[Eternium] Recruitment - Be A Dragon, Hunt Supernaturals, Gods & Magic!

Started by Wispyr, November 16, 2015, 04:11:25 AM

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"Honestly? I think the world's going to end bloody.
But that doesn't mean we shouldn't fight.
We do have choices."
-Dean Winchester

Greetings writers, welcome to Eternium.

Eternium is a system-lite modern supernatural fantasy sandbox that takes place in the year 2018. What does system-lite mean you ask? Simply put, Eternium will use the framework of a system for the purpose of character creation; this is to ensure that all characters are created within the same general power scope of one another and within the realm of strength desired by the game master for plot purposes, don't you worry though there will be no rolling of dice, no detailed mechanics for you to follow, no books to use and no need to cling to calculators; the system-lite is purely for character creation and will never interfere with the flow of the writing in the game! The rest is pretty self explanatory, the game will take place in a modern world that closes reflects our own... Only it will contain both supernatural and fantasy elements. Finally the game will play out in a very traditional sandbox style where you will be able to play across the game world and enjoy the setting that has been created for you; all while GM led events are taking place to drive the story and enhance your gameplay experience!

At the start of it all, a time called Primordia, there was nothing and yet there was everything. From this confusion spawned beings of tremendous power, thought by them to be limitless; these beings became known as the Titans and they are the fathers (and mothers!) of all creation. Together these Titans spawned the world and the various races which inhabit it. However after a very short time it became clear to at least two of these Titans, Bahamut and Tiamat, that the race of man, Humans, were far outclassed and in desperate need of aid lest they be wiped from the world entirely... Or worse. It was this discovery that lead to the creation of yet another race, Dragons!

Dragons were placed on the world with a singular purpose: protect humanity from the machinations of the supernatural. Their success in this task was questionable, but ultimately they kept humanity from being plunged into eternal slavery or worse. This battle between dragons and the other supernaturals became known as the Eternal Struggle. During this war the dragons began to band together and created a faction unique to themselves called Eternium, dedicated to the success of their purpose. Over the years Eternium has varied in its level of effectiveness, and has met with both great successes and even greater failures. In recent times the Eternium has been reformed after a culling of dragons by none other than humanity itself. Still the dragons have a goal, and while they're still bound to it, they have become much smarter about how they go about it and what they deem worth protecting.

In Eternium you will take on the role of one of these supernatural hunters, a dragon in the Eternium order. You will be able to explore various myths, legends and creatures throughout the game and hunt them to fulfill your destiny. Eternium isn't just about grand adventures and varied battles of the Eternal Struggle. It's just as much about discovery and learning, politics, loyalty, purpose, change, loss and gain, magic, wonder, sacrifice, and the lines that you're willing to cross to reach the ultimate goal. Sometimes you may just find that the enemy of your enemy can be your friend; others you might need to make a deal with the devil to make ends meet. Eternium will maintain a unique ever evolving game world where you, the players, will have marked impact on the events that go on. That's right your choices will alter the flow of the story, and you'll get to see the actions of your characters take form in the game world.

Disclaimer Please Read
Eternium is not a system game. There will never be dice rolls to determine your actions, or mechanics that you need to deal with. The number based character creation is to give clear definition to what characters are capable of an ensure that no one character is outshining the others at all times. All numbers represent an applicable and flexible amount of real world skill. A character without control: automobile can still drive, but they can get from point A to point B, if you asked them to try and navigate a busy Los Angeles freeway during peak hours, they'd be lost. Because there is no system the numbers represent a generalized amount of knowledge or skill, rather then hard limitations. These numbers will be used to settle disputes (X is stronger than Y, thus in a challenge of raw strength, is likely going to win) and used by the GM(s) to create flowing narrative. The numbers will never interfere with the writing of the game, they are only there to supplement and add easily interpretable knowledge.

