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500 questions (a quiz I found :D)

Started by Stormie, September 24, 2010, 07:42:48 PM

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000 - What time it is now:
001 - Gender:
002 - First Name:
003 - Middle Name (If applicable):
004 - Last Name (If you want):
005 - Name You WISHED you had:
006 - Nickname(s):
007 - Age:
008 - Birthday:
009 - Place of Birth:
010 - Astrological Sign:
011 - Chinese Zodiac Sign:
012 - Weight:
013 - Height:
014 - Shoe Size:
015 - Blood Type:
016 - Allergies:
017 - Eye Color:
018 - Hair Color:
019 - Skin Tone:
020 - Righty/Lefty/Ambidextrous:
021 - Nationality:
022 - Location:
023 - House/Apartment/Other:
024 - Country:
025 - Sexual Orientation:

026 - Color:
027 - Number:
028 - Letter:
029 - Word:
030 - Flower:
031 - Quote:
032 - Food:
033 - Soda:
034 - Music Genre:
035 - Singer/Band/Composer/etc.:
036 - Song:
037 - School Subject:
038 - Hobby:
039 - Movie:
040 - Book:
041 - Videogame:
042 - Animal:
043 - Celebrity:
044 - Website:
045 - Anime/Manga:
046 - Candy:
047 - Flavor:
048 - Ice Cream:
049 - Sport:
050 - Restaurant:

051 - Color:
052 - Number:
053 - Letter:
054 - Word:
055 - Flower:
056 - Quote:
057 - Food:
058 - Soda:
059 - Music Genre:
060 - Singer/Band/Composer/etc.:
061 - Song:
062 - School Subject:
063 - Hobby:
064 - Movie:
065 - Book:
066 - Videogame:
067 - Animal:
068 - Celebrity:
069 - Website:
070 - Anime/Manga:
071 - Candy:
072 - Flavor:
073 - Ice Cream:
074 - Sport:
075 - Restaurant:

076 - Family makeup: (Mom, Dad, Bro, etc.)
077 - Number of Friends:
078 - Best Friend:
079 - Newest Friend:
080 - Single/Dating/Married/etc.:
081 - Crush/In Love:
082 - If so, who:
083 - Would you marry this person:
084 - If not this person, would you marry at all:
085 - Kids:
086 - If so, how many:
087 - Name ideas:
088 - Gender preferences for the kids:
089 - Single/Group Dates:
090 - If you're not single, how long have you been together:

TRUTHS (True or False, opinion based)
091 - Being a "pimp" is good:
092 - Life sucks:
093 - Love bites:
094 - Everyone loves me:
095 - I hate everyone and everything:
096 - I love God:
097 - Ghosts and/or aliens are real:
098 - Reincarnation exists:
099 - War is the best way to go:
100 - Abortion is right:
101 - Gay marriage is right:
102 - Go Pres. Bush:
103 - Money makes the world go 'round:
104 - The ideal family is a Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister:
105 - Girls should act like girls, and guys should act like guys:
106 - The media is a source of evil:
107 - All you hear on the news is bad news:
108 - Courage is being able to do something even though you know you're screwed:
109 - Good deeds are for losers:
110 - Sex is overrated:
111 - The human race sucks:
112 - Drinking/Smoking is cool:
113 - Parties are fun:
114 - Funerals are always sad:
115 - I'm fat:

116 - Sang in the rain:
117 - Swam in a pool of jello:
118 - Do drugs:
119 - Drink:
120 - Drive:
121 - Skinny dipping:
122 - Shoplifted:
123 - Cheated on a test:
124 - Cheated on someone:
125 - Been on a date:
126 - Made out:
127 - Virgin:
128 - Dumped someone:
129 - Been dumped:
130 - Recently ate cookies:
131 - Stuffed yourself so much you actually hurled after eating:
132 - Cliff dive:
133 - Climbed the Leaning Tower of Pisa:
134 - Been to Hawaii:
135 - Contemplated a painting:
136 - Drew a picture:
137 - Headbanged:
138 - Laughed so much you cried:
139 - Showered for over an hour:
140 - Didn't shower in a week:
141 - Broke something that wasn't yours:
142 - Got a detention in school:
143 - Failed a test:
144 - Failed a blood test:
145 - Read something and it screwed your train of thought over:
146 - Pushed when a door said pull:
147 - Pulled when a door said push:
148 - Went in a revolving door just to go through it:
149 - Went up a down escalator:
150 - Went down an up escalator:
151 - Fell down the stairs:
152 - Fell up the stairs:
153 - Misspelt the word "a":
154 - Sat down on an escalator:
155 - Tripped over yourself:
156 - Tripped on a cordless phone:
157 - Was tripped by someone else:
158 - Choked:
159 - Almost drowned:
160 - Swim:
161 - Surf:
162 - Flew in a plane:
163 - Been out of the country:
164 - Ate something stale:
165 - Crashed into a parked car:
166 - Watched a Disney movie:
167 - Won an art contest:
168 - Won ANY contest:
169 - Played a sport:
170 - Called a jackass:
171 - Enjoy taking surveys such as this:
172 - Been thought of as "insane":
173 - Found a happy place:
174 - Shot suction cups at a TV:
175 - Talked/Yelled back at the TV:
176 - Started laughing for no reason:
177 - Didn't get sleep for more than 1 day:
178 - Burped the ABCs:
179 - Farted in public:
180 - Tried to lick your elbow:
181 - Succeeded in the above task:
182 - Rolled down a grassy hill:
183 - Got 1 + 1 wrong:
184 - Skipped school:
185 - Got sick:
186 - Broke a bone:
187 - Broke a nail:
188 - Went under surgery:
189 - Made fun of "n00bs":
190 - Lied:
191 - Lie on that question:
192 - Been to confession:
193 - Misspelt "grammar":
194 - Watched TV all day:
195 - Contemplated suicide:
196 - Contemplated murder:
197 - Had an imaginary friend:
198 - Blackmailed someone:
199 - Been blackmailed:
200 - Took a survey this long:

201 - Think you're sexy:
202 - Think you're attractive, if not sexy:
203 - Think you're the ugliest person on the face of the earth:
204 - Think you're "1337":
205 - Pick your stereotype:
206 - Are you mentally disturbed:
207 - Three words to describe yourself:
208 - Three words to describe society:
209 - Any mentors? (Name them):
210 - Your last words before your death:

PHOBIAS (Fear of...) [Mind you, this is just a few we picked out of a huge list... ]
211 - Dystychiphobia (Accidents):
212 - Anemophobia (Air):
213 - Methyphobia (Alcohol):
214 - Monophobia (Being alone):
215 - Anginophbia (Amnesia):
216 - Angrophobia (Anger):
217 - Zoophobia (Animals):
218 - Neophobia (Anything new):
219 - Atomosophobia (Atomic Explosions):
220 - Ochophobia (Moving in an automobile):
221 - Motorphobia (Automobiles):
222 - Bacteriophobia (Bacteria):
223 - Ablutophobia (Bathing):
224 - Pigonophobia (Beards):
225 - Enissophobia (Criticized):
226 - Clinophobia (Bed, Going to):
227 - Hemophobia (Blood):
228 - Osphresiophobia (Body odors):
229 - Bogyphobia (Bogeyman/bogies):
230 - Bolshephobia (Bolsheviks):
231 - Bibliophpbia (Books):
232 - Batophobia (Buildings):
233 - Ballistophobia (Bullets):
234 - Hobophobia (Bums!):
235 - Taphephobia (Cemeteries/buried alive):
236 - Pedophobia (Children):
237 - Geniophobia (Chins):
238 - Anginophobia (Choking):
239 - Ecclesiophobia (Church):
240 - Coulrophobia (Clowns):
241 - Chromophobia (Colors):
242 - Claustrophobia (Confined spaces):
243 - Coprastasophobia (Constipation):
244 - Crystallophobia (Glass/crystal):
245 - Chorophobia (Dancing):
246 - Achluophobia (Darkness):
247 - Phengophobia (Daylight/sunshine):
248 - Kakorrhaphiophobia (Defeat):
249 - Thanatophobia (Death):
250 - Dentophobia (Dentists):
251 - Panophobia (EVERYTHING):
252 - Paraskavedekatriaphobia (Friday 13th):
253 - Phasmophobia (Ghosts):
254 - Hellenologophobia (Greek terms):
255 - Hadephobia (Hell):
256 - Ouranophobia (Heaven):
257 - Athazagoraphobia (Being ignored):
258 - Genuphobia (Knees):
259 - Philophobia (Falling in love):
260 - Geliophobia (Laughter):
261 - Mechanophobia (Machines):
262 - Eisoptrophobia (Mirrors):
263 - Aichmophobia (Needles):
264 - Nucleomituphobia (Nukes):
265 - Gerontophobia (Elderly):
266 - Doxophobia (Expressing opinions):
267 - Arachibutyrophobia (Peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth):
268 - Pupaphobia (Puppets):
269 - Virginitiphobia (Rape):
270 - Hypengyophobia (Responsibility):
271 - Selachophobia (Sharks):
272 - Arachnophobia (Spiders):
273 - Topophobia (Stage fright):
274 - Symmetrophobia (Symmetry):
275 - Astraphobia (Thunder and lightning):
276 - Phronemophobia (Thinking):
278 - Urophobia (Urine):
279 - Lachanophobia (Vegetables):
280 - Onemorephobiaphobia (The thought of one more of these phobia questions):

281 - How often do you go online:
282 - Have your own computer:
283 - How many e-mails/screen names do you have/had:
284 - Which do you have - AIM, YIM, MSN, ICQ, other:
285 - How many "Buddies" do you have on your lists:
286 - What do you usually do online:
287 - Do you have/ever had a Xanga/MySpace/other blog:
288 - Message forums:
289 - Do you like chain mail:
290 - Spam sucks:

291 - What do you think of your social life:
292 - Consider yourself "popular":
293 - What "social group" would you place yourself in:
294 - Do you socialize more with girls or guys:
295 - Get out often:
296 - Opinion on parties:
297 - Know a lot of people:
298 - Wish you got to know everyone on a personal level:
299 - Think society blows:
300 - Would you change yourself to fit in:

301 - You were cheated on by your BF/GF (even if you don't have one, just pretend):
302 - The person you loved most in your life died:
303 - You went to space:
304 - You flew a plane:
305 - Your house burnt down:
306 - You could talk to animals:
307 - You could read minds:
308 - The world was going to end the next day:
309 - Electricity disappeared:
310 - A whale appeared in your bathtub:

311 - Chocolate/Vanilla:
312 - Hot/Cold:
313 - Coke/Pepsi:
314 - Mountain Dew/Sprite:
315 - Nestea/Lipton:
316 - Dial-Up/DSL:
317 - Fan/Air Conditioning:
318 - Angel/Devil:
319 - Love/Hate:
320 - Laptop/Desktop:
321 - Bought CDs/Burnt CDs:
322 - Reality TV/Cartoons:
323 - Democratic/Republican:
324 - Windows Media Player/Winamp (or other):
325 - VHS/DVD:
326 - Plane/Boat:
327 - E-Mail/IM:
328 - Script/Print:
329 - Action/Drama:
330 - CDs/MP3s:
331 - Sink/Swim:
332 - Left/Right:
333 - Up/Down:
334 - Pudding/Yogurt:
335 - Nestle/Hershey:
336 - Shy/Outgoing:
337 - Rain/Shine:
339 - Summer/Winter:
340 - Spring/Fall:
341 - Life/Death:
342 - X/O:
343 - Water/Land:
344 - Yes/No:
345 - Cellphone/Home Phone:
346 - Black/White:
348 - Dirty/Clean:
349 - Straight/Curved:
350 - Cookie/Cracker:
351 - AM/PM:
352 - Drinks/Food:
353 - Offense/Defense:
354 - Birthday Suit/Formal Suit:
355 - Arctic/Amazon:

356 - Do you play an instrument:
357 - If yes, what is it:
358 - How long have you been playing:
359 - Do you participate in a sport:
360 - How long have you been playing:
361 - Do you draw/paint/etc. well:
362 - What's your favorite thing to do on the weekend:
363 - Anything you wish you were better at:
364 - Do you have any weird talents:
365 - How many surveys like this do you think you've completed:

EMOTES (Make a smiley for each mood; the first one that comes to mind.)
366 - Happy:
367 - Sad:
368 - Angry:
369 - Embarrassed:
370 - Thoughtful:
371 - Laughing:
372 - Crying:
373 - Annoyed:
374 - Scared:
375 - Tired:

376 - Your GPA:
378 - School's Name:
379 - School Mascot:
380 - Favorite Teacher:
381 - What do they teach:
382 - Best Subject:
383 - Who teaches it:
384 - School Colors:
385 - Public/Private:
386 - Your Grade Level:
387 - Year you're Going To/Did Graduate Elementary School:
388 - Year you're Going To/Did Graduate High School:
389 - Year you're Going To/Did Graduate College:
390 - One thing you want to improve in your current school:

WORD ASSOCIATION (First thing that comes to mind when you see the word...)
391 - Away:
392 - Annoying:
393 - Amazing:
294 - Bang:
395 - Bat:
396 - Business:
397 - Car:
398 - Cooperative:
399 - Collectable:
400 - Dog:
401 - Destroy:
402 - Dinglehopper:
403 - Evacuate:
404 - Everyday:
405 - Flag:
406 - Fool:
407 - Good:
408 - Grappling:
409 - Hate:
410 - Hyperventilation:
411 - Icicle:
412 - Independent:
413 - Jump:
414 - Jester:
415 - Know:
416 - "Kool":
417 - Love:
418 - Living:
419 - Mourn:
420 - Mississippi:
421 - Never:
422 - Negate:
423 - Octopus:
424 - Orientation:
425 - Pee:
426 - Possibility:
427 - Queen:
428 - Queer:
429 - Resolution:
430 - Rearrangement:
431 - Super:
432 - Synthesis:
433 - Tomorrow:
434 - Testament:
435 - Underling:
436 - Upcoming:
437 - Venerate:
438 - Vocabulary:
439 - Work:
440 - Withdraw:
441 - X-Ray:
442 - Yes:
443 - Yeay:
444 - Zoo:
445 - Zeal:

446 - The beach:
447 - The mall:
448 - Home:
449 - School:
450 - Bathroom:
451 - Bedroom:
452 - The doctor's waiting room:
453 - A restaurant, waiting to be seated:
454 - The pool:
455 - The grocery store:

