BakemonoShiki [Interest Check]

Started by Leki, February 03, 2018, 09:59:03 PM

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Hm, then I suppose to keep things simple I'll play an Occultist. I get a feeling more people will want to play Shiki. :)

Seduce my mind and my body will follow.
Amarlo's O&Os
Absences and Apologies


Yeah, I was actually expecting more people to be interested in playing a Shiki too :/
Ah well, I'm sure it'll work out in the end.
I was originally going to put a cap on the number of Occultists... but on second thought, it might be interesting if there's more Occultists around and they're squabbaling over the few Shiki xD
^Not a goal, just thought it'd be funny.


I think, Leki, I'm going to just go straight with the idea that I mentioned. With the Singer?

As for preferences in characters for potential pairing - I don't like submissive male characters, but I also don't like the "Do Everything I say or I beat you" Dominants, I guess you can say I sort of like males capable of seduction in some form. My female characters don't tend to be openly sexual at the start, but holy hell can they be a powder keg when lit. Since I'm going the Singer route with my character, at least her pre-Occultist self, I think she's pretty used to really pretty and really arrogant men - So she'd prefer substance over flash (but attractive is a bonus we would both enjoy). Build wise, I'm more preferred towards the sleek compact muscle range for male and female characters, If (and BIG if) a female character catches my characters eye you can expect it'll likely be a rather masculine and aggressive type female. xD

SO yeah? Um? OH and I am still going to use the art Bunny did of my original BakemonoShiki character. Cause I love the art, and she's adorable. She won't be as shy - but more reserved, and angry so angry - since she gave up her childhood dream to do something that apparently few people can truly manage (She prefers singing, thank you very much!). She'll be a sassmaster in many regards, and snarky, and she doens't care whether or not you like her. She only cares if she likes her.

If I get around to a second character - it'll be a male Shiki, and he'll likely be some form of Draconic styling or Angelic (But definitely not in personality) I have a whole slew of Monster Men images in a folder on my computer (Thanks to Bly's Monster Men thread!) so I have a lot I can pick from. Who knows I may head more towards the Wolf angle... xD I have no idea on that. That's just a tentative (IF I get a second this is what I'm doing with him.) 

Bakemono Shiki RP(Lovely Siggy Layout is thanks to Amaris)


Well, I plan to bring back Haru although I'm sure he'll need some tweaks and changes to go along with the differences in the setting.

Haru is a trap fox shiki with the ability to weave light. I realize this limits partners for more intimate relationships but I'm alright with that as I enjoyed playing the character so much whether he gets into a more intimate relationship or stays in the friend/mascot zone I'm perfectly okay with it.  Personality wise he takes the usual trickster fox type personality and turns it up to 11. Playful, inquisitive, childish, a bit egotistic, and far more interested in having fun then caring about anything like power or the greater good or anything like that.

As far as occultist partners go I'm looking more at how the characters' personalities go together or clash so a platonic relationship is just as interesting to me as a more intimate or romantic relationship is fine with me as long as the character dynamic is interesting.

As for partners for more intimate relationships whether that be a shiki and occultist relationship or between two shiki, Haru is bi so gender isn't a problem. As for appearance I guess balanced proportions would be the best description for both males and females. Anything from slim to athletic builds is great but not overly muscular, overly large, and a bit more specifically for women, not overly large breast or curves. Probably not explaining  myself all that well, but in general not that picky as far as appearance goes and far more interested in how the personalities mesh. xD Also tend not to be dominant so Haru being either more submissive, equals, or a more switch position would be ideal.

Hope we get lots of variety this time as well. I found it really fun that not everybody was working with the government because they wanted to save the world but had a variety of different motives.


Okay, since people have started discussing characters in here, and I've been pressured a bit in PM's to start up character applications... I guess we'll start a bit early. Starting date remains unchanged though.
I'd also like to note that this is a preliminary character sheet that I've kept extremely simple. The character sheet application will be conducted in two phases, with the first part being bare bones. And the second part elaborating on the personality, and adding to the other points section. The other points section is to be completed in dot points.

Initial Character Sheet[img height=300](Image Link)[/img]
[u]Hair Color:[/u]
[u]Eye Color:[/u]
[u]Top Kink:[/u]

[b]Personality Keyword[/b]

[u]Other Points of Interest:[/u]

* World: Earth(Human) | Charon | Errure | Veskra
** Top Kink: List One kink you’re really craving for the character
*** Keyword: Select a keyword that describes the most defining trait of your character’s personality. The provide a brief explanation as how that traits affects your character.

