Wrath of the Dragonkin

Started by Lady Jenn, July 10, 2017, 06:18:08 AM

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Ebony blushed with pleasure. " As long as Silver doesn't mind"she responded " I know I'm ready to get going" Ebony grabbed another roll from the table and stuffed it in her pocket. She then stood and led the way outside. Merreck had already brought the horses around to the fount of the tavern.
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King Kull

Grim sat up on his borrowed horse, he wasn't a good rider he actually would have preferred to walk but the horse seemed clever enough to manage without his commands. In the Hercynian mountains and deep forest there where few horses. Eric managed to steer the horse to the horse Ariadne and Ebony where on. It looked nice with two beautiful women pressed together like that. "Ebony, tonight I want to train defence; parry and dodge, and tomorrow night we will combine the movements from last night with the defence. After that we will train attacks. Until we had tomorrow night training I want you to stay out of any combat even in a defensive position, just hide behind the rest of us." 

"Not all men seek rest and peace; some are born with the spirit of the storm in their blood, restless harbingers of violence and bloodshed, knowing no other path."

Lady Jenn

Arva's horse was a small but nimble looking beast, which the young man sprung onto as if his body was as light as a feather. "Let us avoid orcs then," he said with a wry laugh. "If we run into any it might be difficult to find a safe place."

"Let's not be pessimistic just yet," Ariadne said as she helped Ebony onto Silver's back, who showed no sign of alarm at her new rider. "We're going to have to ride without a break though, I don't suggest we risk leaving ourselves to unwanted attention." She wrapped her hands around Ebony. "Well, you clearly passed the Silver test at least," she whispered in Ebony's ear. "Lead the way Arva." The mage set off, at a decent enough pace the other horses only just managed to keep pace with him. They only stopped when they reached their destination: a large hill, on the top of which was a half collapsed wall surrounding a group of ruined buildings. The only way up was a path which wound up the slope. Arva only finally stopped when they'd passed through the whole in the wall, jumping off his horse. "Someone start a fire," Ariadne said as she helped Ebony down. Let's make ourselves comfortable while we're here."

There's the border," Arva said, walking to the edge and pointing north. In the near distance they could just see a line of posts topped by skulls. Somewhere in the distance smoke could be seen rising into the air. "Let's not spend time pondering the origin of that smoke."


Ebony stretched, thankful the rise had been uneventful she began gathering sticks for the fire. Every so often she glanced towards Ariadne, the ride had been full of hidden blushes from the other two, and whispered remarks which had made Ebony quite giddy. Had arms loaded with suitable looking wood. The young women then built a fairly simple fire, and managed to get it lit.

After a few moments of making sure the fire was indeed lit, she turned to Grim " ready for lesson two?"  She grinned, she walked a little way to the others, and pulled out her sword to begin.
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King Kull

“I’m ready when you are”, Grim replied. “As I said today it’s dodging and parrying. It will take coordination of arm movements and body movements. It will also take physical strength to block, counter strike and deflect attacks.” Grim trained her pretty hard now that he knew she could take it. He showed her how to defend against different attacks, sometimes holding her arms and moving her body with his hands to correct her. Probably a bit more often than absolutely necessary just to be able to smell her scent and touch her soft body. But he was rough with her as well. When she was sloppy or didn’t pay attention he would strike the sword out of her hand violently or even make her fall hard on her back. She would probably get a few bruises and scratches from this evenings training. Whenever she would wine he would tell her brusquely things like:

“Train hard and fight easy”, or “It’s better with a broken bone while training than a split skull in combat”.

"Not all men seek rest and peace; some are born with the spirit of the storm in their blood, restless harbingers of violence and bloodshed, knowing no other path."

Lady Jenn

"Never tempted to learn to use a sword yourself Arva?" Ariadne asked as she sat down opposite him.

"Sidhe rarely use blades," Arva replied. "Besides, I found magic far more interesting."

