, bedroll, candles Δ4, dice.
8. Dried apples Δ8, shepherd's dog, backpack, tent Δ10, torches Δ6.
9. Road bread and salted trout Δ8, large net, bounty letter, manacles.
10. Flour and dried mutton Δ4, old horse, rain coat, torches Δ6.
11. Boar terrine and ale Δ6, holy water Δ6, alchemist's tools Δ8, candles Δ4.
12. Confit duck and cabbage pickle Δ6, bag of charcoal, fishing pole, playing cards.
13. Fresh bread and fruit Δ6, oil lamp Δ4, local map, shovel, rope ladder.
14. Live hen in a cage Δ6, bedroll, torches Δ6, cook's tools, tarot cards.
15. Blood sausage and bad wine Δ6, locksmith's tools, backpack, lantern & oil Δ8.
16. Honey and lemon cakes Δ4, fancy travel clothes, war horse, magic reagents Δ6.
17. Spicy otter pies Δ6, courtier's tools Δ8, fine cloak, songbird in a cage.
18. Fish cakes and wine Δ6, bag of coffee Δ8, con man's tools, rope Δ10, loaded dice.
19. Sealed meals Δ8, scrollmaker's tools Δ8, wizard hat, spyglass, magic reagents Δ8.
20. Peppered cheese and cider Δ4, fine horse, cartographer's tools Δ8, torches Δ6

Wealth and Valuables

1. Carved tooth on a string

2. Bag of long, rusty nails

3. Furs worth copper Δ10

4. Pocketful of copper farthings Δ6
5. Length of silk worth silver Δ10
6. Funeral urns worth silver Δ6
7. Stack of coded letters, bag of silver Δ4
8. Leather pouch of silver Δ8
9. Religious books worth silver Δ12
10. Large bag of silver Δ10
11. Stolen jewellery worth silver Δ12
12. Embroidered pouch of electrum Δ6
13. Fancy clothes worth electrum Δ8
14. Electrum ingot worth Δ10
15. Velvet bag of electrum Δ10
16. Signet ring worth gold Δ8
17. Money belt with gold Δ6
18. Ingot of platinum Δ4
19. Heavy statuette worth platinum Δ6
20. Mighty magic scroll worth gold Δ10

Mêlée Weapons

1. Blackjack d4 or pitchfork d6

2. Dagger or poniard d4

3. Whip or scourge d4

4. Hatchet or hammer d6
5. Voulge or glaive d6*
6. Short sword or sax d6
7. Quarterstaff or shillelagh d6
8. Rapier or cutlass d6
9. Awl pike or spear d6/d6*
10. Bill-hook or corseque d8*
11. Dane axe or flail d8/d8*
12. Arming sword or scimitar d8
13. Sabre or yatagan d8
14. Pike or halberd d8*
15. Bec de corbin or mace d8*
16. Bastard sword or claymore d8/d8*
17. Lucerne hammer or maul d10*
18. Lochaber axe or halberd d10*
19. Morgenstern or triple-flail d10
20. Flamberge or zweihander d10*
*: two-handed weapon: grants the
wielder advantage to damage
Missile weapons
1. Polished rocks d4 (bag Δ10)
2. Throwing knives d4 (belt Δ4)
3. Darts d6 (quiver Δ6)
4. Sling d4 (bag of stones Δ10)
5. Hand crossbow d6 (bolts Δ8)
6. Duelling pistol Δ6 (powder & shot Δ4)
7. Bolas d4
8. Javelins d6 (quiver Δ4)
9. Long bow d8 (arrows Δ8)
10. Blunderbuss Δ8* (powder & nails Δ4)
11. Horse pistol Δ8 (powder & shot Δ4)
12. Nomad bow d6 (arrows Δ8)
13. Throwing axes d6 (belt Δ4)
14. Heavy throwing star d6
15. Repeating crossbow d8 (bolts Δ10)
16. Grenades Δ10* (belt Δ4)
17. War crossbow d10 (bolts Δ8)
18. Atlatl d8 (javelins Δ6)
19. Arquebus Δ8 (powder & shot Δ6)
20. Musket Δ10 (powder & shot Δ6)
*: hits grouped targets at the
Referee's discretion
1. Ill-fitting helmet Δ4*
2. Buckler or leather shield
3. Hide tunic and fur hat Δ4*
4. Leather coat Δ4 and round shield
5. Gambeson or padded leather Δ4*
6. Cuir bouilli Δ6
7. Leather harness Δ6
8. Studded leather Δ6 with shield
9. Breastplate Δ6
10. Ring or splint mail Δ8
11. Scale mail or lorica Δ8
12. Breastplate Δ8, helmet and shield
13. Mail shirt Δ8
14. Mail and leather Δ8 with shield
15. Hauberk Δ8 with round shield
16. Rusty composite plate Δ10
17. Breastplate and mail with coif Δ10
18. Heavy plate Δ10, tower shield
19. Etched platemail Δ10, kite shield
20. Full plate Δ10, heater shield
*: combine with other armour to step
up its Risk Die to a maximum of Δ10
Magical Trinkets
1. Good luck charm from a loved one
2. Jar of universal antidote Δ6
3. Primitive bronze statuette (Δ4 R.)
4. Handful of goodberries (heal Δ4)
5. Relic of a demisaint (Δ6 R.)
6. Vial of paralysing poison Δ6
7. Pouch of the oracle's incense Δ4
8. Bunch of bearowl feathers (Δ8 R.)
9. Snail's flails (damage Δ6 or as R.)
10. Potion of metamorphosis (lasts Δ10)
11. Blue-black powder Δ10 (R. if snorted)
12. Elixir of the Cross (heal Δ8)
13. Cloak of armour Δ10 (or as R.)
14. Socks of cloudwalking Δ8
15. Shrunk monkey heads (Δ12 R.)
16. Fez of Empathy Δ8 (or as R.)
17. Coins from the Shadow City (Δ12 R.)
18. Infaillible darts (damage Δ10)
19. Box of Ju-ju coffee beans (Δ12 R.)
20. Wand of compulsion Δ10 (or as R.)
R: use as reagent to cast more spells

