Desperate Times

Started by Cherri, November 28, 2012, 10:26:53 PM

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Okay so I'll try and get this rp started :D I don't think a time period has been established yet.... any particular era?

Character Introduction:
Name: Yvette Cardin
Age: 21
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 130
Hair color: Deep Auburn Red
Eye color: Emerald green


The morning was brisk and the sunlight was barely peaking behind the grand palace that was off in the distance. Yvette took in a breath to ease her nerves, this was a bigger job then she anticipated. A few days prior, she had been approached by a man and offered a handsome amount of cash to find a way inside and steal some personal documents from the prince. She hadn't a slightest idea who the man was nor why he wanted something personal from the prince, but she could have cared less. It was a job and it was enough that she could finally get a decent house and afford a nice life.


Name: Jaered Fa Y'ervin
Age: 21
Height: 6'-
Weight: 127
Hair color: Blonde
Eye color: Deep Blue

Jaered yawned as he read through the forms of suggestions made by his uncle, "The Minister." He grumbled in silent complaint. "Suggested change in method of choosing the fate of direct offender's to the crowned family?" He said as he flipped to the next leaf. "This could be interesting."
The young man read through the document highlights and used his books to translate all of the technical terms. Mumbling along the way, "...Current law states... A punishment suitable to crime... yada, yada, ya... eh? He looke to the "dumbed down" version of the law after the reform. "The offended party would choose a suitable punishment, severity not to exceed attempted or completed crime..."
After scrawling his approval he was done with his morning stack.
"Good job uncle, no attempts to overthrow the throne so far." He said to no one as he stood and stretched. "Time to hit the town." He grunted cracking a malevolent grin.


Staring at the palace, Yvette tried to stir up a plan on hoe to execute this heist. She could just pretend to be a staff member and try to locate the prince's chambers or she could be more discreet. Sneak in unnoticed and try to get in and get out, but that was just as complicated. Taking her time to think, she scanned the area for potential threats and guards to see where her best entry-way would be. She settled on an entrance she found on the west side of the palace that seemed to be the entry-way for staff and supply drop offs. I think the best way for me to get inside would be dressed up as a staff member... I need to figure out where to get the uniforms at...

She walked down to the entry way and found an elder woman who seemed to be frazzled over a shipping order. "No no no this is the wrong order! I asked for a catering serving not a small order of assorted breads!" she huffed in irritation. Yvette took this moment of distraction to walk over to her.

"U-Um, excuse me, I'm one of the new maids and I had a question about the uniforms and-"

"Yes yes, they are located in the Kitchen area. Just go down the hall to your left and there should be a closet full of them."

The woman didn't even spare a glance and Yvette did not stand around to wait for one. Following the instructions she set out down the hall to change her clothes. She would then take the time to talk casually to servants and figure out where the Prince's room was located at.


Era?  hmm.. what about during the same time frame as King Authur? 

Character Introduction:
Name: Silina D'Lancier
Age: 20
Height: 5' 1"
Weight: 105
Hair color: Raven Black
Eye color: Stormy blue with flecks of violet

After spending much longer than necessary on her toilette, Sirina was finally ready to greet the day and wandered over to the great window her maid had uncovered earlier.  As she toyed with the simple braid woven with a blue ribbon that matched her eyes she gazed down into the palace's bustling courtyard.  Her eyes wandered over the comings and goings first resting lightly on a young mother flanked by two children bartering with a fruit vendor who had arrived the night before only to be distracted by a commotion near the old man who cared for the chickens.  She chuckled to herself as a young boy darted through the crowd, struggling with a protesting chicken flapping under his arm. 

Just as she was about to turn away she spotted a young girl heading towards the west entrance of the palace.  She noted the girl's  beautiful hair and blinked a bit, for to her and her kind, the dark auburn shade was more than striking. The girl quickly disappeared out of site and Sirina was left wondering who she was.

She turned humming softly to herself before  finally making eye contact with her hovering maid.  "Well..  did you see him Florence?"