"I can un..." Ariadne stopped suddenly noticing whining from the direction of the horses. "Keep an eye on the fire," she said to Arva, moving as quickly as she could to where Silver and the other horses were stood. Although she could hear Silver still whining there was no sign of anything untoward. "Calm yourself old friend," she said, resting a hand on Silver's snout, closing her eyes. "You're safe as long as I'm here." She suddenly opened her eyes, staring directly into Silver's. "You sense it too, don't you?" She moved away from Silver taking her bow from her shoulder and putting an arrow to it as she walked to the edge of the hill, her face turning white at what she discovered. "Arva, is there another way off this hill?"

"Not if you want to do it safely," Arva replied. "Why do you ask?"

"Because we have company," she answered, briefly considering loosing an arrow before realising there were far more enemies than she had arrows. "Goblins, a lot of them, climbing up the hill straight towards us." She hurried back to the fire, where she had left her sword. "It's like they knew we were going to be here." She turned to Grim. "You wanted a fight barbarian? You're about to get one." As the first goblin reached the top of the hill a blast from Arva's fingertips sent him out into clear air. "I should've know this quest seemed a bit too easy."


 Before Ebony had chance to get behind the others as Grim had suggested. The enemy was upon them! Ebony managed by sheer luck to stab one of them, she then slipped behind Grim as he took away the goblins attention, slaying a few in a couple of minutes.

Ebony stared fascinated by the quickness of the three warriors, Ariadne firing arrow after arrow, Arva blasting magic left and right and of course Grim. Ebony stood her sword out waiting. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a few goblins creeping towards her elf! Without even thinking Ebony leapt  forwards, she did well for a few minutes but the young woman had only done some basic one-on-one combat and there was three of these guys!

One managed to knock Ebony's sword from her hand. The three approached her laughing wickedly.
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King Kull

Grim threw his two throwing axes in a rapid succession. Each axe got embedded in the face of two of the Goblin. He pulled out his long and heavy sword. I never remember saying I wanted a fight? I wanted Gold and Glory! He thought. These goblins wasn’t very good fighters; he cut them down right and left, but there was a risk that they would be overrun and attacked from the back. It already happened! Some Goblins where attacking Ariadne from behind! And Ebony attacked them! Grim finished of the three goblins he had in front of him and rushed to Ebony just as she lost her sword. He pulled her out of the way and behind him and attacked the three goblins with a series of well rehearsed cuts and thrusts. They where all down with guts spilling out and limbs missing. Grim literally tucked Ebony under his left arm and turned his back to Ariadne moving to position himself so that the three fighters would form a triangle and be covering each others backs, Then he put Ebony down in the middle of them. He tried to evaluate the situation; how many where they? Could they take them all out or did they have to try to escape?

"Not all men seek rest and peace; some are born with the spirit of the storm in their blood, restless harbingers of violence and bloodshed, knowing no other path."

Lady Jenn

"Arva, we need a plan," Ariadne said as she ran a goblin through by throwing one of her knives into its throat. "This isn't working."

"I know what you're thinking," Arva said, feeling the strain of the number of spells he was having to cast. "I will not cast that spell unless I have no other choice. They will see the light for miles around."

"What would you consider no choice?" Ariadne asked as she turned to him. It was a bad mistake, she felt the blade bury itself in her shoulder, letting out a gasp of pain. She turned, stopping the larger leader goblin aiming a second blade at her with her own blade. She pushed the goblin back towards the wall of one of the ruins, killing it as it turned to find an escape route. She felt herself stumble, her head becoming woozy. "Arva, do it NOW." she shouted.

"You don't have to tell me twice," Arva said, uttering a handful of strange words under his breath before slamming his staff into the ground. Light burst out of it, not effecting the group but instantly vapourising any goblin around. Arva lent on his staff. "They are gone." He turned to Ariadne and saw her slumped on the floor. "No, no, not now."


"Ariadne!" Ebony cried. Falling to her knees besides the stricken elf, she placed her hands on the wound. "Arva! Don't just stand there, heal her...NOW". As the mage sadly shook his head, Ebony's face turned white, she turned back to look at the elf. The whole world seemed to fall away until all she could see was Ariadne. " You can't go!" The young women declared. " We haven't even reached Dragonblight.. You p..p..p..promised" Ebony hiccuped, her shoulders shaking as she tried to reign in her emotions. Tears gathered in the corners of her eyes.Ebony stopped covering the elf's wound and took hold of her now chilled hands "Ariadne, I..I love you!"
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King Kull

Grim wasn't a healer, he knew some basics to stop bleeding and clean wounds but he expected the others to be better at it. He checked that the horses where all right and looked for survivors among the goblins. I scouted for them not long before, how could so many of them have arrived so quickly? This meant they must always have sentries, even in daytime. When he couldn't find any more goblins he went back to the others to see how Ariadne was doing.

