
Sarkat And Rian: Happily Ever After? [EX]
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Dragon Academy (Eden and Tad)

Started by Tad, February 14, 2009, 11:20:42 PM

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Audrey awakened to the pain in her head.  She groaned and rolled over, feeling the gravel and grass shift beneath her.  She didn't remember falling asleep outside.... and why did she ache all over?  Suddenly the memory of the car slamming into the tree and her flying through the window glass forced its way back into her mind.  Gasping, she tried to sit up, and managed it, even though her eyes teared from the pain. 

After a glance around, she saw no sign of the car.  There's no way her parents would have just left her there, so where were they?  She looked back at the tree, scarred by the scrapes the car left, and noticed something else as well.  The brush near the tree had been torn up horribly, and the path continued towards the edge of the bluff.  The terrible truth struck her and with a cry she launched herself forward.  Already sobbing, she looked over the edge and saw the car shattered on the rocks so far below. 
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The funeral was a quiet affair.

Elegant black horses pulled ebony and glass carriages, white roses and ivy crowding about the wood as if the cushion the occupants on their final journey. The alabaster mausoleum was opened and had been cleaned before they arrived, three new names carved into the stone. Just the first initial and the family name, as was tradition.

Sir J. Grimsword II
Lady N. Pervis-Grimsword
B’lovd A. Grimsword

The day didn’t reflect the occasion. The sky was patched with clouds, shards of sun breaking through every so often then snuffed out moments later. The air moved in great sighs, tugging at hair, clothes and veils and the ridiculous plumes on the horses’ heads.

The aging Marquise was the only member of the Grimsword family there. Audrey had been put to bed with the aid of laudanum, still suffering from the trauma of the crash. There were a few of her son’s friends, and his lady wife’s relatives, but still so very few.

It wasn’t drawn out – the Matriarch had seen so many funerals, she couldn’t bare them. She didn’t wish to linger over putting her only son and his young family to rest. Audrey lived… but without a male in the youngest generation, their great, proud line would be broken. Their name would be lost, their property scattered to the court vultures. It was something she would not see done in her life time.

There was only one option for her, for the great and ancient line.

Her eyes moved over the long list of her predecessors, and now her descendants. There were title galore, from lowly barons to princes. Only where there were children were they titleless… but if note was taken, every now and then, there was the title ‘B’lovd’. It was not an official title, but an honorific bestowed upon a select few. So it had been given to her grandson – though the only grandchild she had with the initial ‘A’ was the girl dreaming at the manor.

She watched the coffins being placed inside the family tomb, and accepted the condolences with silent nods. No sooner had the doors of the mausoleum been closed and locked did the Marquise Teresa make to leave. “I must return home. My grandson will need me.”             


Time had passed... she knew that much at least.  She'd woken up to the warmth of the sunlight, and also to the only light coming from the flickering lamps.  But she couldn't tell how long, or even how many times she'd surfaced from the fog of sleep.  Everything seemed so vague, so blurred.  She remembered that she got hurt... maybe she damaged her brain.  But that didn't seem right either, the times she awoke things seemed become clearer, then she was given her medicine and she slipped back under the blanket of darkness.

She remembered the people too.  People to give her the medicine.  And Gran.  She was the one there the most.  Audrey struggled to open her eyes, and glanced blearily around the room in search of the familiar face.  There's only a maid sleeping in the rocker.  She laughed inside, thinking of how Gran would yell if she found a servant asleep while on duty.  But Papa would calm her down, and get the girl off with a warning. Oh, Papa....
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The Marquise Teresa descended from the carriage, her hand on the forearm of one of the menservants. They were all subdued and wearing black bands of mourning on their right upper arms.

The horses snorted and danced in the harnesses uneasily, and the Marquise was forced to grip the manservant – Peters, she recalled – quite firmly as the steps moved while she stepped down.

She didn’t bother snapping at the carriage driver. She knew what had caused the disturbance, even before the shadow scurries across the ground.

A Great Dragon dropped from the sky, tan wings batting the air and tearing her veil back. It was a little taller than the carriage horses, and longer in the body. Scales glinted dully in the afternoon sun, and its eyes were deep and intelligent.

“Sampson,” she said, addressing the dragon directly, “go back to your roost. You’re scaring the horses.”

The dragon didn’t move away, its large head tilting and craning to see around the Marquise, as if expecting another person to pop out of the carriage. He was waiting for his rider. Dragons were intelligent beasts, but ‘death’ was a concept they didn’t accept well. At least he wasn’t pining yet.

She moved inside, handing her gloves, veil and hat to a maid. “Is Audrey still in bed?”

“Yes m’lady,” came the soft confirmation.

“Good. Send up strong tea, and light food. I need to speak with her.” The maid bobbed a curtsy and a footman closed the door on the sight of Sampson poking his head cautiously inside the carriage. The Marquise sighed and started to climb the stairs to her granddaughter’s room.     


A familiar form droped past her window, and Audrey recognized the silhouette.  It's not exactly hard too, there weren't that many dragons soaring about those parts.  She struggled to sit up, almost falling back into bed as a wave of dizziness swept over her.  When her vision steadied she placed her feet on the cool wooden floor and made her way to the window.  Something wasn't right, but she couldn't put her finger on it.

Looking out through the glass she saw the front entry and the carriage pulled up in front of the house.  Sampson was sticking his head into the wooden structure, scaring the horses and the menservants too in all likelihood.  Most people seemed nervous around the giant creature, but Audrey never worried.  He really was a big softie, as long as you never threatened Papa.  That was the one rule with dragons, don't mess with their human.

A thought struck her... she couldn't see the entrance from her room!  Her window looked out over the garden.  It was Jack's room that looked over the entrance and the stables!  Why did they put her to bed in his room?  Was there something wrong with her's?  She turned and carefully approached the sleeping maid.  As she was almost to the rocker, she stumbled and nearly fell.  It was only the creaking of the floorboard and the servant's quick reaction that kept her from hitting the floor.  As the surprised woman held up Audrey's thin frame, the girl worked hard to compose herself.  She took a step back, and stood tremulously on her own before asking "Why am I here?  What's wrong with my room?"
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“Her Ladyship wished you to be moved here, m’lady. Please, stay in bed – the medicine is still in you.” The maid helped her mistress back to her brother’s bed, settling her back in with a firmness that broke no refusals. She had been with the family all her life, and approaching middle-age knew how to handle the children.

As she was tucking Audrey in, the bedroom door opened. Only one person wouldn’t feel the need to knock – the Marquise herself.

Audrey’s grandmother was still in her mourning dress of ebony lace in an old fashioned but elegant cut. “Leave us, Dina. I must speak with my grandchild. Make sure the five servants I dismissed have left with their recommendations, and that the letters I wrote have been sent. We need to act quickly.”

The maid bobbed and left the room. Teresa pulled the door shut and walked to the bed, sitting in a chair that had been left at the head. Her eyes were hard, her sorrow and grief hidden behind her stern features. Her granddaughter would see past it, but she didn’t let the mask fall.

“Audrey. Do you remember what has happened?”


Seeing the pain her grandmother was in brought tears to Audrey's own eyes.  Not trusting her voice, she simply nodded, looking to her remaining family for instruction on how to deal with this loss.  But there were too many questions, and she couldn't keep them bottled up any longer.  She sniffles and wipes away a tear running down her cheek before she speaks.

"What's wrong?  Why do we have to act fast?  Why am I in Jack's room?"

She looks expectantly at the Marquise.  If there's one thing about her that could always be relied on, it's that she knows what's going on and what's going to come next.
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Her grandmother was quiet for a few moments, her eyes fixing firmly on Audrey’s. “Because of what has happened.” She frowned, and said, “You know your place in society. You know that when the time comes, you would be married off, to the good of the family, and your brother would take up the mantle of his father, and become a knight in the Empire’s service. Such things have been our way for generations, since the Grimsword name was founded at the start of the Empire. It has been our honour to always have a member of the family in the knighthood. When people think of the knights, they think of Grimsword. We are the only family with a dragon in our crest. The only family with an unbroken line in the service. You know how important such things are to us. But… but Jack cannot take his place, yet we cannot let such a thing break our tradition.” She paused, wondering if her granddaughter would be too opium-addled to guess where the conversation was going.   


Audrey knew all of this history.  It had been impressed into her thoughts from the time when they first began.  She knew what was expected of her and her brother by the family.  But she didn't understand why Gran was repeating it all to her now.  The knights only take the boys from the prestigious families, there had never been a female knight.  With the death of her brother any hope for the line to continue was gone.

"I don't understand.  What other choice do we have?  They won't allow me into the Riders, I'm a girl!"

As she looked into her grandmother's eyes, suddenly the plan became clear.  Her own eyes widened at the idea, but her mind began to race with thoughts.  People had always commented on how alike she and Jack were.  How they could almost be twins, except for the fact that Jack was a bit smaller.  But even that gap had closed over the past year with his growth spurt.  When they had gone to visit the academy for him, they were almost exactly the same size.

