Victorian Tales (Sexual Tales set in Victorian England)

Started by Jester, January 11, 2016, 02:29:29 AM

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The Victorian era of British history (and that of the British Empire) was the period of Queen Victoria's reign from 20 June 1837 until her death, on 22 January 1901. It was a long period of peace, prosperity, refined sensibilities and national self-confidence for Britain.

Like every period in history the time was full of sordid tales......

1. Leaving the Convent.

A nun is a member of a religious community of women, typically one living under vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. The Convent has been her home for many years and is all she has known. But after being caught masturbating or performing a sexual favour on another nun she is forced to leave and never to return. But she is not allowed to leave wityh nowhere to go. The Mother Superior has arranged for her to serve a retired headteacher known for his passion for discpline and corporal punishment..

Where she once gave God her love and devotion she will now be expected to give her new master love and devotion. And if she will not give it willingly then it will be taken from her.

2. The Governess

Governesses are highly-educated individuals who fill the role of both teacher and academic mentor for the children. They structure an education for their pupils which usually offers greater breadth and a higher standard than a school education can.

Traditionally, governesses taught "The three Rs"[6] to young children. They also taught the "accomplishments" expected of middle class women to the young ladies under their care, such as French or another language, the piano or another musical instrument, and often painting (usually the more ladylike watercolours rather than oils) or poetry.

The governess occupied a uniquely awkward position in the Victorian household, because she was neither a servant nor yet a member of the host family. A governess had a middle-class background and education, yet was paid for her services. As a sign of this social limbo she frequently ate on her own, away from the rest of the family and servants. By definition, a governess was an unmarried woman who lived in someone else's home, which meant that she was subject to their rules. In any case, she had to comply with prevailing Victorian social standards which were rigid and unforgiving i.e. maintain an impeccable reputation by avoiding anything which could embarrass or offend her employers. If a particular governess was young and attractive, the lady of the house might well perceive a potential threat to her marriage, and enforce the governess' social exclusion more rigorously. As a result of these various restrictions, the lifestyle of the typical Victorian governess was often one of social isolation and loneliness, with few friends. The fact that her presence in the household was underpinned by an employment contract emphasised that she could never truly be part of the host family. However, being a governess was one of the few legitimate ways by which an unmarried middle class woman could support herself in Victorian society. Not surprisingly, her position was often depicted as one to be pitied, and the only way out of it was to get married. Unfortunately, it was difficult for a governess to find a suitable husband because most of the eligible men she encountered were her social superiors, who preferred a bride from within their own social class, particularly since such women generally had better financial resources.

This particular Victorian Tale will focus on the Governess being expected to give her charges a sexual education as well. Maybe even the master of the house as well.

3. To Cuckold a Lord

Newly married to the riches and most powerful Lords in the Country she had everything she wanted. Money, dresses and influence in the highest of social circles.  Her husband owned and ran very profitable mines manned by South American and African Slaves. Slavery had been abolished in the United Kingdon in 1833.

However a visit from a black foreman changes their lives forever. The Lord is blackmailed by the foreman out of significant land, money and the right to fuck his wife one day a week. The young wife is now expected to fuck the black man one day a week while her elderly husband watches. What starts off as a hardship quickly becomes a transformation for her as she begins to love the two foot long cock and once a week becomes much more regular.

4. The Unfaithful Wife

ENGLISH society has been termed a pre-eminently "dinner-giving society." And certain it is that it is especially the custom in England for friends to cement their intimacy by partaking of the social meal at each others' houses.
     Despite of being so generally practised, the art of dinner-giving, in this country, is far from having attained the degree of perfection to be expected from the number and wealth of its votaries. The millionaire too often lacks acquaintances of congenial tastes, and is compelled to fall back on gorgeous profusion to bestow lustre on his table. On the other hand, a person of more slender means is liable to fall into the error of supposing that his friends do not care to dine at his table, unless he imitates the surroundings of the wealthier classes. It occurs to comparatively few persons that the chief charm of a dinner-party lies in ease of manner on the part of the host and hostess, together with all the arrangements of the entertainment being in accordance with the income and the natural mode of living of the entertainer.
     The very circumstance of friends being assembled by invitation should guarantee that especial care will be taken to provide for completeness in every detail connected with the repast; but beyond this effort extraordinary expenses and excessive exertions need not be made. It is not needful that a host should for a few hours appear richer and more refined in his mode of living than he really is. Such attempts deceive no one, and can only have for result diminution of self-respect on the part of the pretender.

This particular tale will focus on the hostess using the party to cheat on her husband with a particularily well endowed servant, guest or wife of a visitng Lord. While he is entertaining the guests in the Lounge she will be in the Library, the bedroom or in the garden being ploughed from behind by anyone willing.

5. From Whore to Lady

Beginning in the late 1840s, major news organisations, clergymen, and single women became increasingly concerned about prostitution, which came to be known as "The Great Social Evil". Estimates of the number of prostitutes in London in the 1850s vary widely (in his landmark study, Prostitution, William Acton reported that the police estimated there were 8,600 in London alone in 1857). When the United Kingdom Census 1851 publicly revealed a 4% demographic imbalance in favour of women (i.e., 4% more women than men), the problem of prostitution began to shift from a moral/religious cause to a socio-economic one. The 1851 census showed that the population of Great Britain was roughly 18 million; this meant that roughly 750,000 women would remain unmarried simply because there were not enough men. These women came to be referred to as "superfluous women" or "redundant women", and many essays were published discussing what, precisely, ought to be done with them.[25]

While the Magdalene Asylums had been "reforming" prostitutes since the mid-18th century, the years between 1848 and 1870 saw a veritable explosion in the number of institutions working to "reclaim" these "fallen women" from the streets and retrain them for entry into respectable society — usually for work as domestic servants. The theme of prostitution and the "fallen woman" (any woman who has had sexual intercourse out of marriage) became a staple feature of mid-Victorian literature and politics.

This Victorian Tale will focus on a young beautiful "Fallen woman" who is rescued by a rich powerful Lord who will marry her and turn her into a Lady after regularly enjoying her mouth on his way to Church.....