Table of Contents

  • Who is the GM? What about Co-GM(s)?
    The Game Master for Eternium is Wispyr. There are no Co-GM(s) at this point.
  • I hate systems. You suck for making this great idea a system game. How can I complain?
    You don't need to complain. Eternium is not a system game, it is a system-lite game. That means no mechanics, no rolling dice, no books, nothing for you to keep track of. There are numbers for you to deal with at the time of character creation, as described elsewhere but don't let that scare you off. The GM(s) are standing by ready to help you with getting those numbers dealt with properly.
  • Who can play in Eternium?
    Anyone. Eternium welcomes any Lord, Lady or Liege, playing any style of character that they wish; the game is LGBTQA and 'rainbow writer' friendly. Cross gender writing is also permissible, though we do ask that you not use Eternium as your playground to test that style of writing, and be comfortable writing such a role prior to joining.
  • The game has already started, but I want to play! What do I do?
    Submit a character sheet to the GM(s). Eternium exists in a world that easily adapts to the recruitment of new players and thus will never cease recruitment.
  • Can I play a bad guy?
    If by bad guy you mean a character who is morally ambiguous? Sure. If you mean a character that would be described as a villain, no.
  • What writing style will we be using?
    Third person, past tense.
  • Will player activity be monitored?
    Loosely. Please see the rules on posting frequency. We're not anyone's parent, but it is our job to look out for the best interests of the game. If continuous unacceptable behavior is noticed the player will be approached privately to discuss.
  • How active is the Game Master?
    I spend more hours a day on E than I am prepared to admit. I can be reached via PM at virtually any tim, and the absolute worst case scenario is that you may have to wait until the following day to hear back from me. I will be very active watching, guiding, managing, shaping, and otherwise handling the game. Oh and I'll be playing in it. You can expect to see a lot of me.
  • I've completed my character sheet, now what?
    Private message it to the GM(s) for review and discussion.
  • How guided is game play in Eternium going to be?
    Very limited. Mostly the game will take place in typical sandbox fashion while there were be three different types of GM lead events: World Events, Missions & Random Events, each of which will be detailed elsewhere. Beyond these events it is up to the players to pace themselves and generate plots, though the GM(s) may be available to assist in such things.
  • Can players control NPC's and alter the world?
    The short answer is yes, the longer answer is mostly. All major NPC's are to be controlled by the GM(s), but the local server at a diner is fine for you to control. The world of Eternium largely matches our own, so most of the environment is laid out for you; it is acceptable to say that there is a diner on the corner of Marx and Talbert St in New York, but it is not acceptable to travel to the city of Bonerville just outside of the city limits. Best practice is to use common sense, acceptable practice is to inquiry to the GM(s) if you're confused or unsure.
  • How will conflict be resolved?
    We encourage players to work out the resolution to conflict between themselves, but anything large and or impactful to the story should have the GM(s) included. A good point of reference is to check out and compare character sheets, as the GM(s) will be doing this in combat by associating the character's stats with those of the creatures.
  • Is PvP allowed?
    Yes. We encourage you to work out the resolution of player against player conflict respectfully and between yourselves; however the GM(s) are ready to step in and make choices if requested. If asked to do so a determination will be made, and explained, by comparing your character sheets with the situation and determining a victor. If the GM(s) are requested to make such a choice it is final.

Table of Contents


Earth isn't the nice place humans see it as; actually the entire thing is really a battlefield for the longest war in history, a war that is fought behind the scenes, in the shadows, by creatures that mankind has deemed a myth. It's called the Eternal Struggle, and it's a fight that has been ravaging the planet since the very start. It isn't a war of men, not usually anyway, but it is the war for man. There are two sides to this war, the side of man and then the side of everything else. What is everything else? Demons. Undead. Angels. Fairies. Werecreatures. Spirits. Mythical beasts... Gods. It's been a bloody war that can be linked to most of the strife humanity has ever endured, and frequently in the long distant past, the war spilled over and dominated huge portions of the world. Did you think that the Egyptians had come up with all of those gods on their own, or built the pyramids without help? What about the Greeks? Don't think for a moment those silly bastards were smart enough to come up with the many tales associated with the Olympians. Those were immortals who had the opportunity to impose themselves on mankind, who for a time were not contained by the great struggle.