"No.... it'd never work.  People would know.  They'd figure it out.  Training takes years!"
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“Which, my dear, is why I had to act so swiftly. It is not the first time in our history that such tragedies have happened. There have been a half-dozen others, like you, forced to bury their feminine selves for the sake of continuation. If you should balk at the thought of doing this, you forfeit our noble line.” Her hands moved over her skirts, smoothing them. “It is not easy, but far from impossible.”

There was a light knock on the door, and the older woman called for whoever it was to enter. It was the maid with the tea and a few French pastries. The girl set them out on a table, poured the tea then left.

Her hand steady, Grandmother Teresa gave Audrey a cup and picked up her own, sipping it elegantly. “It is only due to great need that I ask such a thing. You must sacrifice the life you could have led – but just think of what you would gain. I know how you look at Sampson, and how you cried when you were young when you were told you were not to have one. So, you must wear your hair short and think up excuses why not to go swimming in the lakes – is it so bad that you can say having a dragon is not worth it?” It was a low shot, but it was probably the only thing that would sway Audrey.   


Audrey didn't touch her tea.  Her mind was blazing too fast for her to do anything but think.  There had been others?  Other women who had hidden who they were and became knights?  Other women who had had a dragon?  Why couldn't she have been told this earlier, why did they have to wait for something terrible to happen before letting her know she could be a Rider?  She knows why, a piece of her is still indignant about it.  She could have been learning along side Jack and both of them could have attended together.

She had always felt bored with the possibilities her life offered.  To learn manners and dances, to court and marry and raise a family.  She had envied Jack and the right he had to run and climb trees and go fishing and most of all to have the lifelong friendship of a dragon.

The Marquise didn't have to ask Audrey what her response was.  She could read it in her eyes and in the slight smile that had crept onto her lips.
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Teresa nodded approval. “There are things that need to be done. They have been set in motion – the doctor at the academe is one that owes us a debt. He will know, but will not let it get out. The trustworthy staff of the manor know – the ones who have served us for generations, they understand – and I dismissed those who have not been with us long. They will call you Jack, starting tomorrow. You cousin Rosalind will be told when she is old enough. You will need to learn masculine mannerisms, and forget the feminine. We will re-teach you how to dance. You will go to the Academe in two month’s time.” She sipped her tea, studying her granddaughter. “It will be the hardest thing you ever do. We can have you placed with a family friend – Cade, or Tristan, they will keep quiet – but at that school, you will have to keep your wits about you, but I know you can do it.” She smiled then, the skin at her eyes forming crows feet. “You have the right mind for it.”   


Even with the excitement she felt, she heard the compliment and blushed.  Her grandmother never gave praise lightly, and to be told such a thing was an honor indeed.  She nods, and tries to listen to all the instructions, but already can feel the changes her life will take overwhelming her.  There's so much that needed to be done, and in such a short amount of time.

Another issue was quickly arising as well.  The drugs that had filled her system for the past few days were reluctant to give up their hold on her.  Even these few minutes of wakefulness were beginning to drain on her strength, and her eyelids began to flutter slightly.
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Teresa noticed her grandchild’s weariness and took the cup untouched in the girl’s hand, putting them down on the tray. “That can wait. Rest, Audrey. We will begin the hard work tomorrow.” The old woman got to her feet, and drew the sheet up around the young girl and stroked her hair. She would miss those long locks, but it would be worth it and then some.

She waited until the girl drifted into slumber, then left, sending the maid back in to get the tray and watch after her only grandchild.   


That night Audrey dreamed.  She dreamed that her father was there, and that he was talking to Sampson.  Jack was standing near him, but was afraid of the big dragon.  Feeling for her brother she stepped forward, and placed a hand on his shoulder to steady him.  Suddenly the world swirled and she was the one with the hand on her shoulder.  She turned to see Jack and her parents standing behind her.  Jack smiled at her, and whispered "It'll be alright Audi.  I'm glad you get to do this."

The dream stuck with her through the morning.  She was awoken by a maid knocking on the door.  Normally the woman would enter, but it was improper for her to do so on the lord of the house.  Audrey ate breakfast in silence, the only sounds being the occasional greeting of "Good morning, Jack".  She was getting ready to bathe when one of the manservants entered with her grandmother.
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The manservant bowed, but the old matriarch did not give any sort of obeisance. “Jack, you’re hair has grown quite out of control. Peters, trim Master Jack’s hair so he is not so disgraceful.” The words were cold and cruel, but the tone belied the meaning, a hint of amusement there.

Peters murmured a response and moved towards Audrey, a pair of barber’s scissors in his hands. “Could the young sir please sit by the window? The light is better there.” It was also the seat that couldn’t be seen in the mirror’s reflection. When she saw herself again, it would be as Jack.


She smiled at her grandmother's quip, but that smile quickly turned to a near grimace.  This was a big moment, the long hair that she had been growing for most of her life was about to be hacked away, leaving her a different person.  Still, it was only hair, and it would grow.  In fact, if she wished she could grow it out as soon as she arrived at the school.  Plenty of boys had longish hair that they tied back.  It would be best for her to keep it short, for appearances, but she could.  With that thought on her mind, she followed Peters' request and moved to the window seat.

Within moments she could already feel the difference.  A few small snips left her head feeling lighter, her neck feeling cool under the breeze from the window.  She could see the long dark tendrils float down when they were cut, a few drifting further into the room when the wind picked them up.  In only a few moments, she hears the scissors being slid back into their holder, and knows she is done.

She stands and goes to examine herself in the mirror.  At first she's startled... it looks like Jack is standing there!  But then her practiced eye sees the differences  that had set them apart.  The slightly fuller lips, the eyes that are a lighter shade of blue, fewer freckles over the bridge of the nose.... and not to mention the slowly healing gashes the car glass had left on her forehead and scalp.  It really was her standing there, but at the same time it was her brother as well.
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The Marquise stepped closer, her soft hand stroking through her granddaughter’s shortened hair. “Yes… much better. You have much of your father in your face, when he was your age. I remember sending him off to the Academe, he was so happy…” She trailed off, her fingers going still in Audrey’s hair. She drew her grandchild towards her, hugging her briefly. “Ah, dear Jack. Go on, go and bathe now. You have a busy day. We will visit the mausoleum so you may pay your respects, but this afternoon there are other matters to be seen to. No time for dallying.”

True to her word, after Audrey had washed and dressed in her brothers clothes, they went to their family’s resting place. It was quiet, a bright collection of flowers crowding around the white stone tomb. They stayed a little longer than Teresa had the pervious day, allowing Audrey her pain but not allowing her to wallow in it. Death was a sad fact of life, but one could not become lost in sorrow. Life had to be lived.

The following weeks were filled with lessons, from how to dress to how to ride and fight. Mostly it was a struggle to get Audrey to abandon her feminine habits, such as her laugh, her walk, even eating. Her grandmother was the driving force, but all the servants pitched in to help her change. It was intense and frustrating, but there was no backing out, and it helped the whole household move forwards. Grief was still present, but it wasn’t given any foothold for those two months.

Sampson, however, was not distracted. A mourning dragon was a miserable thing to behold. He was not eating as well, and his bones were becoming more pronounced. There was little to be done – not even another dragon knight could get him out of his despair. He would die or live, but could not be influenced in either way. The Marquise did her best to keep Audrey from knowing, but a sorrowful dragon was a hard thing to hide.

Too soon, the day came when Audrey had to leave her home, to take Jack’s place among the pages of the Academe. There was a strange mix of excitement and sorrow, clothes freshly tailored to fit Audrey’s taller frame being packed and stowed on the carriage, Teresa directing them. She would not see her grandchild for months, if all went as it should. Her emotions stamped down, she was more stern than ever, commanding the footmen as ruthlessly as a general would his soldiers.   


After a quick bath and getting dressed in her traveling clothes, 'Jack' slipped away from the hustle and bustle.  She snuck down the servant's stairs and out the back door into the garden.  Once she was far enough from the house to not be heard by its occupants, she began to whistle.  She kept up the pattern Papa had shown her, waiting for the sky to darken and Sampson to arrive.  Over the past weeks she had seen him growing thinner, and had noticed his pain.  Her heart ached at this, but there wasn't anything she could do beyond visit him and try to bring him some happiness.

Today was the last day she'd get to do so.  Holding out the sausages she had snuck from the breakfast table, she keeps whistling.  She knows the time she can stay away is limited, and if Sampson doesn't show it's going to break her heart to not say goodbye.  But even if he doesn't, she won't cry.  That's one of the first things that was forced upon her when her life changed.  She has to be just as strong as the strongest boy.... any less could lead to suspicion.
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Sampson came eagerly to the call, coming from beyond the copse of trees some distance away. Dragon hearing was almost as good as their sight. He landed lightly a short distance from Audrey, his wings working hard, then snapping shut with the sound of a dozen umbrellas closing.

His spike-ended tail swished side to side, a show of minor irritation rather than the doglike greeting. He had wanted it to be his companion. He approached the girl readily enough though, sniffing her chest and choon-ing in recognition. His great eyes blinked as he peered at her expectantly.   