"Yes m'um.  Your Lord was just leaving his offices.  He looked dressed to go out M'um... and he looked mighty handsome today M'um", she couldn't help grinning at her young mistress.

"Go out? And you found out where.. yes?", her words quickly dismissed her maid's other observance only to dissolve into a grin herself. 

"Neveryoumind Flor.. I refuse to fall in love with him. He only serves a higher purpose in my life.. now quickly.. tell me where he was heading"

The two girls continued their light-hearted exchange as they hurried from the rooms that the west wing held which were quite far removed from where the palace's royalty found their chambers. 


((Sound's good to me, Cherry?))

Jaered sauntered through the crowds of the castle, "I wonder what that prune Silina's up to... NO! No I don't" He said to himself as he passed the kitchen. He caught glimpse of some unfamiliar locks of hair, but decided to ignore it. Arluna was always employing her family into the kitchens.
"Jaered!" Came the familiar and unsettling voice of his lessons master.

"My schedule says afternoon classes Master V'horn." He said without even turning.

"Sir, it's about the leather bound book you asked of me." The man persisted, ever respectful yet ever fear inspiring.

"What of it sir?"

"I sent it to your room with a new maid." He said before retreating.

"Thank you sir."


(( Sounds great to me! :D I've been approved but I'll wait for you two before we move this over~ ^_^ ))

'I couldn't have asked for a better set up! This is going to be much easier than I had anticipated! Yvette grinned wildly to herself as she held the leather book the instructor gave her. Peering around corners and trying not to stand out, she found her way to the prince's chambers.  She placed her hand on the door knob and noted the exquisite detail on handle itself. Royalty seemed to be obsessed with artistic tastes, even on something so simple as a door. She shook her head lightly to rid herself of distracting thoughts, took in a breath and opened the door as quietly as possible.

The bedroom looked unlike anything she had seen in a bedroom. A large canopy bed with a wide open, marbled floor, stacks of books and loose paper we clustered around the desk. She took a step inside and took a moment to take it in. This was only a bedroom too... Damn... If I was a royal I don't think I'd ever leave this place, there is so much to look at...but of course.. she chuckled to herself and put a hand on her cheek. I'm sure this is nothing to them. She brushed her bangs to the side and walked over to the desk to set the book down. Time to start digging for something, anything that was worth black mail.

She found several personal letters from women... a scandal perhaps? She was uncertain so she just grabbed what she could. Stuffing the documents into her blouse, she tried looking for anything else that was worth taking.


((prune?  lol.. love it))

As she scampered down the spiral staircase that led from her chambers and on past the kitchens she stopped short when hearing her fiance's ubiquitous voice flip a retort back to Master V'horn.  The mention of a book being delivered to his room piqued her interest.

"Didn't even know the high and mighty prince even bothered to read" she muttered below her breath.  Despite her perception of him, the sound of his voice made her heart flutter, a reaction that startled her.    In an effort to discipline her feelings, she thrust her pert little nose up into the air and waltzed right past without a care leaving her delicate jasmine scent wafting in the air. To a casual observer it would appear that she didn't even know he was there.

"Now I'm curious.. just what kind of book would the Prince actually request", she thought to herself.  With that she changed direction and quietly stole to the servants' wing and began to climb up the narrow dimly lit staircase to find the back way to the prince's chambers.


Jaered stopped dead in his tracks, a foreboding scent catching his nose. He turned to catch a glimpse of that princess with her nose up turned. "Ugh... My life is going to be hell." He said to himself as he turned back for the door. After he was out in the town he quickly found and followed the markings that led him to a club he had started.

As he entered the club discreetly he heard a commotion quickly followed by yelling. The prince rushed in just in time to stop on of the upper classed citizens from hitting one of the lower class. "Your discipline teaches you that he is better than you."

