Ideas by Barquel

Started by Barquel, July 08, 2011, 07:37:09 PM

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So the thread title is a little bit ambitious, as I only have one idea so far to put in the post.  However that may change on occasion.  I'd like to just say a few things about me and what I like to have in a partner.

I generally post once per day, however sometimes things come up.  Work is sometimes crazy for me, and my wife and I are about to have our second child.  I will always let you know when I won't be able to post for longer than a day.

I don't set a minimum length for either my own, or others posts.  That said, if all I ever get are three sentence replies, I will probably start a conversation about what we each want out of the rp.

I love communication.  This is a creative process with two people, and we each have a responsibility to create the best experience possible for each other.

That's all I got for now.  On to the idea(s).

Thou Art but a Rose. M for F Light human, or exotic solo.

“Like the stain'd web that whitens in the sun, Grow pure by being purely shone upon.”

A veiled sister of the Church sets out on a pilgrimage to the distant birthplace of the faith.  Many hostile peoples, religions, and occult practitioners lie between her and the object of her faith.  Her guardian on the journey is Sir Malachi, a Knight of the Thorned Rose.  Malachi is a young Knight still in the flower of his idealistic youth.  He is a man of strong faith, and yet deeply drawn into the myth and romance of the chivalric ideal.

In reality the pair are tasked with a mission of great importance to their church.  Neither is entirely what they seem to the outside observer, or perhaps even to themselves.  And as if the dangers of travel and of intrigue were not enough to complicate their mission, the pair who are both oath-sworn to chastity find themselves becoming ever closer.

Can they overcome the odds set against them?  What is the secret of their pilgrimage? Will they be able to overcome the passion that is building like a fire between them.

I would like to work with someone who would enjoy planning and plotting this out with me.
“A little she strove, and much repented,
And whispering, ‘I will ne’er consent’ — consented.”