Looking for partner for fandom and fantasy RPs

Started by SnowWyvernRider, April 04, 2020, 01:50:41 PM

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Hello, I am rather new in this site, but I was hoping to find some partners for some of the fandoms I'm in and want to RP in. The RP's can either be Story focused or Smutty, but either way I want to discuss ideas before we launch into anything. I already have some ideas for some of these but please be ready to discuss nonetheless
Fandoms and Characters I can play:
Horizon: Zero Dawn - Aloy, Vanasha, Erend, Varl
Borderlands - Gaige, Axton, your common psycho (either gender), Amara, Moze, Moxxi, Tyreen, Athena, Nisha
Overwatch: Sombra, Widowmaker, Symmetra, Reaper
D&D and Shadowrun: I have way too many characters that haven't gotten their campaigns to shine in.
MHA: OCs for the most part, but I can play Todoroki and Momo pretty well.

So yeah, if you're in any of those fandoms and want to play something out on them, come on over and send me a DM so we can start something.