Sundown Seattle: Werewolves & Vampires (all genders and sexualities welcome)

Started by Amelita, June 30, 2015, 08:52:41 PM

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From Moraline's list:


  • Sundown Seattle has its own forum in the Extreme Big Groups section of Elliquiy, and is a freeform game.
  • Anyone can apply to join the game. Gender and sexuality of writers plays no part in whether they are approved or not. Characters of any gender and sexuality are welcome.
  • Writers can create werewolf or vampire characters. This setting does not include humans as a played character species. The general game plot is two ancient rival species living side by side in a city under fragile truce, now forced to band together to defend against a mutual enemy powerful enough to overcome them if they don't.
  • The game is set in modern day Seattle, an alternate universe where werewolves and vampires live among humans without their knowledge.
  • Creating characters for this game is a breeze. This is how we do it. And This is how we add to it.
  • There is no set rule on posting speed, this is a calmly paced game.
  • Tag headers are used in every post. A format is provided.
Game Master Info

  • The GMs of Sundown Seattle are Amelita and ajtrue.
  • The game is a sandbox game with a game plot running. Yes, these go together. We open an IC month at a time for scenes, so there is plenty of room for both game plot, personal plots and general messing around.
  • Questions about the game should be messaged to Amelita and ajtrue.

  • As everywhere on Elliquiy, writers are expected to treat each other with respect.
  • Writing in Sundown Seattle is in third person, past tense.


Antonio Mariatti

Lucian Maan


Welcome to the Emerald City, where an estimated 3.6 million people make their home on a narrow isthmus between Puget Sound, Lake Washington and surrounding areas. This mecca of art, culture and industry, commonly called Seattle, represents a show place of American ingenuity. At least if you don’t look to closely. Or if you’re human…

Seething hidden from human eyes just below the surface is a volatile world of werewolves, vampires and otherworldly politics that threaten to boil over and rip the city apart at its very foundations. To stave off destruction, the land has been carved into territories by warring factions to maintain an uneasy truce.

In the north, all territory belongs to the Green Lake Pack, a centuries old Wolf pack lead by Alpha Lucian Maan. The wolves live tied to a pack mentality, where dominance struggles and infighting to determine hierarchy often shorten their long life spans. While the south has been claimed by the Seattle Familia, a ruthless group of vampires who answer to their Vasiliás, Antonio Mariatti who rules with an iron hand. While there may be fighting amongst themselves, both wolves and vampires alike unite in their hatred of the other and their disdain for humans who they see more akin to cattle than equals. Rouges, be they wolf or vampire, do not long live once entering Seattle unless they petition for a place in pack or family or leave with all due haste.

Stretching between the two territories is a tract of land considered neutral ground. These grounds are shared by the Pack and Familia for hunting purposes, an uneasy détente in place for the time being. But strange disappearances and unexplained deaths have been plaguing Pack and Familia alike the last six months and the détente is wearing thin as tensions between the two factions rise. Only time will tell what lies ahead for Sundown Seattle.


Culture and Terminology

Cub- A young wolf, either a teenager with inherited Lycanthropy or a human of any age past teens who's been turned (infected Lycanthopy). Cubs have far less restraint than mature wolves. They shift accidentally because of stress or emotions and they tend to be reckless, impulsive and unpredictable. These traits are less prominent while they are in human form but still present. They are under normal circumstances guided by the wolf who bit them until they reach maturity and this is expected of any wolf who infects a human. This is usually a period of three to eight months.

Biter- A wolf who deliberately turns humans at any opportunity, usually a feral wolf. Biters are considered a risk to packs or other wolves in the territory because they do not protect humans during the incubation period of Lycanthropy in their system (Inception), nor after, causing various risks of exposure to human communities and development of ferals.

Feral- A werewolf whose wolf form is largely dominant of the human one, to the point of human thought and emotion getting pushed into subconsciousness. This can happen for a variety of reasons, the most common ones being isolation from other wolves since during inception or cub months or severe physical or mental trauma. Ferals are a threat to humans.