The young man shrank back with a look of shame on his face. "As expected I have letters from your wives describing their life with you all before and after the club started." He said to the rest of the club. "But why do I not see change in the way you act towards each other? Your next assignment is to build a brick room big enough for the lot of you, this will teach you to work together and improve respect."

With that he left the hut and went back towards the castle. During his spare time he studied relationship psychology and experimented with couples who had problems branching from the male's attitude.


Psychology books...? Who knew the prince was big into studies... she mused and flipped through some more of the paperwork. Treaties, proclamations, speeches... nothing out of the ordinary. She found what looked like to be a pretty important speech. I know my employer doesn't want the prince so succeed at the crown... maybe this acceptance speech would also be worth taking. It seemed important and she doubt the prince could muster up another speech as special as this when the time came if it was soon. Better to do anything she could to delay this process until she had more information.

Yvette paused when she heard movement and set the remaining papers down and made sure she had what she needed before finding a place to hide in the wardrobe. She figured the prince was out and about so it was probably a maid coming to tidy up. Her disguise only got her so far, but up close someone could notice she was not truly employed there.  She would wait until the said person left and either sneak out the window down the balcony or risk it and go down the halls.


With a furtive look around, Silina assured herself no one was about that might witness her next move. She picked up her skirts and rolled her eyes as she heard the silks swish and practically announce she was there. She froze.  It was at that moment she heard a rustling of papers. 

"That's odd.  I could have sworn the prince was headed out and here he is in his room?.. it has to be the maids."  She considered just demanding entrance but knew even she couldn't get away with that without raising a few eyebrows.  Could anyone blame a girl for wanting to know more about who she was destined to marry?  With that thought she braced herself and put on the imperious look she had been practicing in front of the mirror and stepped towards the very ornate door and rested a gloved hand on the equally decorative door knob. 

"Hello?   Are you there Jaered?   If she didn't hear him, she would simply push her way in with the excuse to the maids that she needed to leave a private note.   Surely she couldn't be faulted for that!  After all they WERE to be wed.


Yvette froze when she heard a voice through the door an a million thoughts buzzed past her mind. Remain hidden, quickly jump out, ambush the unexpected woman and knock her out, say to hell with it and bolt off...

She was fast on her feet, years of running and mischief making did wonders for her cardio. Taking in a quick breath she stepped out of the wardrobe and placed her hand on the door knob. She would just run past this person and head strait for the exit and that would be it.  She slowly opened the door and gazed up at the manicured woman in front of her. "Your not a maid." saying her thoughts out loud she noted the woman was indeed not a maid like she was anticipating. But a lovely, pampered woman by the looks of it. Suddenly remember what she was doing she wrapped an arm around her stomach to hold the papers in her blouse securely and took off.


"Pretty hair young maid." Jaered said as he passed a hurried looking maid on his way back to his room. He paused at the door doing a double take.
"Why are you?..." He started to ask Silina a question, but then seemed to realize something. "Hey I didn't see her in the last orientation..." With that he turned and hollered at the woman. "Oi! Are you one of Arluna's family?" He asked of his pursuit as he made his way efficiently back down the stairs. "Now come on, don't make me have to chase!"


Shit! Was that the prince?? He was right outside the door too I thought he was supposed to be out for an extended time! She didn't stop when he called after her. Silently relieved she hadn't stayed in that room and at least had a chance to escape.  She had taken a glance back to see where he was before colliding with a cart full of lunch entries. She tumbled and landed in a heap on the floor, covered in the dishes and unaware of the furious servant who was yelling at her.

"What the bloody hell do you think you were doing child?? Do you just go running about and causing a mess of things?? The king is expecting his luchtime meal and now-"

Blah blah blah was all she heard. Trying to rub away the headache she stood up, double checking to make sure she still had the papers.


The first thing she recognized as the girl flew by her was the auburn shade of her hair but then shocked surprise erased any further thought for a brief moment.   "Wha...  ?"  Disbelief at what she was seeing registered on her exquisite features.  She stood there gaping in a most un-lady like manner at the girl fleeing her fiance's room.  Before she could collect her wits and order the girl to stop, she was left once more gaping and sputtering like a beached fish when she realized that where the girl had once been was - Jaered..?