456 - Blow a bubble with gum:
457 - Make a bubble with your saliva and blow it off your tongue:
458 - Whistle:
459 - Roll your tongue:
460 - Flip your eyelids inside out:
461 - Split:
462 - Contort your body in a weird way:
463 - Lick your elbow:
464 - Put your toes in your mouth:
465 - Eat a cupcake whole:
466 - Type as fast or faster than 70 WPM:
467 - Play Beethoven's "Fur Elise" on piano:
468 - Burp the ABCs:
469 - Cook:
470 - Finish the rest of this survey:

471 - Hungry:
472 - Thirsty:
473 - Horny:
474 - Bored:
475 - Tired:
476 - Sad:
478 - Happy:
479 - Anxious:
480 - Getting tired of this survey:

481 - The song in your head right now:
482 - Your wallpaper for your computer:
483 - The color of your underwear:
484 - Your current worry:
485 - Your current food craving:

486 - Movie you saw:
487 - Song you listened to:
488 - Person you talked to on the phone:
489 - TV Show you watched:
490 - Word you said:
491 - Food you ate:
492 - Person you talked to online:
493 - Grade you got on a test:
494 - Person you hit:
495 - Website you went to:

496 - What did you think of this survey:
497 - Did we miss anything when making questions:
498 - Do you think we, the people who made this, are crazy:
499 - The last question: What time is it now:


000 - What time it is now:  11:33 PM
001 - Gender: male
002 - First Name: David
003 - Middle Name (If applicable): No bloody way.
004 - Last Name (If you want): No bloody way.
005 - Name You WISHED you had:
006 - Nickname(s): Diamond-Back Jack; Pooh Bear
007 - Age: 41
008 - Birthday: July 69'
009 - Place of Birth: Colorado
010 - Astrological Sign: Leo
011 - Chinese Zodiac Sign:Rooster
012 - Weight: 300.5 lbs at last weigh in, but only about 45 lbs of that is actual fat
013 - Height: 6'2"
014 - Shoe Size: 12
015 - Blood Type: not a bloody clue
016 - Allergies: hay fever; timothy hay
017 - Eye Color: brown
018 - Hair Color: brown
019 - Skin Tone: rudy
020 - Righty/Lefty/Ambidextrous: right
021 - Nationality: United States Citizen
022 - Location: Chicago Land
023 - House/Apartment/Other: House
024 - Country: U.S.A.
025 - Sexual Orientation: Straight and happy with my wife but a bit bi-curious and also wishes that he had the ability to become a woman at will

026 - Color: burnt umber
027 - Number: 9
028 - Letter: Z
029 - Word: Geek
030 - Flower: white rose
031 - Quote:  "My spelling is wobbly.  It is good spelling but it wobbles." - Winnie-The-Pooh
032 - Food: Thai Coconut Curry Chicken or Bocca burger with bacon (It always freaks out the waitresses)
033 - Soda: Code Red Mountain Dew or Diet Mountain Dew
034 - Music Genre: Celtic/Folk
035 - Singer/Band/Composer/etc.: Jonathan Coulton
036 - Song: Good Morning Baltimore
037 - School Subject: Art of the American Film
038 - Hobby: writing
039 - Movie: Singing in the Rain
040 - Book: Anne of Green Gables
041 - Videogame: Fallout 1
042 - Animal: cat
043 - Celebrity: Dawn French
044 - Website:
045 - Anime/Manga: Ponyo
046 - Candy: Swedish Fish
047 - Flavor: Chocolate
048 - Ice Cream: New York Super Fudge Chunk
049 - Sport: figure skating (watching only)
050 - Restaurant: Family Pancake House (a wonderful little Greek run restaurant)

051 - Color: hot pink
052 - Number: 0
053 - Letter: Y
054 - Word: retard
055 - Flower: dandelions
056 - Quote: "Every nation in every region now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists." - George W. Bush
057 - Food: eggs (unless I drowned them with salsa and cheddar cheese)
058 - Soda: Baja Mountain Dew (screw Taco Bell)
059 - Music Genre: Rap
060 - Singer/Band/Composer/etc.:Insane Clown Posse
061 - Song:Jenny From the Block
062 - School Subject: Algebra
063 - Hobby: watching televised team sports
064 - Movie: Sleepless in Seatle (I F-ing hate that they don't get together until the end.  It is so lame.  I love every start in it and I love the sound track.  I want to like it, but it always pisses me off.)
065 - Book: The Obama Diaries (fake as shit and worth as much, unless your going to burn it for heat, like they have to do in some countries)
066 - Videogame: Any team sport video game you can name.
067 - Animal: skunks (especially the one that is friends with my cats)
068 - Celebrity: Glenn Beck
069 - Website: Link to Glenn Beck's site removed
070 - Anime/Manga: anything involving lolicon and the like
071 - Candy:black juju bees
072 - Flavor:plain vanilla
073 - Ice Cream:plain vanilla
074 - Sport:American football
075 - Restaurant:Olive Garden (put up some sound dampening tiles on the roof already- its like eating inside a giant bucket)

076 - Family makeup: (Mom, Dad, Bro, etc.) wife and three kids
077 - Number of Friends: around ten good friends
078 - Best Friend: my wife
079 - Newest Friend: Off line... Jasmine
080 - Single/Dating/Married/etc.:married
081 - Crush/In Love:in love
082 - If so, who:my wife
083 - Would you marry this person:been there and done that
084 - If not this person, would you marry at all:Dawn French from The Vicar of Dibley
085 - Kids:Yes- one boy and two girls
086 - If so, how many:3
087 - Name ideas:  Orion, Caspian, Pippi, Autumn
088 - Gender preferences for the kids: both
089 - Single/Group Dates: single
090 - If you're not single, how long have you been together: 10.5 years

TRUTHS (True or False, opinion based)
091 - Being a "pimp" is good: no, it is exploitation
092 - Life sucks:not always
093 - Love bites:no
094 - Everyone loves me:not even close
095 - I hate everyone and everything:no
096 - I love God:I try
097 - Ghosts and/or aliens are real:I am not sure
098 - Reincarnation exists:no
099 - War is the best way to go:Almost never
100 - Abortion is right:No, but back alley abortion is worse than not allowing people to do it safely
101 - Gay marriage is right:Hell Ya!
102 - Go Pres. Bush:No
103 - Money makes the world go 'round:true
104 - The ideal family is a Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister:Family is having people who love and support you and who will be there for you, even when you wish that they would go the Hell away.  Genders and defined relationship are not important, but all children need at least one stable, loving, mature adult in their life
105 - Girls should act like girls, and guys should act like guys:Hell No... what fun would that be.  Be who you are damnit.
106 - The media is a source of evil:Fox News is
107 - All you hear on the news is bad news:pretty much
108 - Courage is being able to do something even though you know you're screwed:Courage is know that your afraid and acting anyway
109 - Good deeds are for losers:NO
110 - Sex is overrated:sometimes
111 - The human race sucks:pretty often (Oh, is someone getting sucked?)
112 - Drinking/Smoking is cool:Smoking is not cool, unless you are Bogart.  Drinking is cool if your not stupid about it and do not drive, or his your loved ones, or have unprotected random sex, or other stupid shit
113 - Parties are fun: if they are small
114 - Funerals are always sad: yes
115 - I'm fat:  somewhat, but I am working on it

116 - Sang in the rain:yes
117 - Swam in a pool of jello:no
118 - Do drugs:no
119 - Drink:yes
120 - Drive:I have never had a driver's license, but I drove three times
121 - Skinny dipping:once
122 - Shoplifted:once
123 - Cheated on a test:a few times
124 - Cheated on someone:no
125 - Been on a date:yes
126 - Made out:yes
127 - Virgin:no
128 - Dumped someone:yes
129 - Been dumped:yes
130 - Recently ate cookies:yes (chocolate chip)
131 - Stuffed yourself so much you actually hurled after eating:yes
132 - Cliff dive:no
133 - Climbed the Leaning Tower of Pisa:no
134 - Been to Hawaii:I wish
135 - Contemplated a painting:yes
136 - Drew a picture:often
137 - Headbanged:a few times
138 - Laughed so much you cried:yes
139 - Showered for over an hour:no
140 - Didn't shower in a week:only once at an outdoor music festival
141 - Broke something that wasn't yours:yes
142 - Got a detention in school:yes
143 - Failed a test:yes
144 - Failed a blood test:no
145 - Read something and it screwed your train of thought over:yes
146 - Pushed when a door said pull:yes
147 - Pulled when a door said push:yes
148 - Went in a revolving door just to go through it:yes
149 - Went up a down escalator:no
150 - Went down an up escalator:no
151 - Fell down the stairs:yes
152 - Fell up the stairs:no
153 - Misspelt the word "a":yes
154 - Sat down on an escalator:no
155 - Tripped over yourself:yes
156 - Tripped on a cordless phone:no
157 - Was tripped by someone else:yes
158 - Choked:yes
159 - Almost drowned:yes
160 - Swim:yes
161 - Surf:no
162 - Flew in a plane:yes
163 - Been out of the country:yes (Ontario Canada)
164 - Ate something stale:yes
165 - Crashed into a parked car:no
166 - Watched a Disney movie:very often
167 - Won an art contest:placed 2nd
168 - Won ANY contest:the above and 3rd place in a science fair
169 - Played a sport: soccer
170 - Called a jackass: no
171 - Enjoy taking surveys such as this:yes
172 - Been thought of as "insane":yes
173 - Found a happy place:yes
174 - Shot suction cups at a TV:no
175 - Talked/Yelled back at the TV:yes
176 - Started laughing for no reason:yes
177 - Didn't get sleep for more than 1 day:I did not sleep for a solid 48 hours before turning in my final thesis in university and got it under the prof's door with about five minutes to spare on the deadline.  I typed 36 out of those 48 hours and I stayed up for another hour after turning it in to get some breakfast
178 - Burped the ABCs:no
179 - Farted in public:yes
180 - Tried to lick your elbow:yes
181 - Succeeded in the above task:no
182 - Rolled down a grassy hill:yes
183 - Got 1 + 1 wrong:no
184 - Skipped school:yes
185 - Got sick:yes
186 - Broke a bone:yes (the little toe of my left foot)
187 - Broke a nail:no
188 - Went under surgery:only dental
189 - Made fun of "n00bs":no
190 - Lied:yes
191 - Lie on that question:no
192 - Been to confession:no (Lutheran, not Catholic)
193 - Misspelt "grammar":often
194 - Watched TV all day:yes
195 - Contemplated suicide:yes
196 - Contemplated murder:maiming yes, murder no
197 - Had an imaginary friend:yes
198 - Blackmailed someone:no
199 - Been blackmailed:yes
200 - Took a survey this long:no

201 - Think you're sexy:I was to the women who loved me.
202 - Think you're attractive, if not sexy:yes
203 - Think you're the ugliest person on the face of the earth:never
204 - Think you're "1337":WTF?

205 - Pick your stereotype:gleek
206 - Are you mentally disturbed:no
207 - Three words to describe yourself:musical, creative, random
208 - Three words to describe society:Institutionalized racism sexism
209 - Any mentors? (Name them):Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, Peter Paul and Mary, Marin Luther King Jr., Weird Al Yankovich
210 - Your last words before your death:God please forgive me of my sins and accept me into your presence.

PHOBIAS (Fear of...) [Mind you, this is just a few we picked out of a huge list... ]
211 - Dystychiphobia (Accidents):yes
212 - Anemophobia (Air):no
213 - Methyphobia (Alcohol):no
214 - Monophobia (Being alone):no
215 - Anginophbia (Amnesia):no
216 - Angrophobia (Anger):yes
217 - Zoophobia (Animals):no
218 - Neophobia (Anything new):yes
219 - Atomosophobia (Atomic Explosions):no
220 - Ochophobia (Moving in an automobile):no
221 - Motorphobia (Automobiles):no
222 - Bacteriophobia (Bacteria):no
223 - Ablutophobia (Bathing):no
224 - Pigonophobia (Beards):no
225 - Enissophobia (Criticized):yes
226 - Clinophobia (Bed, Going to):no
227 - Hemophobia (Blood):no
228 - Osphresiophobia (Body odors):no
229 - Bogyphobia (Bogeyman/bogies):no
230 - Bolshephobia (Bolsheviks):no
231 - Bibliophpbia (Books):no
232 - Batophobia (Buildings):no
233 - Ballistophobia (Bullets):no
234 - Hobophobia (Bums!):no
235 - Taphephobia (Cemeteries/buried alive):no
236 - Pedophobia (Children):only mine
237 - Geniophobia (Chins):no
238 - Anginophobia (Choking):no
239 - Ecclesiophobia (Church):no
240 - Coulrophobia (Clowns):no
241 - Chromophobia (Colors):no
242 - Claustrophobia (Confined spaces):no, but I don't like big crowds
243 - Coprastasophobia (Constipation):yes
244 - Crystallophobia (Glass/crystal):no
245 - Chorophobia (Dancing):no
246 - Achluophobia (Darkness):no
247 - Phengophobia (Daylight/sunshine):no
248 - Kakorrhaphiophobia (Defeat):yes
249 - Thanatophobia (Death):yes
250 - Dentophobia (Dentists):yes
251 - Panophobia (EVERYTHING):no
252 - Paraskavedekatriaphobia (Friday 13th):no
253 - Phasmophobia (Ghosts):no
254 - Hellenologophobia (Greek terms):no
255 - Hadephobia (Hell):yes
256 - Ouranophobia (Heaven):no
257 - Athazagoraphobia (Being ignored):yes
258 - Genuphobia (Knees):no
259 - Philophobia (Falling in love):no
260 - Geliophobia (Laughter):no
261 - Mechanophobia (Machines):no
262 - Eisoptrophobia (Mirrors):no
263 - Aichmophobia (Needles):yes
264 - Nucleomituphobia (Nukes):no
265 - Gerontophobia (Elderly):no
266 - Doxophobia (Expressing opinions):no
267 - Arachibutyrophobia (Peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth):no
268 - Pupaphobia (Puppets):no
269 - Virginitiphobia (Rape):no
270 - Hypengyophobia (Responsibility):no
271 - Selachophobia (Sharks):no
272 - Arachnophobia (Spiders):no
273 - Topophobia (Stage fright):no
274 - Symmetrophobia (Symmetry):only the lack of symmetry
275 - Astraphobia (Thunder and lightning):no
276 - Phronemophobia (Thinking):no
278 - Urophobia (Urine):no
279 - Lachanophobia (Vegetables):no
280 - Onemorephobiaphobia (The thought of one more of these phobia questions):no