Rogue- A lone wolf, one without a pack. Pack wolves aren't particularly fond of their rogue brothers. Being banished from a pack, abandoning a pack or being turned by a biter, feral wolf or another rogue are the ways a wolf ends up on his own. This is not common, nor is it generally desirable since pack mentality is deeply rooted in the rogue as any other wolf.

Inception- Lycanthopy's incubation period from the time a human is bitten and until the first shift, which happens on the first full moon after infection. Inception is a confusing and difficult time as wolf senses and tendencies are bombarded onto a human who is in no way capable of controlling them properly. Examples would be sudden bouts of aggression or lust, and hyper sensitivity to sound, scent, taste and light.

Inherited Lycanthropy (Born wolf)- The child of a born wolf will always be a wolf. Werewolves are sister-species of humans and have never been merely human nor will they ever be. A werewolf child will show no signs of its Lycanthropy until it shifts for the first time, which generally happens around puberty. Shifting for the first time from age 13-15 is common, but age considered normal would be 11-17. Advantages of being born over being bitten are:
-A born wolf can learn to control their shifting even at a full moon.
-A born wolf will always make wolf babies.
-A born wolf can become Alpha of a pack.

Infected Lycanthropy (Bitten wolf)- Humans bitten by a werewolf will suffer a physical and mental transformation down to the very core of their genes. They will in nearly every way be identical to wolves of inherited lycanthropy, the only differences being as follows:
-A bitten wolf can not resist shifting on a full moon at any point in their life (except when pregnant).
-A bitten wolf's offspring might not inherit lycanthropy if the mate is human.
-A bitten wolf can not become Alpha of a pack. (The exception would be if every beta was a bitten wolf as well, but it would not match a born wolf Alpha in power.)

Pack- Wolves always seek the security and community of a pack. Be it three wolves or thirty, they are most comfortable amongst others of their kind. They hunt in packs, they prefer living as close to pack members as possible, and they seek strength, empathy, warmth, loyalty and resilience from their pack bond. A pack is made up of a single Alpha and as many 'beta's' as they wish.

Alpha- The Alpha of a pack, (and note this is not a reference to 'alpha male personality'), is the leader and his wish is any other pack member's command. To become an Alpha one must challenge the current one and they will fight until one of them is dead. There are no 'retired Alpha's', only dead ones. The Alpha can give commands in a certain manner which forces his pack or pack member to comply. A pack wolf can not refuse, as its innermost nature will torment them until they do as commanded.

Telepathy- Wolves in a pack under an Alpha can communicate telepathically. Cubs can't control this, they simply broadcast whatever goes on in their head at random times, but mature wolves have learned to control it and focus it. They can speak to a single member of the pack or a select few, or the whole group. Only the Alpha can communicate with wolves who are not within his or her sight (or close enough to pinpoint an exact location) and can only do that with a call which the whole pack will hear.

Pack bond- The pack will in essence strengthen any wolf's own attributes when gathered. A wolf running solo is very strong but if he's running with his pack mates his strength is enhanced by the confidence in his pack. It is a purely psychological thing, but non the less powerful.  A pack is family.

Werewolf pregnancy- A pregnant werewolf will not shift at any time until she's given birth. It is not a conscious effort, pregnancy simply alters her hormones so that her wolf side is dormant, similar to how children do not shift. A pregnancy happens, works and ends in the same way as a human one, the difference being lack of multitude of issues human women may suffer that werewolf women avoid due to their enhanced healing rate and resilient physicality. This is the only time a bitten wolf will not shift during a full moon. A wolf's scent will change subtly during her pregnancy. It's not a change that others will recognize for what it is without other hints, however. There's no specific 'pregnancy scent'. The hormonal effects of a pregnancy (not shifting) will occur almost immediately, or within 24 hours from conception.