Heirlooms & Heritage
1. A curse! Your blood carries something bad, like lycanthropy or passive-aggressiveness.
2. A shiny button, handed down from one generation to the next.
3. Half a map to… treasure maybe? Hard to say until you find the other part.
4. Grandad’s war axe (d6). It’s worn and badly balanced, but still serviceable.
5. A box of vintage red wine that was kept for a special occasion (Silver Δ8).
6. Mom’s sword (d8). It has a name, a story, and maybe a minor magic power.
7. The deed to a mine, somewhere deep in the Borderlands.
8. A minor noble title (Knightess, Baronnet, Bey, Patrician...) and little else.
9. You ancestor made this arrow that never misses (d8). It‘s never been shot.
10. A big inheritance (gold Δ12) from a distant aunt. Comes with a condition.
11. The formula for a powerful, unique spell. Worth a lot to some people.
12. A noble title (Rais, Viscount, Duchess, Khan...) and a bodyguard (Δ10).
13. A huge, magic coffee maker. Makes a brew you can charge premium for.
14. The key to an archwizard’s tower and a command word for... something.
15. Scourge Slayer (d12), a powerful weapon destined to save the world. Maybe.
16. The true name of a demon princess, and incomplete instructions to use it.
17. A magical, talking orchid that knows the way to a garden of wonders.
18. Divine blood, no magical powers. You are very special to some cults though.
19. Shares in a planar trade company. It pays you dividends every year (platinum Δ6)
20. The throne! At least you have a good spot on the line of succession.
Faith *
1. I am a humble and worthless servant of the Provider of Rye and Milk (Δ4)
2. I bear the chains of a priest in the service of the Slaver Empress (Δ6)
3. The Dealer of Fate sometimes shows me their hand (Δ4)
4. I have copied so many sacred texts I can quote scripture all day long (Δ4)
5. As a Constable of Eternal Law, I must always enforce the rules (Δ6)
6. I swallowed a relic once, and it never came out (Δ4)
7. The Gilded Crowned Head teaches us that wealth is the true sainthood (Δ6)
8. The Everquesting Brothers make a vow to always uncover the truth (Δ6)
9. I just believe in Mother Nature, man! (Δ6)
10. As a Poor Sister of the Tearful Beard, I cannot own anything (Δ8)
11. I am an Architect of the Real, a builder of wondrous machines (Δ6)
12. The path of a Peacemonger is arduous, especially among adventurers (Δ10)
13. In believe I Chaos chaos C H A O S (Δ8) chaos soɐɥɔ chaos
14. My Church ventures into the wilderness to further Holy Civilisation (Δ8)
15. The material plane is a mere illusion. Sinners, embrace the Void Vibrant! (Δ8)
16. Everything dies, say the LØrds of EntrØpy. I accept my part in their plan. (Δ8)
17. Do you have twelve hours to talk about Our Lady and Soulcrusher? (Δ8)
18. I am an avatar of the Wanderer. I must walk ever and ever on. (Δ10)
19. I have blinded myself in exchange for blessings from the Eternal Night (Δ10)
20. Angor the Resentful speaks through me and kills by my hand. Now repent. (Δ12)
*: Rolled several times? Well, you’re serving several deities. Good luck with that.

If you have questions, please feel free to ask! I look forward to drinking with you!
Delvers Company: Origins (Starting Soon!)
Red Team OOC| Blue Team OOC| Worldbuilding




oh that sounds funny and sexy as hell. Reminds me of Tavern sluts from cherry-gig. :)

Count me in !


I've been reading it and it looks like such a fun adventure with like, a little bit of everything in it. Obviously I'll flavor it to be more of the sex romp that Elliquiy does so well.

Okay! So I'm pumped to see interest, I'll try to get this thread tidied up into an actual recruitment thread tonight! In the meantime, if anyone sees this they can reply in here so they get the updates!

I'm thinking characters will be aiming to be kind of like old-school level of play (you're an adventurer, which means you're decent at doing some things, but mostly you're scraping together silver and favors), with openness to weirdness of more recent games (like "feel free to be a tiefling or whatever cool thing appeals to you"). The default Barkeep setting walks that line already, so I think that's the vibe!

There's a really cool "roll some stuff" thing in Macchiato Monsters that I'll post later as well, I think!

For now, if you feel like chatting about the setting or plans or your character, go for it! I'll keep checking the thread to answer any questions I can!
Delvers Company: Origins (Starting Soon!)
Red Team OOC| Blue Team OOC| Worldbuilding



I'm sorry, I'm a little low on coffee, but I think I'm confused! Would it be okay to play a character that's like what? Sorry, I'm just not parsing for some reason and I want to be able to answer!

There's actually a game called Vice & Violence that I was considering borrowing some system smut from! I'll put a link up when I get a chance later. It is EXTREMELY NSFW, but it's more of the lighter rules ala older dnd that I'm going for as opposed to the denser more modern rules. If you happen to know Mörk Borg, it honestly kind of reminds me of that... but full of tons of porn and sex.
Delvers Company: Origins (Starting Soon!)
Red Team OOC| Blue Team OOC| Worldbuilding




@Opale, definitely something like that could work well! I love setting up faction relationships like hers!

@c0i9z, It's a WILD read, very NSFW. For what it's worth, it's probably a bit deadlier and crunchier in places than I'm going for, but like... vibes, pretty on point.

