Issue with Changing Avatar

Started by Koren, December 04, 2012, 01:50:53 AM

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Hey there

Perhaps a stupid question, but Ive having a bit of trouble with uploading this image as my avatar for my profile

I keep getting the warning that the file is too big or not an avatar. I tried minimising the file size, saving it in a different format and uploading it to the wikia but nothing seems to work.

Am I missing something?

Thanks for any help.


Nevermind, sorry for the useless thread but I just managed to fix it then myself. Didnt realise it was longer then 200 pixels. Im and idiot sometimes. haha

Beguile's Mistress

As long as it is the right size you might try uploading it to the Wiki and see if it will fit then.

It appears to be 110 x 210 pixels when I search it.  You might want to look at that.

150 x 200 is maximum avatar size.

Autumn Sativus

It is 10 pixels too tall, at 210px tall. Avatar dimensions are 150x200.
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Yeah thanks guys. I just realised then that it was too tall. Havent seen that before, thought I typed in the right numbers but apparently not.

Thanks for helping anyway

Beguile's Mistress

No problem.  It's good practice for me.  You should see how I mangle things when doing avatars. ;D