Game Request: Star Wars Saga edition

Started by Hunter, August 17, 2010, 12:59:58 PM

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I've recently gotten my hands on a copy of the d20 Saga edition of Star Wars and I'd like to try out the rules, particularly the Jedi/Force user rules.  I'm not really picky on era or level but would like to play a jedi (or possibly sith).

Anyone interested in running a game?



But I don't know how can you play Saga here... I mean... How would you battle without a grid?


Sorry for the double post, can't find the edit button.

How do you guys play D&D without the grid around here?


I have heard of a program known as maptool, and that several others have used it.


I checked it up, seems neat, I didn't have time to try it in an actual game, but it does look useful, even for tabletop games.


*recommends to anyone who decides to GM this game that taking the Skill Focus feat for the Use The Force skill be off-limits until level 6, as it can make things too easy at low levels*

I've got a few different rulebooks for the game, myself, so if anyone decides to run the game, I wouldn't mind joining as a droid character.  If there's anyone who would like to try running the game, there is a free campaign available online called Dawn of Defiance that will be easy enough to run.

*checks for a handy link*

...Oh. >>; Well, it was freely available online while Wizards of the Coast had the license for Star Wars roleplaying games.  Now, you'd probably have to do a little digging.

Hmm.  Of course, I've already downloaded the necessary .pdf files, so I could probably run the game if nobody else volunteers...  Though I'd really, really prefer to play, all things considered. ^^;


I'm okay with it ;)
I'd prefer to be a player first, maybe another time I can master.


If players are needed I'll think about it.  :)