His half finished question rang in her ears spawning an indignant reply that ended up hanging empty in the air when just as quickly as he was there he was gone.  " What is she doing in YOUR .... "

It didn't take long after for her to collect her wits and go chasing after the two only to round the corner and run right smack into the... Prime Minister. 

"Oh... M'lord.. um.. pardon .. me.. um..  "  She flounced a brief curtsey and just pointed towards the rising voice of one of the servants as the words "bloody hell" echoed from somewhere near the kitchens.  She managed a weak smile at the now startled politician and resumed her race towards the chaos.


Jaered approached the disaster area, cautiously avoiding scattered bits of royal lunch and the wrath of a delivery maid. He watched as the auburn haired maid seemed to check herself. "Are you hurt?" He asked as he approached her. He noticed a crowd starting to gather and tuned just in time to almost collide with Silina.

"Do you schedule these meetings to be annoying?" He asked his 'fiance' who seemed just as startled as he was. His mind was too set on helping the two possibly injured maids made for him to sound worried more than irritated at Silina's appearance.


Fast on Silina's heels was the Prime Minister who came to a skidding halt when seeing the Prince.   Silina quickly stepped to the side so that the  man of such debonair repute could save his pride and not send her flying. 

"Jaered.. how could you imply such a thing!? she stammered as she tried to make sense of everything she had just witnessed. The red haired girl was even more pretty close up despite her disarray.  She glanced between her and her fiance and then to the crowd that had gathered with all eyes on the girl.  It was a bit obvious to her anyway that the girl was acting a bit suspicious; at least all that 'double-checking' seemed a bit out of place given the situation.

"She has something!", Silina blurted out without thinking as she pointed accusingly at the girl.  Then Silina's over-active mind immediately assumed the most scandalous of events.  "Jaered.. how could you?!  You're engaged and here you have the girl sequestered in your room  and the poor thing needed to invent a reason for being there when I discovered her and act like a lowly thief! "

The portly minister then raised one bushy eyebrow and stared even more intently at the Prince and the red haired woman.


Jaered did a double take when he saw the prime minister barreling up behind Silina, he wouldn't believe his uncle could move that fast. He nodded to the man before turning to confront Silina to confront her about her accusations and confusing words.

"I am going to need a thesaurus if we are to get along," He told her, "I did not have any person... Sequestered?" He turned and rolled his eyes. "What ever that is, in my room. Honestly, I was out checking on my friends and I come back to find you approaching my room, and this one..." He looked to the red head and the maid she almost rolled over with the food cart. "Check her." He told the maid before turning back to Silina.

"Where was I?" He pondered, "Oh right I was almost getting knocked off the stairs."


"Sequestered... She waves her delicate gloved hand as if willing the next words to magically appear on their own as she tried to find a better explanation.   "Hidden away.. to  have your way with her and the gods only know what that would be.  Hardly anything that would benefit the kingdom I'm supposing."

She crossed her willowy arms and met him evenly with her gaze after his comment about checking on his friends. "And I'm sure you enticed her there to wait for your return.  Go on.. check her indeed.  I'm sure she took something just to give her an excuse for being there.  Let me guess... " she rolls her eyes heavenward.  "Oh yes..  and you'll back her up and say she was delivering it to you."

Silina turns back to the girl expectantly as she shifts a little, her small satin slippered foot peeking from beneath her skirts.   "Well?"  she asks imperiously.


In a panic, Yvette slapped away the hands of the maid that was trying to search her. Backing up, she took a defensive stance, her hands and knees shaking ever so slightly at the stressful situation. She'd never been caught before, well... she had as a child, but she thought she learned better from those.  While the lovely woman seemed to argue and question the prince she would make another dash for it.

