Odd Distinction

Started by Various, June 14, 2017, 01:25:19 PM

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This might be covered elsewhere but why is Non-Con split into separate Human/Exotic sections when there isn't that type of split for (say) Light or Bondage? Is it their sheer size?


Light and Bondage do distinguish between Human and Exotic.

The Exotic boards are boards 3 & 4 under the "Play-By-Post: Light" section for Light topics, and for Bondage under "Play-By-Post: Bondage, D/s, S&M" they are subboards 3 & 4.

Beautiful Mystery

I would think it is because there are a ton of group games in each section. It seems that NC is a popular board and so it might have been split to accommodate all of the stories and make it easier on the coding/something to do with that. But that is just speculation on my part. The site creator or maybe another staff member could give a definite answer. xD

Quote from: Blythe on June 14, 2017, 01:28:59 PM
Light and Bondage do have that split.

The Exotic boards are boards 3 & 4 under the "Play-By-Post: Light" section for Light topics, and for Bondage under "Play-By-Post: Bondage, D/s, S&M" they are subboards 3 & 4.

I think they meant why NC humans (one and ones and groups) are one board and then NC exotics are another while Bondage is just one board. If that makes sense?
Check A/A
The devil doesn't come dressed in a red cape and pointy horns.
He comes dressed as everything you have wished for.


Hmmm. Veks or a G level'd probably know the answer to that--generally I think its Veks who handles this aspect of organization.


I believe it is a combination of NC being the most popular board overall and the fact that NC is where we put the system games, which creates more sections in the NC boards.  Veks would know for sure.