281 - How often do you go online:almost every day
282 - Have your own computer:yes
283 - How many e-mails/screen names do you have/had:2
284 - Which do you have - AIM, YIM, MSN, ICQ, other:yahoo and live
285 - How many "Buddies" do you have on your lists:82
286 - What do you usually do online:read wikipedia, write on games, watch television
287 - Do you have/ever had a Xanga/MySpace/other blog:yes
288 - Message forums:Facebook and
289 - Do you like chain mail:NO
290 - Spam sucks:YES

291 - What do you think of your social life:slow
292 - Consider yourself "popular":no
293 - What "social group" would you place yourself in:nerds
294 - Do you socialize more with girls or guys:girls
295 - Get out often:no
296 - Opinion on parties:I like smaller parties, or going out with a group of friends
297 - Know a lot of people:yes, but all of my good friends live at least two hours away now
298 - Wish you got to know everyone on a personal level:no
299 - Think society blows:not alway
300 - Would you change yourself to fit in:NO

301 - You were cheated on by your BF/GF (even if you don't have one, just pretend):I would forgive her in time.  I already had a girlfriend once who gave a BJ to a few of her friends, when she was really drunk, and I forgave her.  We broke up for other reasons a few months later.
302 - The person you loved most in your life died:I would try to be strong for our kids
303 - You went to space:I would only do it if there was artificial gravity and shuffle board
304 - You flew a plane:I would crash
305 - Your house burnt down:I would save my kids
306 - You could talk to animals:My job would be a Hell of a lot easier
307 - You could read minds:It would really suck
308 - The world was going to end the next day:I would repent, make love to my wife and then spend the time having fun with my children and trying not to let them know what was happening
309 - Electricity disappeared:Almost everyone in North American would be dead within two weeks
310 - A whale appeared in your bathtub:My bathtube would be destroyed along with a lot of my house

311 - Chocolate/Vanilla:chocolate of course
312 - Hot/Cold:cold
313 - Coke/Pepsi:Coke
314 - Mountain Dew/Sprite:Mountain Dew
315 - Nestea/Lipton:Lipton
316 - Dial-Up/DSL:stupid question
317 - Fan/Air Conditioning:Air Conditioning
318 - Angel/Devil:angel
319 - Love/Hate:love
320 - Laptop/Desktop:desktop
321 - Bought CDs/Burnt CDs:burnt CDs
322 - Reality TV/Cartoons:cartoons
323 - Democratic/Republican:Democratic
324 - Windows Media Player/Winamp (or other):Play Tray or FLV Player
326 - Plane/Boat:boat
327 - E-Mail/IM:e-mail
328 - Script/Print:print
329 - Action/Drama:action
330 - CDs/MP3s:MP3s
331 - Sink/Swim:swim
332 - Left/Right:right
333 - Up/Down:down
334 - Pudding/Yogurt:yogurt
335 - Nestle/Hershey:Hershey
336 - Shy/Outgoing:Neither/both
337 - Rain/Shine:rain
339 - Summer/Winter:winter
340 - Spring/Fall:Fall
341 - Life/Death:life
342 - X/O:hug/cuddle
343 - Water/Land:land
344 - Yes/No:no
345 - Cellphone/Home Phone:cellphone
346 - Black/White:black
348 - Dirty/Clean:clean
349 - Straight/Curved:straight
350 - Cookie/Cracker:cookie
351 - AM/PM:PM
352 - Drinks/Food:food
353 - Offense/Defense:defense
354 - Birthday Suit/Formal Suit:birthday suit
355 - Arctic/Amazon:Amazon

356 - Do you play an instrument:yes
357 - If yes, what is it: Clarinet, Penny Whistle, Harmonica, 6 Holed Wooden Flute
358 - How long have you been playing: over 30 years
359 - Do you participate in a sport: no
360 - How long have you been playing:no
361 - Do you draw/paint/etc. well:yes
362 - What's your favorite thing to do on the weekend:sleep
363 - Anything you wish you were better at: getting along with my oldest daughter
364 - Do you have any weird talents:I can wiggle my ears and I can whistle really, really well and whistle without stopping at all for as long as you like
365 - How many surveys like this do you think you've completed: 3-4

EMOTES (Make a smiley for each mood; the first one that comes to mind.)
366 - Happy: :)
367 - Sad: :(
368 - Angry: *he is angry*
369 - Embarrassed:  *he is embarrassed*
370 - Thoughtful: *he is thinking*
371 - Laughing: LOL
372 - Crying: *he is crying*
373 - Annoyed: *he is annoyed by this line of questioning*
374 - Scared: *he is scared*
375 - Tired: *he is tired of emoticons*

376 - Your GPA: 3.0
378 - School's Name: I would rather not say
379 - School Mascot:high school- The Vikings
380 - Favorite Teacher:My Art of the American Film prof.
381 - What do they teach:Literature
382 - Best Subject:Art
383 - Who teaches it:How the Hell should I know?
384 - School Colors:high school- gold and blue
385 - Public/Private:private
386 - Your Grade Level:post grauduate
387 - Year you're Going To/Did Graduate Elementary School:yes
388 - Year you're Going To/Did Graduate High School:yes
389 - Year you're Going To/Did Graduate College:yes
390 - One thing you want to improve in your current school:I am not in school, but in my last school I would get rid of all the administrators that were turning it ultra conservative, while I was still attending.

WORD ASSOCIATION (First thing that comes to mind when you see the word...)
391 - Away:far
392 - Annoying:angry
393 - Amazing:brilliant
294 - Bang:zoom
395 - Bat:man
396 - Business:card
397 - Car:hop
398 - Cooperative:together
399 - Collectable:toys
400 - Dog:cat
401 - Destroy:building
402 - Dinglehopper:Little Mermain
403 - Evacuate:building
404 - Everyday:hero
405 - Flag:burn (I never would, but this it what came to mind.)
406 - Fool:jester
407 - Good:grief
408 - Grappling:wrestling
409 - Hate:mail
410 - Hyperventilation:calm
411 - Icicle:frozen
412 - Independent:maverick
413 - Jump:jack
414 - Jester:clown
415 - Know:ken
416 - "Kool":stupid spelling
417 - Love:hate
418 - Living:doll
419 - Mourn:grandma
420 - Mississippi:burning
421 - Never:again
422 - Negate:positive
423 - Octopus:animal
424 - Orientation:straight
425 - Pee:yes
426 - Possibility:impossible
427 - Queen:cool (Cool with a "C")
428 - Queer:folk
429 - Resolution:conflict
430 - Rearrangement:mess
431 - Super:power
432 - Synthesis:together
433 - Tomorrow:today
434 - Testament:new
435 - Underling:denizen
436 - Upcoming:election
437 - Venerate:elders
438 - Vocabulary:words
439 - Work:sucks
440 - Withdraw:money
441 - X-Ray:vision
442 - Yes:no
443 - Yeay:boy
444 - Zoo:animals
445 - Zeal:happy

446 - The beach:read
447 - The mall:read
448 - Home:watch tv
449 - School:never again
450 - Bathroom:read
451 - Bedroom:sleep
452 - The doctor's waiting room:read
453 - A restaurant, waiting to be seated:read
454 - The pool:read
455 - The grocery store:shop

456 - Blow a bubble with gum:yes
457 - Make a bubble with your saliva and blow it off your tongue:no
458 - Whistle:very well
459 - Roll your tongue:yes
460 - Flip your eyelids inside out:no
461 - Split:no
462 - Contort your body in a weird way:no
463 - Lick your elbow:no
464 - Put your toes in your mouth:no
465 - Eat a cupcake whole:yes
466 - Type as fast or faster than 70 WPM:No... I just tested myself and I got 51 words
467 - Play Beethoven's "Fur Elise" on piano:no
468 - Burp the ABCs:no
469 - Cook:yes
470 - Finish the rest of this survey:Must I?

471 - Hungry:no
472 - Thirsty:no
473 - Horny:maybe
474 - Bored:yes
475 - Tired:yes
476 - Sad:no
478 - Happy:no
479 - Anxious:no
480 - Getting tired of this survey:Hell ya.

481 - The song in your head right now:And I Would Walk Five Hundred Miles.....
482 - Your wallpaper for your computer: solid blue
483 - The color of your underwear:gray mostly, but I have a few print boxers
484 - Your current worry:my salt intake
485 - Your current food craving:good Mexican food

486 - Movie you saw:MACHETTE!
487 - Song you listened to:Depeche Mode- Own Personal Jesus
488 - Person you talked to on the phone:My wife
489 - TV Show you watched:The Colbert Report
490 - Word you said:asleep
491 - Food you ate:a piece of Devil's food cake
492 - Person you talked to online:My wife via txt messaging, if you don't count the "social game threads"
493 - Grade you got on a test:It has been to long to remember, but probably a B.
494 - Person you hit:myself
495 - Website you went to:

496 - What did you think of this survey: It is very long.
497 - Did we miss anything when making questions:yes
498 - Do you think we, the people who made this, are crazy:No, just really boring.
499 - The last question: What time is it now: 3:30 AM

"It's good to see me, isn't it? No need to answer.  That was retorical."- Glinda (Wicked)


000 - What time it is now: 5:46pm
001 - Gender: Female
002 - First Name: Amanda
003 - Middle Name (If applicable): wouldnt you like to know ;)
004 - Last Name (If you want): wouldnt you like to know ;)
005 - Name You WISHED you had: I like my name
006 - Nickname(s): Mandy, Panda Bear, Mandy Love, Kandy Mandy
007 - Age: 21
008 - Birthday: August 30th, 1989
009 - Place of Birth: In a hospital
010 - Astrological Sign: Virgo
011 - Chinese Zodiac Sign: I have no idea
012 - Weight: 165
013 - Height: 6 foot
014 - Shoe Size: 8
015 - Blood Type: O+
016 - Allergies: Sensitive to Amoxicillin
017 - Eye Color: Brown
018 - Hair Color: Colored it black with highlights. Natural hair color is a reddish reddish brown
019 - Skin Tone: White as white can be lmao. I sun burn and go back to white
020 - Righty/Lefty/Ambidextrous: Ambidextrous
021 - Nationality: Irish
022 - Location: Resting in my recliner
023 - House/Apartment/Other: House
024 - Country: United States
025 - Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

026 - Color: Lime Green and Pink
027 - Number: 7
028 - Letter: F
029 - Word: Fuck or Aye
030 - Flower: Rose
031 - Quote: "The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will" - Vincent T. Lombardi
032 - Food: Potstickers
033 - Soda: Dr. Pepper or Mountain Dew
034 - Music Genre: Ones that make me move
035 - Singer/Band/Composer/etc.: Linkin Park
036 - Song: "What I've Done"
037 - School Subject: Science
038 - Hobby: Swimming
039 - Movie: Titanic
040 - Book: "A child called "IT" by David Pelzer and his other books
041 - Videogame: Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2
042 - Animal: ALL OF THEM
043 - Celebrity: Jim Carrey
044 - Website: Elliquiy This site is awesome just wished I wasnt on hold because Id be posting a lot of rps and joining some
045 - Anime/Manga: Love Hina
046 - Candy: Reeses
047 - Flavor: Mint
048 - Ice Cream: Depends on my mood really
049 - Sport: SOCCER!!!!! WOOOO!!!
050 - Restaurant: Olive Garden

051 - Color: Olive
052 - Number: 3 or 6
053 - Letter: P
054 - Word: Cunt
055 - Flower: Poison Ivy
056 - Quote: Im not sure
057 - Food: Seafood
058 - Soda: Ginger Ale
059 - Music Genre: Rap like Soljah boy
060 - Singer/Band/Composer/etc.: soljah boy
061 - Song: Crank that
062 - School Subject: Math
063 - Hobby: Didnt know you can dislike a hobby thought hobbies are fun and you do them because they are fun
064 - Movie: Ponyo >.<
065 - Book: I dont dislike any i love reading
066 - Videogame: the ones my brothers play they are annoying
067 - Animal: none
068 - Celebrity: Paris Hilton and Micheal Vick
069 - Website: Ones that bann me
070 - Anime/Manga: crappy ones
071 - Candy: Me disliking candy....THE WORLDS COMING TO AN END!
072 - Flavor: walnuts
073 - Ice Cream: walnut ice cream
074 - Sport: basketball
075 - Restaurant: red lobster

076 - Family makeup: (Mom, Dad, Bro, etc.) Mom Dad and 2 brothers, Im in the middle im the middle child
077 - Number of Friends: 24 friends
078 - Best Friend: KYMMYY!! Kym
079 - Newest Friend: Tyson
080 - Single/Dating/Married/etc.: Engaged
081 - Crush/In Love: In love
082 - If so, who: Seth
083 - Would you marry this person: Im engaged to this person
084 - If not this person, would you marry at all: I have no idea
085 - Kids: not right now but expecting
086 - If so, how many: expecting 1
087 - Name ideas: Mikayla for a girl or Elijah for a boy
088 - Gender preferences for the kids: male or female i dont care
089 - Single/Group Dates: single
090 - If you're not single, how long have you been together: n/a

TRUTHS (True or False, opinion based)
091 - Being a "pimp" is good: F
092 - Life sucks: T
093 - Love bites: T
094 - Everyone loves me: F
095 - I hate everyone and everything: F
096 - I love God: T
097 - Ghosts and/or aliens are real: ghosts are real
098 - Reincarnation exists: F
099 - War is the best way to go: F
100 - Abortion is right: F
101 - Gay marriage is right: T
102 - Go Pres. Bush:
103 - Money makes the world go 'round: F
104 - The ideal family is a Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister: F
105 - Girls should act like girls, and guys should act like guys: F act like who you what to be be yourself not what people want you to be
106 - The media is a source of evil: T
107 - All you hear on the news is bad news: F I was on the news for a soldier reunion my man came home early
108 - Courage is being able to do something even though you know you're screwed: T
109 - Good deeds are for losers: F
110 - Sex is overrated: F
111 - The human race sucks: F
112 - Drinking/Smoking is cool: Drinkings alright
113 - Parties are fun: T
114 - Funerals are always sad: F the funerals i go to are yes sad but we enjoy the time that we had with the person and share storys with others
115 - I'm fat: F

