Game on!! (M for f)

Started by Kalthus63, April 25, 2017, 02:15:57 PM

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Gameshows are pretty dull, aren't they.

What do you do when the Price isn't Right? When Clueless really does leave you clueless. And when the Weakest Link is the weakest thing on TV.

You could sign up for 'Wheel of Life', the sexiest, slickest, most dangerous gameshow on the DarkWeb.

To win that prize money, you're going to have to go all the way. Physically, mentally, emotionally, you're going to find your limits and push past them.  Win and you win big. Lose and - well, there are no re-runs on this channel.

Think of the kind of gameshow which would appeal to the likes of The Joker, or Jigsaw.

I'm happy to discuss different ways of playing this. Perhaps your character is a contestant out for the prize money. Perhaps they are an FBI operative sent to find out who's running this incredibly criminal operation. The content could be adult, graphic, but there are puzzles to solve along the way.