With a light sigh, she held out the food.  The dragon just hadn't been showing the same warmth since the accident.  Even so, Audrey had hoped he'd at least be pleased to see her, considering she brought some of his favorite snack.  Either way, she still needed to say her goodbye.

Reaching out her other hand she placed it on his massive neck, just behind the jawbone.  She rubs her thumb lightly over the rough scales.  "Hey there.... I need to tell you something.  Remember when you were little... how you were at the school with other dragons.  When you got to meet...."  She stops, not wanting to mention her father.  Who knows how Sampson might react.  "Well, I'm going to go there now.  I'm leaving today, and I won't be back for a while.  I promise I'll be back for the holidays, but until then you just need to be brave and good... ok?  And stay out of the garden or Mrs. Stone will have a fit."

Smiling a sad smile, she pats him gently once more, then gives in and wraps her arms around his neck.  Hugging him tight for a moment, she fights back the tears.  Then she lets go and waves goodbye as she starts back towards the house.
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Sampson had eaten the treat with a deep rumble that was his purr, paying attention to her words. He understood what she said, picking up most of it from her tone – but dragons knew key words, and were smart enough to string them together. He dropped his head as she hugged him, pressing her gently then watching her go with a gentle rumble she didn’t hear but felt through her feet.

When she got to the front of the house, the last of her things were being loaded. Her grandmother was talking to two more footmen, dressed to ride and both carrying rifles. “… with all precautions. Keep sharp and don’t forget to look up every so often. Stealth zeppelins can carry snipers. Oh, Jack. There you are. I have something else to give you – it is only for the journey, and when you reach the Academe, you are to hand these to the Headmaster – students are prohibited firearms.” She waved a third man forwards. He held a case which he opened, showing two pistols settled in blue velvet. They had several sets of initials engraved down the barrels, all ending with G, the last two being J.G., and the family arms on the butt. She had been taught how to shoot in the two months – not well, but enough so that she would only hurt her attacker, not herself or her men. “You only use these if something happens,” her grandmother said firmly.     


She nods solemnly, and takes the box.  Placing it and the small travel case inside the coach, she turns back around and looks at her grandmother.  Taking a deep breath, she draws herself up tall, stiffly adjusts her jacket, and gives a very proper bow. "Thank you Gran.  I'll do just as you said, in this and the other things.  I promise I'll work hard and I'll make you and our family proud."With a slight smile on her lips, she waves to the staff members that stand about the house, then prepares to step aboard the carriage.
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“Oh, no you don’t, my lad!” the Marquise said regally. Her arms came around Audrey in a hug, holding her close. “Behave, and listen to the teachers. I hear Tristan will be teaching in a month or so, and the Rosenhall’s have one of their brood in the second year. If anything happens, be sure to talk with the doctor. He will do what he can.”

She hugged her granddaughter for a few moments more, them let the girl go, her age-speckled hands straightening her boy’s clothes and trying to flatten her short hair. “Now, hurry along. You won’t get there until after nightfall. Make sure the fresh horses you are given are to the same standard as these. And do try not to get your nose broken like your father.” She kissed her forehead and stepped back, pride glinting in her eyes.


Her smile broadens into a full-blown grin.  She'd been hoping that's what her grandmother would do, she would have been deeply saddened if she'd gotten away without such affections.  Gladly hugging back, she takes in a deep breath of the Matriarch's familiar scent, trying to hold onto it for the journey.

As her clothes are adjusted and she's kissed goodbye, Audrey can't help but wonder how different things will be when she returns.  She nods at the instructions, and raises an eyebrow at the mention of her father.  She'd never heard anything about that particular story.  She pauses for a second to see if there will be any elaboration.  When there isn't, she accepts the kiss, and retreats into the cab.  Setting her arm on the window sill and resting her head in the crook, she stares out at her home for 13 years.  With her other hand, she waves again as the coach begins to pull away.
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The familiar figure of her grandmother shrinks away, and the countryside passes by. The horses break into a controlled canter, carrying her faster away. A rumbling cry resounds through the air, like a thunder clash and belling hound and an eagle’s mew warped together – Sampson was calling fairwell.

The scenery melted from known fields, still Grimsword land but rented out and worked, to less known lands to parts she had rarely seen. For all of their fine blood, the Grimswords were not courtly. A rumour had it they refused to step foot in the capital for an old offence that they were not allowed to bring to justice, but no amount of listening at keyholes or flattering the older members of staff had ever led to the reasons for that.

There were highwaymen along the way, but the footmen with rifles were enough of a deterrent when they let off a round in warning. Through the windows, she saw silhouettes on the hillcrest as they retreated back to wait for easier prey. If it had been winter and not the harvest months, they would not have retreated so readily.

A few hours into the journey, they turned in to a great, bustling stable yard. “Fresh carriage and riding horses for the heir of Grimsword!” bellowed one of the footmen over the chatter and calls from the stablehands. They were a deft lot – several strong lads came up to unhitch the carriage and another pair came to take the lathered and sweating mounts from the footmen. The door was opened and one of the footmen said, “If you’d like to get down, Sir, and stretch your legs? They also have an inn to the side where refreshments are to be had, they will have replaced the horses by then.”         


Even as excited as she was about the adventures ahead of her, Audrey couldn't help but remember the last time she passed these sights.  She and her family had been returning from Jack's initial visit to the academy, and her father had surprised them all with a new purchase.  The automobile was sleek and black, and its canvas top kept all of them out of the sun as they headed home.

The fields to her right dropped off to the low river below.  The bluff rippled around the side of the road, sometimes disappearing behind the trees, sometimes being just feet from the edge of the path.  Then she sees the setting of so many of her recent dreams.  The tree is still there, it's wounds still looking fresh against the surrounding bark.  The brush has grown back some in the past months, but the snapped trunks of the saplings are still visible. 

The cab speeds by, but for the remainder of the trip Aubrey is stuck at that damaged tree.  Finally she's awoken from her daze by the carriage slowing, then coming to a halt at the stable.  She takes advantage of the stop and the given invitation for food and drink.  On stiff legs, she steps down from the cab and heads into the inn.
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The footmen follow after her, that driver staying behind to watch over the changing of the horses. The pub was modest but well stocked, the alluring scent of good food filling the cosy rooms. The footmen sat with Audrey when she found a nook that suited her, the lines between master and servant blurring for the duration of the journey.

The taller of the two me – Norris – waved over the innkeeper. “Four house beers, one sent out to the driver. Mi’lord, would you like to eat? What’s the options, man?” Norris was forty or so, a little older than her father and very relaxed. The other footman, Aubrey, was only a few years older than she was and had a tight nervousness about his shoulders. It had been he who had been teaching Audrey how to shoot.

The innkeeper said, “It’d be rabbit pie, fresh baked. Meats jus’ right, tender an’ there’s wild mushrooms in’t fo’ flavour. Or there’d be a leg’o ham that’s been maturin’. No’in as fancy as m’ sure your like, but good road food. Keeps the chill out an’ keep you on t’ the next stoppin’.”


At the mention of the pie, Audrey felt her stomach rumble.  She looked to Norris, and gave an embarrassed smile.  In all her years as a girl, she's never ordered for herself.  The few times she has eaten at an inn or a feast her father would always order for her, as was proper.  Now she felt a bit exposed, and unsure of what exactly to do.  Deciding to be brave, she muttered "Um, I'll have some pie then.  If you please."

She had also never really drank beer.  It was considered a drink for the men, like whiskey or other spirits.  A lady would never allow herself to drink such a thing, for fear of being thought base.  Instead, she would request a wine or one of the fruit meads, or simply do without.  With a brief hesitation, the young lord reached forward and took her first sip of the bubbly liquid.
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Norris grinned. “Pie for four – three here, the last to the man outside.” The innkeeper nodded and went to get their food. Norris waited until he had moved out of earshot before leaning towards Audrey and whispering, “Less manners next time, Sir. Pleases and thank-yous are only used in the presence of ladies or your betters.” He straightened and picked up his beer, taking a great gulp. “Did you see how them hill-bandits turned tail! Didn’t even aim for one. You’ve got a good shooting hand, Liam.”

Aubrey ducked his head at the praise. “Yeah, well – didn’t want to waste Sir’s ‘munition when I didn’t have to. Least they didn’t have a sky-ship. They’re more daring.”

It didn’t take long for the food to arrive, steaming and oozing gravy.           


Nodding shamefacedly, Audrey turned back to her beer.  She stared at it for a moment, then followed after Norris and took a swig.  Immediately the bubbles filled her nose, and she started to sputter.  Barely managing to swallow, she took several deep breaths as her cheeks turned bright red.

She kept her eyes towards her plate until the delicious smells of the pie began to waft towards them.  The filling was hot and well cooked, and the crust topping it was flaky and tender.  Aubrey savored the scents almost as much as she did the flavor of the first bite.  She demolished the meal, leaving only streaks of gravy on the plate.  Leaning back, she felt a pressure rise and without thinking let out a burp.  With joy, she realized she was allowed this release, and instead of apologizing, only smiled.
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Norris gave a bark of laughter at the belch and lifted his beer as if toasting. The footmen had finished their portions just as quickly, but took a little longer over their beers, discussing non-consequential subjects like the horses and the old Butler’s snoring.

