Guilty or Not Guilty II

Started by Ariel, June 12, 2019, 03:25:19 PM

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Guilty. I want to stop procrastinating... but it's ingrained in my being.

The next person ate some type of cooked fish dish this week.
Rainy's Ons and Offs
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Hmm... guilty-ish. I mean, the sardines I eat almost every morning are cooked. So was the smoked salmon I had for lunch last Sunday. But I haven't actually sat down (or stood up) and cooked any fish myself this week. I try to do fish (or seafood) for dinner at least once a week as part of my quasi-mediterranean diet, but it is a bit on the expensive side.

Passing it on.
My Apologies and Absences Updated August 7, 2024

My Ons and Offs

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Current Status: Back from my vacation. Will do my best to catch up soon.


Guilty. We had salmon fishcakes for dinner only a couple of hours ago.

TNP plans to load up on cheap chocolate eggs on Monday.
To go in the dark with a light is to know the light.
To know the dark, go dark. Go without sight,
and find that the dark, too, blooms and sings,
and is traveled by dark feet and dark wings.
~Wendell Berry

Double Os <> Double As (updated Aug 14) <> The Hoard <> 50 Tales 2024 <> The Lab <> ELLUIKI


Not guilty. I'm actually committed to my diet this year.

TNP hates kale.
My Apologies and Absences Updated August 7, 2024

My Ons and Offs

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Current Status: Back from my vacation. Will do my best to catch up soon.


Sorta guilty. The one time I remember trying it, the kale was seasoned way too salty, I think. So I am not fond of it.

The next poster enjoys eating toasted seaweed.
Rainy's Ons and Offs
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Guilty. One of my all time favorite snacks. Trader Joe's used to have a 0.4 oz container (quite big, when you consider the weight of a single square of seaweed about three inches on a side.) They had those in original flavor and wasabi flavor for $0.99 each, and the wasabi flavor was just excellent. Now they have them in much smaller packages, but in six packs, and there's no wasabi flavor any more. At least, last I checked there wasn't.

TNP has a favorite snack or candy or frozen dinner flavor that either was discontinued in the past six months or that they found out was discontinued in the last six months.
My Apologies and Absences Updated August 7, 2024

My Ons and Offs

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Current Status: Back from my vacation. Will do my best to catch up soon.


Not guilty - although I have to make a trip to specific stores to find it.  (Ye olde fashioned candy shoppes, as it were.)

Passing it on.
"Language was invented for one reason, boys - to woo women.~*~*~Don't think it's all been done before
And in that endeavor, laziness will not do." ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Don't think we're never gonna win this war
Robin Williams-Dead Poets Society ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Don't think your world's gonna fall apart
I do have a cause, though.  It's obscenity.  I'm for it.  - Tom Lehrer~*~All you need is your beautiful heart
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Top Cat

Hmm... not guilty. Not within the last six months.

There have been a few items that my wife and I like that have stopped being sold at our supermarkets, but are still being produced and sold... just nowhere that we can buy them, effectively. But discontinued completely, no. That has to reach back a few years, if not a decade.

TNP has bought a bulk-size box/can/barrel of candy. (I'm thinking of the CostCo 4 lb. Jelly Belly jar, but anything along those lines counts)
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Guilty. More than once. Usually off of Amazon/third party retailers, though once in a store, filled a big bag from the bulk candy section and used up my gift card. This is how I get most of my candy these days. Ever since the time I bought a 41oz. bag of skittles at $9.99 my first week of freshman year back in college that lasted until the middle of the next semester. I can't just harmlessly eat a handful of candy when I get a sugar craving any more (not being a teenager), but I haven't got much of a sweet tooth so I can resist temptation. And when I do get a craving having that candy available is better/healthier (and MUCH cheaper) than buying it on a whim.

Passing it on.
My Apologies and Absences Updated August 7, 2024

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Current Status: Back from my vacation. Will do my best to catch up soon.


Guilty. They're not that big, only around 1kg, but whenever we visit the outlet village, we always drop into Cadbury's, and a bag of Misshapes (bite-sized chunks that came out less than perfect, anyone's guess what the filling might be) is a must.

TNP has pulled more than one all-nighter gaming or writing.
To go in the dark with a light is to know the light.
To know the dark, go dark. Go without sight,
and find that the dark, too, blooms and sings,
and is traveled by dark feet and dark wings.
~Wendell Berry

Double Os <> Double As (updated Aug 14) <> The Hoard <> 50 Tales 2024 <> The Lab <> ELLUIKI


Guilty. For the gaming part, I haven't done so for writing as far as I know. I always wind up sleeping when the words no longer make sense. But for gaming (when I was younger, that is), it was easier to stay up all night and try to reach the goal I wanted to reach.