Note: I’ll be getting people to elaborate a bit more on their character’s personality in the second part of the character sheet. You can add as many points as you like to other points of interest, including but not limited to, aspirations, family, lifestyle, previous experiences, likes/dislikes, etcetc


Don't give in to pressure Leki! If everybody told you to jump off a bridge would you do it? :P

Well since the simple character sheet is out I went ahead and filled it out. xD

Name: Haru Mizukume
Age: 362
Height: 5'2” (157cm)
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Green
World: Erure
Sexuality: Bisexual
Top Kink: Pet play
Personality Keyword
Fox Trickster: Cheerful, Energetic and just a little bit Crazy

Other Points of Interest:

Brief summary of history and motives: Haru comes from a long line of sun and fox spirits In the past one of his ancestors came to Earth after being fascinated by humans and eventually fell in love. Due to a combination of trickery and misunderstandings she was enshrined as a monster. Curious as to what attracted his ancestor so willing to leave Errure and enter the human world. (To be expanded on when the second half of the character sheet comes out.)


Light Weaving: Haru has the ability to weave light into a variety of different constructs and can manipulate them freely from a distance. The smaller simpler collections of condensed light that he carries around most often tend to look like gems or crystals of various colors.

-Minor note on progression: The light weaving ability starts simple but as more levels are gained the constructs begin to be able to be more complicated, ranging from shields, illusions, and eventually larger and more complex forms.

Shapeshifting into a fox
fox form

Alistair Leonhart


Name: Akira Shimizu
Age: 21
Height: 1.82m (6'0 ft)
Hair Color: Ash White
Eye Color: Emerald
World: Earth
Sexuality: Hetero
Top Kink: Worship (closest thing, I don't really have a particular kink in mind as of now)

Personality Keyword
Determined: If anyone could mention a single trait that applies to nearly everything Akira puts his mind to doing, it's his determination to see it through until the end, his utter inability to give up until he sees no way left for him to go (and sometimes, even then), for better or for worse. This is a trait he picked up on when he began his martial arts training as a kid, when he needed it the most as many of the other trainees were older than him, and the only way to keep up was to train more than anyone else. This does tend to make him a bit over-the-top and ridiculous when he sets an impossible goal for himself and actually gives it his all, to the bewilderment of most people with common sense present at the time, often used as a recurring gag or comedic moment OOC.

Other Points of Interest:
-Aspirations: Before his 18th birthday, his main aspiration was to attend college and become the president of a martial arts club. After he awakened an ungodly amount of Prana and came to realize the Dark Hour's existence, he now aspires to rid the world of any and all Shadows, with the help of the government and his Shiki.

-Family: His father (a police deputy) and mother (a doctor), his sister (honor student, with a rapidly approaching 18th birthday, which he hopes doesn't make her an Occultist as well for her safety), scattered family members all over the world (the main branch loved to travel and meet new countries).

-Lifestyle/Choice of Attire: Akira's capable of eating like three large hungry men, and his diet struggles to remain both balanced and in such ridiculous amounts, but combined with his daily exercise and training it has granted him a healthy physique he's not shy to show off. In fact, his preferred attire for Dark Hour incursions does not include an upper body garment, and he often goes in with nothing but high boots, ripped pants (if his clothes are gonna get damaged anyways, might as well wear something he won't miss much), and a tattered crimson cloak which is at most a cape when he decides to reveal himself. Outside the Dark Hour, he tends to wear casual clothes, usually a tanktop + jeans in the summer and hooded cloaks in the winter.

-Previous Experiences: Akira displays a large number of scars, most of which were inflicted to him the first time he woke up in the Dark Hour by a Shadow drawn to him. He attempted to fight it fist to fist, but was almost immediately overpowered. Luckily, he was saved by a few government-sponsored Occultists who fought it off with their Shikis, and later had to explain why he'd waken up looking like he fought a bear mano a mano at night (after receiving proper hospital attention, but his mother saw to that). He was approached by a government agency not much later after he'd recovered, but so far they've been unable to find a Shiki who resonates with his own personality and drive, so he's still on the waiting list for the moment.


