Looking for a Pathfinder 3.5 DM! (Could be NC-E)

Started by PhantomPistoleer, March 22, 2009, 03:40:35 PM

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Hi!  I don't think I'll receive much of a response for this, but it's worth a try.

I'm looking for a GM to run D&D campaigns utilizing Pathfinder Character Creation rules.  If you do not possess Pathfinder Character Creation rules, but would consider running a game, please download the free PDF at www.paizo.com and check those bad ass rules out.

The world doesn't really matter; it could be Forgotten Realms, Greyhawk, Ravenloft, etc.  I really enjoy doing dungeon work, and so would prefer if a lot of the action occurred in damp, dark spaces with tons of traps.  Also, I would ask that the characters be permitted to function on two different timelines:  work time and down time.  Work time would be when we're interacting with the GM, but downtime would be when we're interacting with one another and GM creatures.  When I say downtime, I naturally mean screwing (or something sexual).

I prefer starting at a low level with a 32-point buy.  If the campaign allowed for gestalt characters with slower XP gains, that would be ideal.  I would prefer to play a well-rounded 1st level gestalt character than to play a 10th level gestalt character.  Don't ask me why.  Nevertheless, I would ask the potential GM to allow only level 1-to-3 characters.  Also, if the campaign allowed for higher leveled races, that would be fantastic;  I am not fond of playing as drows, celestials, etc., but I enjoy 'playing' with them.

Thanks for at least taking the time to look over this!  ^^
Always seeking 5E games.