116 - Sang in the rain: Y
117 - Swam in a pool of jello: Y
118 - Do drugs: N
119 - Drink: Y
120 - Drive: Y
121 - Skinny dipping: Y
122 - Shoplifted: N
123 - Cheated on a test: N
124 - Cheated on someone: N
125 - Been on a date: Y
126 - Made out: Y
127 - Virgin: N
128 - Dumped someone: Y more like beat the shit out of
129 - Been dumped: T they wanted in my pants
130 - Recently ate cookies: F
131 - Stuffed yourself so much you actually hurled after eating: F
132 - Cliff dive: HELL NO
133 - Climbed the Leaning Tower of Pisa: N
134 - Been to Hawaii: N
135 - Contemplated a painting: Y
136 - Drew a picture: Y
137 - Headbanged: Y
138 - Laughed so much you cried: Y
139 - Showered for over an hour: N
140 - Didn't shower in a week: N
141 - Broke something that wasn't yours: N
142 - Got a detention in school: Y
143 - Failed a test: Y
144 - Failed a blood test: N
145 - Read something and it screwed your train of thought over: Y
146 - Pushed when a door said pull: Y
147 - Pulled when a door said push: Y
148 - Went in a revolving door just to go through it: Y
149 - Went up a down escalator: Y
150 - Went down an up escalator: Y
151 - Fell down the stairs: Y
152 - Fell up the stairs: WHAT
153 - Misspelt the word "a": N
154 - Sat down on an escalator: Y
155 - Tripped over yourself: Y
156 - Tripped on a cordless phone: HAHA
157 - Was tripped by someone else: Y
158 - Choked: Y
159 - Almost drowned: Y
160 - Swim: Y
161 - Surf: Y
162 - Flew in a plane: Y
163 - Been out of the country: Y
164 - Ate something stale: Y
165 - Crashed into a parked car: N
166 - Watched a Disney movie: Y
167 - Won an art contest: Y
168 - Won ANY contest: Y
169 - Played a sport: Y
170 - Called a jackass: Y
171 - Enjoy taking surveys such as this: Y
172 - Been thought of as "insane": Y INSANELY FUNNY
173 - Found a happy place: Y
174 - Shot suction cups at a TV: Y
175 - Talked/Yelled back at the TV: Y
176 - Started laughing for no reason: Y
177 - Didn't get sleep for more than 1 day: Y
178 - Burped the ABCs: Y
179 - Farted in public: Y
180 - Tried to lick your elbow: Y
181 - Succeeded in the above task: Y UNCLE KNOWS NOT TO BET AGAINST ME AGAIN
182 - Rolled down a grassy hill: Y
183 - Got 1 + 1 wrong: IN FIRST GRADE
184 - Skipped school: N
185 - Got sick: Y
186 - Broke a bone: N
187 - Broke a nail: Y
188 - Went under surgery: N
189 - Made fun of "n00bs": N
190 - Lied: N
191 - Lie on that question: N
192 - Been to confession: Y
193 - Misspelt "grammar": Y
194 - Watched TV all day: Y
195 - Contemplated suicide: Y
196 - Contemplated murder: N
197 - Had an imaginary friend: Y
198 - Blackmailed someone: N
199 - Been blackmailed: N
200 - Took a survey this long: Y

201 - Think you're sexy: N
202 - Think you're attractive, if not sexy: Y
203 - Think you're the ugliest person on the face of the earth: N
204 - Think you're "1337": ?
205 - Pick your stereotype: Normal. If you dont like it then fuck off
206 - Are you mentally disturbed: N
207 - Three words to describe yourself: Hard working, Team player, Kind
208 - Three words to describe society: Hell, in ressesion, really bad
209 - Any mentors? (Name them): None
210 - Your last words before your death: I had a good life *smiles and dies*

PHOBIAS (Fear of...) [Mind you, this is just a few we picked out of a huge list... ]
211 - Dystychiphobia (Accidents): No
212 - Anemophobia (Air): No
213 - Methyphobia (Alcohol): No
214 - Monophobia (Being alone): yes
215 - Anginophbia (Amnesia): yes
216 - Angrophobia (Anger): no
217 - Zoophobia (Animals): no
218 - Neophobia (Anything new): no
219 - Atomosophobia (Atomic Explosions): yes
220 - Ochophobia (Moving in an automobile): no
221 - Motorphobia (Automobiles): no
222 - Bacteriophobia (Bacteria): no
223 - Ablutophobia (Bathing): no
224 - Pigonophobia (Beards): no
225 - Enissophobia (Criticized): no
226 - Clinophobia (Bed, Going to): no
227 - Hemophobia (Blood): human blood i dislike
228 - Osphresiophobia (Body odors): no
229 - Bogyphobia (Bogeyman/bogies): yes lol
230 - Bolshephobia (Bolsheviks): what
231 - Bibliophpbia (Books): no
232 - Batophobia (Buildings): no
233 - Ballistophobia (Bullets): no
234 - Hobophobia (Bums!): yes
235 - Taphephobia (Cemeteries/buried alive): no to cemeteries yes to buried alive
236 - Pedophobia (Children): no
237 - Geniophobia (Chins): no
238 - Anginophobia (Choking): yes
239 - Ecclesiophobia (Church): no
240 - Coulrophobia (Clowns): no
241 - Chromophobia (Colors): no
242 - Claustrophobia (Confined spaces): yes
243 - Coprastasophobia (Constipation): no
244 - Crystallophobia (Glass/crystal): no
245 - Chorophobia (Dancing): no
246 - Achluophobia (Darkness): no
247 - Phengophobia (Daylight/sunshine): no
248 - Kakorrhaphiophobia (Defeat): no
249 - Thanatophobia (Death): no
250 - Dentophobia (Dentists): yes
251 - Panophobia (EVERYTHING): no
252 - Paraskavedekatriaphobia (Friday 13th): hell no
253 - Phasmophobia (Ghosts): no
254 - Hellenologophobia (Greek terms): no
255 - Hadephobia (Hell): yes
256 - Ouranophobia (Heaven): no
257 - Athazagoraphobia (Being ignored): yes
258 - Genuphobia (Knees): no
259 - Philophobia (Falling in love): no
260 - Geliophobia (Laughter): no
261 - Mechanophobia (Machines): no
262 - Eisoptrophobia (Mirrors): no
263 - Aichmophobia (Needles): yes
264 - Nucleomituphobia (Nukes): yes
265 - Gerontophobia (Elderly): no
266 - Doxophobia (Expressing opinions): no
267 - Arachibutyrophobia (Peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth): no
268 - Pupaphobia (Puppets): no
269 - Virginitiphobia (Rape): yes
270 - Hypengyophobia (Responsibility): no
271 - Selachophobia (Sharks): no
272 - Arachnophobia (Spiders): yes
273 - Topophobia (Stage fright): yes
274 - Symmetrophobia (Symmetry): no
275 - Astraphobia (Thunder and lightning): no
276 - Phronemophobia (Thinking): no
278 - Urophobia (Urine): no
279 - Lachanophobia (Vegetables): no
280 - Onemorephobiaphobia (The thought of one more of these phobia questions): no

281 - How often do you go online: About everyday
282 - Have your own computer: yes
283 - How many e-mails/screen names do you have/had: 1 email and two screen names
284 - Which do you have - AIM, YIM, MSN, ICQ, other: AIM
285 - How many "Buddies" do you have on your lists: about 10
286 - What do you usually do online: Roleplay
287 - Do you have/ever had a Xanga/MySpace/other blog: Facebook because myspace just sucks
288 - Message forums: quite a lot
289 - Do you like chain mail: no
290 - Spam sucks: yes

291 - What do you think of your social life: Its pretty good
292 - Consider yourself "popular": not really
293 - What "social group" would you place yourself in: i dont know
294 - Do you socialize more with girls or guys: its about even
295 - Get out often: not really due to college
296 - Opinion on parties: good if there is no drugs there
297 - Know a lot of people: yes
298 - Wish you got to know everyone on a personal level: no
299 - Think society blows: yes
300 - Would you change yourself to fit in: no. I dont change for no one

301 - You were cheated on by your BF/GF (even if you don't have one, just pretend): I would break up with him and then get over it
302 - The person you loved most in your life died: I would cry alot
303 - You went to space: I would have a BLAST
304 - You flew a plane: i have
305 - Your house burnt down: it has
306 - You could talk to animals: i would be in heaven
307 - You could read minds: i would know what people were thinking of me
308 - The world was going to end the next day: i would have sex
309 - Electricity disappeared: that would be great
310 - A whale appeared in your bathtub: i would scream and run out naked

311 - Chocolate/Vanilla: depends on my mood
312 - Hot/Cold: hot
313 - Coke/Pepsi: coke
314 - Mountain Dew/Sprite: mountain dew
315 - Nestea/Lipton: nestea
316 - Dial-Up/DSL: i dont know
317 - Fan/Air Conditioning: AC
318 - Angel/Devil: Angel
319 - Love/Hate: love
320 - Laptop/Desktop: laptop
321 - Bought CDs/Burnt CDs: burnt CDs
322 - Reality TV/Cartoons: reality tv
323 - Democratic/Republican: >.>
324 - Windows Media Player/Winamp (or other): WMP
325 - VHS/DVD: DVD
326 - Plane/Boat: boat
327 - E-Mail/IM: IM
328 - Script/Print: Print
329 - Action/Drama: Action
330 - CDs/MP3s: CDS
331 - Sink/Swim: Swim
332 - Left/Right: right
333 - Up/Down: up
334 - Pudding/Yogurt: yogurt
335 - Nestle/Hershey: hershey
336 - Shy/Outgoing: outgoing
337 - Rain/Shine: rain
339 - Summer/Winter: winter
340 - Spring/Fall: fall
341 - Life/Death: life
342 - X/O: X
343 - Water/Land: water
344 - Yes/No: yes
345 - Cellphone/Home Phone: cellphone
346 - Black/White: black
348 - Dirty/Clean: clean
349 - Straight/Curved: curved
350 - Cookie/Cracker: cookie
351 - AM/PM: AM
352 - Drinks/Food: food
353 - Offense/Defense: defense
354 - Birthday Suit/Formal Suit: Formal suit
355 - Arctic/Amazon: artic

356 - Do you play an instrument: yes
357 - If yes, what is it: piano, guitar, drums, flute
358 - How long have you been playing: a LONG time
359 - Do you participate in a sport: yes
360 - How long have you been playing: playing soccer since i was 5
361 - Do you draw/paint/etc. well: yes
362 - What's your favorite thing to do on the weekend: spend time with family and fiancee
363 - Anything you wish you were better at: retaining information
364 - Do you have any weird talents: i am reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllly flexable
365 - How many surveys like this do you think you've completed: 2

EMOTES (Make a smiley for each mood; the first one that comes to mind.)
366 - Happy: :)
367 - Sad: :(
368 - Angry: >: [
369 - Embarrassed: ^^;
370 - Thoughtful: ^_^
371 - Laughing: :D
372 - Crying: :'(
373 - Annoyed: >.<
374 - Scared: o_0
375 - Tired: -_-

376 - Your GPA: 4.0
378 - School's Name: Kaplan College
379 - School Mascot: None
380 - Favorite Teacher: Corrine Vivers
381 - What do they teach: Veterinary Technology, Medical Assistant, Respiratory Therapy, Billing and Coding, Pharmacy Technician, Criminal Justice
382 - Best Subject: VET TECH
383 - Who teaches it: Corrine Vivers
384 - School Colors: None
385 - Public/Private: Public
386 - Your Grade Level: in college
387 - Year you're Going To/Did Graduate Elementary School:  Graduated i think in 2002
388 - Year you're Going To/Did Graduate High School: Graduated 2007
389 - Year you're Going To/Did Graduate College: 2011
390 - One thing you want to improve in your current school: The whole Kaplan staff >.<

WORD ASSOCIATION (First thing that comes to mind when you see the word...)
391 - Away: Near
392 - Annoying: College
393 - Amazing: My man
294 - Bang: Boom
395 - Bat: rabies
396 - Business: not hiring
397 - Car: vroom vroom
398 - Cooperative: subbmissive
399 - Collectable: titanic
400 - Dog: cat
401 - Destroy: rebuild
402 - Dinglehopper: *laughs*
403 - Evacuate: Tornado
404 - Everyday: life
405 - Flag: patriotic
406 - Fool: clown
407 - Good: bad
408 - Grappling: huh
409 - Hate: love
410 - Hyperventilation: paper bag
411 - Icicle: potential weapon
412 - Independent: freedom
413 - Jump: bounce
414 - Jester: joker
415 - Know: dont know
416 - "Kool": cool
417 - Love: hate
418 - Living: life
419 - Mourn: sadness
420 - Mississippi: m-i-s-s-i-s-s-i-p-p-i
421 - Never: again
422 - Negate: legistate
423 - Octopus: ink
424 - Orientation: ROTC
425 - Pee: lab work
426 - Possibility: to be approved
427 - Queen: king
428 - Queer: Not queer
429 - Resolution: finally
430 - Rearrangement: thank god
431 - Super: bad
432 - Synthesis: ugh
433 - Tomorrow: another day
434 - Testament: testimony
435 - Underling: foaling
436 - Upcoming: incoming
437 - Venerate: bleh
438 - Vocabulary: is great
439 - Work: sucks
440 - Withdraw: bank
441 - X-Ray: are fun to take and develop
442 - Yes: no
443 - Yeay: yay
444 - Zoo: animals
445 - Zeal: teal

446 - The beach: Surf
447 - The mall: shop
448 - Home: relax
449 - School: study
450 - Bathroom: really do i have to answer this
451 - Bedroom: sleep and have sex
452 - The doctor's waiting room: tremble
453 - A restaurant, waiting to be seated: starve
454 - The pool: swim
455 - The grocery store: shop

456 - Blow a bubble with gum: yes
457 - Make a bubble with your saliva and blow it off your tongue: yes
458 - Whistle: yes
459 - Roll your tongue: yes
460 - Flip your eyelids inside out: yes
461 - Split: no
462 - Contort your body in a weird way: yes
463 - Lick your elbow: yes
464 - Put your toes in your mouth: eww
465 - Eat a cupcake whole: yes it was a bet
466 - Type as fast or faster than 70 WPM: yes
467 - Play Beethoven's "Fur Elise" on piano: yes
468 - Burp the ABCs: yes
469 - Cook: yes
470 - Finish the rest of this survey: yes

471 - Hungry: starving
472 - Thirsty: no
473 - Horny: yes
474 - Bored: yes
475 - Tired: no
476 - Sad: yes........................
478 - Happy: no
479 - Anxious: no
480 - Getting tired of this survey: no

481 - The song in your head right now: the titanic song
482 - Your wallpaper for your computer:
483 - The color of your underwear: white with breast cancer ribbons
484 - Your current worry: not being approved
485 - Your current food craving: salad

486 - Movie you saw: titanic
487 - Song you listened to: what ive done by linkin park
488 - Person you talked to on the phone: my hubby
489 - TV Show you watched: scrubs
490 - Word you said: aye eye aye
491 - Food you ate: frosted mini wheats
492 - Person you talked to online: Yume on another mature forum
493 - Grade you got on a test: A-
494 - Person you hit: my little brother when we were rough housing when i came over to see my family
495 - Website you went to:

496 - What did you think of this survey: long
497 - Did we miss anything when making questions: i dont think so
498 - Do you think we, the people who made this, are crazy: no just bored
499 - The last question: What time is it now: 7:54pm Was busy roleplaying

Diabolus Lupus

000 - What time it is now: 23:25 EDT
001 - Gender: Female
002 - First Name: Alexandria
003 - Middle Name (If applicable): Rose
004 - Last Name (If you want): not giving that away, but it's pretty long
005 - Name You WISHED you had: Like first name? I actually like my first name.
006 - Nickname(s): Al, Ali (pronounced like alley), Alex
007 - Age: 21 (almost 22)
008 - Birthday: Dec 13
009 - Place of Birth: GR, MI
010 - Astrological Sign: Sagittarius
011 - Chinese Zodiac Sign: Dragon ;D
012 - Weight: I have no clue
013 - Height: 5'5"
014 - Shoe Size: 9 1/2- 10 in Women's sizes
015 - Blood Type: A+
016 - Allergies: none that I know for sure of
017 - Eye Color: blue
018 - Hair Color: dark blonde/light brown (not quite sure which)
019 - Skin Tone: slightly tanned?
020 - Righty/Lefty/Ambidextrous: In what sense cause it vaires
021 - Nationality: American
022 - Location: My chair in my living room
023 - House/Apartment/Other: technically I think it's a Town house
024 - Country: USA
025 - Sexual Orientation: Straight

026 - Color: Black and Purple
027 - Number:13
028 - Letter: I don't have one
029 - Word: Yom
030 - Flower: Don't have one
031 - Quote: Oe lu hu skxawng ;D
032 - Food: Pizza
033 - Soda: Mug Root Beer
034 - Music Genre: Country and Rock
035 - Singer/Band/Composer/etc.: ..........too many too list
036 - Song: Currently- Gimmie That Girl by Joe Nichols
037 - School Subject:Art
038 - Hobby: Drawing
039 - Movie:not sure
040 - Book: Anything by Sherrilyn Kenyon
041 - Videogame:World of Warcraft
042 - Animal: Wolf, Tiger, Bear
043 - Celebrity: -_- none
044 - Website: *shrug*
045 - Anime/Manga: don't have one at the moment
046 - Candy: pretty much anything chocolate
047 - Flavor: of what?
048 - Ice Cream: Moose trracks
049 - Sport:Wrestling (not the 'professional' crap on TV)
050 - Restaurant: Don't really have one

051 - Color:Pink
052 - Number:none
053 - Letter:none
054 - Word:I don't have one
055 - Flower:none
056 - Quote:???
057 - Food: Spinach
058 - Soda:diet
059 - Music Genre: cRAP
060 - Singer/Band/Composer/etc.:IDK
061 - Song: IDK
062 - School Subject:Writing
063 - Hobby:It wouldn't be a hobby if I didn't like it
064 - Movie: I don't watch movies I don't like
065 - Book: crappy romance novels
066 - Videogame: ?
067 - Animal: bugs
068 - Celebrity:all of them?
069 - Website:I don't know
070 - Anime/Manga:I don't know
071 - Candy:anything cinnamon flavored
072 - Flavor:of what?
073 - Ice Cream: ?
074 - Sport:golf or volleyball I'm not sure
075 - Restaurant: McDonalds

076 - Family makeup: (Mom, Dad, Bro, etc.)huh?
077 - Number of Friends:I don't don't know a couple dozen?
078 - Best Friend: My Twin sister
079 - Newest Friend:uh....I'm not totally sure
080 - Single/Dating/Married/etc.:dating
081 - Crush/In Love:*shrug*
082 - If so, who:
083 - Would you marry this person:IDK
084 - If not this person, would you marry at all: Possibly
085 - Kids:I don't have any. might have them in the future
086 - If so, how many:2 maybe 3
087 - Name ideas:No clue
088 - Gender preferences for the kids: no pref
089 - Single/Group Dates: depends
090 - If you're not single, how long have you been together: uh....2 months?

TRUTHS (True or False, opinion based)
091 - Being a "pimp" is good:false
092 - Life sucks: true and false
093 - Love bites:true and false
094 - Everyone loves me:true
095 - I hate everyone and everything:false
096 - I love God:true
097 - Ghosts and/or aliens are real:t
098 - Reincarnation exists:t
099 - War is the best way to go:f
100 - Abortion is right:....
101 - Gay marriage is right:t
102 - Go Pres. Bush:f
103 - Money makes the world go 'round:t unfortunately
104 - The ideal family is a Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister:f
105 - Girls should act like girls, and guys should act like guys:screw that
106 - The media is a source of evil:f
107 - All you hear on the news is bad news:f
108 - Courage is being able to do something even though you know you're screwed:t
109 - Good deeds are for losers:f
110 - Sex is overrated:f
111 - The human race sucks:f
112 - Drinking/Smoking is cool:f
113 - Parties are fun:t
114 - Funerals are always sad:t
115 - I'm fat:f

116 - Sang in the rain:y
117 - Swam in a pool of jello:n
118 - Do drugs:n
119 - Drink:y
120 - Drive:y
121 - Skinny dipping:n
122 - Shoplifted:n
123 - Cheated on a test:n
124 - Cheated on someone:n
125 - Been on a date:y
126 - Made out:y
127 - Virgin:n
128 - Dumped someone:n
129 - Been dumped:y
130 - Recently ate cookies:y
131 - Stuffed yourself so much you actually hurled after eating:n
132 - Cliff dive:n
133 - Climbed the Leaning Tower of Pisa:n
134 - Been to Hawaii:n
135 - Contemplated a painting:y
136 - Drew a picture:y
137 - Headbanged:y
138 - Laughed so much you cried:y
139 - Showered for over an hour:n
140 - Didn't shower in a week:n
141 - Broke something that wasn't yours:y
142 - Got a detention in school:y
143 - Failed a test:y
144 - Failed a blood test: for what?
145 - Read something and it screwed your train of thought over:n
146 - Pushed when a door said pull:y
147 - Pulled when a door said push:y
148 - Went in a revolving door just to go through it:y
149 - Went up a down escalator:n
150 - Went down an up escalator:n
151 - Fell down the stairs:y
152 - Fell up the stairs:y
153 - Misspelt the word "a":n
154 - Sat down on an escalator:n
155 - Tripped over yourself:n
156 - Tripped on a cordless phone:n
157 - Was tripped by someone else:y
158 - Choked:y
159 - Almost drowned:n
160 - Swim:n
161 - Surf:n
162 - Flew in a plane:n
163 - Been out of the country:y
164 - Ate something stale:n
165 - Crashed into a parked car:n
166 - Watched a Disney movie:y
167 - Won an art contest:y
168 - Won ANY contest:y
169 - Played a sport:y
170 - Called a jackass:n
171 - Enjoy taking surveys such as this:n
172 - Been thought of as "insane":y
173 - Found a happy place:y
174 - Shot suction cups at a TV:y
175 - Talked/Yelled back at the TV:y
176 - Started laughing for no reason:n
177 - Didn't get sleep for more than 1 day:y
178 - Burped the ABCs:n
179 - Farted in public:y
180 - Tried to lick your elbow:n
181 - Succeeded in the above task:n
182 - Rolled down a grassy hill:y
183 - Got 1 + 1 wrong:n
184 - Skipped school:y
185 - Got sick:y
186 - Broke a bone:n
187 - Broke a nail:n
188 - Went under surgery:n
189 - Made fun of "n00bs":n
190 - Lied:y
191 - Lie on that question:n
192 - Been to confession:n
193 - Misspelt "grammar":y
194 - Watched TV all day:y
195 - Contemplated suicide:n
196 - Contemplated murder:y
197 - Had an imaginary friend:y
198 - Blackmailed someone:n
199 - Been blackmailed:n
200 - Took a survey this long:n

201 - Think you're sexy:n
202 - Think you're attractive, if not sexy:y
203 - Think you're the ugliest person on the face of the earth:n
204 - Think you're "1337":n
205 - Pick your stereotype:uh...
206 - Are you mentally disturbed:y
207 - Three words to describe yourself: crazy, funny, silly
208 - Three words to describe society:stupid, obsessed, angry
209 - Any mentors? (Name them):uh...
210 - Your last words before your death: woohooo!

PHOBIAS (Fear of...) [Mind you, this is just a few we picked out of a huge list... ]
211 - Dystychiphobia (Accidents):n
212 - Anemophobia (Air):n
213 - Methyphobia (Alcohol):n
214 - Monophobia (Being alone):n
215 - Anginophbia (Amnesia):n
216 - Angrophobia (Anger):n
217 - Zoophobia (Animals):n
218 - Neophobia (Anything new):n
219 - Atomosophobia (Atomic Explosions):n
220 - Ochophobia (Moving in an automobile):
221 - Motorphobia (Automobiles):n
222 - Bacteriophobia (Bacteria):
223 - Ablutophobia (Bathing):n
224 - Pigonophobia (Beards):n
225 - Enissophobia (Criticized):n
226 - Clinophobia (Bed, Going to):n
227 - Hemophobia (Blood):n
228 - Osphresiophobia (Body odors):n
229 - Bogyphobia (Bogeyman/bogies):n
230 - Bolshephobia (Bolsheviks):n
231 - Bibliophpbia (Books):n
232 - Batophobia (Buildings):n
233 - Ballistophobia (Bullets):n
234 - Hobophobia (Bums!):n
235 - Taphephobia (Cemeteries/buried alive):n
236 - Pedophobia (Children):n
237 - Geniophobia (Chins):n
238 - Anginophobia (Choking):n
239 - Ecclesiophobia (Church):n
240 - Coulrophobia (Clowns):y
241 - Chromophobia (Colors):n
242 - Claustrophobia (Confined spaces):n
243 - Coprastasophobia (Constipation):n
244 - Crystallophobia (Glass/crystal):n
245 - Chorophobia (Dancing):n
246 - Achluophobia (Darkness):n
247 - Phengophobia (Daylight/sunshine):n
248 - Kakorrhaphiophobia (Defeat):n
249 - Thanatophobia (Death):n
250 - Dentophobia (Dentists):n
251 - Panophobia (EVERYTHING):n
252 - Paraskavedekatriaphobia (Friday 13th):n
253 - Phasmophobia (Ghosts):n
254 - Hellenologophobia (Greek terms):n
255 - Hadephobia (Hell):n
256 - Ouranophobia (Heaven):n
257 - Athazagoraphobia (Being ignored):n
258 - Genuphobia (Knees):n
259 - Philophobia (Falling in love):n
260 - Geliophobia (Laughter):n
261 - Mechanophobia (Machines):n
262 - Eisoptrophobia (Mirrors):n
263 - Aichmophobia (Needles):y
264 - Nucleomituphobia (Nukes):n
265 - Gerontophobia (Elderly):n
266 - Doxophobia (Expressing opinions):n
267 - Arachibutyrophobia (Peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth):n
268 - Pupaphobia (Puppets):y
269 - Virginitiphobia (Rape):y
270 - Hypengyophobia (Responsibility):n
271 - Selachophobia (Sharks):n
272 - Arachnophobia (Spiders):n
273 - Topophobia (Stage fright):n
274 - Symmetrophobia (Symmetry):n
275 - Astraphobia (Thunder and lightning):n
276 - Phronemophobia (Thinking):n
278 - Urophobia (Urine):n
279 - Lachanophobia (Vegetables):n
280 - Onemorephobiaphobia (The thought of one more of these phobia questions):n

281 - How often do you go online:everyday
282 - Have your own computer:yes
283 - How many e-mails/screen names do you have/had:3-4
284 - Which do you have - AIM, YIM, MSN, ICQ, other:YIM
285 - How many "Buddies" do you have on your lists:30
286 - What do you usually do online:lurk on my RP forums and post when needed
287 - Do you have/ever had a Xanga/MySpace/other blog:yes, myspace. though I rarely blogged
288 - Message forums:what about them?
289 - Do you like chain mail:no
290 - Spam sucks:yes

291 - What do you think of your social life:meh
292 - Consider yourself "popular":no
293 - What "social group" would you place yourself in:art geeks? gamer?
294 - Do you socialize more with girls or guys:guys
295 - Get out often:not really
296 - Opinion on parties:meh
297 - Know a lot of people:sure
298 - Wish you got to know everyone on a personal level:not really
299 - Think society blows:yeah
300 - Would you change yourself to fit in:no

301 - You were cheated on by your BF/GF (even if you don't have one, just pretend):I'd dump them
302 - The person you loved most in your life died:I'd be really sad
303 - You went to space:that'd be cool
304 - You flew a plane:might be fun
305 - Your house burnt down:It actually sucks
306 - You could talk to animals:I'd love that
307 - You could read minds:might go crazy after a while
308 - The world was going to end the next day:that would suck
309 - Electricity disappeared:shit
310 - A whale appeared in your bathtub:*blinks* is it small?