As demonstrated by the previous examples, and countless others, humanity is in peril. Humans are really the sick joke of the Titans, the grand creators of the universe; put here to amuse and serve the far superior supernatural races created alongside them. Long story short, save for some very unique exceptions, man isn't in a position to deal with these unnatural forces on their own. Luckily for man they aren't alone in the Eternal Struggle. They have a powerful ally in the race of dragons, who are destiny bound to ensure the continued survival of the lesser human race. These dragons, these hunters of the supernatural, and their many adventures, efforts, contributions and struggles are the focal point of this tale.

For more than four thousand years the dragons have worked under the guise of an elite secret society called Eternium. It is a brotherhood, a family, a bond, a gathering point for all those who would call themselves hunters and band together to share information and skills in an attempt to better their odds against the ever present supernatural threat... Eternium isn't what it once was though. In the early seventh century Eternium, and all dragons, underwent a terrible culling from a brand new threat. Humanity itself. For ages the dragons had secretly protected their charges and when what had been going on was discovered man lashed out violently at their protectors, forcing them into an impossible situation. It was thought then that Eternium had died. In the far corners of the world though, dragons went into hiding and Eternium lived on. They had lost much of what they accomplished over the millenniums they had been existed, but the order remained intact if heavily splintered. Now it's a new age, and Eternium has a new leader, who recognizes that not all of humanity can be trusted.

Hotaru has done all she can to maintain her peoples sacred and never ending duty. By the force of her will she has rebuilt Eternium from the ashes that it was left in, and rekindled the flames in her brothers and sisters to fight once more against the supernatural plague that in Eternium's weakened state has taken an even deeper root. She recognizes now though that they are weak, and without a greater power Eternium might never regain all of the ground that had been lost. She turns to history, to dragons of legend to help her. The firsts of them all, the great Elder Dragons of the world who first started the Eternal Struggle. Finding these great dragons has become a behind the scenes priority for Eternium, for Hotaru and others believe that awakening them from their long slumbers, or freeing them from whatever fates have befallen them and kept them from the world for so long will be enough to turn the tides of the war in their favor. Hopefully, they still live.

On the horizon more complications seem to be rising for the Eternium, and thus man. The Titans, beings long thought to have abandon this world, seem to be reappearing; at least signs, omens, of them do. Only time will tell if these omens are to come to pass, and if so what plans the great creators might have in store for this seemingly forgotten world. In the midst of all the other enemies of Eternium must face, a new threat, born yet again out of humanity, has reared its head. The Coven, so called servants of the great Titan Tiamat, one of the great creators of dragonkind! The motives of this secret cult are largely unknown, but clearly twisted as they have begun to enslave dragons with their foul magics and declared open war on the Eternium.

To bring the problems to a head, the world has changed since ancient times. Man is no longer under armed or entirely helpless, they have developed weapons of power, weapons that can do great damage not just to the supernatural but to dragons as well. Ever more is it important and the prime directive of the Eternium to keep the Eternal Struggle from spilling out into the streets and becoming public knowledge; the last time they became truly aware of what was going on, all was nearly ended and now their technology has pushed them to even greater heights of awareness and power. While this tech gives man kind an edge and the ability to defend themselves, it also makes the job of the dragons more difficult. In ages past, dragons were able to easily take on their true draconic forms where the depths of their power is fully realized. However it is imperative that humanity never again realize that dragons are a reality, and thus taking these forms has become a distant reality and nearly impossible to do in all but the most remote of locations. These facts are, unfortunately, known to the enemies of the Eternium, and often abused to ensure that the great dragon protectors of man aren't able to fight at full power.

Still, there's a job to do, and the supernatural have festered and grown bold in Eternium's weakened state. Mankind still needs protection from that which they don't know and it is your fate, your destiny, to fight the good fight and put a stop to the tyranny of the supernatural.

