Naked in School

Started by Haibane, November 17, 2011, 06:21:47 AM

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Winds Of Lust

My this sounds like fun! I am a Bisexual Switch, so this is right up my ally, one day in position of power and the next striped of it ( and my cloths )

If it's not filled up I'd be interested in joining. While I'm fine making a Japanese character, would it also be possible to be playing a exchange student?


this is starting to look really cool, I'm glad my character works for you :3


I've fixed it as best I can. If you see any more problems, then I'll fix them.


TheManPerson, Isabelle, Artemis - all your characters are now looking good. Thank you sooo much for the changes. *hugs all round* Accepted!

WindsOfLust - thank you very much for showing an interest. I have just asked a couple of players to convert from half-Japanese characters to fully Japanese ones so in fairness to them and others I think it is best if we all play Japanese characters. Is that a problem for you?

Winds Of Lust

No problem at all, it just never hurts to ask. I always like playing 'Exotic Characters' ( at least exotic for the setting in this case ) so I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask.

Anywho, I'll get to work on the character.


It's no problem! I'm really looking forward to this. :D

But I certainly wouldn't want it to happen to me at College. And if this ever does happen, I'm denying it. I don't care what they do.


We have 4 girls and 2 boys confirmed as characters, I'll be adding 1 more of each.

With 7 characters I would have only 1 couple naked initially. If we get more players/characters I will split the cast into 2 classes (its so far looking like a 1st year and a 2nd year class) with 4 characters naked. Once we have played about a full school day I play to switch the enforced nude characters over. The original stories had students naked for a week but in my experience it would take so long to RP such a length of time that its fair to all to work through just one day for each student.

Just a final check to see who else is interested - TWILIGHT GEMINI, ARLYN, WINDS OF LUST, AEMYRIS, VISNA - are you still interested? If so please create a character.

Thank you.


If we were following the original setting of the stories and it wasn't a Japanese setting I'd be in, but the Japanese school setting has never appealed to me.

Hope this RP is fun!!
Never back down, never look back.

How to make love to the Dark

Bloody Rose


Definitely still interested. My character is ready up there :)


I'll hold off for now. Thanksgiving is coming and I'll be very busy. If you still need somebody after that, I'll join. :) Don't want to fall behind at the start though. My apologies!


I am interested.  I have some time tonight, finally, so I can see about finding a pic to go with a character to be made.  I should have him up within a few hours.


I'm waiting for the character thread to be set up. In the meanwhile I'll try to look for a pic that suits my character better :)

EDIT: Found the pic :P


Glad you did.  I haven't had much luck finding a decent one yet.


so, when you make the IC thread you'll link it right?   ;)


Quote from: Arlyn on November 21, 2011, 09:52:19 PM
Glad you did.  I haven't had much luck finding a decent one yet.

try adding the keyword: Cosplay XD


Player Name: Arlyn
Character Name: Mizaru Isao
Age: 16 (first year)
Statistics: 5'7", 133lbs (roughly 60kg)
Sexual Preferences: Straight, switch.  Is intrigued by the notion of tying up a girl or playing with one in public, but not to any extremes or without consent.
Appearance:  Short black hair, typically clean-shaven or at least well trimmed around the chin.  Brown eyes, and needs to wear glasses (near-sighted) to clearly see anything in the distance.  No tattoos or any real distinguishing characteristics, other than the birth mark that looks a little like the shape of Italy on his right thigh. 
Personality: The nice guy who rarely wins and most gals would prefer to be friends with.  Need a few yen to get something to eat or drink?  He'd be willing to help, if he can be sure to get the money back sometime in the future.  He's not gullible and has some issues relaxing his guard around people he doesn't know, which even he thinks is strange since he likes to be around people from time to time.  Though he gets decent grades, he's not at the top of the class by any means (but can usually be considered the fourth or fifth person with the highest grades, most of the time).
Preference for being selected for The Program: No preference


OOC thread here for everyone who has had a character approved.

Arlyn - Mizaru is approved. Welcome to the game.


