Looking for an Abraham Lincoln Vampire hunter based roleplay SPOILERS

Started by sweets, August 17, 2012, 08:33:43 PM

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I am looking for a few different stories set in the world that Abraham Lincoln Vampire hunter is set in.

Plot 1
The North Loses

Set after the Civil War, though in this game the South beats the North. In the game I am looking to play the daughter of a very wealthy Northern man, possibly even a member of Congress or the Senate. They are collected and brought to what remains of the White House now under the controll of the vampires. There Mary is given to one of the Vampire supporters as a thank you.

Below is a sample of what the first post would be.

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Mary Jacobs had left her house in the middle of the night almost a week ago. The North had lost and it was no longer safe for her or her Father. They were making their way West, hoping to be able to make it into Canada. They had packed lightly and fled, though in the end it had done them little good.

It seems they were rounding up anyone who had anything to do with the former government. The farmer who had been sheltering then sold them out and they were taken in the dead of the night and begand the trip to the white house. There still clad in her night dress Mary waited with her Father. A young man gave her his coat while they waited she thought that she recognized him as a officer that she had met at a party one time, they were gathering what remained of the military as well.

Her Father scrambled after a man as he walked past, armed guards on either side. "Thomas, Thomas." The men stopped him from reaching out to the man. "My Daughter was brought here with me. What is going to be done to her?" She looked away when the man, Thomas turned and looked at her.

"Your daughter? Oh yes, Mary correct? Well let's see shall we?" The man waved and the guards moved to the two and guided them down a number of long halls until they reached a room that a number of men were seated in a rather large room.

Thomas smiled putting a hand on Mary's shoulder, "This is Mary Jacobs, I am sure you all know her Father. He wants to know what will happen to the lovely young Mary." She looked up as the coat was yanked off her leaving her in the long soft night gown. When she looked up she noticed that a number of the men in the room now hand black eyes and attempted to step back.

A man yanked her down onto his lap sniffing at her neck. "She smells quite tasty." He murmured. He leaned in again only to have her yanked back to her feet by another man who ran his fingers through Mary's long red hair. "And is very pretty." He hissed against her neck.

"Now Gentlemen, that is no way to treat a Lady, and such a fine prize. This young woman, she goes to you Sir. You were the most helpfull in the war effort, you can have her as a prize." Thomas pointed to the man who had remained seated during the brief bit of excitement and shoved Mary his way.

Plot 2
Female Hunter
I would love to play a story where a hunter, Abe or OC stumbles across a vampire who appears to be about to attack a young woman. Much to his surprise the young woman kills the vampire with out even really breaking a sweat. The two are brought together by their hate. From there their relationship grows.

Plot 3
Henry (in the book) mentions that he has lost very many women that he has loved. I would be interested in playing a story between a mortal woman and a vampire like Henry.