-Eating (mainly meat, though he also loves a good amount of veggies. Favorite food: Breaded beef steak)
-Training (He's currently a 3rd dan black belt in Taekwondo and Karate, and Khan 4/blue belt in Muay Thai; he's in great physical and mental condition thanks to his love for training and self-improvement, and though he's no longer training in official dojos to improve in any martial art grading, he still trains on his own with gym equipment and punching bags)
-Enthusiastic People (Akira loves to let loose and be as enthusiastic as he can with people who get him. He's considered getting into one or two nerdy hobbies to understand them better, since a lot of such enthusiasts are nerds like his sister)
-Putting his strength to good use (more generally, things like beating up bullies and volunteering for hard work, but as of late, it has been helping in the rescue efforts during the Dark Hour, although always escorted by at least one other Occultist with a Shiki for safety)
-Being complimented (Huh? Compliments? Weird, he doesn't look the self-conscious type)
-As for his taste in women, he prefers the curvy-athletic type (Akin to Fate's Scheherazade, though he prefers clearer skin), and usually the kind to balance his own direct and impulsive nature (anything from calm and collected to fun-loving and hyper)


-Bullies (Ah, the reason he picked up Martial Arts as a kid. No one tries shit on him anymore, that's for sure. But if he sees someone bullying others abusively, he'll go out of his way to leave a perfect imprint of his boot on the bully's face, and a perfect imprint of their face on the pavement)
-Unmotivated or lazy people (Doesn't mean he won't try to cheer them into action, but his personality would clash with a person who lacks drive)
-Shadows (The shadows threaten to devour the world little by little. If he doesn't pull his own weight and support the battle against them, he might as well not have existed when it all ends. Besides, he cannot allow his friends and family to be harmed by the Shadows for as long as he lives.)
-Injustice (If it wasn't blatant enough already, Akira's got a pretty big sense of justice, and he tries his best to follow it wherever it might lead him)

(Will probably add more if needed, though it seems it's not necessary for now. Just wanted to get into the character and his details and substance enough that I could play him properly).


Wow, thumbs up to Avalon and Alistair for getting something up already xD

@Avalon's Post
Pretty much spot on, there's a few elaborations that need to be made... but as you noted yourself that's mainly supposed to come in the second part of the character sheet. Obviously putting more in now means less work later though, so add/subtact/edit however much you want....
Also Haru's power xD
Not sure why, but I imagined him conjuring up a giant luminous version of himself if he ever gets strong enough.

Ah, wow. xD
That was a lot more information than I expected, but obviously that isn't a bad thing.
As I said above, writing stuff out now means less to do later, and considering your upcoming schedule getting things done now is definitely for the better. I can't see any changes that need to be made, but a few useful bits of information to note...

- Solo Occultists: Occultists are rare, but they're also considered highly dangerous; as a Shadow devouring them inevitably leads to a significant powerup of said Shadow. Due to this all Occultists are gathered and secured in a government facility (away from the rest of society). For Akira (or others) to go solo Shadow hunting they'd either need to be an undiscovered vigilante, who either escaped from the government, or managed to somehow go unnoticed.

- Fighting Shadows: Shadows are far stronger than the average human, and Occultists generally aren't meant to engage in combat with them. With that said though... I do like the idea of Akira's determination making him a self-appointed vigilante styled character who fights Shadows despite not being too effective. Being beaten physically by humans still stuns/shocks the weaker Shadows, and while killing one is pretty impossible. I'm okay with them making a run for it if they get knocked around enough. We can also upgrade him to be effective against Shadows if someone's willing to make a Shiki that imbues others with power. (Or have him solo as an Occultist that's contracted with a Shiki already, but they're less sentient and fused with him).

- Bonding with Shiki: Occultists will go through a ritual-like event at the start of the roleplay; where Shiki will be lured to the local surroundings by a high consistency of Prana in the air. Occultists are expected to use this opportunity to find a Shiki to bond with... however, if they fail they'll need to wait until the next New Moon (roughly a month later). It's up to each individual to decide whether this event will be their first attempt to bond with Shiki, or a retry.


Leki and SweetSerenade both know I'm interested and planning on submitting a character sheet.
I was going to comment an interest a lot sooner, but this week has just disappeared into thin air, and hours are going by like minutes...
Any who, I have a flight to catch Saturday morning, and still lots of things I need to do till then, but I thought I should at least show my face in here a little bit.
I should be able to write up a character sheet sometime Sunday or Monday. I'll most likely be going with a male Shiki :)

Alistair Leonhart

Tfw you find a really cool gif for your character but it gets borked up overnight for some reason so you have to make do with fanart QAQ

As a note to the notes (call it noteception), Akira's not exactly meant to be a Solo Occultist, it was more that I didn't know he would have been living in a government-provided facility all the time. You could take his backstory as mainly "Entered the Dark Hour unknowingly, tried to fight a Shadow who utterly fucked him up, got rescued by actual Occultists with Shikis on their side, was nursed back to barely alive when he came back from the Dark Hour and hospitalized, after he recovered he got the government 'join us or prison' memo, he joined, and he's been (sometimes) assisting the efforts of already established government Occultists when it comes to things like rescuing other people who awaken during the Dark Hour."