311 - Chocolate/Vanilla:chocolate
312 - Hot/Cold:cold
313 - Coke/Pepsi:either
314 - Mountain Dew/Sprite:mt dew
315 - Nestea/Lipton:*shrug*
316 - Dial-Up/DSL:DSL
317 - Fan/Air Conditioning:AC
318 - Angel/Devil:Devil
319 - Love/Hate:Love
320 - Laptop/Desktop:Laptop
321 - Bought CDs/Burnt CDs:Burnt
322 - Reality TV/Cartoons:Cartoons
323 - Democratic/Republican:neither
324 - Windows Media Player/Winamp (or other):Itunes
326 - Plane/Boat:*shrug*
327 - E-Mail/IM:IM
328 - Script/Print:huh?
329 - Action/Drama:Action
330 - CDs/MP3s:MP3s
331 - Sink/Swim:Swim
332 - Left/Right:*shrug*
333 - Up/Down:Up
334 - Pudding/Yogurt:pudding
335 - Nestle/Hershey:hershey
336 - Shy/Outgoing:outgoing
337 - Rain/Shine:shine
339 - Summer/Winter:summer
340 - Spring/Fall:spring
341 - Life/Death:life
342 - X/O:X
343 - Water/Land:land
344 - Yes/No:yes
345 - Cellphone/Home Phone:cell phone
346 - Black/White:black
348 - Dirty/Clean:clean
349 - Straight/Curved:curved
350 - Cookie/Cracker:cookie
351 - AM/PM:Pm
352 - Drinks/Food:drinks
353 - Offense/Defense:offense
354 - Birthday Suit/Formal Suit:birthday
355 - Arctic/Amazon:arctic

356 - Do you play an instrument:n
357 - If yes, what is it:
358 - How long have you been playing:
359 - Do you participate in a sport:not currently
360 - How long have you been playing:technically all my life
361 - Do you draw/paint/etc. well:y
362 - What's your favorite thing to do on the weekend:sleep
363 - Anything you wish you were better at: sex with my boyfriend
364 - Do you have any weird talents:uh...not really
365 - How many surveys like this do you think you've completed:none

EMOTES (Make a smiley for each mood; the first one that comes to mind.)
366 - Happy: :)
367 - Sad: :(
368 - Angry: >:(
369 - Embarrassed:^^;
370 - Thoughtful: ?
371 - Laughing: :D
372 - Crying: T_T
373 - Annoyed: -_-
374 - Scared: :O
375 - Tired:

376 - Your GPA: Not in School
378 - School's Name:
379 - School Mascot:
380 - Favorite Teacher:
381 - What do they teach:
382 - Best Subject:
383 - Who teaches it:
384 - School Colors:
385 - Public/Private:
386 - Your Grade Level:
387 - Year you're Going To/Did Graduate Elementary School:
388 - Year you're Going To/Did Graduate High School:'07
389 - Year you're Going To/Did Graduate College:
390 - One thing you want to improve in your current school:

WORD ASSOCIATION (First thing that comes to mind when you see the word...)
391 - Away:run
392 - Annoying: siblings
393 - Amazing:my boyfriend
294 - Bang:gun
395 - Bat: animal
396 - Business:work
397 - Car:speed
398 - Cooperative:help
399 - Collectable:comics
400 - Dog:play
401 - Destroy:boom
402 - Dinglehopper:huh?
403 - Evacuate:earthquake
404 - Everyday:calendar
405 - Flag:USA
406 - Fool:juggling
407 - Good:behave
408 - Grappling:wrestling
409 - Hate:anger
410 - Hyperventilation:paper bag
411 - Icicle:winter
412 - Independent:bank
413 - Jump:fun
414 - Jester:royal court
415 - Know:knowledge
416 - "Kool":koolaid
417 - Love:hearts
418 - Living:alive
419 - Mourn:funeral
420 - Mississippi:river
421 - Never:peter pan
422 - Negate:negative
423 - Octopus:ocean
424 - Orientation:upright
425 - Pee:toilet
426 - Possibility:options
427 - Queen:royalty
428 - Queer: interesting
429 - Resolution:ending
430 - Rearrangement:furniture
431 - Super:superman
432 - Synthesis:creation
433 - Tomorrow: Sunday
434 - Testament:bible
435 - Underling:minion
436 - Upcoming:prior engagement
437 - Venerate:saint
438 - Vocabulary:words
439 - Work:Jets
440 - Withdraw:Money
441 - X-Ray:microwave
442 - Yes:no
443 - Yeay:huh?
444 - Zoo:animals
445 - Zeal:patriotism

446 - The beach:swim
447 - The mall:shop
448 - Home:sleep
449 - School:learn
450 - Bathroom:shower
451 - Bedroom:sex
452 - The doctor's waiting room:read
453 - A restaurant, waiting to be seated:try not to fidget in boredom
454 - The pool:swim
455 - The grocery store:buy food

456 - Blow a bubble with gum:yes
457 - Make a bubble with your saliva and blow it off your tongue:no
458 - Whistle:not really
459 - Roll your tongue:yes
460 - Flip your eyelids inside out:no
461 - Split:huh?
462 - Contort your body in a weird way:no
463 - Lick your elbow:no
464 - Put your toes in your mouth:no
465 - Eat a cupcake whole:no
466 - Type as fast or faster than 70 WPM:maybe
467 - Play Beethoven's "Fur Elise" on piano:no
468 - Burp the ABCs:no
469 - Cook:yep
470 - Finish the rest of this survey: I hope so

471 - Hungry:no
472 - Thirsty:a little
473 - Horny:a bit
474 - Bored:yes
475 - Tired:yes
476 - Sad:no
478 - Happy:not really
479 - Anxious:no
480 - Getting tired of this survey:yes

481 - The song in your head right now:Stuck like Glue by sugarland
482 - Your wallpaper for your computer:A lion in the rain
483 - The color of your underwear:not present
484 - Your current worry:gettig enough sleep tonight
485 - Your current food craving:chocolate

486 - Movie you saw:Resident Evil After Life
487 - Song you listened to:Rockin' with the Rhythm of the Rain by the Judds
488 - Person you talked to on the phone:my mom
489 - TV Show you watched:Fringe
490 - Word you said:IDK
491 - Food you ate:pork?
492 - Person you talked to online:Pumpkin Seeds
493 - Grade you got on a test:I don't recall
494 - Person you hit:probably one of my sisters
495 - Website you went to:*shrug*

496 - What did you think of this survey:Too long
497 - Did we miss anything when making questions:yes, question 500
498 - Do you think we, the people who made this, are crazy:yes
499 - The last question: What time is it now: 0:23 EDT


Quote from: Stormie on September 25, 2010, 09:54:49 PM

011 - Chinese Zodiac Sign: I have no idea

Here you go Stormie.  :)  Good luck on getting approved and thank you for posting the survey.  It was fun.

"It's good to see me, isn't it? No need to answer.  That was retorical."- Glinda (Wicked)


000 - What time it is now: 17.54
001 - Gender: M
002 - First Name: Axel (but prefer my middle name)
003 - Middle Name (If applicable): Loke
004 - Last Name (If you want):
005 - Name You WISHED you had: My middle name
006 - Nickname(s): Loke or Akiba
007 - Age: 20
008 - Birthday: 16/8
009 - Place of Birth: Malmö, Sweden
010 - Astrological Sign: Lion
011 - Chinese Zodiac Sign: dont have a clue
012 - Weight: 78 Kg
013 - Height: 178 cm (5.9')
014 - Shoe Size: 9
015 - Blood Type: A+
016 - Allergies: Grass
017 - Eye Color: Deep green
018 - Hair Color: Black
019 - Skin Tone: White
020 - Righty/Lefty/Ambidextrous: Right
021 - Nationality: Swedish
022 - Location: My bed room
023 - House/Apartment/Other: A small apartment
024 - Country: Sweden
025 - Sexual Orientation: Straight

026 - Color: Dark green or deep red
027 - Number: 8
028 - Letter: A
029 - Word: Tjöta
030 - Flower:
031 - Quote: What could possibly go wrong ?
032 - Food: My moms meatballs
033 - Soda: Trocadero
034 - Music Genre: Old classick hard rock, blues rock and (some times) punk
035 - Singer/Band/Composer/etc.: Led Zeppelin / Black Sabbath
036 - Song: Staten och kapitalet - Ebba Grön
037 - School Subject: History
038 - Hobby: Warhammer (all kinds)
039 - Movie: Fight Club and Capitalism a love story
040 - Book: The Shadow King
041 - Videogame: Metal Gear Solid 4
042 - Animal: Lions and Wolfs
043 - Celebrity: Anton Nilsson
044 - Website: Youtube and of course eliquiy
045 - Anime/Manga: Hellsing
046 - Candy: Salta bomber
047 - Flavor: Salt
048 - Ice Cream: Vanilla
049 - Sport: Rugby
050 - Restaurant: Campus

051 - Color: Yellow
052 - Number: 2
053 - Letter: K
054 - Word: Måste
055 - Flower: Björk
056 - Quote: dont know I hate a lot of thinds xD
057 - Food: Kålrot
058 - Soda: Dr. Pepper
059 - Music Genre: HIp Hop, RnB all that crap on the radio
060 - Singer/Band/Composer/etc.: Bullet From My Vallentine
061 - Song: to many to cose from xD
062 - School Subject: Math
063 - Hobby:
064 - Movie: Star Trek 1
065 - Book:
066 - Videogame: Left 4 dead
067 - Animal: Birds
068 - Celebrity: G W. Bush
069 - Website: Bilddagboken
070 - Anime/Manga:
071 - Candy: Sweet candy
072 - Flavor: sweet
073 - Ice Cream: Starberry
074 - Sport: Fotball (european style)
075 - Restaurant: Mc Donalds

076 - Family makeup: (Mom, Dad, Bro, etc.) Mom (48), Dad (49), younger Brother (15) and younger sister (14)
077 - Number of Friends: Dont have a sigel clue
078 - Best Friend: Karin
079 - Newest Friend: Sara
080 - Single/Dating/Married/etc.: Singel
081 - Crush/In Love: not at the moment
082 - If so, who:
083 - Would you marry this person:
084 - If not this person, would you marry at all: sure I will marry some day
085 - Kids: nope
086 - If so, how many:
087 - Name ideas: Tor, Frej
088 - Gender preferences for the kids: what happens happens
089 - Single/Group Dates: Singel
090 - If you're not single, how long have you been together:

TRUTHS (True or False, opinion based)
091 - Being a "pimp" is good: F
092 - Life sucks: F
093 - Love bites: F
094 - Everyone loves me: F
095 - I hate everyone and everything: F
096 - I love God: F
097 - Ghosts and/or aliens are real: ghosts F aliens T
098 - Reincarnation exists: F
099 - War is the best way to go: F
100 - Abortion is right: T
101 - Gay marriage is right: T
102 - Go Pres. Bush: F
103 - Money makes the world go 'round: F
104 - The ideal family is a Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister: T
105 - Girls should act like girls, and guys should act like guys: T
106 - The media is a source of evil: sometimes
107 - All you hear on the news is bad news: F
108 - Courage is being able to do something even though you know you're screwed: T
109 - Good deeds are for losers: F
110 - Sex is overrated: F
111 - The human race sucks: T
112 - Drinking/Smoking is cool: F
113 - Parties are fun: T
114 - Funerals are always sad: T
115 - I'm fat: F

116 - Sang in the rain: Y
117 - Swam in a pool of jello: N
118 - Do drugs: Y
119 - Drink: Y
120 - Drive: Y
121 - Skinny dipping: Y
122 - Shoplifted: Y
123 - Cheated on a test: Y
124 - Cheated on someone: N
125 - Been on a date: Y
126 - Made out: Y
127 - Virgin: N
128 - Dumped someone: Y
129 - Been dumped: Y
130 - Recently ate cookies: N :(
131 - Stuffed yourself so much you actually hurled after eating: Y
132 - Cliff dive: N
133 - Climbed the Leaning Tower of Pisa: N
134 - Been to Hawaii: N
135 - Contemplated a painting: N
136 - Drew a picture: Y
137 - Headbanged: Y
138 - Laughed so much you cried: Y
139 - Showered for over an hour: N
140 - Didn't shower in a week: Y
141 - Broke something that wasn't yours: Y
142 - Got a detention in school: Y
143 - Failed a test: Y
144 - Failed a blood test: N
145 - Read something and it screwed your train of thought over: Y
146 - Pushed when a door said pull: Y
147 - Pulled when a door said push: Y
148 - Went in a revolving door just to go through it: Y
149 - Went up a down escalator: Y
150 - Went down an up escalator: Y
151 - Fell down the stairs: Y
152 - Fell up the stairs: N
153 - Misspelt the word "a": N
154 - Sat down on an escalator: Y
155 - Tripped over yourself: Y
156 - Tripped on a cordless phone: N
157 - Was tripped by someone else: Y
158 - Choked: Y
159 - Almost drowned: Y
160 - Swim: Y
161 - Surf: N
162 - Flew in a plane: Y
163 - Been out of the country: Y
164 - Ate something stale: Y
165 - Crashed into a parked car: N
166 - Watched a Disney movie: Y
167 - Won an art contest: N
168 - Won ANY contest: Y
169 - Played a sport: Y
170 - Called a jackass: Y
171 - Enjoy taking surveys such as this: Y/N
172 - Been thought of as "insane": Y
173 - Found a happy place: Y
174 - Shot suction cups at a TV: N
175 - Talked/Yelled back at the TV: Y !
176 - Started laughing for no reason: Y
177 - Didn't get sleep for more than 1 day: Y
178 - Burped the ABCs: N
179 - Farted in public: Y
180 - Tried to lick your elbow: Y (now I have)
181 - Succeeded in the above task: N
182 - Rolled down a grassy hill: Y
183 - Got 1 + 1 wrong: Y
184 - Skipped school: Y
185 - Got sick: Y
186 - Broke a bone: Y
187 - Broke a nail: Y
188 - Went under surgery: Y
189 - Made fun of "n00bs": Y/N
190 - Lied: Y
191 - Lie on that question: N
192 - Been to confession: N
193 - Misspelt "grammar": Y
194 - Watched TV all day: Y
195 - Contemplated suicide: N
196 - Contemplated murder: N
197 - Had an imaginary friend: Y
198 - Blackmailed someone: N
199 - Been blackmailed: Y
200 - Took a survey this long: N

201 - Think you're sexy: N
202 - Think you're attractive, if not sexy: Y
203 - Think you're the ugliest person on the face of the earth: N
204 - Think you're "1337": N
205 - Pick your stereotype: Hard Rocker
206 - Are you mentally disturbed: N
207 - Three words to describe yourself: The good guy
208 - Three words to describe society: A huge mess
209 - Any mentors? (Name them): Che Guevara, Anton Nilsson and Björn
210 - Your last words before your death: What could possibly go wrong ?