Soon enough, a stableboy came in to tell them the horses had been changed over, and would the young master like to give them an eyeing. The footmen stood without protest, though Norris drank the last of his beer before doing so.

In the yard, there was a new team of chestnut haflingers, and two long-limbed hunters of questionable breeding. “When we come back this way, our horses will be rested and ready to take back to the manor,” murmured Norris to Audrey. “The driver made sure they’re good, but you have to look over them yourself too. Feel over their legs and mutter under your breath a bit, then say they’ll do at a pinch.”             


After a slight nod, she did just that.  She'd always been fairly good with animals, so she actually knew a bit of what to look for, and what terminology to use.  She admired their strong flanks, inspected their hooves for any cracking, and felt along their legs for any musculature problems.  They did seem to be decent beasts, and she gave an approving nod.  "I guess they'll do, in a pinch."

Then she climbed back into the carriage and settled herself for another long ride.  This part of the scenery would be new to her... both on the way there and back she had fallen asleep for most of this stretch.  Hopefully she could keep from doing so this time.
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They paused for some time after she had gotten in, Norris talking with the stablemaster adamantly until the rough man agreed and had two long-legged Dalmatians brought out of the kennels, money changing hands and a drag attached to the back of the carriage. The dogs would be as much a deterrent as the two footmen, though nothing would scare bandits away like the high gliding threat of an adult War Dragon.

Sampson wasn’t tagging along for this trip, however, so extra precautions had to be taken as they moved through the less hospitable terrain. The world was a hard place, and several wet summers meant the crop harvest had rotted in the fields, making a lot of desperate men.

When the dogs were persuaded to follow after the carriage, they went on their way.

The landscape changed slowly, from pleasure-land of landed lords with irregular woods to a great plain of farmland, a mighty patchwork quilt of golds and greens. They passed another carriage, the Dalmations snarling monstrously at the other dogs, and a parishioner’s trap drawn by a mule.

They had passed out of the moorland before they had stopped at the inn, but a couple of hours later, Audrey saw the reason for the added protection. The swiftest route to the Academe was through a dense, dark-looking forest. Gorgan’s Wood, a hundred square miles in total. Owned by the King for his sport, one of the only places left in England that the wild dragons inhabited. Unlike War Dragons, wild dragons were barely a foot long sans neck and tail. Untamable and vicious but shy, reclusive things.

The woods had one road cleft through it, and it was guarded on both ends, but not patrolled. There was a different breed of men who made a living there, sharp-witted and bold unlike their fellows out on the moors.   


Audrey's eyes widened as she realizes where they are going.  The past two times she'd been this way, they had skirted the forest.  It had added half a day onto their trip, but was deemed worth the time.  But for whatever reason this time they were going through.  She dug into her bag and pulled out the box her grandmother had given her.  Snapping it open, she withdrew the case of pistols and set them both on the seat next to her.  With that preparation made, she returned to her vigilant watch through the window.  A part of her hoped she'd get to see a wild dragon, even though the odds stood against it.
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They reached the forest edge within a quarter of an hour – they would have got there quicker had the coachman let the horses move faster than a trot, but he was saving them for the two-hour stretch ahead.

They pulled up at the treeline, waved down by a Roadguard. The guard approached, cautious of the dogs that bared their teeth at the men. “You are aware you are entering Gorgon Wood, sirs? There is another, safer road you might take. We do not patrol this road out of the hunting season.”

“But there isn’t another rest stop where we can change horses or spend a night since…” Norris trailed off, not wanting to alarm Audrey.

“Good luck then,” muttered one of the soldiers. The captain ignored him and stepped closer to the carriage, peering inside to make sure there wasn’t anything suspicious. “Those dogs will be your best defence, then. Don’t be cautious if you have to use those, lad – but don’t kill any of the King’s game.” He backed away and nodded to the coachman. “Drive on, sir and be on guard of fallen logs.”

The carriage began to move again, the early afternoon sun turned to cool twilight in a mere moment.


Audrey gave the captain a solemn nod, and then the carriage pulled forward.  As the light dimmed under the heavy tree branches, she felt her guts twist in anticipation and fear.  As much as she would love to see a dragon, she knew there are many more likely foes in these woods.  The bandits were quite likely to attack if they see the carriage, and they would have to be idiots to miss it.  And that's not to mention some of the other 'game' that lives in the woods.
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They travelled at a brisk pace, the men obviously nervous and eager for the distance be travelled as quickly as the horses could be pushed. As her eyes got use to the twilight, Audrey found she was in a different world. The trees were much taller than they were in the copses on the Estate or any of the woods she had seen before. Everything had a gentle cool green shadow over it, and leaves drifted down from above every so often, still green but edged with brown from the creeping autumn.

The air was loamy and crisp, the decomposing leaves overwhelming every other scent, though it wasn’t an offensive aroma. The sounds changed here, too – more birds chattering and crashing through the treetops, squirrels bounding up and down, deer darting away in the distance. She even saw a wild boar.

Towards the centre of the forest, the road became uneven, potholes dug by the brigands to slow their prey. It worked, the coachman was forced to slow, but there was no sign of a hold up.

After they had made it past the worst of the road, they travelled swifter than ever, wanting to be gone. It took a little less than two hours to pass through the forest. They emerged and Norris gave a brief report of the road to the roadguard. They then had to change horses again and leave the dogs to be retrieved on the way back. They rested briefly for another pint of beer before continuing at a calmer pace. 


Even though she was glad they made it through without incident, Audrey felt a little cheated.  All the stories about the forest led folks to believe those traveling through it faced almost certain attacks.  As they saw the light from the edge of the dense woods, she sighed a bit, and slid away the pistols.  Maybe there would be cause to use them some other time.

The rest of the journey passed quickly, and within only a few hours the stone buildings of the academy came into view.  It's tall spires and broad walls indicate the many additions that have been built over the years as the needs of its inhabitants have changed.  While it had originally only housed the riders in training, its education base had been broadened as time passed.  Most recently had been the inclusion of apprenticeships for mages.
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As they drew closer, Audrey smelt the unmistakable scent of dragon on the breeze, and the sound of their bugling calls ranged from young and piping to powerful and mature to a failing warble of an old beast. Even as they came up to the Academe the sound was distant, as if the dragons themselves were still some distance off.

They drew up outside its grand doors, a welcoming party already assembled. There was a gathering of five men of varying age, one very much wrinkled and stooped, another with greying black hair who seemed to be looking at a tree some way off, another with auburn hair that brushed his shoulders and a sever expression, the fourth bespectacled and portly, and the fifth seeming not to be part of the welcome but lounging against the wall with an amused gleam in his eyes. She recognised the last man as a cousin-by-marriage – not a blood relative or one who she saw more than once every few years, but still family. Seeing how interwoven many of the noble houses were, it wasn’t likely she would be able to go anywhere ‘civilised’ without bumping into someone connected to her in some way.

One of the Academe’s servants opened the door of the carriage, looking very sleek in the black-and-red livery of the school.   


As they entered the gates, 'Jack' felt her pulse begin to race.  She was here!  And this time it was for her to be trained... not her brother.  For a moment her heart ached over that thought, but it brought her back to earth.  When the carriage stopped, she solemnly stood and stepped out of it.  With a bow to the assembled group, she waited for their instructions.

The sounds of the dragons was still magnificent, even from so far away.  Audrey could hardly wait to get to work with them and then, someday, to get to call one her own.  She knew it would be hard work and much struggle, but just being able to hold that goal in front of her made it worthwhile.
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The second man, whose hair was black with thick streaks of grey, moved forwards to stand foremost. His eyes were blue and there was a fine tracery of wrinkles around his eyes and mouth and a particularly deep one between his brows. He bowed to her, the other men behind him doing the same. “Lord Grimsword, it is an honour to meet you at last, though I would have wished for it not to fall on such a sombre time for you.” His choice of words were callus but his tone was sincere, the sorrow in his eyes hinting he knew her parents a little better than most could brag. “I am the Headmaster, Tobias Nickleby. Allow me to introduce to you some of this years tutors to you.” He turned partially, clicking his fingers and waving at the carriage. A pack of red-and-black suited servants swanned out of the doors and began to unload the luggage.

“Now, this is History Master Montgrave,” the Headmaster gestured to the rotund man who smiled in a way that showed his uneven teeth in an unbecoming manner. “The Astrology Master Fritzwilliam,” the old man dipped his head and muttered something Welsh. “And the Ward Master Smyth. You won’t be learning Wards this year, but he is also the Dormitory Master.” The youngest of the schoolmasters gave a swift bow that made his hair flick. He held his right arm very close to his chest as if clutching something precious, but the right corner of his mouth seemed to droop, and his right eye didn’t blink in time with the left. It was quite a disturbing sight.