Welcome to Eternium...

Table of Contents


Game Thread Master List
[Eternium] World Guide
[Eternium] Feedback
[Eternium] Out of Character
[Eternium] Character Sheets
[Eternium] GM Thread

[Eternium] The Roost
[Eternium] New York
[Eternium] London
[Eternium] Tokyo
[Eternium] Sydney
[Eternium] Great Bear Rainforest
[Eternium] Histories
[Eternium] Other Locations
     Thread Description
Master thread of all game information.
For questions, comments, concerns, and discussion about content contained in the World Guide
Watercooler chat for players with submitted and approved character sheets.
List of approved character sheets
GM announcements, information and game stuff

In character thread for scenes within The Roost
In character thread for scenes within the New York Nest, and the city.
In character thread for scenes within the London Nest, and the city.
In character thread for scenes within the Tokyo Nest, and the city.
In character thread for scenes within the Sydney Nest, and the city.
In character thread for scenes within the Great Bear Rainforest, the area surrounding The Roost
In character thread for scenes from the past.
In character thread for scenes at locations not covered by other threads

Interest Show
CS Submitted
CS Reviewed
CS Approved
Character Name
Marked By
01. Wispyr 
Meili Liuxing Nu Shengli
Melee Combat Specialist
Wyatt Underwood
Containment & Suppression Specialist
02. Amarlo 
Zeren Evren Nurgul Aksoy
Field Investigator & Mystic
03. Crash 
Missy Deveaux
Combat Specialist
04. ThatOneShrroth 
Shayna Curson
05. Rel Mayer 
06. Kokaine 
Nathalia Rocha
Tactical Field Commander
Dominique Isabella Rocha
07. The Dark Raven 
08. VonDoom 
09. Praxis 
10. Juggtacular 
11. Emmykins 
Icarus Erik Bergström
Tactical Scout & Infiltrator
Fiona Colleen Bergström
12. Aiyanna 
Jameson Clark
13. persephone325 
14. Bloodied Porcelain 
Annika Kateriina Järvinen
Support Researcher & Mystic
Niall Cathán Ó Braonáin
15. Rave 
Klass-Jan Huntelaar
Infiltration & Data Retrieval
16. Flower 
Sophie Reed Stratton
Elliott Reed
17. Emjay 
18. Timless 
Isaac Wong Zi Huan
19. CShades 
20. Rish 
Jinseth Doxan
21. Demi 
22. Bibliophilia 

Melee: 1
Ranged: 4
Leadership: 1
Support: 5
Mystic: 2
Infiltration: 3
Frontliner: 4

Ladon: 6
Quetzalcoatl: 3
Zirnitra: 3
Nidhogg: 2
Tianlong: 3
Kur: 3

Bahamut: 10
Tiamat: 10

GM Note: Are characters born, or hatched?

This depends on the mix of your parents. Characters who have a human mother are born along the guidelines of a natural human birth and are born into their human forms. They must then be shown how to transform into their dragon forms. Dragons who are born to dragon mothers are laid in the appropriate colored egg as outlined in the Bloodlines section of the World Guide. The egg grows within the mother for roughly seven weeks before being laid, at which point the child continues to grow over the next twelve weeks, when they ultimately hatch into their dragon form. They must then be taught how to transform into their human form, but often are not done so until after their first birthday.

GM Note: Selecting dragon form image

Please select only one image for your dragon form. This picture represents what you look like when you morph, and thus having multiple images of different dragons does not make sense. There is no particular shape or style tied to any bloodline, and the shapes of the dragon forms have varied quite differently over the years from individual to individual. Please try to avoid multi-headed dragons.

Code (Reserve Face Claim) Select

[center][font=Georgia][size=12pt][color=gray][shadow=red,left][b]//-[/b][/shadow][/color] I would like to reserve [color=purple][b]<Face Claim Here>[/b][/color] to portray my character [color=gray][shadow=red,right][b]-\\[/b][/shadow][/color][/size][/font][/center]



Seduce my mind and my body will follow.
Amarlo's O&Os
Absences and Apologies


^Plants Nidhogg flag.^

Any chance there will be a San Francisco thread?  I find the west coast to be an under developed gold mine of plottage in many games.