Shifting- Every werewolf has the ability to shift from human form to wolf form. They can shift at will as soon as they have cleared the cub stage, but only some born wolves can resist shifting on a full moon. Resisting the moon takes immense self control and it is beyond a bitten wolf's ability to master in that context. Shifting is a painful process of bones and tissue snapping into different places and taking new shape. The first time is pure agony and takes a long time. As time goes by and they gain control, shifting gets easier, quicker and less painful. A mature, experienced wolf can shift effortlessly in a matter of seconds. A werewolf can only shift fully into a wolf or a human, there are no partial shifting phases, no disfiguring of features other than part of a full shift.

The Laws of Nature:

Appearance: A werewolf looks just like any human although they tend to be on the fit or slim side because of their fast metabolism. Their wolf form is identical to your average wolf with the exception of being slightly larger or about 6-10 inches taller on the shoulder.

Sex: Female werewolves go through heat. For the average woman this occurs every three months and lasts a week at a time. During heat, she will experience greatly increased libido and her scent will indicate this to other wolves. The more mature a wolf is, the better she can control how much this affects her. At an average of 50 years old they've gained decent control.  A 100 years old wolf has, on average, full control. How much they choose to apply said control varies from person to person; some very much indulge in this week. Some male werewolves knot just before they reach orgasm. Whether they have control of this or not varies from person to person.

Aging: A wolf will age the same way a human would, only at a slower rate after their first shift. A wolf will age the equivalent of a single human year in ten years of life. They have a hypothetical potential to grow around 900 years old, but reaching that age is extremely rare for the aggressive species, and their bodies and minds do start to grow weak and frail in old age as a human's would after the 700 year mark. Average life span of a werewolf is around 300, kept down by constant warring between them and vampires.

Diet: Werewolves eat regular human food, and hunt animals for fresh meat. The hunt is part of their nature and a part of shifting at a full moon. 

Being fed on by a Vampire: If a wolf is fed on by a vampire it causes an immediate rush, a pleasant sensation. Afterwards though, the wolf will experience a kind of link to the vampire which reveals itself during sleep. Dreams will be vivid and strong and feature the vampire, often in sexual context. Vampires know this. The whole act of letting a vampire feed on one self is forbidden and very taboo, because of vulnerabilities it can present. Wolves in general consider this an underhanded weapon of vampires. The link lasts for about a week and then fades, unless there is repeated exposure.

Physical Abilities:

Quick Reflexes: In wolf form: Matching their vampire foes, young wolves can move about 30mph/50kmh and as they mature that speed grows to around 70mph/110kmh. In human form: They can run at top human speeds (20-30mph) and have generally fast reflexes. 

Stamina: They are able to push themselves for long bursts of physical effort.

Fast metabolism: Causes their core temperature to be higher than a human's and has all usual effects on physicality, such as high tolerance to alcohol and near constant hunger.

Heightened senses: Hearing, sight, taste, scent, sound, all heightened. More so in wolf form but also present in human form. Can be focused on tracking when in wolf form.

Strength and healing: Healing at a fast enough rate to close a surface would in seconds and a deep cut in about two minutes depending on severity. Severed limbs do not grow back but will grow back on if replaced immediately. A window of about ten seconds applies there. Strength is a gradual attribute, starting with the ability to effortlessly lift 220lbs/100kg - 440lbs/200kg  and going as far as effortlessly lifting 880lbs/400kg.


▪ Silver: Injuries caused by silver items heal as slow as human wounds if the silver is constantly applied (bullet lodged in bone). They heal faster if the impact is brief but still slower than their usual healing rate (stab wound). Silver will cause irritation similar to allergic reactions if simply applied to skin in non-aggressive manner such as a piece of jewellery. If silver is left on the skin in non-aggressive manner (such as chains), the irritation will develop into burn wounds and eventually become fatal through shock to their system and/or infections.

▪ Head, neck and heart: Extreme injuries their fast healing rate cannot keep up with will kill them, such as a broken neck, severed head, pierced or crushed heart, or severe internal injuries.