The next poster has pulled an all-nighter reading a book or book series before.
Rainy's Ons and Offs
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Rainy's Scene Tracker


Guilty. Just recently actually. I was reading Barrayar by Lois McMaster Bujold. I really like the series, and this one was very slickly written.

TNP has ordered from a delivery app (GrubHub, Instacart, DoorDash, etc.) some time in the last week.
My Apologies and Absences Updated August 7, 2024

My Ons and Offs

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Current Status: Back from my vacation. Will do my best to catch up soon.


Guilty. I got my mom some groceries through instacart.

The next person woke up more than 30 minutes before their usual wake-up time at least once this week.
Rainy's Ons and Offs
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Rainy's Scene Tracker


Guilty. My wakeup time is nominally 8 o'clock, but it's a rare day indeed when I am not up by 6. Or earlier....

TNP has NOT broken their New Year's resolution.
My Apologies and Absences Updated August 7, 2024

My Ons and Offs

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Current Status: Back from my vacation. Will do my best to catch up soon.


Ummm... I didn't have to begin with... so I guess Guilty?

The next person also didn't make any New Year's resolutions.
Rainy's Ons and Offs
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Rainy's Scene Tracker


Guilty. If I make a resolution to do something, and I do it, then I've done it. If I don't do it, I don't want to feel bad about doing it.

TNP is allergic to cats.
My Apologies and Absences Updated August 7, 2024

My Ons and Offs

My Current Idea(s)

Current Status: Back from my vacation. Will do my best to catch up soon.


Not guilty, thank goodness.

The next person has tripped going up the stairs before.
Rainy's Ons and Offs
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Rainy's Scene Tracker


More than once. I used to live on the third floor of my building in college, and there was no elevator. Just the sheer volume of stair climbing meant I'd trip every so often.

TNP has rolled down a hill unintentionally.
My Apologies and Absences Updated August 7, 2024

My Ons and Offs

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Current Status: Back from my vacation. Will do my best to catch up soon.

Chasing Dreams

Guilty. When I was a kid there was an event down by the lakefront and all the parking was at the top of a very steep hill. The walk up the hill was difficult and I kept laughing and falling as several other people struggled to get up the hill.

The next person works on the weekend.
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Not guilty. But I have worked on the weekend, and I hated it. (Although it may have been more that I hated the job.)

Passing it on.
My Apologies and Absences Updated August 7, 2024

My Ons and Offs

My Current Idea(s)

Current Status: Back from my vacation. Will do my best to catch up soon.


Guilty. The lady of the house has no days off, ever.

TNP has tried a new physical activity this year.
To go in the dark with a light is to know the light.
To know the dark, go dark. Go without sight,
and find that the dark, too, blooms and sings,
and is traveled by dark feet and dark wings.
~Wendell Berry

Double Os <> Double As (updated Aug 14) <> The Hoard <> 50 Tales 2024 <> The Lab <> ELLUIKI

Top Cat

Maaaaybe guilty? If you call reorganizing my game-day tote a form of physical activity... ;) (I've organized it before, but this was the first time we started seriously considering what to remove to make room for other games)

Extra Kleenex or a strong antihistamine?
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If I am more than a week behind on a story post, please feel free to PM me about it.
I am present in Elliquiy's Discord channel. If you want to chat about a story idea, feel free to DM me there.


Not guilty! 

Believes in toughing out a fever instead of using medicine? 
Watch me play video games! Twitch account = SammiasaurusRex
Ons and Offs


Guilty. I don't like using drugs unless I absolutely have to. Back before the pandemic, there was an office policy of 'if you can walk, come to work.' There was severe bout of the flu where I worked. Some days up to two thirds of the site called out sick, and not one person didn't get sick. The only way to get through the day was to take industrial strength cold medicine, and try not to die. (Meanwhile, infecting all your coworkers.) But as a rule, if I don't have to take medicine for the cold, I won't. Even daytime cold medicine makes me spacey.

TNP has also had to deal with an office policy that caused people to get sick.
My Apologies and Absences Updated August 7, 2024

My Ons and Offs

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Current Status: Back from my vacation. Will do my best to catch up soon.


Guilty. The job requires we have a doctor's note to take more than three days off (in a row), so I've gotten sick so many times by sick people being at work ... and vice versa. >_<

The next person likes to snack on marshmallows by themselves.
Rainy's Ons and Offs
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