Looking for a Female Teacher to Dom some Siblings

Started by WonderousLight, August 09, 2012, 09:26:45 PM

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Hi! I hope you've stumbled here because you're interested in my idea. So, I currently have myself as the brother and angelic traces as the sister. We currently have a background rp going that will connect to this one, but we can definitely set this one up. :)

Here's the idea: I was thinking maybe the two have classes with the same teacher/professor (depending on their ages) and she threatens them with something (failure, lying to get them in trouble with administration...) unless they do what she wants. At first it could be that they please her, but then she makes them begin to get frisky with each other. They could either be okay with it before hand (like prior exploration) or completely against it but grow to like it. There's so much to do with this one.

You can send one or both of us a PM to discuss it more. Thank you!