“Of course, you know Jonas Murkmere.” The headmaster waved at the youth further back who had straightened when it seemed that Nickleby was turning his way. “He volunteered to be your mentor and make sure you don’t get lost. We wouldn’t want you wandering into the wrong wing.”


Audrey gave another bow, as the headmaster presented himself, then an additional one to each of the other masters as they were announced.  Each of these men were distinctly different, and they each had pieces to them that she could see would be quite unusual.  Still, none seemed to be hostile, just a bit different. 

And then there was Jonas.  She was not quite sure what to do with him... if he already knew of her secret, if he was supposed to...  It would be best to keep it hidden from him until she was sure, but what if he suspects.  keeping something hidden from strangers isn't as hard as it is to keep away from those that know you, no matter how briefly.
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Jonas moved closer, nodding to Audrey. “Jack, good to see you again. Sir, may I take him now?”

The Headmaster’s eyes narrowed slightly, and Jonas grinned winningly. “Yes. Make sure he knows how to get to the classrooms, the dining hall, the dormitories and the roosts. And do try not to imbue him with any of your mischief.” The man sounded long suffering but resigned.

“Aye, Sir.” Jonas tilted his head towards the building, turning his gaze back to Audrey. “Come on.” He began walking inside with a loose, easy stride of someone with the confidence of youth. He was seventeen, with dusty blonde hair that fell in lazy curls, and alert brown eyes. He was less than a foot taller than she was, but his carriage made him seem taller. His teeth were white, telling more of a poor upbringing than immaculate oral hygiene – those who could afford sugar, caffeine and tobacco indulged regularly unless taught moderation – and his nose was thinner than it suited. When he turned his head too quickly, she could see a glint of gold in his earlobe. “There’s only half a dozen students in residence at the moment,” he commented as they moved up the steps and into the hall. “The rest arrive tomorrow. Hey, Jack, look.” He pointed to a large dominant painting that hung between the twin staircases and over a set of double doors.

The painting was of a landscape, vague enough to be anywhere in Britain with a valley. The focus of the image was a pale dragon, perched on a precarious rock, facing a lad little older than Audrey was now. The boy was dressed in pauper’s clothing, and looked very closely like her. “Your great great etcetera grandfather. Imposing, isn’t it?”       


She steps in behind the blond boy, her eyes darting around the halls as they walk through them.  The stones show centuries of use, and she knows that if the floor wasn't covered with the long rugs, there would likely be wear trails across the stone from thousands of feet.  Somehow, though, she misses the giant painting until Jonas points it out to her.  For a moment she just stares at the founder of her line, the line that she's living a lie to keep going.  She nods vaguely at her cousin's assessment of the painting, and almost misses it when he starts to walk away.

Quick stepping up to walk next to the older boy, she decides to try and talk a bit.  " any pointers for me?"  A part of her wants to ask about the boy's dragon, how it feels to raise one and to have it bee your other half.  But she's not sure how he might gake it, so she decides to leave those questions for another day.
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Jonas tilted his head back as he thought, looking at the high ceiling as they walked. “Pointers… well, a lot of stuff you’ll get told with the rest of the greens. Try to avoid the Magus’ wing. You don’t want to wander in there alone. And… well,” he glanced behind him and dropped the volume of his voice to a whisper. “Smyth is one moody bastard. He only came in the last term. There’ve been loads of rumours about how he got mangled like that, but…” He grimaced and shook his head. “Just make sure he has no reason to have a grudge against you.”

They came to a wider corridor with half a dozen closed doors down one side and diamond-paned windows down the other. The grounds visible were mostly lawns, presumably kept short by a small flock of nervous sheep. “You’ll find a lot of people will either grovel at you or try and throw you down all because of old Grim,” he jerked his thumb over his shoulder to indicate the painting they had left behind. “My tie to him are weak at best and I still got special treatment. Watch out for Demby and Ceres – they’re… not fond of the Grimsword name.” 


Solemnly taking in all his advice, she nods in appreciation. "Gran said my dad got beat up his first day.  She said it'll probably happen to me too.  Who are Demby and Ceres?"

As she glances out the large windows, she sees several specks moving through the sky.  She can feel in her heart that they're dragons, and she longs to find one of her own.  Continuing after Jonas, she listens to his answer.  It's good to have someone here to help look out for her, even if he doesn't know she's a 'her'.

"Do you know what I'll be learning when classes begin?  Do they teach everyone the same things, or is there any types of choices?"  She keeps from asking the question that really lays heavy on her mind... when will they get to meet the wyrmlings?
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“Demby is the High Magistrate’s nephew, and Ceres is the Earl of Cork’s younger brother. They are… well, just full of themselves.” He touched his jaw, though there was no mark. “Do yourself a favour and try not to get trapped anywhere.” He gave her a tight smile, but didn’t elaborate.

“Well, you’re a first-year. You won’t get to do the exciting things until the schoolmasters know they can trust you. The day is split in half – outside and inside lessons. Inside lessons are the usual – history, learning how to write reports, map drawing and suchlike. Outside lessons are things like astrology, hunting, surviving in the wild – that’s one that everyone underestimates – and, of course, dragon care. You’ll get to clean out the dragon eyries, maintain the tack and learn the up-close stuff about the beasts. You’ll get taught the basics first. Choices come later.”

He stopped suddenly, flashing her an awkward grin and nodding to the door they were outside of. “I almost went passed it. This one’s yours. See?” He pointed to the doorframe, where a tiny Grimsword crest had been carved long ago.     


As Jonas spoke about her lessons, Audrey found herself growing nervous.  She had the basic understanding of these concepts, but no tutoring in any of them.  Her education had focused much more on the arts and things more appropriate for a lady to study.  Suddenly she was being thrown into the other side of things, and she's not sure if she'll be able to catch up.

" over the past couple weeks.... I didn't do much...any really... of my studies.  Is there any way you could help me catch up, or tell me someone else who could?"

At that moment, they pull up in front of her new door.  Reaching out with a tentative hand, she brushes the small symbol with her thumb.  The wood is rounded over the edges of the mark... it's obvious she isn't the first one to rub it in such a way.  Then with a deep breath, she turns the handle and pushes open the door to her new room.
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The room was small, only a third the size of her bedroom at home if that, but it wasn’t cramped. There were windows along the far wall, letting in the hazy sunlight. The bed was only big enough to lie in, and was draped in coppery red. The woodwork seemed simple enough, though generations of sleepless youths had carved into it – initials, mostly, but also crude shapes and forms.

There was a chest by the foot of the bed, and two chairs by the small fireplace, cushioned with the same copper-red fabric on the bed. There was only one carpet in the room, between the chairs, and it had several small scorchmarks where embers from the grate had fallen.

On the wall to her right, her family’s motto had been engraved into the whitewashed stone; Grace And Glory Aloft.

There were gas lamps set in the walls, the pipes that couldn’t be hidden in the old stone disguised with white paint. There was another lamp by the bedside, and a bundle of long matches on the mantle. A washbowl and jug stood on the windowsill.

“Don’t worry about it – half come here as thick as a plowman’s horse. If you really want, I could help you.” Jonas leaned on the doorframe, his eyes on the motto. “You have some dragon-obsessed ancestors and no mistake.”   


Audrey smiles a that comment.  It's quite true... she can't remember any gathering of family that didn't eventually turn to discussions of dragons.  Care of them, fighting tactics, even debates over the different breeds... it seemed that everyone had an opinion that needed expressing.

But his offer to help doesn't go by unnoticed either.  "If you don't mind, I would appreciate that.  I don't think I remember any of this stuff."
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Jonas paused, then said, “I mind. But you’ll owe me a favour, so I’ll do it. That’s how it works here. Politics, you know.” The older boy stretched and yawned. “Do you want to settle in a bit, or shall we continue the tour? We’ve got an hour or so before dinner -”

“Murkmere, have you seen what’s just landed? A Southern Speckled! It has to be Sir Bavain!” The voice cracked alarmingly, squeaking one moment and booming the next.

Jonas grinned and beckoned. “Chiswick, come greet my kinsman. Anthony of Chiswick, Jack Grimsword.”

The boy who peered around the doorframe was dark haired and eyes, an inch or two taller than Audrey. He dipped a shallow bow. “A pleasure to finally meet you, but can we save the greeting for later? This is something I don’t want to miss.”


The two boys tear out of the room and down the hall, leaving Audrey to chase after them.  Their longer legs carry them that much further with each step, and soon she's barely even sure which way they're heading at each corner.  Finally though, they slam through a door and erupt into the courtyard outside it.  There stands a full grown dragon, but one that looks significantly different from Sampson. 

It's height is roughly the same as her father's companion, but it's coloration is all different, being a mottling of deep greens rather than the tan Audrey is used to.  The biggest difference is the bulging belly under the creature.  The dragon's sides bulge out significantly, and it's belly hangs down several feet lower than any other dragon the girl has ever seen.