She about turned on her heal to take off again . With this much money at stake, she couldn't afford to fail this job.

(OOC I wanted to post this at the beginning, but I took awhile trying to sketch her out, and I rushed it so its not all that good >.< But if you'd like I'd love to draw your guys' characters ^^ I also hope you guys get approved soon so we can move this over and have some real fun :D


((Oh wow... I do wonder what the prince looks like in your imagination.))

Quick on his feet due to training in combat, Jaered caught the young woman under the arms and locked his hands behind her head. "Chasing you women is not a way for a prince to act." He told her, "Silina, I have never stashed women away in my room... Well, not since mum caught the last one, but that was before I even knew of you. Now if you will please grope the young lady to see what she has."


"Ack! U-Unhand me at once!" Yvette squirmed and tried to break from his grasp. She paused when he started talking, and then a slight blush rising to her cheeks. "G-Grope?? I don't have anything! How dare you accuse me!"

((Well I'll get some sketches drawn and show you if you'd like ^_^ I'd also like to draw Silina :) ))


((OOC: wow..  that's very well done!!  I'm impressed.  Yes Please...  i'd love it if you drew Silina .. honored even.  :)

Jaered's words seemed earnest enough so she decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and didn't push it  ESPECIALLY after seeing how quickly he had the woman in a headlock of sorts.   She sighed though having lost an opportunity to have something over him so that he might be more willing to do as she asks.

"If she wasn't in your room by your invitation dearest Prince, then why was she there?"  she questioned as she began to circle around them both until she stood in front of the trembling woman.  Both being much taller than her made her have to tilt her exquisite face up to them.  Her cheeks were flushed from all the excitement, tendrils of hair that had escaped from her braid from all the rushing around now curled about her brow.

Calmly and purposefully she tried to pry the woman's hands away from what she was guarding.   "I know you have something hidden. The ruse is up Miss.. kindly confess?


Yvette frowned with a flustered expression. "Let me go! You have no rights to be holding me like this!"

A the maid Yvette had run into was frustrated enough with the situation and stuck her hand into Yvette's blouse. Earning an unwelcome shriek of surprise from Yvette and she yanked out some of the paper work.

"Thief! You were taking documents from the Prince's Chamber! Even his acceptance speech!" The maid held out the documents to the prince.

((Awesome! I hope this is all going okay and to show my thanks I'll draw the character~ ^_^))


((This is going great!  I'm use to not rping what happens to someone else's character without rolls of the dice so it's a bit new to me in some ways.  ie.  I know that some people would have rolled to see if Silina was successful in getting the documents from your character -but-  this is very cool too - I just wasn't sure which way that was going to go without having rp'd with you both before.  :)  - thanks for just making it happen with the maid!  =D  - i'll know for next time ))


((Oh no it's okay! Im new to this too and I wasn't sure which way you wanted to go either >.< I just figured the flustered maid would be alright since she was already pissed off XD Im sorry if I messed up something you wanted to write D: Im hoping you two will be approved here soon so we can move this over~ and have some real fun ;) ))


Quote from: Cherri on December 02, 2012, 10:35:13 AM
((Oh no it's okay! I'm new to this too and I wasn't sure which way you wanted to go either >.< I just figured the flustered maid would be alright since she was already pissed off XD I'm sorry if I messed up something you wanted to write D: I'm hoping you two will be approved here soon so we can move this over~ and have some real fun ;) ))

((Didn't mess up a thing.. I'm taking your lead since this is your RP. =)  BTW.. i started an RP as well if you're looking for more to get involved with.  It's 'Christmas and then the butler did it! - well maybe...' in the Non adult RP requests with the thread in the RP threads called "Manic Malfeasance - Chicago Style" ))


Selina uttered a tiny feminine gasp as she saw what the maid produced.  "Let me see those!"  she demanded without thinking.  As she grabbed the papers from the maid's hands, several fell to the floor at the same time but she managed to get her hands on a couple.