"Not all men seek rest and peace; some are born with the spirit of the storm in their blood, restless harbingers of violence and bloodshed, knowing no other path."

Lady Jenn

"Let me try something," Arva said, kneeling next to Ariadne and moving his hand towards her, only to see an arrow miss it by a matter of inches. "Where did that come from?"

"Step away from the elf," came a voice whose source was impossible to locate.

"Like hell I'll do that," Arva shouted out. "She's hurt, I'm trying to help her."

"As much as I understand what you WANT to do," the voice said. "You will only make it worse. That blade was poisoned, you cast your spell and you will only help it spread through her body. Stand aside and we will help." Arva stood up, backing away in time to see five figures, dressed in long black cloaks, three of them armed with spears, one with a bow and the fifth carrying a bag over its shoulder. The unarmed figure moved towards Ariadne, kneeling down and placing a hand to her body, beginning to speak in an unrecognisable language as its hand glowed blue. "You are fortunate the mage's spell alerted us to your presence here, we wouldn't have found you in time," the archer said.

"And who exactly ARE you?" Arva asked.

"We are members of the Kira'nai," the archer replied. "Scouts left to monitor the borders of the Badlands. What you just witnessed is more common than you realise, but we usually intercept them before they reach civilization." The healer stood up, nodding to the figure speaking. "Your friend will recover, but she will be weak for a time. If you wish we could stand watch over you for the rest of the evening, in case any goblins still linger here."


Ebony sagged with relief she's going to be okay, thank goodness "Thank you, thank you, I don't have much but I have a few coins" she said offering them to the healer. Unsure if these  Kira'nai were friend or for she said " WE need to consult the other member of our team" reluctant to leave Ariadne even for a moments she indicated to Arva to join her a few feet from where the strangers stood looking a bit to innocent in Ebony's opinion.

"Where is Grim?! Arva who are these people! Obviously the healer we can trust but the others?" She then heard Grim approaching and turned "Grim, there you are!" She exclaimed relived. " Have you ever heard of the Kira'nai?" She asked. Ebony had automatically differed to Grim as sort of stand in leader while Ariadne was unconscious.
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King Kull

"No I haven't herd of them. A healer and some kind of priest and the others we don't know, well we just have to ask them. They don't look like scouts to me, strange clothing and weapons for a scout. We do need to have sentries all night since this magic Arva used will be seen for a long distance. We should accept their help and try to learn more about them; they might also know something about the road ahead. By the way Ebony, that goblin you stabbed died; this officially makes you are warrior now, but don't think you don't have to keep training because of that". Grim said and smiled, then he remembered Ariadne's condition and his smile faded. Grim stepped up to the healer.

"Greetings and thank you for your healing powers. I am Grim Direwolf and we would be happy to have your help guarding this night; but we like to know who you are first. Please join us by the fire and have some food with us." Eric lifted Ariadne carefully and carried her gently to the fire where he put her down on a blanket. Ariadne was heavier than Ebony but still not heavy considering how tall she was. It was pleasant holding her beautiful body, but he didn't feel any desire for her. He saw her more like his employer and a venerable Elf. He was also troubled by the fact that she could actually be very old and that she might be Ebony's mother! He didn't know who those scouts where but he knew as little about Arva; armoured like a warrior but a magician. He hadn't have time to speak to him either. Probably because he spent most of his time with Ebony.......

"Not all men seek rest and peace; some are born with the spirit of the storm in their blood, restless harbingers of violence and bloodshed, knowing no other path."

Lady Jenn

"We may give the impression we have left you," the figure who had spoken to them said as the others melted back into the darkness as quickly as they appeared. "We simply hold the belief that we are better sentries if we remain unseen until we are required."