I tried to go "Oh no Shiki has currently shown any interest in pairing up with him cuz he's a little bit extreme for most" in order to explain why he wouldn't get paired up with a Shiki before March 13th irl, mostly an excuse so that he can be absent for a bit without bogging down any other player who wants to pair up with him.

That being said, a "Support" Shiki of sorts who can power him up to be an effective fighter against Shadows would actually be really neat. I mostly saw your recommendation of "Think of a main character trait and take it all the way to hiGHER THAN NINE THOUSAAAAAAND" and went with "Determined", and what kind of extremely determined person wouldn't set his mind about getting rid of all Shadows even if he has to fight them himself? Of course, he's about as effective as a wooden hammer is effective at cutting through steel, and this is the reason why he barely survived his first fight against a Shadow instead of "Oh he somehow won too", but if he could somehow effectively fight and destroy them with a Shiki's help, that'd make his character concept all the greater.

Of course, having him solo with a non-sentient, symbiotic Shiki (makes sense both for the fact it's not sentient, so it cannot get mad at his shenanigans, and for the fact it's not player-controlled, which would not bog down anyone) would also be a good way to enable him to fight off Shadows on his own, at that point he'd be a Shiki of his own in terms of combat power anyways, but it could also limit roleplay opportunities with the rest of the players (most people depend on at least some other player as their Shiki/Occultist, while Akira wouldn't really depend on anyone). Guess I'll decide on which of the two I'll take when I come back, if by then there are any new players planning on making a "Support" Shiki or not.


Melodycake! Welcome~
Good to see you've finally made your way over to us :P
I can totally relate to time flying by lately.... which is surprising considering how idle I've been lately.
As someone that flies around as well, I sincerely hope you have a good flight.... >_<
There's no hurry with character sheets since we're well ahead of schedule already.

Not really an announcement, but a quick question to everyone who's expressed interest so far.
I'm just wanting to know who'd be interested in creating a secondary character.
Not offering them just yet, but I want to gauge how balanced we are in terms of gender/pairings if everyone has their way.
Note though, I'll only be allowing One Occultist per player. People can however play multiple Shiki though.

Going to make a sepearate post for Alistair xD


I am also interested! Probably in a human, although I need to figure out what, precisely.
Might even go male for once.


As a heads up, I was in the ER last night because my daughter is ill. I will be working on the small excerpt of my character when I get a few things handled. I just woke up, and need to get my coffee in me. Daughter is ok, she has an ear infection, but she's home from school.

Bakemono Shiki RP(Lovely Siggy Layout is thanks to Amaris)


Glad to hear your daughter is okay Sweet well as okay as a person with an ear infection can be.

On a more cheerful note, it’s the pretty bird lady yay! Good to see you again. Cake is here too, hurray! Lots of familiar faces.


Quote from: JoanieSappho on February 08, 2018, 10:49:06 AM
I am also interested! Probably in a human, although I need to figure out what, precisely.
Might even go male for once.
Would be a pleasure to have you Joanie, though I'm not sure how well a male Occultist would go with the current cast. xD
But then again pairings aren't everything, and your characters tend to be pretty flexible in that regards anyway.

Ehh, don't worry about getting stuff done.
Sounds like you've got your hands full with important stuff, and as I keep saying.
Character applications weren't even supposed to be opened for another few days (according to the original plan).

That wasn't cheerful at all T_T
I mean it's great to see Joanie and Cake again....
But it made me miss Idle even more T_T
No Timanka-human = RIP

Since I goofed and forgot to write stuff.
Sorry about not making the 'locked up in a government facility' thing clearer.
No idea why that sounds sarcastic, I'm not being sarcastic at all, honest.
But yeah, 18th birthday -> Prana Burst happens -> Government come knocking.
I wouldn't worry too much about Akira not being paired up at the start since I know a few of the players from previous games, and most (if not all) are pretty accomodating and able to make things work. But worst case scenario I'm sure we'll figure something out, and..... there might even be a chance I'll knock back the starting date a bit... since.... you know. Deadlines exist to be broken xD


Leki, she's home, and sick - not in the Hospital <3 (It's just an ear infection, medication and she's good to go. We didnt' get home till 12-1am so it was just a bad idea to send her to school xD )

But I appreciate your sentiments.