PHOBIAS (Fear of...) [Mind you, this is just a few we picked out of a huge list... ]
211 - Dystychiphobia (Accidents): no (they happen what can I do)
212 - Anemophobia (Air): no
213 - Methyphobia (Alcohol): no
214 - Monophobia (Being alone): no
215 - Anginophbia (Amnesia):
216 - Angrophobia (Anger): no
217 - Zoophobia (Animals): yes (birds, crows, ravens that stuff)
218 - Neophobia (Anything new): no
219 - Atomosophobia (Atomic Explosions): no
220 - Ochophobia (Moving in an automobile): no
221 - Motorphobia (Automobiles): no
222 - Bacteriophobia (Bacteria): no
223 - Ablutophobia (Bathing): no
224 - Pigonophobia (Beards): no
225 - Enissophobia (Criticized): no
226 - Clinophobia (Bed, Going to): no
227 - Hemophobia (Blood): no
228 - Osphresiophobia (Body odors): no
229 - Bogyphobia (Bogeyman/bogies): no
230 - Bolshephobia (Bolsheviks): no
231 - Bibliophpbia (Books): no
232 - Batophobia (Buildings): no
233 - Ballistophobia (Bullets): yes
234 - Hobophobia (Bums!): no
235 - Taphephobia (Cemeteries/buried alive): buried alive YES
236 - Pedophobia (Children): no
237 - Geniophobia (Chins): no
238 - Anginophobia (Choking): yes
239 - Ecclesiophobia (Church): no
240 - Coulrophobia (Clowns): no
241 - Chromophobia (Colors): no
242 - Claustrophobia (Confined spaces): some times
243 - Coprastasophobia (Constipation): no
244 - Crystallophobia (Glass/crystal): no
245 - Chorophobia (Dancing): no
246 - Achluophobia (Darkness): no
247 - Phengophobia (Daylight/sunshine): no
248 - Kakorrhaphiophobia (Defeat): no
249 - Thanatophobia (Death): no (if it happens it happens)
250 - Dentophobia (Dentists): no
251 - Panophobia (EVERYTHING): no
252 - Paraskavedekatriaphobia (Friday 13th): no
253 - Phasmophobia (Ghosts): no
254 - Hellenologophobia (Greek terms): no
255 - Hadephobia (Hell): no
256 - Ouranophobia (Heaven): no
257 - Athazagoraphobia (Being ignored): no
258 - Genuphobia (Knees): no
259 - Philophobia (Falling in love): no
260 - Geliophobia (Laughter): no
261 - Mechanophobia (Machines): no
262 - Eisoptrophobia (Mirrors): no
263 - Aichmophobia (Needles): no
264 - Nucleomituphobia (Nukes): yes
265 - Gerontophobia (Elderly): no
266 - Doxophobia (Expressing opinions): no
267 - Arachibutyrophobia (Peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth): no
268 - Pupaphobia (Puppets): no
269 - Virginitiphobia (Rape): yes
270 - Hypengyophobia (Responsibility): no
271 - Selachophobia (Sharks): yes
272 - Arachnophobia (Spiders): no
273 - Topophobia (Stage fright): no
274 - Symmetrophobia (Symmetry):
275 - Astraphobia (Thunder and lightning): NO !
276 - Phronemophobia (Thinking): no
278 - Urophobia (Urine): no
279 - Lachanophobia (Vegetables): no
280 - Onemorephobiaphobia (The thought of one more of these phobia questions): YES !!

281 - How often do you go online: All the time xD
282 - Have your own computer: yes MacBook FTW
283 - How many e-mails/screen names do you have/had: have : 2 had: 8
284 - Which do you have - AIM, YIM, MSN, ICQ, other: MSN
285 - How many "Buddies" do you have on your lists: 55
286 - What do you usually do online: youtube and fourms
287 - Do you have/ever had a Xanga/MySpace/other blog: nope
288 - Message forums: yes
289 - Do you like chain mail: HATE IT !
290 - Spam sucks: yes it does

291 - What do you think of your social life: it's great
292 - Consider yourself "popular": in general: no  in my social cirkel: kind of
293 - What "social group" would you place yourself in: Geek/Hard Rocker
294 - Do you socialize more with girls or guys: guys 60% girls 40%
295 - Get out often: yes
296 - Opinion on parties: they are fun !
297 - Know a lot of people: kind of yhe
298 - Wish you got to know everyone on a personal level: yes I do
299 - Think society blows: Yes it does
300 - Would you change yourself to fit in: No I'm no one but my self

301 - You were cheated on by your BF/GF (even if you don't have one, just pretend): I would get sad and pissed
302 - The person you loved most in your life died: I woud go crazy
303 - You went to space: That would be AWESOME
304 - You flew a plane: I would try to do a lot of crazy tricks
305 - Your house burnt down: I would get sad and furios
306 - You could talk to animals: I would never shut up xD
307 - You could read minds: I would get ecsited
308 - The world was going to end the next day: I would freak out
309 - Electricity disappeared: Get pissed
310 - A whale appeared in your bathtub: Freak out !

311 - Chocolate/Vanilla: Vanilla
312 - Hot/Cold: Cold
313 - Coke/Pepsi: Pepsi
314 - Mountain Dew/Sprite: Sprite (dont have Mountain drew in Sweden)
315 - Nestea/Lipton: Lipton
316 - Dial-Up/DSL: DSL
317 - Fan/Air Conditioning: AC
318 - Angel/Devil: Devil
319 - Love/Hate: Love
320 - Laptop/Desktop: Laptop
321 - Bought CDs/Burnt CDs: Downloaded ;D
322 - Reality TV/Cartoons: Cartoons
323 - Democratic/Republican: Socialist
324 - Windows Media Player/Winamp (or other): VLC
325 - VHS/DVD: VHS
326 - Plane/Boat: Boat
327 - E-Mail/IM: IM
328 - Script/Print: Print
329 - Action/Drama: Action
330 - CDs/MP3s: iPods
331 - Sink/Swim: Swim
332 - Left/Right: Right
333 - Up/Down: Up
334 - Pudding/Yogurt: Yogurt
335 - Nestle/Hershey: Zoegas (swedish brand)
336 - Shy/Outgoing: Outgoing
337 - Rain/Shine: Shine
339 - Summer/Winter: Winter
340 - Spring/Fall: Fall
341 - Life/Death: Life
342 - X/O: X
343 - Water/Land: Land
344 - Yes/No: Yes
345 - Cellphone/Home Phone: Cellphone
346 - Black/White: Black
348 - Dirty/Clean: Clean
349 - Straight/Curved: Cruved
350 - Cookie/Cracker: Cookie
351 - AM/PM: PM
352 - Drinks/Food: Food
353 - Offense/Defense: Offense
354 - Birthday Suit/Formal Suit: Birthday suit
355 - Arctic/Amazon: ARTIC

356 - Do you play an instrument: Yes
357 - If yes, what is it: Guitar and drums
358 - How long have you been playing: 4 years
359 - Do you participate in a sport: no
360 - How long have you been playing:
361 - Do you draw/paint/etc. well: Painting Warhammer
362 - What's your favorite thing to do on the weekend: Hang around with friends
363 - Anything you wish you were better at: School work
364 - Do you have any weird talents: I can lick the tip of my nose
365 - How many surveys like this do you think you've completed: 3 at the most

EMOTES (Make a smiley for each mood; the first one that comes to mind.)
366 - Happy: :D
367 - Sad: :C
368 - Angry: >:(
369 - Embarrassed: #^.^#
370 - Thoughtful:
371 - Laughing: xD
372 - Crying: T_T
373 - Annoyed: >.<
374 - Scared: O_O
375 - Tired: -.-

376 - Your GPA: What is that xD ??
378 - School's Name: Mediegymnasiet
379 - School Mascot: a griffon
380 - Favorite Teacher: Michael Müller
381 - What do they teach: History
382 - Best Subject: History
383 - Who teaches it: Michael Müller
384 - School Colors: Red
385 - Public/Private: Public
386 - Your Grade Level: VG (we dont have the same system as the US)
387 - Year you're Going To/Did Graduate Elementary School: 5 years ago
388 - Year you're Going To/Did Graduate High School: dont have High school in sweden
389 - Year you're Going To/Did Graduate College: in 6 months
390 - One thing you want to improve in your current school: more fun people

WORD ASSOCIATION (First thing that comes to mind when you see the word...)
391 - Away: over there
392 - Annoying: my younger brother xD
393 - Amazing: Led Zeppelin
294 - Bang: Cannons
395 - Bat: nanananananana BATMAN
396 - Business: ritch fat capitalistic swine
397 - Car: my dads car
398 - Cooperative: Multi player
399 - Collectable: Warhammer
400 - Dog: Alfred (my uncles dog)
401 - Destroy: WAR
402 - Dinglehopper: WTF !?! xD
403 - Evacuate: Fire
404 - Everyday: Life
405 - Flag: Country
406 - Fool: tricking
407 - Good: Thumps up
408 - Grappling: ninja grappling hook
409 - Hate: Capitalism
410 - Hyperventilation: panic attacks
411 - Icicle: dont know that word xD
412 - Independent: Alone I stand (an awesome book)
413 - Jump: Van Halen
414 - Jester: the mad hatter
415 - Know: Knowlage
416 - "Kool": it's spelled "Cool"
417 - Love: Great stuff
418 - Living: thats life
419 - Mourn: sad face :c
420 - Mississippi: It lays next to Lousiana
421 - Never: Capitalism
422 - Negate: Santa
423 - Octopus: Fish
424 - Orientation: I got lost
425 - Pee: Toilet !
426 - Possibility: anything
427 - Queen: We're the champs
428 - Queer: got for you
429 - Resolution: 1080p
430 - Rearrangement: messy
431 - Super: Kryptonite
432 - Synthesis: fake
433 - Tomorrow: the next day
434 - Testament: last will
435 - Underling: Overling
436 - Upcoming: rising
437 - Venerate: obey
438 - Vocabulary: many long and har words
439 - Work: something you hust have to do
440 - Withdraw: Chicken !
441 - X-Ray: Superman's vison
442 - Yes: NO !
443 - Yeay: Woho
444 - Zoo: let's go and pet the lions
445 - Zeal: over antusiatic

446 - The beach: have crazy partys all night
447 - The mall: shop stuff
448 - Home: sleep, eat sit by the computer
449 - School: sleep
450 - Bathroom: bathe
451 - Bedroom: sleep and some other stuff *notch notch*
452 - The doctor's waiting room: read the comics
453 - A restaurant, waiting to be seated: talking to the person next to you
454 - The pool: swim
455 - The grocery store: by a crapload of food

456 - Blow a bubble with gum: yes
457 - Make a bubble with your saliva and blow it off your tongue: yes
458 - Whistle: yes
459 - Roll your tongue: yes
460 - Flip your eyelids inside out: no this is not Clockwork Orange
461 - Split: no
462 - Contort your body in a weird way: yes
463 - Lick your elbow: no
464 - Put your toes in your mouth: dont want to know...
465 - Eat a cupcake whole: yes *proud*
466 - Type as fast or faster than 70 WPM: dont think so
467 - Play Beethoven's "Fur Elise" on piano: no
468 - Burp the ABCs: no
469 - Cook: yes
470 - Finish the rest of this survey: I can and I will

471 - Hungry: no
472 - Thirsty: yes
473 - Horny: kind of but come on who is not
474 - Bored: no
475 - Tired: no
476 - Sad: no
478 - Happy: yes
479 - Anxious:  no
480 - Getting tired of this survey: a little xD

481 - The song in your head right now: Rocking in the free world - Neil Young
482 - Your wallpaper for your computer: The red flag over the Reichstag
483 - The color of your underwear: dark grey
484 - Your current worry: school work -.-
485 - Your current food craving: some chinese food

486 - Movie you saw: Blade Runner
487 - Song you listened to: Rocking in the free world
488 - Person you talked to on the phone: Oskar aka The Flash
489 - TV Show you watched:The Big Bang Theory
490 - Word you said: ja
491 - Food you ate: some noodels
492 - Person you talked to online: Julius
493 - Grade you got on a test: G (as I said sweden has its own grade system)
494 - Person you hit: Some Nazi at a demostration
495 - Website you went to: youtube

496 - What did you think of this survey: Reeeeealy long
497 - Did we miss anything when making questions: no dont think so
498 - Do you think we, the people who made this, are crazy: a little xD
499 - The last question: What time is it now: 18.02
I have never undnderstood the female capacity of avoiding a straight answer to any question - Spock

My O/O    =][=   My Idea/Plot site constant upptates


Quote from: MrDiamondBackJack on September 25, 2010, 11:50:45 PM
Here you go Stormie.  :)  Good luck on getting approved and thank you for posting the survey.  It was fun.

ey! THE SNAKE! woot. I got bit by one before while volunteering at the World Wildlife Zoo. went to the hospital, I died and they brought me back. It was really scary. Snakes are awesome and I respect them still

and as for the approval I am placed on hold. Sucks but I will right it out.


Excuse me "Ride it out" not "right it out"
Sorry  -_-


000 - What time it is now: 11:27
001 - Gender: Female
002 - First Name:Stacy
003 - Middle Name (If applicable):
004 - Last Name (If you want):
005 - Name You WISHED you had:
006 - Nickname(s): Shorty
007 - Age:35
008 - Birthday: April 9
009 - Place of Birth:
010 - Astrological Sign:Aries
011 - Chinese Zodiac Sign:
012 - Weight:125
013 - Height:4'9
014 - Shoe Size:6
015 - Blood Type:O
016 - Allergies:
017 - Eye Color:brown
018 - Hair Color:dk. brown at the moment
019 - Skin Tone:
020 - Righty/Lefty/Ambidextrous:Righty
021 - Nationality:
022 - Location:
023 - House/Apartment/Other:House
024 - Country:USA
025 - Sexual Orientation:Straight

026 - Color:Purple
027 - Number:3
028 - Letter:S
029 - Word:
030 - Flower:Rose
031 - Quote:
032 - Food: pizza
033 - Soda: Dr. Pepper
034 - Music Genre: 80s Rock or Country
035 - Singer/Band/Composer/etc.:
036 - Song: If I Die Young
037 - School Subject:
038 - Hobby:
039 - Movie: Fast and the Furious
040 - Book:
041 - Videogame: WoW
042 - Animal: Cat
043 - Celebrity:
044 - Website:
045 - Anime/Manga: Inuyasha
046 - Candy: Reese Cups
047 - Flavor:
048 - Ice Cream: Mint Chocolate chip
049 - Sport:
050 - Restaurant: Wendys  (Spicy Chicken Nuggets ftw!)

