What Is The Color Of The Universe? **MXM**

Started by Tenshimi, January 26, 2018, 07:13:14 PM

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About Me, Tenshimi.

- My real name isn't important so please feel free to call me Tenshimi or Ten.
- I am a female writing who writes as both male and female gendered characters, my pronouns are She/Her.
- I do have a lovely partner who does tend to take up a bit of my time, so I can't promise daily replies.
- I reply from my phone and computer, my phone replies aren't always shorter than my computer typed ones, but misspells are more likely to happen. I try to catch them.
- I have sick/dark humor, be warned.

My General Rules.

- Be polite and respectful towards me.
- Don't pester me with replies. I'm impatient, but I don't do anything about it, I just click fresh ten times a second. I'll only poke you when it's been a week.
- I like friends, but I don't like perverts/flirts. I am happily taken, you can scurry back to a different site.
- If we ever talk OOC then if I cross any line then please directly tell me to take it back.

My O/O's
Please take a quick look at this before going any further, I don't want any lines crossed between us.


Roleplay Plot Bunnies!

Mc= Colored/Bold


Looking for Top Role.

Whatever Lucifer touches catches on fire, burning to it's death. It could be the grass, the trees, a bird. It's anything his body comes into contact with, but the world above is too beautiful for him to ignore, so he still comes. He has taken a 'vacation' home in a beautiful forest filled with magic and fantasy creatures, a home of Mother Nature herself. Lucifer has made scorched steps in her land, and only there does he continue to walk, following his steps and never straying from them.

A human of a pure heart often visits the forest, a special boy who can see the faeries that flutter around and the white immortal stag. He has even seen Mother Nature, given a blessing to come into her home and enjoy the land. Though, Mother Nature has payed special attention to how close he and Lucifer became, always guiding him another way when he got too close to the lord of hell. Such purity she wanted to save.

Though, one day he finds one of his steps. Humans... curious creatures they were. Now that he was all grown up she allowed the boy to follow them. His foot stepped next to each burned bit of land until he found a massive circle of ash, the dirt below as black as night. In the center sat a large man, around that circle was a large 'barrier' of dark magic. It kept all life away so they could not be hurt, if something living stepped inside, they'd be turned to the ash.

The boy however, steps in and nothing happens. His smile gentle and warm as he carefully takes a seat in the circle of ashes, close to Lucifer. A living being... so close, and he reached out to touch him.

The Seeker
Looking for Top Role

A special kind of human is one born with the ability to see fantasy creatures. From demons to pixies to dragons. They're incredibly rare and are only born in to bloodline families. Those families had carried the blood of the first man. It's a blessing and also a curse, those people claiming to be mentally ill by human society, unable to see the magic.

A young seeker had a monster under his bed. Not a scary one, a silent one who would simply look at him with calm eyes. The child never screamed like most would have, he laughed and introduced himself! This would have touched the 'monster', pick a dark fantasy creature. The boy would talk to this monster daily, tell him about his child issues, like Billy making fun of him! Though, his mother didn't approve of this and took her child away.

Before they left he left his favorite bunny plush under the bed and told the monster to not forget him. They changed homes and years had gone by, the boy claimed to have so many issues as he says he had a monster under his bed. Secretly the monster has been watching him in the shadows, ready to protect and shelter the young boy from anything.

On day he's trying to do some parkour on the top of buildings and misses his jump... Before he hits the ground to his death he is grabbed by something and safely lands in his arms. Out of panic he struggles, but when he sees those calm eyes he slowly calms down. It was... him. He had only seen his eyes, but he recognizes them.

Fantasy Plots!

Heart of the Sea.
Looking for Top.

Lincoln lived in a tiny town on a remote island, his home basically at the endless blue sea. He had grown up around the water, loving it, almost like an obsession. Any moment he had to spare would be at the ocean, swimming and relaxing in it's generally calm waves. One day while floating almost out of nowhere a wave comes and swallows him into the ocean, forcing him down under the surface. Though he claws and kicks his feet, he's only going deeper and deeper. The salt in the water burning his eyes as he watched the light of the sun get dimmer and dimmer.

In the distant there was a bright blue light slowly swimming towards him. The closer it got the more clear the outline came, it was a person. Though, this person was made fully of water. The bright blue was a illuminating outline, but what was inside the outline was the same as the ocean. As his lungs screams he had to breathe... and he does. The creature touches his chest gently, and when he breathes he doesn't choke on the water. He could breathe water! The person in front of him as been watching him from the depths of the sea, protecting him from what may happen, expect for that day.

~~The outlined creature is the heart of the sea! It can take the form of waves, animals, or even the 'outline' or a full human. He kind of took an interest in Lincoln as he was the only person who would continuously go to the ocean and dare to swim out far. This is super fantasy heavy! We could maybe make up a whole underwater world?~~

You're not Broken! [Trigger Warning]
Looking for Gentle Top

An angel had been stolen by a demon and sold into slavery for a good price. The boy was the only angel to be passed around through this kind of black market between demons. He was put in a fighting pit, always against demons, never an angel. This was the only reason he was allowed to keep his wings, and he had learned to fight for his life weekly for food, shelter, and his master to earn money. He was undefeated, but he could never fight his master for freedom.

One day a batch of angels sent by God came to break this black market of selling, trading, and fighting angel/humans/demons. Mine happens to be found in the middle of a fight, YC grabbed him and killing the demon he was up against. Mine was in a panicked state, looking to his master who was being taken away, then looking back at the angel in front of him. The hunger, the pain, the everything of his life sudden struck him at full force as soon as he knew it was over.

Waking up in a bedroom he sees YC looking down at him worried, seeming to be the one who had given him the bed, clothes, and fixed his wounds up.

~~Lots of mental struggling and overcoming what he went through...~~

Inside a Bottle
Looking for Top

A fae prince had been captured by a dark magician who wanted the lands power and locked the boy inside of a bottle, making him the size of a tiny doll. Inside the jar is grass, and a little locked up shack. He was thrown to earth deep in a forest where nobody could find him! One day a human shows up and spots the little fae. While the prince screamed not to open it, the human couldn't hear it and tried to help him.  The human was then forced inside the bottle by a curse, becoming as small as the fae. But that little shack, which was locked, suddenly was not! Opening the door it was a portal back to the faes world, but... very far from his kingdom.

The two do decide to go in to reclaim his kingdom, but the human sudden gains a power and becomes one of the species of the land.(you can make it up~)

Murder Plots!

Secret Santa
Looking for Top

Hidden from the eyes of the public a mastermind has been running a massive illegal business of drugs right under their noses. Average citizens pulled into the game, some do it for the thrill, some do it for the money, some... maybe for the drugs they sell. But, this man is festive, so he decides to do a special Secret Santa for everyone to enjoy. Instead of giving one another gifts, two names are pulled from a hat. The prize of the Secret Santa is one million dollars, cash. The task is to see how many people the pair can kill from a competing business. The competing business workers wear a special necklace, so your kill doesn't matter if you don't have it. Whoever has the most necklaces wins the money!

Now, A Young Adult has joined the business so he could pay for his younger sister to go to college, and he'd quit and wash his hands after he got that much money. The trick of the game is that the owner of the business is also in on it, and he knows everything! His name is pulled with that kid, and that boy might have trouble 'washing his hands' after playing this game. But... A Million dollars, playing with the maker of the game? He couldn't pass that up!