@Rashol, I don't think I've read that one! Ill check it out too!
Delvers Company: Origins (Starting Soon!)
Red Team OOC| Blue Team OOC| Worldbuilding


Alright! I've updated post #1 with some recruitment info, a little deeper dive, and instructions!

Let me know if any of you need help with anything!
Delvers Company: Origins (Starting Soon!)
Red Team OOC| Blue Team OOC| Worldbuilding



That's always the struggle isn't it! If you want to bounce ideas or anything, feel free to! :)
Delvers Company: Origins (Starting Soon!)
Red Team OOC| Blue Team OOC| Worldbuilding


Well . I've got a few images that might fit, but I don't know what class they might be.. since this is an open thread, can I drop them to you in a message.


Sure! That's totally fine!

This game also will likely not be super Class based, I'm looking at Macchiato Monsters for some starting places that I think should allow fun, satisfying character creation that still feels loose!
Delvers Company: Origins (Starting Soon!)
Red Team OOC| Blue Team OOC| Worldbuilding



Haha!! Sorry, not trying to make it harder! If a class helps as like a focusing thing, feel TOTALLY free to base on one! It'll be easy to be able to be any kind of fantasy class!
Delvers Company: Origins (Starting Soon!)
Red Team OOC| Blue Team OOC| Worldbuilding



Not to worry, I understood you! 😎

I just also want to be sure that I'm providing as many things to help people make the characters they want as well!
Delvers Company: Origins (Starting Soon!)
Red Team OOC| Blue Team OOC| Worldbuilding


My understanding is that anything that is in spoilers is fine, as long as they'd also be fine in non-open threads.


I think that is right! I've definitely seen some fully adult pictures in recruitment threads!

But also, my messages are open! Advantage to posting in here is more opinions!
Delvers Company: Origins (Starting Soon!)
Red Team OOC| Blue Team OOC| Worldbuilding


I have a bit to start, but getting a better idea of the system we'll be using will help.

Adventurer Info
Name: Serifa
Race/Profession/Vibe: Goblin/Maybe a rogue, maybe a magical type, like a sorcerer of a witch? Depends on the system.
Why Risk This?: For honour, friendship and the love of booze!
What's Your Drink Of Choice? Goblin ale
Interested In: Fun adventure and sexy hijinks
Brief Description: TBD
How Often Do You Elliquiy?: Daily.

Laughing Hyena

Holy shit what is this? *starts reading frantically* Oh hell yes...! *Plants flag*


Not gonna lie, I'm pretty darn psyched about this. Barkeep on the Borderlands is an awesome setting, it just won an Ennie, the person who made it is like one of my favorite bloggers, this will be DELIGHTFUL.
Delvers Company: Origins (Starting Soon!)
Red Team OOC| Blue Team OOC| Worldbuilding


Adventurer Info
NSFW Image
Name: Leenee of Sunstream
Race/Profession/Vibe: Lesser Rabbitkin (lesser, because she has many more human attributes than greater Rabbitfolk) / Warrior / Confident Cheerfulness
Why Risk This?: "With the filthy lucre of the king, I can set up my girlfriend Freyr with her own brewery: then we can settle down with no problem!"
What's Your Drink Of Choice? Chamomile tea
Interested In: I don't mind any gender for my partners. Voyeurism, Public Sex, Sexual Exhaustion and Transforming my partners (with potions to make them more feminine, for example, or make their boobs/hips/butt bigger...) is all something that interests me. As a player, I am not interested in playing nonconsensual sex that turns consensual halfway through: if someone forces themselves on Leenee, she will hold it against them.
Brief Description: being part rabbitkin, Leenee is a few centimeters shorter than the average human; however, she is very fit. Her legs are shapely and one might not know just how powerful they are at first glance, something that makes her physically strong and a great runner! As a person, she is very brave and eager to protect her friends, loved ones and even strangers who are just victims of circumstance. She's also stubborn as a mule, rarely willing to compromise if it goes against something she believes in. Last but not least, she is lazy as heck, preferring to take one big risky job instead of many varied, not as dangerous tasks that pay the same. ⌈Kink-wise, she loves being the Dominant party, loves oral sex (giving and receiving) and likes denying orgasms from time to time- humiliating her lovers by making them beg to orgasm is also neat! She hates being submissive and absolutely loathes being humiliated.⌋
How Often Do You Elliquiy?: Daily

Here are the rolls of my attribute stats:
Here is the roll for my hit die:
With regards to «Choose two below», I chose an additional trait and one specialistic training.

  • STR: 15
  • INT:11
  • WIS: 11
  • DEX: 11
  • CON:12
  • CHA:10

Warrior, Resist Magic;

Hit die:
6 ⌈d6⌋

Specialistic Training:
Mind Restoration;

Assorted Belongings:
Melee weapon: Zweihander d10* ⌈d20⌋
Armour: Scale mail Δ8 ⌈d12⌋
Missile weapon: Javelins d6 (quiver Δ4) ⌈d10⌋
Magic trinket: Relic of a demisaint (Δ6 R.) ⌈d8⌋
Equipment and Food: Boiled turnips and butter Δ6, empty saddlebags, bedroll, 2 bear traps ⌈d6⌋
Wealth and Valuables: Bag of long, rusty nails ⌈d4⌋


Heyo Nastara!

You certainly find interesting adventures to run. :D


Quote from: c0i9z on August 15, 2023, 03:54:47 PM
I have a bit to start, but getting a better idea of the system we'll be using will help.