"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


So you have posted the interest check, so there shall  be interest! I have a vague idea of where I want to go with this, but expect me to bug you later tonight. ^w^

Edit: Also, always up for background linking and plottage, naturally
On's and Offs -  Please read before asking for a story <3

Rel Mayer

I'm very interested, but I'm going to go through pictures to get an idea for my character.

I'm also considering playing a character that stands a bit on the chaotic neutral side of things, would that be alright?


I have a couple other sheets to make first but I'll be swinging through to read up and figure out whats what and a character concept and such >.<
Current Craving/Looking For: Romance, Adventure, Action, Humor, and Erotica. (F/Any)

Current Post Rate: Moderate

Current Posts Owed: 1/8

My O/Os

The Dark Raven

Check my A/A | O/O | Patience is begged. Momma to Rainbow Babies and teetering toward the goal of published author. Tentatively taking new stories.


Dunno if I have the time for another commitment (didn't even manage to reply to the beta thing yet ... probably not really useful anymore if I did now), but I'll see how the next few weeks go. I'll keep an eye on this.
Now this is the Law of the Jungle-
as old and as true as the sky;
And the Wolf that shall keep it may  prosper,
but the Wolf that shall break it must die.

-Rudyard Kipling, "The Law of the Jungle"



Quote from: Amarlo on November 16, 2015, 05:44:06 AM
-places tentative interest here and bookmarks-  ::)
I knew it!

Quote from: Crash on November 16, 2015, 07:36:08 AM
^Plants Nidhogg flag.^
Noted! Yay interest!

Quote from: Crash on November 16, 2015, 07:36:08 AM
Any chance there will be a San Francisco thread?  I find the west coast to be an under developed gold mine of plottage in many games.
There isn't directly at this time (well, I mean, there are plot-things relating to the west coast) but this can be changed in game. Part of the game experience will be the living world features (which I'll touch on a little bit later) and expanding the Eternium's reach, setting up new Nests. So if you wanted to make that an operational goal, we can absolutely look into seeing that made into an unfolding story.

That said for everyone I am open to other thread ideas, should the needs / desire be great enough. There will be a [Eternium] Other Places thread that I failed to include up there, that will be sort of a catchall for the other places. Another big area are [Eternium] Vancouver since it's so near the Roost, and while not an official Nest point, likely a place the dragons frequent.

Quote from: ThatOneShrroth on November 16, 2015, 10:54:47 AM
So you have posted the interest check, so there shall  be interest! I have a vague idea of where I want to go with this, but expect me to bug you later tonight. ^w^
Bug freely!

Quote from: Rel Mayer on November 16, 2015, 11:01:13 AM
I'm very interested, but I'm going to go through pictures to get an idea for my character.
-Squeals- Oh hiiii!

Quote from: Rel Mayer on November 16, 2015, 11:01:13 AM
I'm also considering playing a character that stands a bit on the chaotic neutral side of things, would that be alright?
This is totally acceptable. As I was describing to another interested party.... The dragons were (are) a fragmented people. They're all hunters, but how they go about that is largely up to them. They do not nor have they ever had some sort of centralized governing body. Eternium is the closest thing to it, and that was more about governing those inside towards common end game, and those who decided not to join were free to continue their hunt in their own ways. Some of the dragons would have been affected by the purge more heavily, and thus have more desire to hunt members of the The Coven or The Order than any of the other enemies, and their general attitude towards humanity can have changed dramatically.

TL;DR Chaotic Neutral is totally acceptable. Moral gray ground is fun ground!

Quote from: Kokaine on November 16, 2015, 11:06:10 AM
I have a couple other sheets to make first but I'll be swinging through to read up and figure out whats what and a character concept and such >.<
Woooo! <3 Hope you enjoy what you fiiind.