"I've heard of the Kira'nai," Arva said, sitting down by the fire, feeling weak from all the magic he had used. "At least, I've heard of the group. It is said they choose their number from among many races, I have even heard tell that they have numbered Orcs among the order at times. If you believe the old legends it was founded by the last dragon to live outside Dragonblight, but if that is true that dates back to before the first Dragon War, so how anyone would have knowledge from that long ago is anyone's guess." He took a sip from the cask of water he had around his belt. "I am sorry I gave our position away, but Ariadne was correct. The goblins were about to overrun us, that spell was the only way to save us, although," he winced as he tried to sit more comfortably. "I paid a price casting it, there is a reason I would rather have avoided its use."


Ebony sat as close to the elf as she could, clutching onto the unconscious woman's hand. "Are you alright Arva?" She asked nervously. Having Ariadne down was one thing, but the mage hurt also made there situation very dire indeed. She looked at the fire contemplating what Grim had said earlier. She, Ebony had killed, and if the elf didn't get better fast, the young woman may be expected to do so sooner then she wanted. Steeling herself she looked up.

Her eyes were haunted but her expression was determine "what must I do to be a better warrior?" She demanded of Grim. Now was not the time for her to be a girl anymore!
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King Kull

“Just train hard, there are no short cuts, but we can put even more effort in to it. I am not changing my training schedule just making it harder. Are you prepared for blistered hands, bruises and a sore body? Next time you’re caressing you boyfriend's chest it will not be with the soft feminine hands you used to have, but with the calloused hands of a fighter. Since you are fighting with a light one-handed sword, later on we could add a left hand dagger, that is a deadly and fast fighting style.” Grim said and hesitated. “But don’t forget to be a woman as well, you can be a warrior and still smile sometimes, well it’s even allowed to be a bit silly.” Grim didn’t want to lose the cute girl he had got to know. Actually they only met yesterday but it felt like a lot longer. Grim turned to the healer.

“Healer what can you tell us about the land ahead? How can we avoid the larger forces of goblins, orcs and trolls? We can’t fight an army every day.”

"Not all men seek rest and peace; some are born with the spirit of the storm in their blood, restless harbingers of violence and bloodshed, knowing no other path."

Lady Jenn

"I will be okay," Arva said, finally managing to make himself comfortable. "The one thing stories about magic don't tell you about it is the cost it takes on your body if you use too much of it without a break."

"Wh..Brother..." Ariadne mumbled in her sleep, moving slightly closer to Ebony but not seeming to wake up.

"Well, she seems to be recovering," Arva said, letting out a sigh of relief He turned to Grim. "I cannot be sure once we reach the troll hills, but if we keep off the roads in the Badlands we should manage relatively fine. Orcs spend more time fighting among themselves mostly, especially with the whispers of rebellion among their lands."


Ebony glanced down at Ariadne, and smiled slightly. The elf now just looked like she was resting. Whatever the healer had done, was obviously doing the trick. " we should leave at first light" Ebony decided " I don't want to be any more in dept with these strangers then we already are."

She got up " You two get some rest, I'll keep an eye on things for a while " There was no way Ebony was going to sleep that night, first of all she went to check on the horse. Squaring her shoulders determined she marched right up to Silver. " Ariadne injured, so tomorrow I'll be taking the reigns." She began "Alright?!" She said more timidly. As if the horse is going to answer she thought. However it did make the young woman feel slightly better.

Heading back towards the fire, she noted the two men still talking, Let them decide, the route she thought. As she had other things on her mind. Pulling her fathers blade from her belt, she ran through practice drill until she was sweating. She kept going over and over what Grim had taught her. The sun had set before she wandered back to the fire. Sitting back close to the elf, she stared of into the surrounding darkness.

It was strange how quite this place was not a sound to be heard, the only noise coming from the crackling fire. Ebony added a few more sticks to keep it ablaze, as the night wore on she periodically checked Ariadne for any changes. She continued to watch over her and did not raise the other two from there beds.
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King Kull

Past midnight Grim woke when an owl hooted. The fire was almost out, just glowing a bit. Ebony was sitting staring out in to the dark, she hadn't woken someone to take the watch. Grim moved over to her.