Adventurer Info
Name: Serifa
Race/Profession/Vibe: Goblin/Maybe a rogue, maybe a magical type, like a sorcerer of a witch? Depends on the system.
Why Risk This?: For honour, friendship and the love of booze!
What's Your Drink Of Choice? Goblin ale
Interested In: Fun adventure and sexy hijinks
Brief Description: TBD
How Often Do You Elliquiy?: Daily.

That's fair! Tough to know what to make without much info! I'll try to post the character generation stuff tonight! It's relatively simple stuff, like "roll or point buy some stats, grab a couple of minor boons (which is kind of your class), roll (or pick, IDGAF) some equipment from tables, and BOOM you're done!

@inkybus, thank you for the character!

@Hexed, Hey!! I'm always on that grind (following indie game designers on Twitter who think about swords too much)
Delvers Company: Origins (Starting Soon!)
Red Team OOC| Blue Team OOC| Worldbuilding


I've updated the first post with how to make a character! As you can see, it's a pretty open kind of system mostly designed to give people interesting bits and starting places, or to add some new complications to a character!

Balance REALLY doesn't matter here. Losing will help improve your character faster than winning, so don't stress about low rolls unless it'll damage your fun. If you want to reroll stuff, please do! If you want to pick, feel free to, just so it fairly!
Delvers Company: Origins (Starting Soon!)
Red Team OOC| Blue Team OOC| Worldbuilding


Adventurer Info
Name: Phoebe Nyx
Race/Profession/Vibe: Human/Rogue/Submissive slut
Why Risk This?: Because finding trouble is always preferable to live a peaceful life.
What's Your Drink Of Choice? Anything strong enough to get me drunk and wet
Interested In: Kinky bets, tedious situations, forced sex, bondage, sexual humiliation, brainwashing, drugs& aphrodisiacs, streching my limits to the point I become a nympho sexdoll
Brief Description: Phoebe was born the seventh daughter of a moderately wealthy merchant. She lacked little in the ways of needs but egeregiously in the form of any supervision. By the time she had reached adolescence she had discovered a nose for finding trouble and a bad habit on relying on her family to come to her rescue when that trouble exploded around her.
Phoebe's quick wit and quicker fingers blossomed as she grew to womanhood, a good thing as her familily's fortune took a turn for the worse. Bad investments and banditry had left them on the wrong side of debts to powerful individuals. Tired of her antics making matters worse, they split ways with their troublesome daughter in hopes she'd find respectability on her owns.
How Often Do You Elliquiy?: Daily normally.

STR 10
DEX 13
CON 11
INT 11
CHA 13

Trait: Crazy bets lover

Hit Die: d6
Int + 4
CHA +1
Hit Points: 3

Missile weapons d20
13. Throwing axes d6
Melee weapons d12
2. Dagger d4

Magical Trinkets d8
3. Primitive bronze statuette (Δ4 R.)

Armor d6
4. Leather coat Δ4 and round shield

Wealth and Valuables d4
4.Pocketful of copper farthings Δ6


Delvers Company: Origins (Starting Soon!)
Red Team OOC| Blue Team OOC| Worldbuilding



Adventurer Info
Name: Serifa
Race/Profession/Vibe: Goblin/Barfly/Party girl
Why Risk This?: For honour, friendship and the love of booze!
What's Your Drink Of Choice? Goblin ale
Interested In: Fun adventure and sexy hijinks
Brief Description: Serifa is a short, hot goblin, constantly ready to party, in the bedroom or out. It's not clear if she's perpetually drunk or just not very smart to begin with, but her eclectic set of skills from her heritage and from her time spent at bars makes her surprisingly effective at a lot of tasks, though with her particular situation brains-wise, she might need to be pointed at the problems first.
How Often Do You Elliquiy?: Daily.

STR: 10
INT: 4
WIS: 10
DEX: 18
CON: 8
CHR: 9

Hit Die: d6

Trait: Goblin
Trait: Barfly

Hp: 6

Missile Weapon(d20): Darts d6 (quiver Δ6)
Missile Weapon(d12): Polished rocks d4 (bag Δ10)
Missile Weapon(d10):Blunderbuss Δ8* (powder & nails Δ4)
Melee Weapon(d8): Blackjack d4
Armour(d6): Ill-fitting helmet Δ4*
Armour(d4): Hide tunic and fur hat Δ4*

Extra die: 6
Extra trait
Boosting hp 6

(I got impressively bad rolls.)




Tedious: tiresome because of length or dullness : boring. I think probably that's not the word you want. But I think I get what you mean.


Quote from: c0i9z on August 15, 2023, 10:32:06 PM
(I got impressively bad rolls.)
That's an 18. On 3d6. That's not bad by anyone's standards.  I once rolled 3d6 and only got 1 stat higher than 10 and not much higher, I mean like 12


That was a 12 on 3d6. It's where I put my extra roll. That was a 6, at least.


It was still higher though. I'll see if I still have the roll somewhere

Is it ok if I literally copy someone else's preferences? Because they are identical.


I rolled below or well below average on all my stats, except dex, where I got only slightly above average. I rolled 1 on my first hp roll, then, on equipment, 3 on my d20 and 1 on my d12, d8 and d6. My only good rolls are the 2 d6 on the health and stats dice I bought and the 10 on the d10. This is impressively bad. But I'm happy to play this character anyway.


That's great! I apologise for my rudeness.  I'll be lucky to get a character off the ground.



For transparency's sake, I updated my character sheet with the character attributes, traits and belongings as per the guidelines. I also picked the ass-kicking equipment (melee weapon and armour) for my warrior-rabbit!

Everything else was rolled.


Delvers Company: Origins (Starting Soon!)
Red Team OOC| Blue Team OOC| Worldbuilding



Please can someone suggest improvements, I feel this is so basic.

