interest check: The Lore [NC-E,NC-H]( need girls,furiae,feys,witches etc)

Started by Duchess, April 11, 2009, 04:02:17 PM

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The Game:

The Lore: The Accession [OOC]
The Lore: The Accession [CharacterSheet]

Every creature or being that was thought to be mythical . . . isnt.

They all secretly exist alongside humans and enjoy the gift of immortality. There are hundreds of different kinds: from Vampires to Lykae, from Furies to Shifters, from the Fey to Valkyries.

These immortals call their world
The Lore.

" and those sentient creatures that are not human shall be united in one stratum, coexisting with, yet secret from, mans."

The Accession

"And a time shall pass that all immortal beings in the Lore, from the strongest Valkyrie, vampire, and Lykae factions, to the phantoms, shifters, fairies, sirens  must fight and destroy each other."

    * A kind of mystical checks-and-balances system for an ever-growing population of immortals.
    * Occurs every five hundred years. Or right now 

The Vessel

"To be chosen is to be doomed "

    * At the cusp of each Accession, a chosen female will beget a child who will become a warrior of either ultimate evil or of ultimate gooddepending upon the father.
    * Of the last seven Vessels, six have spawned evil.
    * Some factions seek to assassinate the Vessel to prevent any birth. Others battle to possess her and control her offspring.

Gaia all her life have felt as if she doesnt belong , nothing her friends at school interested her. Her inner curiosity with the magical world had slowly draw her away form her friends and family, until it was time to move on her own when she made twenty one years old. strangest things started to happen, creatures she never imagine to see , where following her. Screams of terror distracting her peaceful sleep.

GaiaGaiacome back home

A soft melodically voice calling out for her but to her surprise it appears to be coming out of the mirror. The most beautiful female creature shining in bright silver light was calling her. Who she was, she did not know but couldnt deny the resemblance to her own picture.

The reflection didnt last long and soon she disappeared, Gaia stood there speechless staring at her own reflection. Did she just saw what she thought?

Gaia with out knowing is the daughter of Mariketa the Awaited, hidden because of the death treat hanging over her head, but now it was the time again for a vessel to be chosen.  a vessel to decide the destiny of the Lore. her mother had  foreseen her destiny as the vessel but not only she, many powerful creatures good and evil too.

a treacherous and grueling scavenger hunt for the most wanted magical amulet has begun.

disclaimer: these where created by the author Kresley Cole
if you haven't read the books its ok, this will not be a whole fanfic but we will just use original characters but they will have to fall under the one of the different  distinctions in their own world


It certainly sounds intriguing...  A lot of the sects sound terribly similar to one another, but there's still enough variety to keep me interested.

Duchess all plays in a modern world ,right in between humans who don't have the slightest idea about their existence.

but none can stand each other or they will form alliances to take down an other clan..who knows..

all want the same extinguish the other race..


So wait, each individual sect uniformly despises the others?  How will this work out in the context of the roleplay?  Are you going to choose one sect to have players choose, or is everyone free to decide which group their character is from?  If so, what if someone chooses a group and no one else joins them?


it dont have to be a group of people ...each clan give your character a background.
meaning there can be only one person in a sect  with NPC to keep it running.

and the reason of the fuse is that every one want to be the top and the strongest. and they will use any medium to call the other one out. from kidnapping brides, to stealing others sorcery, or vessels.

if we get more people i will add the plot, just was looking if anybody would be interested in playing with these sects.


added a plot to it..maybe it will help now


creatures you can chose from to create your character:

The Valkyrie

"When a maiden warrior screams for courage as she dies in battle, Wóden and Freya heed her call. The two gods give up lightning to strike her, rescuing her to their hall, and preserving her courage forever in the form of the maiden’s immortal Valkyrie daughter."

    * Take sustenance from the electrical energy of the earth, sharing it in one collective power, and give it back with their emotions in the form of lightning.
    * Possess preternatural strength and speed.
    * Without training, they can be mesmerized by shining objects and jewels.

The Lykae Clan

"A proud, strapping warrior of the Keltoi People (or Hidden People, later known as Celts) was taken in his prime by a maddened wolf. The warrior rose from the dead, now an immortal, with the spirit of the beast latent within him. He displayed the wolf’s traits: the need for touch, an intense loyalty to its kind, an animal craving for the delights of the flesh. Sometimes the beast rises …"

    * Also called werewolves, war-wolds.
    * Enemies of the Horde.

The Vampires

    * Two warring factions, the Vampire Horde and the Forbearer Army.
    * Each vampire seeks his Bride, his eternal wife, and walks as the living dead until he finds her.
    * A Bride will render his body fully alive, giving him breath and making his heart beat, a process known as blooding.
    * Tracing is teleporting, the vampire’s means of travel. A vampire can only trace to destinations he’s previously been.
    * The Fallen are vampires who have killed by drinking a victim to death. Distinguished by their red eyes.

The Horde

In the first chaos of the Lore, a brotherhood of vampires dominated, by relying on their cold nature, worship of logic, and absence of mercy. They sprang from the harsh steppes of Dacia and migrated to Russia, though some say a secret enclave, the Daci, live in Dacia still."

