Lost and now found World

Started by Aethian, February 15, 2010, 12:03:09 PM

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The ship had been moving through space for what seemed an eternity but for those aboard only hours had passed. They had been in a deep sleep since the first hour had passed after boarding the ship. As the probe brought back news to the main computer that the planet below was habitable and had ideal air landing procedures had been started.

A few long hours had passed and then the individual compartments began to open. A few weary eyed people emerged, a couple rubbing at their eyes. But as more doors opened and no one appeared one of the braver went over to check it out. Only to recoil in horror as the body inside had been torn apart by something. Looking over to yell to another awake person they fell back against the door jamb. There was one of the repair droids rolling away with a head on it's claws.

People who had begun to realize what was happening began to head towards the door to try and get away from what was going on. One by one they managed to get out of the ship and onto alien soil. Only to be met by hostile aliens and to be slaughtered as they took their few first and last breaths.

Days had passed until one last door had opened. A lone survivor now. Making their way past the carnage they made it outside. Trying to not throw up too much they made it into the jungles. To come across a small girl. Hair long and a deep dark blue, eyes the color of the lilac sky. The girl didn't run, didn't cry out, and didn't seem to be afraid. But slowly she brought up what looked like a crude weapon and shouted a word. When the newcommer didn't move she moved forward and brought the person to the ground before the weapon let out a bright light and made a monster coming forward squeal in pain and turn away.

The girl knelt down and touched the newcommers face before reaching for their hands. Six fingers on her  own hand touched the six fingers on the other and her tilted her head, almost questioningly.

((I hope thats enough for someone to play the newcommer? I shall be playing the girl that although she looks like a child is a fully grown adult.))