Adventurer Info
NSFW Image
Name: Nasala
Race/Profession/Vibe: Human/???/Slut
Why Risk This?: The play. I mean, the pay is good
What's Your Drink Of Choice? Jaddaq, Triple Sec, ale is … no.
Interested In: This is mostly what YOU the player are interested in. This can include types of partners as well as kinks if you would like!
Brief Description: Nasala is sultry and full, with a skin that marks her as a dunes-folk.  Following the war of Bloody Wind, Nasala, along with others of her clan, was selected as tribute to the city state nobles.  Nasala found she liked the sex, and took advantage of the time to learn.

However, during the usual variety of noble bickerings, she found herself without a master or house. And took to adventuring.  She is certainly very happy with her current crew, even if they don't want to play with her as often as she would like.

While to outsiders she may seem exotic, her comrades know her as a shameless hedonist, fully enjoying the fruits of her body. Her willingness to put those fruits to use on anyone, or sometimes anything, that comes too close is also well known.

How Often Do You Elliquiy?: Daily


Quote from: Rashol on August 16, 2023, 07:39:02 AM
Please can someone suggest improvements, I feel this is so basic.

You might want to point out what kinks are her favorite and if she has any fetishes. (Yes, there is a difference between kinks and fetishes: kinks are things that people really like to feature when they have sex and fetishes are always required to get off. Kinks are merely things to feel better.)

All Fetishes are Kinks, but not all Kinks are Fetishes.

Further, you can say what kind of person she is: she is obviously lustful, so she might get in conflict with chaste people. But she could also be a diligent person, who works hard- this might make some good banter with Leenee, who is a lazy piece of work who occasionally works hard but generally hardly works.


Quote from: Opale on August 16, 2023, 07:26:46 AM

Would you mind rolling dices for me ?

Not at all! You also totally don't need to do character creation stuff now if you'd rather wait! I'll get some dice rolled a little later today! :)

Nasala looks lovely! Thank you, Rashol!
Delvers Company: Origins (Starting Soon!)
Red Team OOC| Blue Team OOC| Worldbuilding


No one's really clear where Serifa gets her money from, considering that she always seems to be at the bar, but she never seems to run out of it either. She's definitely happy to be lustful, though.

Laughing Hyena

Adventurer Info
Name: Lucia Vintners
Race/Profession/Vibe: Human/Squire/Sword Dancer
Why Risk This?: Fame, Fortune and to Start her own Vineyard.
What's Your Drink Of Choice? Mead, Red Moscato, Port Wine
Interested In: She is bisexual, with a kink for costumes and masquerade and sensual dancing. Cock worship, breastplay, anonymity and public sex is amongst her favorite fetishes. She may put on an air of reluctance but enough drinks make her loosen up considerably.
Brief Description: Formerly the daughter of a nameless farmer and wine maker, she was with aspirations of being a knight. With no hopes of wealth or nobility, the young lady's father found opportunity to change the stars of his daughter, in the former of a downtrodden knight.

Ser Ulrich was a knight that thrived on tournament winnings and he was without a squire after a series of poor perfornances. But hardship loves misery and during her squiredom, Ser Ulrich died from a fatal jousting accident. Despite her talent with a blade she is merely a squire in the eyes of nobility.
How Often Do You Elliquiy?: Daily


Quote from: Opale on August 16, 2023, 07:26:46 AM

Would you mind rolling dices for me ?
Okay! I got some rolls!

At this point, you can also decide to roll for equipment (although you can also wait if you'd like).  Equipment you roll a d20, d12, d10, d8, d6, and d4 split up however you'd like on the following tables.

Equipment and Food
Wealth and Valuables
Melee Weapons
Missile Weapons
Magical Trinkets
Heirlooms & Heritage

You can double up on tables, roll on all different tables, or however you want to handle it! The tables are set up so higher numbers are good, so use the larger dice for the stuff you care more about probably! Don't worry if you get some low rolls, things going bad is NOT a problem! It's a chance for growth (and sex!)

@Laughing Hyena, Lovely! Lucia looks great!
Delvers Company: Origins (Starting Soon!)
Red Team OOC| Blue Team OOC| Worldbuilding

Laughing Hyena

Adventurer Info
Name: Lucia Vintners
Race/Profession/Vibe: Human/Squire/Sword Dancer
Why Risk This?: Fame, Fortune and to Start her own Vineyard.
What's Your Drink Of Choice?: Mead, Red Moscato, Port Wine
Interested In: She is bisexual, with a kink for costumes and masquerade and sensual dancing. Cock worship, breastplay, anonymity and public sex is amongst her favorite fetishes. She may put on an air of reluctance but enough drinks make her loosen up considerably.
Brief Description: Formerly the daughter of a nameless farmer and wine maker, she was with aspirations of being a knight. With no hopes of wealth or nobility, the young lady's father found opportunity to change the stars of his daughter, in the former of a downtrodden knight.

Ser Ulrich was a knight that thrived on tournament winnings and he was without a squire after a series of poor perfornances. But hardship loves misery and during her squiredom, Ser Ulrich died from a fatal jousting accident. Despite her talent with a blade she is merely a squire in the eyes of nobility.
How Often Do You Elliquiy?: Daily.

STR: 12
INT: 8
WIS: 10
DEX: 12
CON: 11
CHR: 9

Hit Die: 2d8

Trait: Sword Dancer

Hp: 13

Martial Training: Hit Dice d8
Gain a Hit Die of the Type you have. 2d8


Bastard Sword d8 (d20 used; got 15 but picked the Sword for theme since the result is the same damage)
Scale Mail Δ8 (d12 used; got 11)
Handful of Goodberries (heal Δ4) (d10 used; got 4)
Handful of Goodberries (heal Δ4) (d8 used; got 4 again)
Good Luck Charm from Father (d6 used; got 1)
Half a map to… treasure maybe? Hard to say until you find the other part. (d4 used; got 3)


Thanks for the rolls Nastara :)
Included into the character sheet.