I have another thing or two I need to get handled, then I can work on getting something thrown together. Probably while I'm working on some stuff for my classes. <3

Bakemono Shiki RP(Lovely Siggy Layout is thanks to Amaris)


I'm glad to hear she's okay.

And, yeah, Leki, if I do a guy he will be bi. I'm aware that I've grumbled about the relative dearth of M/M stuff as opposed to M/F and F/F, so I figured I should actually do something about it. It's kinda not my field of personal experience (I'm guessing yaoi manga don't count), but there's people here who hopefully should be able to help. And, thinking about it actually gave me an idea for my character.
A poor innocent, lonely and confused young man who is likely to learn all sorts of things with this whole Occultist and shiki thing.
Especially if he ends up with a male shiki willing to teach him.

I just need to go find pictures, since all of mine are women.  :P

Alistair Leonhart

Sounds good; to be honest, there's a lot of things one could try so that things aren't bogged down, like someone else playing Akira as an NPC until I come back if needed, or playing his Shiki as a free one until then, etc. I won't worry much about it, was just offering some ways to still get to play here without slowing down things for the others. As for the announcement, I think I'll continue to play one character until I'm certain I have the time for 2, considering I'm already in like 3 Exalted weekly games + 2 forum games, this one included. I've got galleries of Shiki-looking creatures and people for months, but probably not enough time to play those until one of the other games frees up. That said I probably won't play any female characters even if I play 2+ characters.


Oh and on the subject of a Secondary character, I'd be more than willing to pick one up. It'd be a Male Shiki, still deciding type and realm he comes from, mostly because I want to even out my character balance.

Bakemono Shiki RP(Lovely Siggy Layout is thanks to Amaris)


Glad to hear she's not in the hospital.... but with that said a lot of hospitals tend to have free wi-fi nowadays so... xD
I was referring more towards the likelihood of you being exhausted, and if you got home after midnight... I wasn't wrong~
Funny thing about the ER... people always seem to need to go there when it's dark or late in the afternoon xD
Or at least that's what I've noticed with the people I've interacted with.
But yeah, comment still stands. We're not in any hurry :P

Ehh you're fighting an uphill battle if you're going to try that. xD
Considering how most male roleplayer act towards M/M, you're fishing in a really small pond.
Fortunately with MelodyCake, Avalon, and myself (possibly others I'm not aware of too).... this is that small pond xD
Will be interesting to see how the Shiki flesh out as well though, since we've got a lot of interest in Occultists O_o
Way more than I expected actually, but we'll figure something out xD

The initial event will be more of a "Okay everyone, listen up. I want you to do this, you've got an hour... now scram" type of setup. Since I really don't want to be heavy handling the plot from the get-go. Since we're thinking you'll be gone for the first two weeks, we might have moved on to another event by then (depending on how fast we move). But if not it's perfectly reasonable to have Akira present at the start, and have him wander off in search of a Shiki until your return. If we have moved on.... well, we'll see xD
I'm assuming you'd want a female Shiki, and as things stand at the moment I think Rynn's the only bite we've got... not considering secondaries off course. I doubt all Shiki will be paired up anyway.


Quote from: Leki on February 08, 2018, 11:20:53 AM

That wasn't cheerful at all T_T
I mean it's great to see Joanie and Cake again....
But it made me miss Idle even more T_T
No Timanka-human = RIP

And now you make me sad Leki. Why you make me remember sad things? :(

i do have a quick question for you though Leki about the new moon ritual. Does the ritual only work during the new moon when the moon is most not visible or does the ritual last 2 or 3 days? Trying to figure out how fast bond pairs have to be made before having to wait a month.

Oh another question I just thought of are temporary contracts between shiki and occultists a thing in case people aren't paired up at the end of the ritual?

Quote from: JoanieSappho on February 08, 2018, 11:39:33 AM
I'm glad to hear she's okay.

And, yeah, Leki, if I do a guy he will be bi. I'm aware that I've grumbled about the relative dearth of M/M stuff as opposed to M/F and F/F, so I figured I should actually do something about it. It's kinda not my field of personal experience (I'm guessing yaoi manga don't count), but there's people here who hopefully should be able to help. And, thinking about it actually gave me an idea for my character.
A poor innocent, lonely and confused young man who is likely to learn all sorts of things with this whole Occultist and shiki thing.
Especially if he ends up with a male shiki willing to teach him.