Quote from: The Dark Raven on November 16, 2015, 11:15:23 AM
Interested.  Still reading.
Awesome! Glad to have your interest, hope you're enjoying the read.

Quote from: VonDoom on November 16, 2015, 01:08:39 PM
Dunno if I have the time for another commitment (didn't even manage to reply to the beta thing yet ... probably not really useful anymore if I did now), but I'll see how the next few weeks go. I'll keep an eye on this.
You totally do. Either way, recruitment doesn't stop so even if it takes awhile, there'll be room.

Quote from: Praxis on November 16, 2015, 01:22:07 PM
Spectacular stuff.

Grinding on a character concept here.
Thank you! Awesome, looking forward to seeing what you come up with!


I should have stats done tonight.  Will work on background and such once I have that figured out.

"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


Damn you for making another awesome game, Wispyr. I'll get started on my app.


Quote from: Crash on November 16, 2015, 02:55:18 PM
I should have stats done tonight.  Will work on background and such once I have that figured out.
Awesome, can't wait to see it!

Quote from: Juggtacular on November 16, 2015, 05:35:25 PM
Damn you for making another awesome game, Wispyr. I'll get started on my app.
>.> I do how I do -Dusts shoulders-

The [Eternium] Character Sheets thread has been posted.
===> HERE <===

Which contains the unedited version of my character sheet so everyone can see what a sheet should roughly look like once completed. My sheet has a couple things still pending (need to tweak history, need to tweak heirloom and add it) but I wanted to get it up since all of the mechanical stuff is accurate and what not.


"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


Quote from: Crash on November 16, 2015, 10:05:19 PM
Wispyr - Can I reserve a face claim yet?
Oooh. Good catch, I forgot to put the code up for that. It's now included in the GM section. Anyone can mark their face claims by using the above code, and I will track it elsewhere. Should look like this:

//- I would like to reserve Viann Zhang Xin Yu to portray my character -\\

[center][font=Georgia][size=12pt][color=gray][shadow=red,left][b]//-[/b][/shadow][/color] I would like to reserve [color=purple][b]<Face Claim Here>[/b][/color] to portray my character [color=gray][shadow=red,right][b]-\\[/b][/shadow][/color][/size][/font][/center]


//- I would like to reserve Cleo Wattenstrom to portray my character -\\

"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


I'mma making a thing for this! Possibly a guy or lady-preferring lady type, but I am being super indecisive. Hopefully i will have something to share soon. In the meantime, I am also just a PM away if you wanna do plotty thingss (or try to help me pick a gender.) xD


Quote from: Emmykins on November 17, 2015, 05:28:56 AM
I'mma making a thing for this! Possibly a guy or lady-preferring lady type, but I am being super indecisive. Hopefully i will have something to share soon. In the meantime, I am also just a PM away if you wanna do plotty thingss (or try to help me pick a gender.) xD

Note: Send plotage to Emmy.

"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


Are we all going to be members of Eternium to begin?  Are we being recruited?  I know I plan for my character to have been a solo hunter before the start of game, who have been active since the Wild West.

"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


Quote from: Crash on November 17, 2015, 09:27:43 AM
Are we all going to be members of Eternium to begin?  Are we being recruited?  I know I plan for my character to have been a solo hunter before the start of game, who have been active since the Wild West.
You will have already been recruited. How you end up joining is entirely your call, and should be made mention in your history. However it can be exceptionally recently that they joined.

Rel Mayer

Still very excited for this, but it may take me a second to make sure the character sheet gets all the TLC it needs! :)

I already know I'm going to make my character's bloodline Zirnitra though.


Quote from: Rel Mayer on November 17, 2015, 09:38:00 AM
Still very excited for this, but it may take me a second to make sure the character sheet gets all the TLC it needs! :)

I already know I'm going to make my character's bloodline Zirnitra though.
Glad to hear it! Super excited to see what you come up with. Noted the Zirnitra.