Feature Requests

Started by Machete, April 30, 2011, 12:04:32 PM

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I'm not sure this would be possible or easy, if it's possible, but I'd like to see a scroll-box, like the one that appears for non-floated, full resolution images, appear when an image in "float" tags is clicked so one would be able to see the image full res without opening the image another way.  For example, a lot of Xena's image is cut off on zoom.  This effects Radha, Artemisa, and Nakara to a lesser extent as well.

I'd like to see a dialog box with an area to paste the desired web address come up when one clicks on the "insert link" button as well.  The easiest way to code this would be having the address appear highlighted within the tags after one clicks "Okay".  I, however, am not sure if this has been brought up before.