These characters look real nice already; I can't wait to get started!


I still haven't picked a 'class' half. I have no idea.

Laughing Hyena


Horny bard memes exist for a reason: it's a trope that keeps on giving. But otherwise, maybe a priestess of a horny god(dess) or something, that might also work out!


At the moment I'm thinking sorceress or priestess. Though as you said Horny Bard is always an option.

I'm thinking Priestess of Layyitina


If Layyitina's vibes are 'go and party', Leenee is already going to be in her good graces.~


Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide
Lay it in her..
I think you ca call that a yes.


You can try to think of what trait or traits you want to give her and that could help to inform you about the class.


I appreciate the advice, usually when I have such a broad choice of traits, I end up with choice paralysis. It's why I can usually fill out a DND chart up to the point of picking feats. And then I usually give up.

Laughing Hyena


Yeah sorry about that. But I do appreciate all the help you gave me to get started.


Quote from: Rashol on August 17, 2023, 10:36:15 AM
I appreciate the advice, usually when I have such a broad choice of traits, I end up with choice paralysis.

I know how that feels. I do hope you'll end up with a great character, despite this obstacle!

Laughing Hyena

Maybe healing and fire magic are on the table for said perverted priestess... or seductive sorceress


Hey! Sorry for being a little quiet! Had a busy day!

It looks like a lot of the questions got answered through this!

In terms of deciding what you do, one thing you COULD always do is take a rolling approach! If you roll stats in order, that probably will give an idea of what kinds of character vibe you're going for and then build off of that! Whatever most interests you!

Remember also that full character creation isn't necessary, just getting vibes!

@Laughing Hyena, Ooooo, half a map! Curious!
Delvers Company: Origins (Starting Soon!)
Red Team OOC| Blue Team OOC| Worldbuilding

Laughing Hyena

By the way I rolled the same object twice. So what's that mean? Should I reroll?


You know, totally up to you! In general for the rules of the game, I believe you'd just get it twice. But I'm legitimately not too worried about balance or rules or whatever; right? Like we're here to have a good time!

If it interests you to have SO MANY GOODBERRIES, heck yeah! You've got a ton of goodberries! If not, then totally feel free to reroll! :)
Delvers Company: Origins (Starting Soon!)
Red Team OOC| Blue Team OOC| Worldbuilding


Quote from: Nastara on August 17, 2023, 12:35:38 PM
In terms of deciding what you do, one thing you COULD always do is take a rolling approach! If you roll stats in order, that probably will give an idea of what kinds of character vibe you're going for and then build off of that.

I should have done that .. first. But I'm on this road now.. if I change this direction, I might have to completely rebuild the character.


Delvers Company: Origins (Starting Soon!)
Red Team OOC| Blue Team OOC| Worldbuilding


Having fun is the name of the game, after all!~

I can't wait to see what kind of shenanigans are waiting for us.


Quote from: Laughing Hyena on August 17, 2023, 11:25:00 AM
Maybe healing and fire magic are on the table for said perverted priestess... or seductive sorceress
At least one healing spell is. Either magic tongue. (She licks your injuries closed, and maybe just licks you around a little bit more) or an adaptation of lewd books mother's milk. She enchants herself to lactate healing potion, and you drink it, "from the tap" if the second option, she's exploring for a way to make it permanent

Laughing Hyena

Hmm. I was thinking her healing magic is concentrated warmth and massage. And it works better with physical pleasure.thus give you more freedom in applying the ritual... or how strong the side effect might be for you. Thinking healslut approach where the magic arouses her. Of course this limits her use in battle obviously but that would be a good drawback.


But there also wouldn't be a lot of scope for it in play since the premise is hit as many bars as possible as fast as possible. So there won't be a lot of room for a leisurely healing massage


There will definitely be opportunities for some downtime between crawls!  Definitely a big part of this will be having opportunities to have plenty of sexy times together!
Delvers Company: Origins (Starting Soon!)
Red Team OOC| Blue Team OOC| Worldbuilding

Laughing Hyena

True enough. Maybe she has a quicker version where she deep kisses a person during a fight that is knee shakingly pleasant?


By the way, Nastara, if you want to veto anything on my sheet, please let me know before we begin the game.

I'd like my character to be resistant to magic in all forms, which is pretty much a two-sided sword...


I was toying with the idea of the kiss version being able to reduce the level of intoxication in the target by one, but increases her intoxication by one

However, since I only get two spells, I'm not sure having two healing spells was a good idea. Even if she's not an "adventure mode" character


Quote from: inkybus on August 17, 2023, 02:30:33 PM
I'd like my character to be resistant to magic in all forms, which is pretty much a two-sided sword...
Spoilsport ;)


Quote from: Rashol on August 17, 2023, 02:34:43 PM
Spoilsport ;)

People are just going to have to try to get in her good graces some other ways, instead of attempting something like a magic roofie, is all.~

Laughing Hyena

Okay so second spell isn't healing magic so it might be fire magic as I mention because both passion and anger run hot. Heck you could have the fire magic be warming when passions are high and destructive when anger boils.

Or could just do a fire bolt (or fire whip) for practicality.


Thematically, basically what I was thinking. Jealous lovers glare. Concentrated resentment and jealousy of rivals and spouses across the ages. Sometimes called the Smoking Boots Look



Hey! The way I always do things is to set a recruitment, make a timeline as I see level of interest, and then cut it off when it seems like interest is in and done!