I just need to go find pictures, since all of mine are women.  :P

Fun, fun. ^^ And Leki is right. I think at the moment anyway all current male shiki that are the first characters are bi so plenty of options so far. xD

Alistair Leonhart

A female Shiki would probably be the preferred choice, yeah. Gonna admit a small bias towards Charon (gotta Paladin gud), but any of the three realms works. If the plot moves after 2 weeks, you can probably assume Akira is off training until the 13th, or something similar ("FOR JUSTICE~!" Dives down a 2-story building to pummel and arrest a criminal fleeing a scene), if his absence is something that could be plausibly handwaved.


Cause sharing is caring, and I don't want to wallow in my own misery alone~

Quote from: Avalon29 on February 08, 2018, 12:03:53 PM
Does the ritual only work during the new moon when the moon is most not visible or does the ritual last 2 or 3 days? Trying to figure out how fast bond pairs have to be made before having to wait a month.
The Bond between an Occultist and Shiki can be performed at any time.
As long as the Occultist has enough Sigils, and both parties consent to the bond.
Will also have to seal the deal somehow, but how characters go about that is up to the individuals.

The New Moon Ritual in a nutshell; is simply a time when Shiki will be lured to the area.
The Government Group in charge burn Prana Incense, and the scent attracts Shiki from all directions towards the location where Occultists will be looking to pair up. The effects of the Prana Incense would linger for a day or two I guess, so late comers (Shiki) are welcome too.

Why New Moon?
Because Shadows are weakest during a full moon. Kinda.
They don't get stronger or anything, but they become more erratic and aggressive the fuller the moon is.

Quote from: Avalon29 on February 08, 2018, 12:03:53 PM
Are temporary contracts between shiki and occultists a thing in case people aren't paired up at the end of the ritual?
Normally the Gov.... I seriously need to give the group a name. >_>
Anyway, the Agency normally take everyone who failed to secure a pairing back to the safety house.... but in this instance they'll be allowed to stay with the other Occultists, since they'll all be staying a safe-house of sorts anyway.
Temporary Contracts aren't possible... but it's possible for a Shiki to hang around an Occultist until they're both convinced they're right for each other. Forming a bond is a risk for both parties, since Sigils are limited and Occultists probably don't want to waste them. Whereas a bond makes Shiki susceptible to an Occultists demands (in theory).

Yeah, it comes down to "We'll work something out" either way.
I'd be more than happy to chat with you and help ease you into the roleplay when you get back.


Quote from: Leki on February 08, 2018, 12:33:57 PM

The New Moon Ritual in a nutshell; is simply a time when Shiki will be lured to the area.
The Government Group in charge burn Prana Incense, and the scent attracts Shiki from all directions towards the location where Occultists will be looking to pair up. The effects of the Prana Incense would linger for a day or two I guess, so late comers (Shiki) are welcome too.

Well this pretty much answers everything and the reason I asked about temporary contracts. xD If the bonds can be formed at any time and the ritual just works as bait/lure no need to worry quite as much about not forming a bond that very first night.


I also miss Idle and you keep reminding me.  :'(

Also, starting the sheet, then will have to go do other stuff and finish it later. But, for now, I would like to see what people personally into guys think of the picture choice.

Name: Keita Oinuma
Age: 18
Height: 5'4
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
World: Earth (Human)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Top Kink: Oral (Not just sex/genitals, but fingers, toes, random objects, he really like having things in his mouth)

Personality Keyword
While Keita hadn't quite fallen into the life of a shut-in by his eighteenth birthday, he was definitely heading that way. Indeed, the possibility of protective imprisonment wasn't actually all that bad a thought for him, and he seriously considered it before deciding that he should at least try the other thing.
Quiet and reserved, at least on the outside, Keita usually seems to be quite shy which, while true, certainly isn't the whole story. A large part of the reason that he tucks himself away in a corner with his face mostly hidden is that he's a very imaginative young man and has something of a habit of slipping into some very lewd fantasies rather often. He'd certainly need a bit more confidence before he'd ever suggest any of the things he's thought up - not to mention he'd need to have someone to suggest them to - but he's not quite the pushover that he seems to be.

Other Points of Interest:
- While he's deflowered dozens of men and women, outside of his game collection he's barely been on a single date in his life, never mind actually having sex. Or kissing. Or, really, holding hands.