The two teens are already over by the beast, speaking happily to the man standing next to her.  It's obvious that right now they could care less about the new student.  So Audrey glances around the open area, looking for someone else to explain what's going on here.  She spots a blond boy standing alone in the nearest corner.  Quick-stepping over to him, she gives him a friendly smile then asks "So... is something wrong with this one?"  She gestures to the large dragon.  "Is it sick or something?"
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The blonde turned his head to glance at Audrey quickly, obviously not wanting to take his eyes from the dragon. His voice was quiet and smooth, a well-bred accent that held a lilting cadence of Welsh. “I overhead him say she was egg-heavy. I think they come here to lay, when they can.” He fell silent, enraptured by the massive reptile before them.

The dragon was uncomfortable with her load, shifting her weight fretfully. A moment later she shook her head and gave a low, bone-shivering warble. The faint sounds of the stabled dragons fell silent for a heartbeat, before a reply came followed by a dozen more. Her rider ran his hand up her neck and rubbed her muzzle, his voice calming, his words nonsense.

“It’s so… wonderful,” the boy beside her murmured. A second later, he stiffened, as if he hadn’t realised he spoke aloud. “I mean, you can get close to other animals. Horses rarely, dogs more often, but that… between dragon and knight…” He shook his head, embarrassed by his own admiration. 


She starts to give the embarrassed boy a kind smile before she remembers she's no longer supposed to be the gentle woman she was being raised as.  Stripping the smile from her face she tries to make herself appear indifferent to the boy's discomfort.  "Yeah... it's pretty neat.  I just wish I had one..."

Then turning back to the blond boy, she continues.  "I'm Jack."  Extending her hand in what she hopes in a strong handshake, she waits to find out a bit more about this other youth while still keeping the corner of her eye on the wonderful creature and her knight.
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The boy dipped his head in a nod, smiling in their shared desire. “I’m Fabian. Did you get here today as well?” He shook Audrey’s hand, his palm walk and dry and his fingers applying a polite pressure. “I’m a first-year.” He paused, glancing around then leant close to murmur, “Are you worried about this? The hazings are different each year, I’ve heard.” He bit his lip, worry and excitement making his dark eyes dance.

His restless gaze was drawn back to the dragon, and he sighed at her beauty. “I’ve never seen one so close before,” he admitted. The knight nodded to the older boys and started to walk towards the Eyrie, the egg-heavy dragon following behind him, her discontented hissing carrying across the distance, snapping her jaws at the two boys who didn’t move back fast enough.


"Yes... I just got here a few minutes ago.  I'm a first year as well.  But what do you mean 'hazings'?"  Aubrey had never heard the term before, but the way Fabian said it she felt they couldn't be a good thing.  Her eyes are drawn back to the pregnant form as well, and she stifles a slight laugh as the giant creature snaps at the two boys.  She responds to his comment with "Me neither...", believing him to be referring to the fertile fullness of the creature or maybe it's breed.  After all, everyone admitted to the school had to come from the knighting families.  So the boy couldn't possibly mean dragons in general.

"Have you been here very long?  I just got run through the building, and now I'm not even sure where I am.  I figure I might as well do some exploring while I try to get back to my room.  Care to come along?"
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“Ah, hazings… sort of a welcome for the first years. It’s only play. They never do anything too rough.” By the tightness in his tone, he was still worried about what may happen, but he shrugged helplessly. “Still, it’s worth it.” He grinned and nodded towards the moody dragon. “Just like my mother gets when she’s near her time.”

As the dragon went out of sight, Fabian turned his attention fully to ‘Jack’, running his gaze over her travel-rumpled clothes. “Oh, a day or so. I wanted to get to know the place before classes. Well, that was the plan.” He grinned at her and nodded, his blonde hair flicking his face. “That’d be brilliant. The only places I know are my dorm and the kitchens.” He glanced towards the two other students, but they were deep in discussion. He shot her a grin and asked, “The Academy or the grounds?”


She takes a minute to think about this.  "Well... the grounds would let us see more of the dragons.... but I have a feeling the Academy is gonna be a bit more confusing to try and navigate.  So maybe we should work on that one before everyone else shows up.  Then we can be the knowledgeable ones!"

Audrey returns his grin, and feels like maybe she won't be so alone here after all.  Sure, not everyone is gonna be her friend, but if she met a nice person this quick then things can't be too bad then.
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Fabian nodded, trying and failing to hide his excitement at finding a kindred spirit so far from his home. "Good plan." He cast a glance at the two older students, and gave Audrey a side-on smile. "Come on. I'd rather not have them try to give us a tour. Who knows where they'd led us."

He walked at a quick pace, though he was easy enough for her to keep up with. They went back inside via a side door, not the massive iron-bound doors in front. The corridor was narrow, a servant's passageway, connecting almost immediately with the kitchen. Like all old manor houses, the kitchen was  half-underground, making it cooler than the rest of the house. A massive fire was blazing at the far wall and a dozen people worked to prepare a meal. "One of my servants at home has an aunt working here. It's quite a boon." He grinned and patted a pocket before moving away from the long busy room quickly.

He glanced over his shoulder to make sure she hadn't gone into the kitchen, and nodded at the diverging corridor. The narrow passage led in separate directions. "One goes to the wizard's hall, the other to the knight's. I heard they shared a banquet hall once, but there were quite a lot of food fights that ended badly, so they had a divide built." He grinned at the idea. "I have always wanted a food fight... pity about that wall."


Audrey jogs just a bit to keep up with her new friend.  His sure steps and knowledge of at least some of the layout lets him travel much faster than her... especially since she can't help but gauk at all the wonderful architecture and historical pieces. 

She almost does enter the kitchen, but pauses just long enough to see that Fabian decides to keep on moving.  With a reluctant gaze into the wonderful smelling room, 'Jack' keeps on walking as well.  But the hallway's division provides an issue.  Which way should the pair go?  Then the mention of a food fight happens, and she can't help but laugh out loud.  All the regal looking dragon knights, throwing mashed potatoes at wizards in long robes was quite the sight in her mind.  "Maybe we can find some way to tear it down and restore the fun of dinner-time?"
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Fabian turned his grin to her, eyes dancing in glee. "Now that would be fun. It's not like they can expel us for a bit or redecorating..." his grin turned quizzical as he said, "Actually, what can you be expelled for? I never asked..." His eyes when from Audrey to the two separate corridors. There was two etchings in the wall - one a shield and the other a star, clear marking which led where.

He flicked her a daring smile and headed off, towards the knight's dining hall.

The corridor was short, to make sure the food that was carried didn't become cold on the journey. The doors into the dinning hall were double, letting two or more people through the doorway at once. Fabian tried than handles and pushed, the heavy doors swinging open with a slow grace.

The room wasn't as large as expected, though the ceiling was high and breath-taking. There were long, narrow windows along one side of the room, allowing a glass-warped view out towards the huge dragon eyrie and a slither of a lake. The room itself had six tables, one at the head and five others, the legs worked into dragon's legs. There were tapestries of battle scenes, flights of dragons and stories retold in woven cloth.

"Well, they don't want to forget what they're here for, I suppose," Fabian said in an amused tone, his voice echoing softly. 


A little disappointed in his choice, Audrey follows.  She'd really rather have seen the wizard's area, having never even seen a wizard before.  But they can head back that way later, and maybe it is better to see where she'll be eating first.  When her new friend pushes open the doors she's glad they were there.  The gorgeous view and magnificent tapestries took her breath away.  In fact, the beauty of it all almost kept her from hearing Fabian's words.  It takes a couple seconds for them to click in her head, but once they do she turns towards the blonde boy.

"Wait... what do you mean 'they'?"
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Fabian's attention was on the tapestry the faintly echoed the painting in the front hall, the pale dragon spreading its wings wide, Audrey's ancestor standing by its side as the smaller dragon defended the youth against a larger, red dragon. He turned his head at her question and nodded at the first Grimsword. "Who else? The dragon knights and their squires. We should get back to the wizard's half. I wouldn't want to be caught over here by them." He started to turn back to the servant's passageways, but stopped, his pale eyebrows coming together as he looked at her expression. "You all right, Jack?"   


Audrey just stares at Fabian.  His words are making it clear he's not a rider.  Really, it had been a poor assumption to believe he was... there are so many other people that reside in the academy.  But he had mentioned servants at home so he couldn't be one of the workers here.  And he'd said he was new, so he wouldn't be a professor's child.  She tried to place him, to figure out what he could be.  Then his mention of returning to the wizard's side is recalled..... was it possible? "Are you a... a wizard?" she asks with a certain amount of reverence in her tone.
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The boy's head tilted to one side, his expression quizzical. "What? No, I told you, this is my first year. We don't get out Journeyman's robes until we gra...u... wait. You're... not here to learn magic, are you?" His eyes moved over her again, his eyebrows drawing together in a frown. He took a step backwards, his expression turning distrustful and his eyes darting to the dinning hall doors, checking no one was waiting in the shadows. His voice held too much Welsh accent for him to sound cold at all, but he did sound undeniably affronted. "You could of had the common decency to say that you're here as a squire! I saw you come out with those two squires, but I thought you were just following them to see what the to-do was about."

His jaw clenched uneasily and he took another step back towards the servant's corridor.   


