This is the Way [Star Wars, FxM/MxM, Seeking Detailed Partners]

Started by Miss Nyx, December 28, 2019, 06:50:07 AM

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Miss Nyx

Right, so... I've absolutely fallen for the setting of the Mandalorian and the prospect of waiting an ENTIRE YEAR to get my fix has be raring for some fandom fun, for once. It's almost unprecedented since I play primarily from a original character/original setting point of view! In any case, I'm not expressly looking for a story exclusively stolen from the Mandalorian (though, if you wanna play Din Djarin, I'm not going to stop you, he's fucking awesome). We can write any manner of madness from the starting point of the series, or post-Rise of Skywalker. I haven't seen the movie and haven't rushed to after the critics drug it so badly, but I've read the synopsis, and I get the gist for the most part.
I won't completely limit this searching thread to that setting in particular; I love all things Star Wars, so I'm incredibly adaptable and open to the idea of writing out multiple stories with various partners should everyone all hope to play in a different setting from as far back as you care to go up to the most modern setting (perhaps a significant time beyond giving Skywalker a chance to help revive the Jedi way, and the Sith a chance to regroup in the shadows?) If you want a post-Empire setting though I'm really leaning on veering off the Disney Canon trail with that just a bit because I'm really not fond with the flop of Skywalker they've been throwing at us with the last three movies, and I really rather preserve my vision of Luke as the man who saved the Jedi way from the brink not the grumpy old hermit Disney gave us.

I guess it's time for a few noteworthy tidbits:
* I'm looking for a 60/40 ratio of plot and adult content for this game. The pairing is preferred FxM, though I can and would be happy to write a MxM story depending on the circumstances. Alternately, this is a very big universe, so the prospect of playing multiple characters is always available! I am for the most part looking for someone more comfortable in the leader/dominant role, but would all the same enjoy a game with a writer who plays a switch character who assumes a dominant personality. I am not looking for someone hoping to write a purely submissive character role when it comes to the eventual pairing at this time.
* I consider myself decently active in the way that on most occasions I can post at least a few times a week. At my best I can put out a few posts a day even! My slowest rate of return would be two weeks of waiting, and I will be sure to communicate my delay should this situation ever arise. Due to a lot of real world faults I have had a bit of a 'ghosting' habit here on E in the past I've been desperately trying to break, which is nothing at all personal against my writing partners.
* Force-users delight, I'm one of those Star Wars writers... something about the way the Force manages to find a way has always intrigued me, as such, I openly welcome characters who are untrained force-sensitives, grey Jedi, or even the potential of a Master/Apprentice setting. Untrained or Selftrained appeal to me more than anything. It does stray from the Mandalorian angle a bit but... hey, who says your character couldn't be both? ;D
* The potential to take this thread and turn it into something widespread and awesome (small Group, 5-7 players) is there, but I've been watching Star Wars games kind of rise, and fall as quickly as the idea is pitched here on E which has had been very weary of trying my luck only to see it go the same way. I've noted almost all of them seem to be exclusively system based so I'm going to scratch that prospect entirely. I'd be willing to GM such a game with a few stipulations: It will absolutely have to be Freeform/GM-plot driven, and I'm going to need some help with it. Shamelessly plugging that the prospect of writing this from a Sith Academy point of view appeals to me most because honestly I've just never seen it done... and we all know, the dark side is the best side. = w =

If any of this seems interesting to you, feel free to shoot me a PM, I don't bite. I might also add if you're hoping to write with me, do take a moment and thumb through my post history to get a sort of feel and idea of how I write and the sort of writing I enjoy. If you are a short-hand writer or novice, we will not mesh well, and I'll be inclined to decline your proposal.