    * Their ranks are comprised of the Fallen.
    * Enemies of most factions in the Lore.

The Forbearers

" … his crown stolen, Kristoff, the rightful Horde king, stalked the battlefields of antiquity seeking the strongest, most valiant human warriors as they died, earning him the name of Gravewalker. He offered eternal life in exchange for eternal fealty to him and his growing army."

    * An army of vampires consisting of turned humans, who do not drink blood directly from the flesh.
    * Kristoff was raised as a human and then lived among them. He and his army know little of the Lore.
    * Enemies of the Horde.

The Demonarchies

"The demons are as varied as the bands of man …"

    * A collection of demon dynasties.
    * Most demon breeds can trace like vampires. Some breeds are bound to obey summons.
    * Those that can emit poison from their fangs, horns, or claws are more vulnerable to others’ poison.
    * Many demon breeds must have intercourse with a potential mate to ascertain if she’s truly his—a process known as attempting.

The House of Witches

"… immortal possessors of magickal talents, practitioners of good and evil."

    * Mystical mercenaries who sell their spells.
    * Strictly forbidden to create personal wealth or grant immortality.
    * Separated into five castes: warrior, healer, enchantress, conjurer, and seeress.
    * The only witch known to possess the powers of all five castes is Mariketa the Awaited.

The Sept of Sorceri

"The Sept forever seek and covet others’ powers, challenging and dueling to seize more—or more darkly, stealing another’s sorcery…"

    * A breed-line broken from the enchantment caste of the House of Witches.
    * Born with one innate power, their root power. If they lose it, they become slaves to their own kind called Inferi. They can trade and steal secondary powers.
    * One of the physically weaker species in the Lore, they used elaborate armors to protect their bodies. Eventually they held metals—and especially gold—sacred.

The Furiae

"If you do evil, beg for punishment—before they come… "

    * Ruthless she-warriors bent on delivering justice to evil men when they escape it elsewhere.
    * Led by Alecta the Unyielding One.

The Berserkers

"A berserker's lonely life is filled with naught but battle rage and bloodlust… "

    * A cadre of warriors (most of them mortal) who swore allegiance to Wóden, known for their merciless brutality.
    * One of the few human orders to be recognized and accepted by the Lore.
    * Able to conjure the spirit of the bear, and channel its ferocity.

The Sirenae

"Near the sea’s edge, beware the siren’s song…"

    * A female species of immortals, they can permanently mesmerize and enslave males who hear their singing.
    * Derive power from the sea and can’t be away from it for more than one cycle of the moon.


"Corpse-eaters insatiable for flesh, ravenous for blood. They feed and feed, but can never be sated."

    * Found in the boreal forests of cold and northern lands.
    * Distinguishable by their long, knifelike claws, and bodies that are forever emaciated.
    * Will dig up graves for flesh.

The Wraiths

"… their origin unknown, their presence chilling."

    * Spectral, howling beings. Undefeatable and, for the most part, uncontrollable.
    * Also called the Ancient Scourge

The Vessel

"To be chosen is to be doomed …"

    * At the cusp of each Accession, a chosen female will beget a child who will become a warrior of either ultimate evil or of ultimate good—depending upon the father.
    * Of the last seven Vessels, six have spawned evil.
    * Some factions seek to assassinate the Vessel to prevent any birth. Others battle to possess her and control her offspring. 


"The dead robbed of eternal rest, forced to serve a dark master . . ."

    * A corpse raised from the grave and reanimated, most often by a sorcerer or necromancer, who controls it.
    * Can’t be slain until the one who commands it is killed.

The Kobolds

"When eyes are on them, winsome they seem. Eyes away, and you can’t imagine what they become."

    * Gnomelike creatures that dwell in mines. The name of the capricious and dangerous mined element cobalt is derived from this species.

The Ghouls

"Even immortals beware its bite …"

    * Humans turned savage monsters, with glowing green skin, yellow eyes, and contagious bites and scratches.
    * Their imperative is to increase their number by contagion.
    * They’re said to travel in troops.

The Turning

"Only through death can one become an ‘other.’"

    * Some beings, like the Lykae, vampires, and ghouls, can turn a human or even other Lore creatures into their kind through differing means, but the catalyst for change is always death, and success is not guaranteed.


This does sound interesting.

If I'm understanding right, players of different groups would basically be fighting over who gets to impregnate the vessel...or kill her depending on their goal...right?


or control her and the child to deciding who will win good or evil.

i want this dark and epic...evil as evil  and good as good


Dark and evil are good...I like dark and evil.

I would likely play as a Lykae, I've always loved werewolves and oddly have not gotten the chance to RP one yet.


great...i hope more people  into this ....


Me too...

How many people are you hoping to have?


dont need all the sects just few to start with and the rest can come after.


okies..added  place for the characters and OOC discusion

other people that want to jump in ask questions in OOC


need more people interested..very interesting choices available


last call to join till tommorow, after if t want to join pm me