Audrey takes a step back as well and looks at him with an expression of confusion and a bit of hurt.  "I... I didn't even think about it.  I thought you were one too.  I didn't know they let wizards in so young... I always pictured them being old with beards and such. And why are you so mad?  It's not like there's any reason we can't still be friends is there?  I mean, we're both going to school here...."

She takes several steps forward closing the gap that had formed between them.  There's something here that he isn't telling her, some reason as to why he looks almost scared.  She hopes it's just that tho groups don't normally intermingle... but it seems like more.
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"Because," Fabian said, sounding confused and defensive, "Dragon Squires are thick bodied, slow-witted bashers who would sooner put a fist in your face than say a friendly word..." The blonde boy slid a hand through his thin hair, eyebrows lifting higher as he realised 'Jack' wasn't trying to lure him into trouble - well, not trouble with the other squires, at least. "You didn't hear about how the mages and the knights... don't get on? You didn't hear how they had to rebuild the south wing because of a midnight escapade the squires went on to 'haunt' the dormitories backfired when the whole lower quarter tried to raise a dispelling circle?" He didn't back away again, looking less worried and more thoughtful.

"Don't you feel a bone deep urge to try and dominate my superior form of magic?" he asked after a moment of pondering, as if it was common knowledge all knights and squires felt such a way about their fellow students.   


Audrey looks slightly hurt at his description of the squires.  She doesn't even seem to care about his interesting story or the resulting destruction.  Instead, she just looks at him with sad eyes.  " think that's what I'm like?  What my dad and brother were like?"  She's so busy keeping back the tears that she doesn't notice her slip of the tongue.  Her eyes drift up to the tapestry of her ancestor and tries to picture him as Fabian described.  But that base doesn't fit with the stories she's been told since she can remember.  He'd been caring and compassionate as well as brave and strong.  That's why the dragon had befriended him in the first place... he'd helped it and gained it's trust.  How could he be both that boy and the one described by Fabian?
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Fabian looked horrified, his mouth opening and shutting as he searched for something to say, alarmed he had caused such an emotional response. "No! That's... you looked nothing like how I thought... you... I thought you were a mage!" he finally got out, worried and unsure. He took a step closer to her, and lifted a hand to touch her shoulder for an instant before pulling away. "Don't take it so hard, Jack... I don't... I don't think you're like that." His gaze drifted towards the door, his expression turning from worried to steely determination. "You're not like them - not like the other squires, I mean."

He tilted his head and said, "My name is Laird Fabian ap Jenkins ap Hywel, though it's my mother's blood that got me in here. She's a de Guise." He named on of the most powerful magical families of France almost defensively, as if embarrassed by his Welsh heritage. "May I ask your name?"   


His hand on her shoulder brings her out of her deep thoughts.  It feels soothing but also exhilarating to have a boy touch her like that, even if he didn't know she's a girl. Managing to force the tears back deep inside, Audrey gives him a slightly shaky smile.

Hearing his name, her eyes widen slightly.  Coughing once to clear her throat, she replies "Well, I guess you and I have a similar problem then.  My name's A... Jack Grimsword.  Well, I guess Lord Grimsword now."  She lets out a sad sigh, but tries her best to force it behind her and mask it with a smile.  "So you and I both have some big shoes to fill..."
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He gave her a pained smile. "Yeah, but who knows, I might end up not having even a bean of skill. That would make my uncle just drop dead with shame..." His eyes grew misty as he imagined the situation, then blinked twice, refocusing on 'Jack'. "Wait. Grimsword. As in 'Grimsword' Grimsword?" He twisted on his heel to point at the tapestry that was meant to depict her ancestor, though not as smoothly as the painting in the entrance hall. "You're the Grimsword of this generation?" His expression flashed through several different emotions from thoughtful to perplexed to amused. "And in the same year too!" He gave a lopsided grin and said wryly, "This will be interesting, to say the least. Our families have never shared school since the mages moved in." He laughed, very clearly happy. "We're doing something already that our previous generations haven't done. It's a good omen!" It wasn't much, but a tenseness about Fabian's eyes eased, as if knowing he had already gained something his predecessors hadn't lifted a weight from his mind.

His good spirits made his daring attitude return. He looked about the hall again, then lifted a sly eyebrow at Audrey. "Want to see my side?"


Audrey runs her hand through her short hair.  "Yeah... 'Grimsword' Grimsword.  But I didn't know that, about our two families.  My dad never talked much about his time at school, not with me anyways. Or about omens for that matter..."  She laughs.  "So I guess I'll have to take your word for it."

She notes the sense of relief on Fabian's face, and it helps her to return to her previous good mood.  Plus, his offer to show her the mages' side of the school doesn't hurt.  "Of course!  I'd love to see it!  Are they pretty different?  And why do they work so hard to keep the two groups separated?  It seems to me if we could work together it's be better for all of us...."
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Fabian lifted one shoulder in a half-hearted shrug. "The two greatest strengths of the Empire, working together - my my, Grimsword, you do have progressive notions." He said it with dry amusement, teasing. "Not even the Emperor-king has the power to make wizards and knight act civil towards each other. It gives the broardsheets a field day." He smiled, something nervous working behind his eyes. "Actually... actually, Jack, the reason why we hate each other has more to do with dragons as anything else." He bit his lip as he walked through the door to the servant's passage again, leading Audrey to the wizard's side. "But if I tell you - please don't be angry. All right? I've done as much magic as you've done dragon riding and I'm betting that's hardly any at all."


She gives him a confused glance, but nods.  "Why would I be angry?  Its not like it's going to affect us, right?"  Something about about her new friend's manner is scaring her.  Why would he be so nervous about that simple fact?  It's probably just something about one wizard and one knight being jerks and things escalating from there.

His nervousness is enough to distract her from the excitement of seeing the wizard's side of the castle.  Still, she does catch a glimpse of more tapestries and paintings similar to the other room.  A part of her can't help but wish she'd be able to focus on this new information, but she simply can't with her friend being so distraught.
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Fabian pushed his hair back, his lips twisting down in distraction. "You know how, back before your ancestor tamed the first dragon, how powerful wizards were? How they could open doors to different world, how they could command the elements and all sorts of stuff that sounds insane now? Well, they could. And they did it by using dragons. Grimsword, when the Empire was new and the Empress favoured him - Grimsword made it so killing dragons was an act of treason. And there went the wizard's source of power. We still use dragons - parts of the dead ones - but all the old families remember how much more power there is in the live dragons."

The youth stopped and looked up at Audrey, having looked away, ashamed of the ugly past of his chosen profession. "You'd of heard it tonight if I hadn't told you now. I'd understand if you don't want..." He trailed off and shrugged again unhappily. 


For a moment Audrey just stares.  These mystical mages that she had always thought so powerful, they used the dragons to do it?  Dragons like Samson? And even now, if he dies in his mourning....  She shudders at the thought.  But looking at the blonde boy and his obvious shame, she can't be mad at him.  With a slight smile on the edge of her lips, she places a hand on his shoulder.

"Well... as long as you don't use the live ones I think we can still manage.  Just no coming after mine....  So come on... show me the wonders of the wizarding halls...."
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Fabian relaxed when she touched his shoulder and he offered her a weak smile. "No, no live ones. If we had to do that, I wouldn't..." he stopped and shook his head. "I really love dragons. They're just... free. You know what I mean. I just wish I could be in your shoes. Oh, to ride one..." The look in his eyes became dreamy and he led her through to the mage's side of the dinning hall.

It was the same size, thought the tables were newer, and the decoration was quite different - there were strange looking symbols and runes over the walls, painted and glimmering with gold gilt. The tables were of a pale wood, and there were dark, burnt in inscriptions down the straight legs. "I think we have bare walls because of the third years - they get over excited when they first learn fire charms." He didn't sound too thrilled at the prospect of learning magic, the wistful tone in his voice a lingering effect from thinking about 'Jack's luck.   


Audrey looks around in wonder a the strange symbols lining the walls.  "Wow... do all those symbols mean something?  They look so... powerful."  Stepping over to one of the tables, she runs her fingers across the dark burns.  There is something intriguing about each of the marks, and she finds herself wishing she'd get to understand them.  Then an idea strikes her.

"Hey... maybe we could work together a bit.  I mean, I won't get a dragon for a while, but I'll get to see them.  Maybe I can sneak you in there... and then maybe you can tell me some of this... what they mean and stuff."  She looks hopefully at the blonde boy beside her, praying he'd find that idea as interesting as she does.  Well, and that they wouldn't get killed or something for trying to learn about the other group's lessons.  That could be a problem too.
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The Welsh lad pointed to one mark, an inverted J framed by two crescents. "Well, I know that is part of a silence charm. And... that one," his pointed finger swung to a trio of squirming lines, "is to keep water from rising. I think they are meant to curb power. Just so we can eat without worrying about stray hexes." He gave her a lopsided grin that wavered a moment later. "They give us a set of rings, too, that we have to wear if we leave academe grounds. I tried them on - it made my head feel like it was full of bees." He grimaced at the memory.

