
Sarkat And Rian: Happily Ever After? [EX]
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The Kingdom of Shadows

Started by BlueRaptor90, March 05, 2013, 04:06:02 PM

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"Thank you Daniel" said the Princess, as she turned and set off for the castle.


Daniel smiled that the princess actual said his name and began to smile, he then followed the princess to the castle, but suddenly Daniel's head was throbbing in pain, he dropped to his knees holding his head "Ugh!" he said, this only meant one thing, tonight would be the night, he had to "change" again, daniel did his best to shrug it off and get back on his feet, picking up his sword. "I need to try to control it" he muttered to himself


The Princess reported to her father, what the messenger had said, and told him of the attack on her as she was on her way to the meeting, which meant that someone in the castle must be in league with the forces of darkness.


"What? the serpent people are teaming with the dark lord?!" the king pounded his fist on his throne
He then glared at the young knight "And you, you can't even properly protect my daughter from a couple of bandits, you are a failure as a knight"

The young knight only glared at the king, although the young knight served him, he hated him, the only reason he was taking orders from the king is that he was forced by the king and his other men, the young knight gave a intimating growl and his eyes glowed yellow for a second but e calmed himself "I'm sorry, it won't happen again"

"It had better not, otherwise there will be consequences, serve ones" the king said glaring at the knight

He then turned back to his daughter "Some one is working against me in this kingdom, and I will soon find out who, but as of now I want you to stay inside the kingdom daughter, stay in your room for a while until we find out who this spy is" the king said

He then glared back at the knight "And you, you better keep her safe, no mistakes"


"Your young knight, did keep me safe Father, both to the meeting and on the way back to the castle".

The Princess was building up to a full on temper tantrum, something that reminded the King of his late wife.

"Besides, if you think I am going to sit idly by in some tower, doing needlework, you have another think coming Your Majesty" she said dropping into a deep curtsey to show her respect despite her outburst.

Had she been anyone other than the King's only child, she would have found herself in the deepest of his dungeon's awaiting an appointment with the headsman.

The King turned by to Sir Daniel, and repeated his charge that the knight keeps the Princess safe, it being clear that if he failed to do so, and yet lived, it would be his head on a top at the town wall.


The king let out a sigh and then rubbed his forehead "You're are so hard headed, so full of pride and arrogance and can't just do what you're told...why can't you be like your mother "The king said not even looking at his daughter, muttering to himself

"Fine, but stay inside of this kingdom and close to the castle, do you understand?" the king said raising his voice a bit


The King and the Princess knowing that she was probably too much like her mother for her own good.

"Come Sir Daniel, we have much to do" the Princess said as she left the audience chamber.


"Yes my mistress, as you command" daniel said following behind her


She returned to her chambers, and told Daniel to take a seat.  Then she disappeared behind a screen with her maid.  She was changing her clothing, her dress appearing on the top of screen.  When she emerged back into the room, she was wearing a set of mail armour, and around her slim waist was a sword belt complete with short sword and dagger.

While she was changing servants had come in and deposited a meal on the table before him.

"Grab some chicken and fruit Daniel, there is no time to sit and eat" she said as she exited the chamber and headed for the gate house.


"Um mistress, with all due respect, were are we going exactly?" the knight questioned


"In harms way Daniel, and it would be more discrete if you stopped calling me Mistress or any other word that implies I have status, we are both just swords for hire now", she told in with a finality that would brook no questions.

She strode with purpose to a stables and purchases two very ordinary looking horses, with coins the King was never going to miss from his treasury.

"You can ride Daniel?" she asked, as she mounted the horse with all the grace of a cavalry trooper, she was clearly getting into her role as a mercenary.


"Your majest... I mean miss, please reconsider this, you could get hurt or worse, and you're father will have may head if something happens to you" The young knight said ignoring the princess question doing his best trying to convince he out of this dangerous task
"Please, let's just forget about this and go back to the castle, besides what if someone sees us here and reports it to the king, we'll both be in trouble, this is too risky" the young knight added


"Daniel, my father knew exactly what I was going to do, do you remember him saying "why can't you be more like your mother", my mother was a warrior".

She continued on the route she had decided on, without consulting with anyone by the seem of things.

"Father knows your skills also Daniel, your selection to be with me was not just a freak of you being left being from the wyvern hunt".


"....Very well miss, I will come with you and aid you on this journey, but there is one thing"
The knight said pausing for a second
" would be find somewhere to sleep, some where safe, because i won't be there to protect you, I will be sleeping somewhere isolated" he said walking by her


"You are right Daniel, we should get some shelter for the night, lets find the nearest Inn" the Princess conceded "Oh and as we are meant to be a pair of mercenaries, perhaps you should call me Anna and lose my father's tabard" pointing out that Daniel was still wearing the signs of being one of the King's men rather than a sword for hire.


"Hmm, perhaps you are right, i'll take it off as soon as we get to the bearest town your maj...I mean anna" daniel then thought for a second "Um anna, there is something I want to give you, it may be some use to us on our mission"


"what is that Daniel?" Anna asked as they rode on toward the nearest village and its inn.

She was definitely her mother's daughter, she felt much more comfortable in armour and sword, than dress and sewing kit, but this time the future of the entire world might depend on her and Daniel.


Daniel then pulled out a smell red stone from his armor, though it was small, it held great properties "D you know what this is, it's a philosopher stone" he said holding it


"But you may need it Daniel" Anna said as he pressed the red gemstone into her gloved hand.

But she slipped it into her sword belt, not risking so precious an item in her purse, where it could be lost to thieves or during their travels.

An hour later, they arrived in a town with an inn.  A reasonable looking called 'The Penitent Novice', its sign showing a novice of the cult of love in prayer.

"Shall we Daniel?" Anna asked.


Daniel turned to her "Yes anna, this place looks safe enough"


The pair walked into the tavern, and asked the innkeeper for two rooms, but only one was available, so they had to take it, as sleeping in the common room would be no safer than sleeping in the woods.


As soon as daniel walked in the room he took of his  tabard and laid it on the bed. He then sat on a near by chair waiting for anna's orders.


"Let's get whatever passes for food and something to drink, then we can decide who is taking the first watch and who gets to sleep first" Anna said as if commanding the King's Garrison.


"Yes anna, as you wish" daniel said getting up


"Daniel for the duration of our quest, it is not what I wish, it is what we wish, we are a team, noone is more or less than the other" the Princess said sticking her tongue out in a brattish gesture.

They went back downstairs to the bar, and asked the landlord what food they could order.

He told them "You can order anything, what you will get is mutton stew and potatoes" laughing loudly at his joke

"so two mutton stew then landlord" said the female mercenary, winking at her male colleague who it appeared to the casual observer had just deserted from the King's service to take up arms for whoever had the purse to cover it.