▪ Oxygen: They need to breathe. Depriving them of air will kill them, such as choking, hanging, drowning, etc.

▪ Full Moon: A bitten wolf cannot resist shifting on a full moon, and all wolves who shift on full moon are more feral than usual. All werewolves can experience a shorter fuse and a more present link to their animal side during the days leading up to a full moon, experience, personality and blood (bitten more than inherited) being determining factors on how evident this is.


Culture and Terminology:

Newborn/fledgling- a vampire recently turned from human condition (derogatory term is childe). Newborns are unstable, unpredictable, unable to control their hunger if not under strict care of a mature vampire. This stage usually takes 3-8 months. Fledgelings are a threat to humans.

Feral- a vampire that was not parented by a mature vampire through its fledgling stage and thus never learned to tame its blood lust, usually rogue vampires that Familias aren't too fond of having in their domain. They hunt for the enjoyment as much as for feeding and usually kill their victims. If they turn a human they do it by slaying.

Turning- the act of transforming a human to vampire, done by one of two ways, draining or slaying. Both ways include human death and revival into vampire life. No permanent death occurs. A vampire is not undead.

Draining- transforming a human to a vampire by draining them of all their blood until they are at the brink of death and feeding them a small amount of vampire blood to trigger the transformation.

Slaying- transforming a human to a vampire by feeding them a small amount of vampire blood and killing them right after, thus triggering the transformation.

Parenting- when a mature vampire helps get a newborn through the fledgling stage by teaching them how to control their lust for blood and to utilize charm when feeding, allowing them to feed without killing the human. Intimate relations between the mature vampire and the newborn are ill advised.

Hunger- the primal need to feed, same as human hunger only for a different diet. This is what vampires learn to manage from being lust if they are parented during fledgling stage.

(blood)Lust- an uncontrolled urge to feed, resulting in feral indulgence and death of the victim in most cases as well as quite a mess because the vampire will not bother with charm.

Charm- a hypnotising effect on humans, a learned skill. The benefits of this while feeding are a calm victim that surrenders to the vampire's will and thus allowing the feeding to go smoothly (and in most cases not fatally) if the vampire has been parented, as well as no recollection of this happening if the charm effect is withheld properly throughout feeding. This can be used in other circumstances as well, but is limited to the vampire's experience in applying it. Werewolves can not be charmed.

Familia- A group of vampires aligned and under the reign of a single Vasilias. When joining a Familia, a vampire undergoes a small blood ritual. The Vasilias bites them, drinks a small amount of their blood, and by that connects the vampire to himself and through him every other Familia vampire. The only time a vampire feels the effect of this is when the Vasilias uses it to order a demand telepathically.

Vasilias- leader of a Familia. The Vasilias holds undisputed authority over the Familia and his words are law. Not doing his bidding, regardless of its ultimate context, is punishable by death. In addition to this the Vasilias has an ability to telepathically give an order to Familia vampires, and when he does they will feel a strong compulsion to heed his demand. The only way to replace a Vasilias is to challenge his reign and fight to the death. There are no retired Vasilias'.

The Laws of Nature:

biology- A vampire is not undead, dead or in any way anything other than alive. When turned they are indeed killed but the transformation acts for the body the same way any medical means would bring back a person from cardiac arrest or the like. Their human life is over, but only because their genes have mutated as a result of a vampire's blood affecting them, leaving them vampires themselves. Note that this is knowledge no vampire automatically gains from simply being turned, they learn it if someone explains it. Hair and nails do grow at a human rate and need tending, they have a heartbeat and every part of their body is fully functional with one exception. They do not conceive. A vampire will not get pregnant or impregnate another. Survival of their species depend on turning others into vampires, not giving birth.