I think current estimate for closing is Tuesday! I'll then pick the team that looks like it has the best fit (vibe, kinks, etc).
Delvers Company: Origins (Starting Soon!)
Red Team OOC| Blue Team OOC| Worldbuilding


Quote from: Nastara on August 17, 2023, 04:09:04 PM
Hey! The way I always do things is to set a recruitment, make a timeline as I see level of interest, and then cut it off when it seems like interest is in and done!

I think current estimate for closing is Tuesday! I'll then pick the team that looks like it has the best fit (vibe, kinks, etc).


I can certainly make a character that will fit with the theme of the game, that is no problem.  What kind of pairings are you thinking will happen?  Will be it be mainly humans, elves, etc. - or will there be some strange and exotic partners as well?


I'm sure both! I can't go far without getting strange and exotic partners involved!

The core setting doesn't define the character species of most of the characters in it, so I'll probably play by ear, follow player kinks, etc!
Delvers Company: Origins (Starting Soon!)
Red Team OOC| Blue Team OOC| Worldbuilding


Adventurer Info
Name: Serena
Race/Profession/Vibe: Elf/Noble Wizard/Curious and Playful
Why Risk This?: She is looking to spice up her drab life
What's Your Drink Of Choice? Flavorful fruity drinks
Interested In: Monster Sex :P  Breast play, vaginal, oral, cream pies, oviposation, unusual semen. Serena will be submissive and a bit curious about everything.  (Human sex is fine as well, so no worries there, and I suspect you will have no issues getting her to enjoy some crazy partners :P )  I am fine with male or female partners, though with women, I usually like them as an addition to when there is already a male involved.  I am very much not interested in anal or lactation.
Brief Description: Serena is a proud, haughty and aloof royal of elven lineage.  Her magic powers are quite formidable and she has used her abilities in battles against orcs and the like over her years.  Recently, she had set off in search of a demon cult that had been intent on using some horrible magic that could have had unimaginable consequences.  She was successful in stopping them, making off with an artifact they needed, a large, black jewel that contained demonic powers.  Though, the fight was taxing, her magical staff and her spellbook being destroyed in the process - leaving her with only a few magic powers she has memorized.

She arrived in the city a few days ago, and was intent on purchasing passage back to her homelands so the artifact she carried could be destroyed or locked away.  But, something happened she did not intend...the magic of the black jewel had worked its way into her mind, altering her personality and desires.  Serena found herself not caring about responsibilities so much, and being lured by the colors and noises of the Raves Of Chaos Festival.  After all, she never really stopped to have fun with all the strict noble codes she followed.  When she heard about the reward for finding the Monarch's cure, she giggled and jumped at the chance...seeing it as an excuse to have some fun, experiment, and make enough coin to enjoy herself should she succeed.
How Often Do You Elliquiy?: Daily

STR:   9
DEX:   9
CON:  11
INT:   16
WIS:  10
CHA:  13

Trait: Occult Knowledge

Hit Die: d6

Magic Training: Detect Evil, Magic Bolt
Magic Training: Levitate, Invisibility

Hit Points: 4

Heirlooms & Heritage d20
18. Divine blood, no magical powers. You are very special to some cults though.

Equipment & Food d12 and then a d6
1. Bread and ham Δ4, ragged cloth bag, sock filled with pebbles.
5. Liver and pepper sausage Δ4, torches Δ6, grave robber's tools Δ8, iron spikes Δ6.

Magical Trinkets d10
3. Primitive bronze statuette (Δ4 R.)

Wealth and Valuables d8 and then a d4
7. Stack of coded letters, bag of silver Δ4
2: Bag of long, rusty nails


Delvers Company: Origins (Starting Soon!)
Red Team OOC| Blue Team OOC| Worldbuilding


Quote from: Nastara on August 17, 2023, 05:55:22 PM
Lovely! Serna looks great!

Glad you like her.  That image just inspired the character when I came across it.


Same for me! I was pretty sure I wanted a goblin, but that image was just perfect!

Laughing Hyena



I did modify my character post - I went through the creation process, and yes, it was pretty fast and simple.


I'm such a dork for random equipment tables, I could roll them all freaking day.

I'm SUPER excited for this! It's gonna be a fun game!
Delvers Company: Origins (Starting Soon!)
Red Team OOC| Blue Team OOC| Worldbuilding


I'm holding everyone up again.
Perhaps I should just randomly roll everything.



Quote from: c0i9z on August 17, 2023, 11:29:47 PM
Well, you're not, since selection is Tuesday.

That confused me as well.  The thread was posted on Monday, and said it was open until Tuesday. :P  It just so happened it is open for 8 days, not 1!


Adventurer Info
Name: Nasala
Race/Profession/Vibe: Human/Priestess/Slut
Why Risk This?: The play. I mean, the pay is good
What's Your Drink Of Choice? Jaddaq, Triple Sec, ale is … no.
Interested In: Submissive play, multiple partners, male and female (even futa if it comes up) partners, breast play, gentle and rough sex, some transformation, oral play lots of others.
BIG TURN OFF: Toilet/bathroom/scat play, vore, guro.
Brief Description: Nasala is sultry and full, with a skin that marks her as a dunes-folk.  Following the war of Bloody Wind, Nasala, along with others of her clan, was selected as tribute to the city state nobles.  Nasala found she liked the sex, and took advantage of the time to learn.

One of the things she learned was the existence of the Cult of Layyitina, a cult that worshipped all the things she was happy about anyway.  They taught her how to use her natural libido, how to channel it for her goddess' divine blessings.

During the usual variety of noble bickerings, she found herself without a master or house. Her cult, a natural refuge, also seemed to have disappeared, leaving her without a social circle.

So she took to adventuring. She is certainly very happy with her current crew, even if they don't want to play with her as often as she would like.