Her cheeks pink up as she bites her lower lip before looking up at Jaered.  "My Prince?  what is this about?!"  She thrust the papers in his direction, the first line being visible to those closest to her.   

'My dearest Penelope.  It's been so long since I've set my eyes on your ..... '  At this place, Selina's gloved hand had scrunched the papers and nothing more could be read.


((I do also hope for a speedy approval. This is going to be a challenge.))

"'My dearest Penelope, it's been so long since I've set my eyes on your husband, I am happy to know the relationship between you two has improved.' I'm doing relationship counselling in my spare time," He said patiently, "I didn't want anyone to know because the last time I had asked to earn a wage with the common folk dad went ballistic." Jaered tried to explain, then he went into a mocking tone. "'Royalty is it's own job, leave the smithing to the smith's.'"

He focused to take control of his emotions and looked into Selina's eyes, "They are Karl and Penelope, you've met them... The smith's?" He took back the acceptance speech, "Go ahead read the rest, it got a bit monotonous because they all say about the same thing. Right now I'm not even interested in making a relationship of my own, but I must do it for the kingdom. My chasing this young lady with the whimsical statements of pretty hair was a bit of eye candy fore some of my relatives who would like to have the throne before me." He was blushing as he tried to force himself not to indicate the prime minister in any way. The next he spoke his voice was less serious, "Anyway, on to studies, as this chase has taken the most of my private time. GUARDS! Thief to be delivered to the dungeon until the council meeting to choose her fate."

He turned to his uncle, the prime minister and wrapped an arm around his large shoulders, "I have a question for you, would you care to walk me to the studies?" After they were on their way he asked his question, "How long after I sign a law document does it take to be effectively law?"


(( Isn't it close to the 72 hour mark for you guys? and I will be sure to check out those rps Syl :D ))

When the guards grabbed a hold of her she began to panic, what would happen to her? "Let me go!! I was-" she was about to explain how she had been hired, but she decided that detail was better left unsaid. Her employer had just as powerful of an influence, she'd feel safer if her thought she would still go through with her job. Though... she had the prince pegged wrong. He didn't seem as much of a womanizer as the rumors seemed to be. True he was a catch and women swooned at his feet, but he didn't seem too interested in it. She had almost felt bad for trying to ruin his reputation.

At that thought she chuckled lightly to herself. They were all aristocratic brats, this was nothing to them. When the guards placed her in her cell she walked over to the wall and slumped to the floor. The fear of what would happen next left her with a feeling of butterflies in her stomach.


As the prince leads me away I'm cursing inside my own mind 'Damn girl. All she had to do was get a couple documents. How could she screw that up so monumentally? At least she doesn't know it was me who hired her.' The princes question causes me to pause. "Well young prince, any law you sign would become effective immediately if you so wanted to enforce it as such" The plan to cause the down fall of the prince soared back into my mind as I think about the law I submitted earlier today "Why do you ask? Is there one you were planning on trying to enforce?"


((If you could try to write in third person past tense.))
"Something of the sort, it's better such a talented young lady didn't loose her hand to the guards." He said with a smirk before stepping into the large library and waving goodbye.

Hours later a set of guards were at Yvette's cell, "You are summoned to council for your punishment hearing." A well fed guard told her as his underfed looking companion unlocked her cell. They went in and affixed shackles to her wrists and led her with a firm grip apiece on her forearms. They led her to a court house outside of the castles cathedral and after hours of criminal after criminal being railroaded into the harshest punishment for their crimes it was her turn to be judged. "Identify yourself." The Judge commanded.


Silina sat quietly watching the proceedings.  She had changed her morning dress to one more appropriate to the sombre occasion and was dressed prettily in a dark magenta silk.  Some of the older women were tittering at her rather risque outfit for the times as she thought nothing of it to push the boundaries of proper dress without crossing it. 

