Made to become the new maid or goth daughter(m or F)

Started by playfullchick76, February 16, 2013, 06:58:28 PM

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I could be backpacking around America, working my way across the country on a one year working visa. I arrive in a town, find that a wealthy family needs a  maid, and contact them to get the job and earn some travelling money, only to find out that they have no intention of releasing me, and as they control the state, have a new identity made for me, with me unable to get anyone to help me. I would be the sex kitten for the father,or the 18yo son, who would enjoy having me there

Alternatively, they could hire me, but force me to become their goth obsessed daughter, who died recently, and in their minds, I would make the perfect replacement daughter, made to live her life there.

There would be no way to get help, as the towns are too afraid to help me.

If this appeals to anyone, let me know.


I had two show interest, but they seem to have lost interest, so these ones are still available.


I reworked both ideas, and hopefully, this should ensure some hits.