At her suggestion, he grinned widely. "Really? I'd love it! Most magi who come here hardly ever see them-" he stopped suddenly, his expression freezing. A moment later, Audrey heard it too, several voices rising and falling in conversation, coming closer from the doorway to the main building. Fabian's eyes grew wide, but before they could act, four students came into the hall. One was young, as young as Fabian, but the others were older, like 'Jack's mentor.

"-wouldn't have been able to pull it off without... ah, Fabian. I was wondering where you'd gotten to." The speaker was tall and narrow, his face angular and his voice accented with an odd mix of Southern England and French. His hair was black and caught behind his head, and his eyes were a light blue. They flicked between Fabian and Audrey. His lips curved in a slight smile. "Another first-y, I see. You know you two shouldn't be wandering about without a mentor. Who knows where you might end up." 


From Fabian's wide eyes she can tell that their being seen isn't a good thing.  She'd just grabbed his arm and started moving towards the exit they'd come through when the four boys intercepted them.  Knowing that running through a building she's unfamiliar with could be even worse than anything the boys could do, she decides to stand her ground and ride it out.  Hopefully the students of magic aren't quite as into fist fights as the squires seem to be.

Standing there silently, she tries to remember what she'd been taught about fighting.  Make fists with your thumbs outside or you'll break them. Keep your hands up to protect your head and face.  Don't let them get on top of you.  And of course... protect your friend.

Doing her best to keep all that in mind, Audrey starts to pull at Fabian's arm again.  Under her breath she hisses "Come on..."  Doing her best to move the blonde boy around the taller bunch, she has a hope that maybe, just maybe they can get away without anything bad happening.
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Fabian glanced at Audrey, moving with her, trying to circle around the higher years. He looked back at the speaker, and smiled at him as if he was a friend he hadn't seen in years. "Hello Edward, Spencer, Jarred. You're right Edward. We'd better go and find our mentor. I just wanted to make sure he knew where the dinning hall was..."

"So he wouldn't get lost in the cellars in his first night here, like you?" sneered one of the other boys.

Fabian's bright smile didn't waver as they laughed. "See you all at dinner," he murmured with a slight bow. They were close to the door now, so close to escape!

But it wasn't to be. Edward sidestepped in front of them, his smile widening so his teeth glinted through. "Now now, no need to rush, cousin. I'm beginning to think you don't like me, always scurrying away from me. If that wasn't bad manners enough, you neglect to introduce us to your little friend."

The quietest of the older trio spoke up, his voice low and rasping. "Whoever it is, he has a Grim look to him."

The silence that followed that loomed over Aubrey and Fabian. The four stared at 'Jack', as if they could read her heritage as easily as they could read a book.

Edward waved his hand casually through the air, a theatrically dismissive gesture that made Fabian tense and edge back. "Don't be ridiculous, Spencer. He's not a Grimsword. Are you?"   


Audrey realized she was trapped as soon as the words left the older boy's mouth.  She couldn't... wouldn't... deny her heritage.  But if she acknowledged it the larger boys would know not only that she was a squire, but one of the lead family as well.  It was unlikely that knowledge will make them more respectful, considering how they treat Fabian even with his lineage.  They would probably just take it as even more of an excuse to pummel the pair.

With either answer leading to larger issues, she decided to stay quiet.  Still, she couldn't quite hide the anger she felt at how dismissively they said her family name.  Thinking of her brother and father, her fists tightened and she had to bite her lip to keep from saying something she'd later regret.  As long as she kept silent, they couldn't prove anything about her.  Then all she needed to do is get back to the squire's side and they won't be able to follow her. Not without risking a beating of their own.

Keeping her eyes on Edward, Audrey stepped slightly in front of Fabian.  She was certain she'd had more training in combat than he, despites the limits of her own experience in it.  Plus, she would rather protect her friend than let them both get beaten to a pulp.
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Edward waited for her reply, but as the silence stretched his eyebrow rose in an arrogant arch. "So silent. No one who you should be mingling with Fabian, would do less than slap my cheek and demand satisfaction for such a slur." His attention returned to Audrey, and gave her a mockingly deep bow. "Offspring of the Mage-Bane, what an honour it is! We have heard so much about your kinsmen. Such a sturdy, resourceful breed." It was said with a mild disgust and his lip twisted as if he had smelled something foul. "Wasn't it Grimsword in the broardsheets a few weeks ago - lost a good half of the bloodline in one little misadventure... Lord Jack, isn't it? Pity you didn't die along with them."

"Wasn't it a deer in the road, or a cow? They should knight it for national service" chimed in another. They had spread out in a half circle, penning Fabian and Audrey in.

Fabian had shrank back, cowed by the older boys and his kinsman - and then he panicked and bolted, dodging between the youngest of their tormentors and the one called Spencer.

Edward looked furious as Fabian dashed away, half torn between giving pursuit and staying with 'Jack'.


That glance away was all that Aubrey needed.  To have such insults thrown at her departed family was too much.  While it may have been uncertain how she would have responded when she was still the girl of the family, the freedom of being Jack kept her from having to worry about appearances.  With rage she had never felt before, she threw herself at Edward, not even noticing as Fabian fled behind her.  The older boy's temporary distraction allowed her to strike him unawares, and she drives a fist into his jaw with all the force she can muster.  Though the strike was off center and not strong enough to knock him out, the force behind it was enough to knock him backwards and allow Audrey to force him to the ground under her.

The lessons she'd had in fighting had helped, no doubt, but this was the first blow she'd ever struck in anger.  Even as her body readied another blow, a small portion of her mind noted the pain in her knuckles where the skin had split slightly.  It will certainly be sore once the adrenaline and rage wear off, but for now the slightly oozing scratches are just an interesting thing to note.

Slamming her fist into Edward's nose this time, she grinned as it starts to bleed immediately.  The fierce expression twisted her face into a mask of hatred, but at that moment she didn't care.  All she could think about was hurting this bastard who dared to insult her family.  Of making him beg to take back his words.
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Edward grunted and jerked back in surprise and pain when 'Jack' punched him, then staggered when she punched his face again. He backed away, one hand going to his face, his expression stunned that she had struck. The other to upper years, Spencer and Jarred, grabbed Audrey's upper arms and clouted her a few times around the head, open-fisted but rough, dizzying blows that wouldn't leave marks.

"Strike me, would you?" hissed Edward with a gleeful venom in his tone. "Little country runt, you'll never regret doing anything so much in your life!" His hands moved and his lips twitched, and the air before him wavered and distorted like a heat mirage - but before anything more could happen, one of the boys holding her leg go with a breathless curse and slashed his own hand with a snarled phrase that sounded complex and exotic. The spell Edward had been weaving rushed outwards and all five of them swayed at the sudden push of air. Edward glared at the other boy with the same boiling rage, but Jarred - or was it Spencer? - spoke fast.

"Don't throw away your life to teach a bonebrained squire manners, Teddy. You know how strict they are about that."

There was a heavy silence and Edward rolled his shoulders and jerked his chin and agreement. "Let him go. Come, Grimrunt, let's have at it your way!" Edward lifted his fists before him like a ring boxer, his confidence not diminished even by the sluggish crawl of blood that was running from one nostril.   


After the blows, Audrey was dazed but could still feel the anger boiling inside.  But as Edward waved his hands an additional sensation of energy begins to stretch around the 'boys', it seemed to clear her head just enough for rationality to reassert itself.  Not only was she outnumbered, but these opponents had a power that she couldn't possibly match.  Her struggles lessened slightly as fear began to grip her, her eyes watching widely as the energy grows stronger and stronger.  Then the other seems to break it, and her whole body feels relief at its passing.

She was still disoriented from the blows and the almost completed magic when she was released and shoved towards Edward.  With no time for preparation, she stumbled forward and only narrowly avoided running directly into the older boy.  Dodging to the side, she raised her own fists in defense.  But without the rage and its drive, she hung back and waited for her foe to make the first move.
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Edward's venous glare promised pain. His two friends had backed off a little and watched silently. The younger boy was watching with wide eyes and gaping mouth.

When nothing happened for a few moments, one of the boys said in his nasal tones, "Come on, Eddy. Show the little toerag!"

The apprentice bared his teeth in an ugly snarl and went for 'Jack', his fist lashing out in a jab to her face - missed - and swung at her again, clipping her jaw. He was obviously unused to this sort of fighting. One of the older boys, the one who had cut off Edward's spell, broke away to stand by the door, acting look out. The other and the first year stayed, calling encouragement and suggestions to Edward.


The blow to her jaw stunned Audrey, making her head swim.  She stumbled backwards, blinking as her eyes started to water.  When he swung at her again, she took the opportunity and swung back.  His attack barely connects, and she is able to thrust her small fist forward as well.  It connected with the side of his head, just in front of his ear.  The impact shot pain up her arm as a small crack sounds.  The fiery ache was like nothing she had ever felt before and she instinctively knew that one of the bones in her hand had snapped.

Biting her lip, Audrey attempted to shift her stance to bring up her other hand.  There was no way she could hit again with the damaged hand, and her ability with her left hand was much less.  The fight was already over... it was just a question of when the other boys would realize it.
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