appearance- A vampire's skin will be a shade paler than in its human life, but not ghostly pale by any means. That is the only alteration from their human form, aside from their fangs. The fangs are elongated canines with the same shape any human canines might be only the edge of each tooth is razor sharp. The fangs retract and appear human but push forth when the vampire prepares to bite a victim. This is voluntary and controllable. Breaking their own skin with the teeth happens frequently but due to their fast healing rate this goes unnoticed most of the time.

aging- a vampire will age with time, in the same way a human would only at a far slower rate. A vampire will age the equivalent of a single human year in fifty years of life. They have the potential to grow around 900 years old, but their bodies will begin to show signs of aging at around the 700 year mark, comparable to what would happen to a werewolf of the same age. Average life span of a vampire is in the 300's, kept down by the constant warring between them and werewolves.

Feeding on a Wolf- Drinking werewolf blood causes an immediate rush, a pleasant sensation. Wolves' blood has addictive qualities to vampires, making them crave more of that specific wolf's blood once they've tasted it, but overdozing on it is leathal. Wolves know this. The whole act of feeding on a wolf is forbidden and very taboo because of vulnerabilities it presents. Vampires consider it an underhanded weapon of wolves. The addiction lasts for about a week and then fades, unless there is repeated exposure.

Diet- Vampires need blood to survive. (See blood deprivation in weaknesses.) They can eat any food but it will not provide them with nourishment as it did while they were human. They can substitute human blood with animal blood but need to feed much more frequently if they do so since human blood provides far greater nourishment. Some vampires have chosen to go 'vegan' in the past few decades. Feeding once a week off human blood is enough  (if about 500ml are taken which is about the amount of blood an average sized human can spare without dangerous consequences of blood loss). Feeding on animal blood requires feeding daily and it needs to be a full 'meal'. One rabbit won't do, for instance (medium rabbit's entire blood volume would be around 180ml whereas the vampire needs 500ml to be sated until the next day). As such, typically, with smaller animals (unless the vampire plans on taking no more than a sip of each creature) the animal dies of blood loss. 

Physical Abilities:

quick reflexes- A young vampire can move at about 30mph/50kmh and that speed gradually increases to be at around 70mph/110kmh. How long they are able to maintain this speed is up to age and experience. They do not need to move this way and if they choose not to, the skill will not evolve. Their basic reflexes far surpass those of a human.

heightened senses- Hearing, scent, taste, sight and touch are all enhanced ::) For better or worse.

increased strength and healing- Healing at a fast enough rate to close a surface would in seconds and a deep cut in about two minutes depending on severity. Severed limbs do not grow back but will grow back on if replaced immediately. A window of about ten seconds applies there. Strength is a gradual attribute, starting with the ability to effortlessly lift 500lbs/230kg - 1100lbs/500kg (the latter being your average cow ::) ), and going as far as effortlessly lifting 3000lbs/1500kg (your average Hippo).


Sunlight: If a vampire comes into contact with sunlight, their skin will burn and they will be weakened. Persistent exposure to UV rays will eventually result in decomposing and fortunately death.

Wood: If the heart of a vampire is pierced with a wooden object, (such as stake or wooden bullet) the vampire will die. (Their heart will heal if pierced with anything else unless the object is made of silver and left in the wound.)

Decapitation: If the head of a vampire is severed completely, the vampire will perish. Breaking the neck of a vampire only causes discomfort.

Exsanguination: If a vampire is completely drained of their blood, they will become comatose. In such cases they need vampire blood to regain consciousness and human blood to regain their strength. If this happens to a young vampire (>10 years) they may need to go through a fledgling stage again.

Silver: any contact with silver will burn, long term contact will eventually melt the exposed surface. These wounds heal at a slower rate than other ailments, and if enough of the vampire's body is covered in silver for a long enough time it will eventually result in decomposing and death.

▪ Must be invited in by the owner of a private residence. Vampires do not need to be invited into public places (such as bars or restaurants). Humans and werewolves can rescind their invitations from vampires, which causes the vampire to immediately leave the house. This is involuntary and unavoidable. Attempting a denied entry is best described as trying to walk through an invisible wall. A vampire does not need permission to enter another vampire's home.