Her attention though was on the judge and the woman standing before him. It was clear from Silina's facial expressions that she was very interested in how the thief was going to explain the earlier chaos.  Occasionally she cast a curious glance towards the Prince and the Prime Minister as if trying to catch any expression that might convict them as accomplices to this intriguing event. 


Yvette made any form of protest she could to try and get away from the guards, but to no avail. When she stood before the judge she scoffed and turned her head away from him. "Why does it matter what my name is? Im just a petty thief. You've already decided the outcome Im sure." She had no desire to be cooperative. Just being in front of judgmental higher archies made her blood boil.

"Foolish child, state your name and don't make this worse on yourself!" The guard tightened his grip on her irritably. She slightly cringed before sighing. "Yvette Cardin."


Silina watched both the prince and the prime minister now for signs of recognition when the woman said her name.  It was a very pretty name and one not easily forgotten she thought.  She had to admit to herself though that she had to admire the girl's spunk given the gravity of the situation.

Silina leaned forward to whisper to the Prince sitting in front and to her left placing her gloved hand lightly on his shoulder to ensure she had his attention.   "She's quite brave don't you think?  This Yvette Cardin? I know I wouldn't be quite so brave given the same circumstances.. hmm.. unless of course..... " She gave a lengthy pause for additional.  "... unless I knew I'd some how be protected from the consequences."

Her focus was entirely riveted now on the proceedings. 


Quote from: Sylque on December 03, 2012, 12:57:35 PM
Silina watched both the prince and the prime minister now for signs of recognition when the woman said her name.  It was a very pretty name and one not easily forgotten she thought.  She had to admit to herself though that she had to admire the girl's spunk given the gravity of the situation.

Silina leaned forward to whisper to the Prince sitting in front and to her left placing her gloved hand lightly on his shoulder to ensure she had his attention.   "She's quite brave don't you think?  This Yvette Cardin? I know I wouldn't be quite so brave given the same circumstances.. hmm.. unless of course..... " She gave a lengthy pause for additional.  "... unless I knew I'd some how be protected from the consequences."

Her focus was entirely riveted now on the proceedings.

OOC: Typo correction - " She gave a lengthy pause for additional thought "... unless I knew I'd some how be protected from the consequences."

Her focus was entirely riveted now on the proceedings. 


Jaered tilted his head back, "Don't worry, she'll be punished." He told his fiance' as the boring details of the trial proceeded, when it came to the announcing of the punishment Jaered was all ears.

"Considering evidence and law," The judge started reading off of the log, "You are required to have a hand removed as punishment for your crimes." He had almost dismissed her to have her punishment carried out until he caught sight of the prince risen from his seat.

"If I may, I present documents submitted by the prime minister for a change in the law." He said making a brisk walk to the judges seat and holding the papers to be read, "The law now reads the offended has choice of punishment not to exceed the damage of the crime whether completed or halted." He gave a pause to let the court mull it over.

"What punishment do you choose young sir?" The judge asked after he finished reading the papers.

"Ten years servitude to myself..." He seemed to consider his next words for disposal but thought better of it as he finished, "And princess Silina, with any attempt to escape punishable by death."

"So be it." The judge said before pounding his gavel.


Yvette had panicked when they began to drag her back, but she had stopped when she saw the prince stand up. After hearing what he suggested, her mouth hung open slightly in shock. "S-Servant?! you must be out of your f^%king mind!" Yvette was never raised with class like most women were, in fact she had pretty much lived by her own set rules. Now with one stupid mistake she would have to serve on a lead it seemed.

Were the prince's action a merciful one or one of torment, she had yet to make a decision in her head and mulled over the possibility of just living with one hand. She quickly shook it off and sub consciously rubbed her wrists, no... it had been better. If the time came she could find a way out, or use this to her advantage  if she could get in contact with her employer.


Silina frowned.  "Your servant?  My servant?", she hissed behind him. "A lowly thief serving us?  You might as well just hand her the keys to the palace and let her have all our valuables - save her the effort of stealing them.  This is most unacceptable.  We'll be the laughing stock at court as soon as it gets around that we have a thief serving us."