051 - Color:
052 - Number:
053 - Letter:
054 - Word:
055 - Flower:
056 - Quote:
057 - Food: Veggies
058 - Soda: Sprite
059 - Music Genre: Rap
060 - Singer/Band/Composer/etc.:
061 - Song:
062 - School Subject:
063 - Hobby:
064 - Movie:
065 - Book:
066 - Videogame:
067 - Animal:
068 - Celebrity:
069 - Website:
070 - Anime/Manga:
071 - Candy:
072 - Flavor:
073 - Ice Cream:
074 - Sport:
075 - Restaurant:

076 - Family makeup: (Mom, Dad, Bro, etc.)Husband, me and kids
077 - Number of Friends:
078 - Best Friend: Zak
079 - Newest Friend: All my friends here.  :)
080 - Single/Dating/Married/etc.: Married
081 - Crush/In Love:
082 - If so, who:
083 - Would you marry this person:
084 - If not this person, would you marry at all:
085 - Kids:
086 - If so, how many:
087 - Name ideas:
088 - Gender preferences for the kids:
089 - Single/Group Dates:
090 - If you're not single, how long have you been together:13 yrs

TRUTHS (True or False, opinion based)
091 - Being a "pimp" is good:
092 - Life sucks: false
093 - Love bites:true
094 - Everyone loves me:false
095 - I hate everyone and everything:false
096 - I love God:TRUE
097 - Ghosts and/or aliens are real: Im not sure
098 - Reincarnation exists: false
099 - War is the best way to go:false
100 - Abortion is right:false
101 - Gay marriage is right:
102 - Go Pres. Bush:
103 - Money makes the world go 'round:
104 - The ideal family is a Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister:
105 - Girls should act like girls, and guys should act like guys:
106 - The media is a source of evil: true
107 - All you hear on the news is bad news: true mostly
108 - Courage is being able to do something even though you know you're screwed:
109 - Good deeds are for losers:
110 - Sex is overrated:true
111 - The human race sucks:
112 - Drinking/Smoking is cool:false
113 - Parties are fun:
114 - Funerals are always sad: false
115 - I'm fat:

116 - Sang in the rain: yes
117 - Swam in a pool of jello:no
118 - Do drugs:no
119 - Drink:no
120 - Drive:yes
121 - Skinny dipping:no
122 - Shoplifted:no
123 - Cheated on a test:yes
124 - Cheated on someone:no
125 - Been on a date:yes
126 - Made out:yes
127 - Virgin:no
128 - Dumped someone:yes
129 - Been dumped:yes
130 - Recently ate cookies: yes
131 - Stuffed yourself so much you actually hurled after eating:no
132 - Cliff dive:no
133 - Climbed the Leaning Tower of Pisa:no
134 - Been to Hawaii:no
135 - Contemplated a painting:no
136 - Drew a picture:yes
137 - Headbanged:no
138 - Laughed so much you cried:yes
139 - Showered for over an hour:no
140 - Didn't shower in a week:no
141 - Broke something that wasn't yours:no
142 - Got a detention in school:yes
143 - Failed a test:yes
144 - Failed a blood test:no
145 - Read something and it screwed your train of thought over:yes
146 - Pushed when a door said pull:yes, lol
147 - Pulled when a door said push:yes, lol
148 - Went in a revolving door just to go through it: no
149 - Went up a down escalator:no
150 - Went down an up escalator:no
151 - Fell down the stairs:no
152 - Fell up the stairs:no
153 - Misspelt the word "a": no
154 - Sat down on an escalator:no
155 - Tripped over yourself:yes
156 - Tripped on a cordless phone:no
157 - Was tripped by someone else:yes
158 - Choked:yes
159 - Almost drowned:no
160 - Swim:no
161 - Surf:no
162 - Flew in a plane:no
163 - Been out of the country:no
164 - Ate something stale:no
165 - Crashed into a parked car:no
166 - Watched a Disney movie:yes
167 - Won an art contest:no
168 - Won ANY contest:yes
169 - Played a sport:no
170 - Called a jackass:no
171 - Enjoy taking surveys such as this:no
172 - Been thought of as "insane":no
173 - Found a happy place:yes
174 - Shot suction cups at a TV:no
175 - Talked/Yelled back at the TV: lol, yes
176 - Started laughing for no reason:no
177 - Didn't get sleep for more than 1 day:yes
178 - Burped the ABCs:no
179 - Farted in public:yes
180 - Tried to lick your elbow:LOL, yes
181 - Succeeded in the above task: no
182 - Rolled down a grassy hill:yes
183 - Got 1 + 1 wrong:no
184 - Skipped school:no
185 - Got sick:yes
186 - Broke a bone:no
187 - Broke a nail: yes
188 - Went under surgery:yes
189 - Made fun of "n00bs":no
190 - Lied:yes
191 - Lie on that question:no
192 - Been to confession:no
193 - Misspelt "grammar":no
194 - Watched TV all day:yes
195 - Contemplated suicide:no
196 - Contemplated murder:no
197 - Had an imaginary friend:yes
198 - Blackmailed someone:no
199 - Been blackmailed:no
200 - Took a survey this long:no

201 - Think you're sexy: no
202 - Think you're attractive, if not sexy:no
203 - Think you're the ugliest person on the face of the earth:no
204 - Think you're "1337": heck no
205 - Pick your stereotype:
206 - Are you mentally disturbed:no
207 - Three words to describe yourself:sweet, caring, short
208 - Three words to describe society: utterly screwed up
209 - Any mentors? (Name them):
210 - Your last words before your death:

PHOBIAS (Fear of...) [Mind you, this is just a few we picked out of a huge list... ]
211 - Dystychiphobia (Accidents):no
212 - Anemophobia (Air):no
213 - Methyphobia (Alcohol):no
214 - Monophobia (Being alone):yes
215 - Anginophbia (Amnesia):no
216 - Angrophobia (Anger):no
217 - Zoophobia (Animals):no
218 - Neophobia (Anything new):n
219 - Atomosophobia (Atomic Explosions):n
220 - Ochophobia (Moving in an automobile):n
221 - Motorphobia (Automobiles):n
222 - Bacteriophobia (Bacteria):n
223 - Ablutophobia (Bathing):n
224 - Pigonophobia (Beards):n
225 - Enissophobia (Criticized):n
226 - Clinophobia (Bed, Going to):n
227 - Hemophobia (Blood):n
228 - Osphresiophobia (Body odors):n
229 - Bogyphobia (Bogeyman/bogies):n
230 - Bolshephobia (Bolsheviks):n
231 - Bibliophpbia (Books):n
232 - Batophobia (Buildings):n
233 - Ballistophobia (Bullets):n
234 - Hobophobia (Bums!):n
235 - Taphephobia (Cemeteries/buried alive):n
236 - Pedophobia (Children):n
237 - Geniophobia (Chins):n
238 - Anginophobia (Choking):n
239 - Ecclesiophobia (Church):n
240 - Coulrophobia (Clowns):n
241 - Chromophobia (Colors):n
242 - Claustrophobia (Confined spaces):n
243 - Coprastasophobia (Constipation):nn
244 - Crystallophobia (Glass/crystal):n
245 - Chorophobia (Dancing):n
246 - Achluophobia (Darkness):n
247 - Phengophobia (Daylight/sunshine):n
248 - Kakorrhaphiophobia (Defeat):n
249 - Thanatophobia (Death):n
250 - Dentophobia (Dentists):n
251 - Panophobia (EVERYTHING):nn
252 - Paraskavedekatriaphobia (Friday 13th):n
253 - Phasmophobia (Ghosts):n
254 - Hellenologophobia (Greek terms):n
255 - Hadephobia (Hell):n
256 - Ouranophobia (Heaven):n
257 - Athazagoraphobia (Being ignored):n
258 - Genuphobia (Knees):n
259 - Philophobia (Falling in love):n
260 - Geliophobia (Laughter):n
261 - Mechanophobia (Machines):n
262 - Eisoptrophobia (Mirrors):n
263 - Aichmophobia (Needles):n
264 - Nucleomituphobia (Nukes):n
265 - Gerontophobia (Elderly):n
266 - Doxophobia (Expressing opinions):n
267 - Arachibutyrophobia (Peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth):n
268 - Pupaphobia (Puppets):n
269 - Virginitiphobia (Rape):n
270 - Hypengyophobia (Responsibility):n
271 - Selachophobia (Sharks):n
272 - Arachnophobia (Spiders):heck yes
273 - Topophobia (Stage fright):n
274 - Symmetrophobia (Symmetry):n
275 - Astraphobia (Thunder and lightning):n
276 - Phronemophobia (Thinking):n
278 - Urophobia (Urine):n
279 - Lachanophobia (Vegetables):n
280 - Onemorephobiaphobia (The thought of one more of these phobia questions):n

281 - How often do you go online:everyday
282 - Have your own computer:yes
283 - How many e-mails/screen names do you have/had:2  email/2 sn
284 - Which do you have - AIM, YIM, MSN, ICQ, other:yim and msn
285 - How many "Buddies" do you have on your lists:lots
286 - What do you usually do online: Elliquiy/facebook/mail
287 - Do you have/ever had a Xanga/MySpace/other blog:no
288 - Message forums:yes
289 - Do you like chain mail:no
290 - Spam sucks:yes

291 - What do you think of your social life:what is a social life??
292 - Consider yourself "popular":n
293 - What "social group" would you place yourself in:
294 - Do you socialize more with girls or guys:
295 - Get out often:n
296 - Opinion on parties:
297 - Know a lot of people:n
298 - Wish you got to know everyone on a personal level:y
299 - Think society blows:
300 - Would you change yourself to fit in:

301 - You were cheated on by your BF/GF (even if you don't have one, just pretend):I'd kick him to the curb
302 - The person you loved most in your life died:I'm be heartbroken
303 - You went to space:
304 - You flew a plane:
305 - Your house burnt down:I'd cry
306 - You could talk to animals: That'd be cool
307 - You could read minds: I'm not sure I want to know what some are thinking
308 - The world was going to end the next day:Spend time with those I love
309 - Electricity disappeared: Save money :)
310 - A whale appeared in your bathtub:

311 - Chocolate/Vanilla:Chocolate
312 - Hot/Cold:cold
313 - Coke/Pepsi:coke
314 - Mountain Dew/Sprite:mt dew
315 - Nestea/Lipton:neither.
316 - Dial-Up/DSL: dsl
317 - Fan/Air Conditioning:a/c
318 - Angel/Devil:angel
319 - Love/Hate:love
320 - Laptop/Desktop:laptop
321 - Bought CDs/Burnt CDs:no comment
322 - Reality TV/Cartoons:cartoons
323 - Democratic/Republican:republican
324 - Windows Media Player/Winamp (or other):
325 - VHS/DVD:dvd
326 - Plane/Boat:boat
327 - E-Mail/IM:im
328 - Script/Print:script
329 - Action/Drama:action
330 - CDs/MP3s:mp3
331 - Sink/Swim:sink.  :/ Can't swim
332 - Left/Right:right
333 - Up/Down:up
334 - Pudding/Yogurt:pudding
335 - Nestle/Hershey:nestle
336 - Shy/Outgoing:in between
337 - Rain/Shine:rain
339 - Summer/Winter:winter
340 - Spring/Fall:fall
341 - Life/Death:life
342 - X/O:x
343 - Water/Land:land
344 - Yes/No:no
345 - Cellphone/Home Phone:cell
346 - Black/White:black
348 - Dirty/Clean:clean
349 - Straight/Curved:curved
350 - Cookie/Cracker:cookie
351 - AM/PM:pm
352 - Drinks/Food:drinks
353 - Offense/Defense:defense
354 - Birthday Suit/Formal Suit:formal
355 - Arctic/Amazon:arctic

356 - Do you play an instrument:n
357 - If yes, what is it:
358 - How long have you been playing:
359 - Do you participate in a sport:n
360 - How long have you been playing:
361 - Do you draw/paint/etc. well:n
362 - What's your favorite thing to do on the weekend:hang out
363 - Anything you wish you were better at:n
364 - Do you have any weird talents:n
365 - How many surveys like this do you think you've completed:none

EMOTES (Make a smiley for each mood; the first one that comes to mind.)
366 - Happy: :)
367 - Sad::(
368 - Angry:
369 - Embarrassed: :S
370 - Thoughtful:
371 - Laughing: =D
372 - Crying: ='(
373 - Annoyed:
374 - Scared:=O
375 - Tired:

376 - Your GPA:
378 - School's Name:South Caldwell
379 - School Mascot:Spartan
380 - Favorite Teacher:
381 - What do they teach:
382 - Best Subject:
383 - Who teaches it:
384 - School Colors: Maroon/Silver
385 - Public/Private:Public
386 - Your Grade Level: Out
387 - Year you're Going To/Did Graduate Elementary School:
388 - Year you're Going To/Did Graduate High School:93
389 - Year you're Going To/Did Graduate College:
390 - One thing you want to improve in your current school:

WORD ASSOCIATION (First thing that comes to mind when you see the word...)
391 - Away: here
392 - Annoying:
393 - Amazing:
294 - Bang:gun
395 - Bat: ball
396 - Business:
397 - Car:
398 - Cooperative:
399 - Collectable:
400 - Dog: yorkie
401 - Destroy:
402 - Dinglehopper:
403 - Evacuate:
404 - Everyday:
405 - Flag:
406 - Fool:
407 - Good: great
408 - Grappling:fight
409 - Hate: love
410 - Hyperventilation: breathe
411 - Icicle:cold
412 - Independent:
413 - Jump:hop
414 - Jester:joke
415 - Know:
416 - "Kool":
417 - Love: kisses
418 - Living:
419 - Mourn:
420 - Mississippi: river
421 - Never:
422 - Negate:
423 - Octopus:
424 - Orientation:
425 - Pee:
426 - Possibility:
427 - Queen:bee
428 - Queer:
429 - Resolution:
430 - Rearrangement:
431 - Super:
432 - Synthesis:
433 - Tomorrow:tuesday
434 - Testament:old
435 - Underling:
436 - Upcoming:
437 - Venerate:
438 - Vocabulary:
439 - Work:
440 - Withdraw:
441 - X-Ray:
442 - Yes:no
443 - Yeay:
444 - Zoo:animals
445 - Zeal:

446 - The beach:look for seashells
447 - The mall:shop
448 - Home:relax
449 - School:
450 - Bathroom:
451 - Bedroom:relax
452 - The doctor's waiting room:wait
453 - A restaurant, waiting to be seated:become hungrier
454 - The pool:
455 - The grocery store: Buy way too much

456 - Blow a bubble with gum:y
457 - Make a bubble with your saliva and blow it off your tongue:n
458 - Whistle:y
459 - Roll your tongue:n
460 - Flip your eyelids inside out:n
461 - Split:n
462 - Contort your body in a weird way:n
463 - Lick your elbow:n
464 - Put your toes in your mouth:n
465 - Eat a cupcake whole:n
466 - Type as fast or faster than 70 WPM:n
467 - Play Beethoven's "Fur Elise" on piano:n
468 - Burp the ABCs:n
469 - Cook:y
470 - Finish the rest of this survey:n

471 - Hungry:y
472 - Thirsty:y
473 - Horny:y
474 - Bored:y
475 - Tired:y
476 - Sad:n
478 - Happy:y
479 - Anxious:n
480 - Getting tired of this survey:y

481 - The song in your head right now: Rain is a good thing
482 - Your wallpaper for your computer: My youngest daughter
483 - The color of your underwear:white
484 - Your current worry: money issues
485 - Your current food craving:Spicy Chicken Nuggets from Wendy's

486 - Movie you saw: Dear John
487 - Song you listened to:
488 - Person you talked to on the phone:my mom
489 - TV Show you watched: I Survived
490 - Word you said: Ashley
491 - Food you ate:reese cup
492 - Person you talked to online: Simon from here.  :)
493 - Grade you got on a test:
494 - Person you hit:
495 - Website you went to:Elliquiy

496 - What did you think of this survey:too long
497 - Did we miss anything when making questions:n
498 - Do you think we, the people who made this, are crazy:y
499 - The last question: What time is it now: 11:59