While to outsiders she may seem exotic, her comrades know her as a shameless hedonist, fully enjoying the fruits of her body. Her willingness to put those fruits to use on anyone, or sometimes anything, that comes too close is also well known.

How Often Do You Elliquiy?: Daily


Magical training: "Therapeutic" Massage.  Channel healing energious in a luscious naked full body massage. Restore d6 hp to target. If the massage is curtailed d4; only a small area of skin can be reached 1

Jealous Lovers Glare:  channel the righteous wrath of jealous lovers everywhere into an invisible burning gaze. D6 hp damage to target


Hd: d6
Hp: 1

Faith d20 13 In believe I Chaos
Heritage d12 6 Mom's sword
Trinkets d10 5 Jar of demisaint
Equipment and Food d8 1 bread and ham
Wealth and Valuables d6 2 bag of rusty nails
Equipment and food d4 2 dry biscuits and nuts

Well I got further. But I don't think it's going to matter. I'll just have to try and have fun playing her. Because I won't be succeeding at anything. Missing 1 trait. No idea


Do I need to roll for equipment before we start ?
If so, could you please roll for me again Nastara ? Sorry for this, but can't do much at work :p


Quote from: Opale on August 18, 2023, 01:23:07 AM
Do I need to roll for equipment before we start ?

You can choose to select equipment if you want, or roll for it. It is up to you.

You will certainly have to write up a trait and which option you choose with regards to special training, additional hit die and so on.


I'm not sure what to pick for my last option. Maybe I should just roll it. I'm not sure anything is going to materially help me with system challenges with my current "luck"


Quote from: Rashol on August 18, 2023, 06:08:00 AM
I'm not sure what to pick for my last option. Maybe I should just roll it. I'm not sure anything is going to materially help me with system challenges with my current "luck"

Everything I read about our Game Mistress indicates that she wants players to have fun: you can just choose what you want your character to be like and what they have, within reason. And I believe Nastara will send you a quick message in case anything needs straightening out or warping to fit the world she's got in mind.

You can do it, I am sure!

Laughing Hyena

Quote from: Rashol on August 18, 2023, 06:08:00 AM
I'm not sure what to pick for my last option. Maybe I should just roll it. I'm not sure anything is going to materially help me with system challenges with my current "luck"

Also she did a lso mention rerouting if your stats make  things not fun. I'd say having as ll stats less than then and hp is at 1 counts as a reroll


Partly thinking:
Special Trait: Erotic Experience or Erotic Training. Still thinking of the name.

Laughing Hyena



I see there's a bunch of activity today! I took a QUICK glance and super briefly, I don't want anyone to stress about stats, rolls, or whatever! We can solve things together :) We have plenty of time to work things out!

Later today, I'll come back and answer more helpfully, but for now I just want to offer that all will be good!
Delvers Company: Origins (Starting Soon!)
Red Team OOC| Blue Team OOC| Worldbuilding


I don't mind chaos. After all, bedroom life can be chaos. But can I choose my faith instead of rolling it, Evennif it's not on the table?


Hell yeah, you can! All of this is starting points! :) The goal isn't for people to be forced into playing things they don't want!

Those are some pretty low rolls, Rachol, if you're like "Hell yeah, let's go!" then you're all good! You'll take a lot of misses early, but misses lead to chaotic things and problems, which is fun, AND one way to "level up" is gonna be lots of losing! If you'd like to reroll, feel free!

I don't think there's like a wrong way to play, we're gonna be having fun :) If it feels not fun, talk to me, and we will fix things!

@Opale, you don't need to roll for equipment now but you can! I'll roll you a set of dice a little later (currently in a real pub crawl or I'd do it now!)! Do you know what you want to use each dice for?
Delvers Company: Origins (Starting Soon!)
Red Team OOC| Blue Team OOC| Worldbuilding


That's fine. I'll change my deity. And I'll stick with my rolls.


You might find me blonde, but I didn't find the page to use al lthose dice rolls, so I have no clue on what to do with those.

Laughing Hyena

First post of this thread has a table you use for equipment, magic items and heirlooms, using the dice or your own discretion to pick and choose equipment.



Not your fault at all! I've been a little slapdash in setting things up in clear ways! :)
Delvers Company: Origins (Starting Soon!)
Red Team OOC| Blue Team OOC| Worldbuilding


Just want to call out, if anyone has been looking and considering applying but hasn't yet, try to get in by 8/22! I'll be trying to send out invites 8/23
If you need more time (like if you find this just now and can't get a char together in time) please comment in the thread so I can know to extend the end a day or two.

We will have an OOC set up this week though!
Delvers Company: Origins (Starting Soon!)
Red Team OOC| Blue Team OOC| Worldbuilding


I am quite happy with Serena and looking forward to playing her - no changes needed on my end.



I'll chime in and ready up for the game. The hype train is picking up steam!

Edit: It begins!


Hey! Sorry for the delay all! I got swallowed by RL for a couple of days! I anticipate getting invites sent out tomorrow or Sunday! :)
Delvers Company: Origins (Starting Soon!)
Red Team OOC| Blue Team OOC| Worldbuilding



Apologies for the delay, I keep getting stuck at work!

Tomorrow, guaranteed, invites will go out! Thank you so much for your patience all!!
Delvers Company: Origins (Starting Soon!)
Red Team OOC| Blue Team OOC| Worldbuilding


Sounds good, and it is also nice to see dungeon, streamers resume!



Good afternoon all!

I have just sent out invites for the game! My apologies for keeping you waiting!

Please understand that I mean no personal offense if things didn't line up. There will always be more games and I hope to play with all of you one day! :D
Delvers Company: Origins (Starting Soon!)
Red Team OOC| Blue Team OOC| Worldbuilding