Blood deprivation: If vampires do not feed they will weaken until they enter a comatose state. The stages of blood loss are: Slight fatigue, severe fatigue, bleeds (any punctured skin or orifices start bleeding) and coma, all of whom are accompanied by gradual loss of coherent thought and superhuman abilities. First symptoms will begin to show after a week or so.

RP Etiquette ~ Tumblr ~ Mumbler
~ There is nothing to writing; all you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed ~
Ons & Offs ~ Post Tracker ~ Ladies in Red





If we caught your attention, go ahead and browse the game forum. Explore the characters, the stories in progress in the IC threads, the ooc threads and all their goodness.

If this game is right up your alley, or you think it might be, don't be shy! Use this thread to ask questions, any questions.

If you want to join us, PM me (Amelita) a sheetlet for approval.

I will in turn have a look at your posting history, your writing and your interactions with people on the site, and do my best to get a feel for how you'd fit into our little community.

Again, ask any questions here or in PM.

Hopefully you'll love the game as much as we do!

Our sheetlets look like this:

[float=right][img height=300 padding=5][/img][/float][font=georgia][color=#5e3450][size=12pt][b]WEREWOLF/VAMPIRE[/b][/size][/color][/font]


[b]Writer:[/b] Amazeballs Writer

[b]Name:[/b] Smarty McPants

[b]Age:[/b] is only a number

[b]Blood Status:[/b] (Born wolf/Bitten wolf/cub/rogue - Mature/ fledgeling)

[b]Celeb playby:[/b] Dude Dudeson (check the faceclaims list to see if your choice is available)

[b]Personality:[/b] (5-10 terms will do the trick, if you simply must have pictures, link them to these words.)


A finished version:


Writer: Caela

Name: Rowan Josephine Worthington

Age: 259

Blood Status: Vampire | Mature

Celeb playby: Scarlett Johansson  (look Here to see if a playby is available or taken.)

Personality: Clever, Passionate, Hedonistic, Calculating, Intelligent, Cynical, Honest (sometimes brutally so), Adventurous

RP Etiquette ~ Tumblr ~ Mumbler
~ There is nothing to writing; all you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed ~
Ons & Offs ~ Post Tracker ~ Ladies in Red


By "IC month at a time" You mean that within a certain time frame we can play anywhere within that month? So long as we stay within that month?

That aside, I'll throw some interest in there and go check out the board you guys have :)

Is there anything in particular you need the most?

Seduce my mind and my body will follow.
Amarlo's O&Os
Absences and Apologies


Hi Amarlo ^^

Yes, exactly that. As it is we just shifted into January 2015 and that means the whole of January can be played in. When Plot events interrupt general game play in some manner we let writers know so they can account for it and avoid time paradoxes.

You'll find we have a lot of characters between us, so there is not really a need for any specific type. Just go with what sparks your muse ;)

RP Etiquette ~ Tumblr ~ Mumbler
~ There is nothing to writing; all you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed ~
Ons & Offs ~ Post Tracker ~ Ladies in Red


We're a friendly bunch, Amarlo! I hope you're inspired by the setting to join us. <3


*peeks in* You guys looking for anything specific? I had me an idea for a Werewolf or two, although I can work up a vampire as well.
Angry Sex: Because it's Impolite to say," You pissed me off so much I wanna fuck your brains out..."


I'm very interested in this. Amelita, may I PM you a sheetlet later on today?