"Go to bed now Ebony, I will take my turn. You need a few hours sleep as well or you will fall of the horse tomorrow, maybe you will have to hold on to Ariadne on the horse then she will fall as well if you fall." Ebony looked sad or concerned, Eric wanted to give her a hug but didn't know how she would react to it.

"Not all men seek rest and peace; some are born with the spirit of the storm in their blood, restless harbingers of violence and bloodshed, knowing no other path."

Lady Jenn

When Arva awoke the next morning he found himself momentarily startled to discover Ariadne was nowhere to be seen, until a quick scan of the campsite revealed her stood near one of the ruins, speaking to a figure who appeared to be wreathed in an eerie golden glow. Uncertain whether it was safe to interrupt he waited until the figure had vanished and she had walked back to the campsite.

"Is that what the Kira'nai really look like?" Arva asked. "I thought they were simply especially...talented members of certain races."

"I'm not sure we have time to discuss what they really are," Ariadne said as she set about retrieving her arrows from the corpses. "Considering they saved my life though I'm glad they lingered long enough for me to offer my own gratitude." She stopped by one goblin, killed by the only black flighted arrow in her quiver, pausing for a moment before pulling it out and walking back to the fire. She took a pouch from her belt, pouring something over the arrowhead and uttering a few words. The tip glowed green for a moment before it dissipated, and then Ariadne returned the arrow to her quiver.

"Does Ebony know what that arrow is for?" Arva asked. "Or, I should say, WHO it is for?"

"I hope it is not something I have to use it for," Ariadne replied. "I certainly didn't intend it for a mere goblin."


Ebony's eyes were slightly bloodshot from the restless night she had. Even though Grim had woken and told her to sleep, she hasn't slept much. Waking on and off all night, she had woken with the sun and seen Ariadne get up and talk with the group in the woods. As Arva spoke with the elf, Ebony decided she may as well rise for the day. She sat before the re-lit fire and glared over at the animated elf.

Didn't Ariadne realize how worried she had been about her. What if she didn't hear me, yesterday  Ebony thought disheartened. Still she would carefully watch over her today whether the elf liked it or not!. Ebony nodded to herself. She stood and stretched and walked away. She could get in some more practice before they left Ebony decided.
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King Kull

Ebony looked tired Grim thought as he prepared his things and the horse for departure. He worried about her, but why didn't he worry about Ariadne that had been shot by an arrow?. Ebony's swordplay looked terrible, if she didn't sleep at night she would be a lousy student. Tonight he had to figure out a way to make her relax and get back to her old self. Maybe it was her fist combat experience but she couldn't get like this every time they had a fight or someone got wounded! But of course if Ariadne is her mother it's understandable that she gets so affected bye her injury. Ariadne looked quite fine now so what ever healing magic this mysterious creatures possessed it must be really good.

"Not all men seek rest and peace; some are born with the spirit of the storm in their blood, restless harbingers of violence and bloodshed, knowing no other path."

Lady Jenn

"We had better leave now," Ariadne said, bringing the horses over to them. "I don't know about you, but I feel like we've spent more than enough time here, and I don't fancy trying to get over that border at night."

"No arguments from me," Arva said. "If we're careful we can be most of the way through the Troll Hills before we have to stop again, I certainly wouldn't advise attempting anywhere beyond the hills without a good sleep, we'll wish goblins were all we had to worry about once we reach the slopes of Dragonblight proper."

"You can sleep against me," Ariadne said, offering Ebony her hand up onto Silver. "Silver could almost do this ride without me but I feel like the boys need an extra pair of eyes," she said, stifling a laugh at Arva rolling his eyes at her last comment.


Ebony shook her head " YOU will be the one resting" she insisted. Ebony took Ariadne's hand and climbed up onto the big horse, she then scooted back rebelliously. " Silver knows the arrangements, don't you boy?" The horse whinnied quietly almost as if he was answering Ebony.

"There" Ebony grinned " Your outvoted " she then offered her hand down to the elf like Ariadne had done for her. Worry shimmered in the young woman's eyes as she looked at the elf standing beside the horse.  Grabbing Ariadne's hand she pulled her in and leaned as close as she could from the towering horse. " Don't think you can get away with not telling me about that arrow either!" She then brazenly kissed Ariadne on the forehead before sitting back to see what the elf would do now.
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