I'd like to register an interest. But a few questions. Have we decided on how distopian it will be? because my preferance leans towards darker. Also would it be possible to play a japanese citezen of western background. So english featurally but with full knowledge of japanese culture/language/customs etc?

Neither are really no deals if i cant, would just improve my enjoyment. I would be heterosexual male dom. As they seem in shorter supply


Hi Red Doctor

As I said earlier in the thread, how dystopian it goes or how utopian it goes is up to the players, I have no preference either way and I thought it might make an interesting RPing experiment to allow the cast of characters to drive the game where they will. So if players want it "light and fluffy" it'll go that way, if someone wants it dark, they'll have to deploy their RPing skills to try to bend it in a darker direction.

The game will start on the premise that this Program is a good, positive thing, so it begins light and fluffy and innocent. After that, its a live RPing situation without GM influence. All I will do as GM is correct and watch for technical and consistency problems and players trying to god-mode or 'force' a situation to go a certain way other then by force of character. That is, you can't claim something has pre-existed where it hasn't, for example; "I came from a school where the naked Program students were all raped and enslaved so we can do the same here", type logic. I won't allow that.

I have put the OOC thread in the NC section of the site and will have the IC thread(s) there too. I think I'd prefer to avoid extreme themes for this game, but NC is certainly a possibility.

As no-one is playing an authority figure, but these will be utilized for different scenes as NPCs (and we'll slowly build up a cast or library of NPCs for anyone to draw upon) it won't be possible for someone to simply play a teacher and order a naked student to do things that are pretty far out there right away. The Natural Sexuality Act governs The Program and you can see from that document and its rules and guidelines that the Naked in School Program is designed to protect naked students to quite some degree and hopefully help them learn a good deal about sex and their bodies.

However... it is up to the players to take that framework of Program rules and push the envelope - see what they can get away with if they wish. So if you want it darker, you'll have to work the system IC, somehow to make it go darker. If a player you're playing opposite wants that too, then dark it will go. However if a player prefers it lighter, your character will run into resistance. If, say, your character asks to use a dildo on a naked student, or whack them with a ruler, its up to that student to say yes or no. How your char responds to that also works IC, and you might find that taking things too dark too quickly gets students in serious trouble, however if its well organised (by a gang of characters?) it might well be possible to end up with a series of bound naked fuck-toys available for anyone to abuse who were originally happy carefree stydents a few days previously!

Does that help?

I'm really hoping players will get the hang of this quite quickly and we'll see some interesting role-playing going on. The Program fun will be set against a vanilla high school background where players are also free to form friendships, romances and get up to any kinds of tricks or misbehaving.

As I said before, I would prefer wholly Japanese characters since I have already turned down pretty much every variation of foreign student, exchange student and mixed race students and it would not be fair on the other players who wanted such roles to let you play one.

Bloody Rose

do you need someone to help you run this?


Thanks, i'll put sone thought into whether or not I want to apply :) and what sort of char i want. Are there still quite a few places?


Yes, places are not limited. We have 5 girls and 4 boys ATM (including one of each that I'll be playing and which I've not finished making yet).

It's looking like we'll run two "classes", one 1st years (aged 16) and one 2nd years (aged 17), so maybe 4 of the students will be in the Program at any one time.

Zarazel, thanks for the offer but I think I'm okay.


Is the program newly instituted? Or will the later years have had some experience with it already? Also, its not worth me making a third year then? As its all first and second atm. Lol it will be a very lonely class of one and I would want my char to have a chance to interact with a reasonable number of people.


While a 3rd year would indeed be a problem, how about a student who was kept back one year, so he is 18 but in a class of 17 year olds. He would still then legitimately be called "sempai" and be senior, in a way. Or - if you felt like being evil, you could have him argue that he's a senior, even though he's technically not (in terms of which year he's attending).

I was thinking of making the Program newly instituted, as in now is the first time. I think players would probably prefer that as regards shock and humiliation value. Unless there's a groundswell of opinion in the OOC and a majority want the Program to have been going on some time, at least several months. This fact could impact quite heavily on the mood of the game... so... actually, as I've typed this I've decided to put it to a vote.