Welcome Amarlo, Deamonbane & HarleyQuinn! Ames and I both have to work today (peeking in on mobile ;) ) but we're excited to see you express interest! Once we get access to an actual keyboard, we'll be much more responsive. Sorry. ::)

We have a pretty large group of characters on the board so any character muses perking up are welcome. We don't need a specific sortment per say. ^.^ (of course as the head of the Were sortment, I wholeheartedly encourage Were creation Deamonbane! ;) -attempts to slip my unbiased hat back on- although the vamps are awesome too!) We're in the midst of starting up a site plot that will involve both sortments. Multiple char creation is welcome and the sheetlets are pretty quick and easy. Hope to see you join us on the board soon and feel free to hit us up once you join to get hooked in and get started plotting!  8-)


What she said ::)

I have a PM from you Deamonbane, and you're more than welcome to send me a sheetlet HarleyQuinn!

I'm happy to see the interest ^^

RP Etiquette ~ Tumblr ~ Mumbler
~ There is nothing to writing; all you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed ~
Ons & Offs ~ Post Tracker ~ Ladies in Red


Thank you Flower and Ajtrue :)

I look forward to playing!

Seduce my mind and my body will follow.
Amarlo's O&Os
Absences and Apologies


I shall be submitting a sheetlet shortly! I had to ponder for a bit for inspiration.


At your leisure, Harley ^^

I'm just happy about the interest :)
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!

RP Etiquette ~ Tumblr ~ Mumbler
~ There is nothing to writing; all you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed ~
Ons & Offs ~ Post Tracker ~ Ladies in Red


Hooray! New faces to join the game. ;D -starts composing welcome (plottings >:}) messages STAT!-  8-)


I live in Seattle and I love vampires. I have to play this. I'll get to reading, and catch up on everything. This is going to be great. :)


Woot, looking forward to receiving your PM, Alias! If there are any questions, don't hesitate to ask :)

RP Etiquette ~ Tumblr ~ Mumbler
~ There is nothing to writing; all you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed ~
Ons & Offs ~ Post Tracker ~ Ladies in Red


peeks in

I so wanna join...*sighs* at the very least I will read along.
Wolfi Recommends- changes weekly
Keep it vampirated and melanated.


Wolfling <3

We're not too worried about how often people write. Some post a lot, some post a little. If people know what to expect it's all good.

PM me ;)

RP Etiquette ~ Tumblr ~ Mumbler
~ There is nothing to writing; all you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed ~
Ons & Offs ~ Post Tracker ~ Ladies in Red


Quote from: Amelita on July 06, 2015, 02:48:21 PM
Wolfling <3

We're not too worried about how often people write. Some post a lot, some post a little. If people know what to expect it's all good.

PM me ;)

Yes ma'am...will do that momentarily. Have spent the past two hours going through everything and dammit, it's like y'all are beckoning me in...*winks*
Wolfi Recommends- changes weekly
Keep it vampirated and melanated.


Happy to hear it, it's a great part of the Elliwebs to be, if I do say so myself  O:)

I'll breathlessly await your PM ;)

RP Etiquette ~ Tumblr ~ Mumbler
~ There is nothing to writing; all you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed ~
Ons & Offs ~ Post Tracker ~ Ladies in Red


-has been slacking on the welcoming >.<-

Hello Alias & Wolfling72! We're excited to have you join us! Lots of good stuff happening right now and I can't wait for you to be a part of it! ^.^ (As much or as little as you like Wolfling72 ;) )


𝙳𝚒𝚊𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚜 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚎𝚜,
𝚙𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚛𝚊𝚖𝚜 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚗𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚜𝚔𝚢.


Welcome Welcome jetblackmirror! ^.^

Amelita has been on vacation but she is checking on her PMs if you send the sheet her way. ;) Or if you want, you can send it to me in the mean time. ^.^ I'm headed out for the night but I will check it and get back to you tomorrow! I hope you like our little corner of E. Can't wait to see your sheet!=D

Vael the Destroyer

So, Jet like totally told me about this and since she's the bff and I can't let her go anywhere on her own, I'll more than likely be joining with both a vampire and a werewolf character once I'm all caught up on info and stuff.

Random question: are Logan Lerman and Florian Bordilla open for face claimage?


Seduce my mind and my body will follow.
Amarlo's O&Os
Absences and Apologies

Vael the Destroyer