She swallowed hard as she saw all eyes turn from the woman towards her and managed to put on a mask of civility.  "M'lord, as you wish."  she said with demureness in her sweet voice but under her breath so that only the Prince could hear her she hissed again.  "M'lord, surely we can discuss this later?"


Yvette let out a slight grin at the princess's refusal. "It would seem her highness is threatened by me~" truly she didn't understand why though, the princess was a far more beautiful creature... more delicate than she could ever be. It envied her that she could act with such grace. The guards ushered her into the servants quarters and she was given a set of clothes. One for cleaning and one for attending to the prince and princess's needs. That once had a bit more detail and elegance towards it... probably to help ease their eyes off a commoner, she concluded to herself.

"You are mighty lucky the prince decided to spare those lovely hands of yours. Ya best serve him well." An older maid who had handed her the clothes and showing her to a room in the servants quarters. "Be grateful he asked ya to serve him and the princess personally. This means you must be ready when they beckon. Therefor you will be excused for most of the other duties. Keep their spaces clean and do as you're told."

Yvette remained quiet. When they arrived to the room she set her clothes down. The maid left and she folded her arms acrossed her chest. "I can't run away, but no one said anything about leaving my room." With a huff she laid on the bed and let her mind play over all that had happened. What did the prince want? Why did he cut in once he heard? she let the back of her hand rest on her forehead and then subconsciously raked her fingers though her thick, curly dark auburn hair. "When I get the chance I should take a bath..." she mumbled. "Hopefully I'm allowed at least that, I may not be girly but I do like staying clean." Slowly her eyes felt heavier and she let herself drift off into a light sleep.


(OOC:((If you could try to write in third person past tense.)) I understand the third person, but no one else seems to be writing in past tense. is that required?)


(( No its no required ^^ I think just the 3rd person would be easier to understand~ I hope that is alright ^_^ ))


(its fine ^_^ I can do third person easily enough. I just don't like writing everything in past tense. It ruins the immersion factor for me)

Xavier was in deep thought while he walked back towards his chambers. The emotional turmoil from the morning's events started dieing down he started plotting again. 'The prince took the bait!' he though. 'With this law in effect and the thief he hired firmly entrenched in the princes life getting the documents he needed should be even easier. ' The Prime Minister got to his office and sat down in the chair 'now all I have to do is find a way to get her a message. maybe tonight' He started writing a missive towards the girl 'Yvette' he reminded himself 'Won't due to alienate her at this point' debating if he should try to meet the girl or if it would be too much of a liability. Deciding against it for now, he finished up the letter and folded it neatly,  and standing, he walked quietly out of the office.


(( Sorry! I wanted to post a much better picture of Yvette >.<I wasn't happy with my last sketch~ And with this I shall try drawing the others! Try >.< I'm still learning~ :) ))


(( No need to apologize dear! Your drawings are pretty good. You are actually pretty good with hair ^_^ Your shading could use a little bit of work but over all its good. ^_^))


(That is really good. Definitely better shading. I couldn't do something that detailed on a computer. I'd have to use actual color pencils. I'm pretty jealous. We should probably move our convorsation to the OOC forum place :p)


Sirina's focus shifted from the Prince when assuming his mind was made up about the situation and instead she analyzed the Prime Minister's reaction.  He seemed very deep in thought about something so she rushed after him as she adjusted her silk gown to ensure her most enticing assets were displayed to their best advantage.  ((PG13 for the non-adult forum for now  :D ))

M'lord Xavier?!  Do you have a minute?" She managed to catch him just as he was coming out of his office.  Not bothering to wait for his answer she pressed on as she lowered her eyes demurely and then looked up through a fringe of soft curls that veiled them. "You seemed so deep in thought that I couldn't help wonder if you are concerned now with palace security and afraid she will get her hands on even more important documents and leak them to our enemies?"

She was clearly confused as to how the Prince and the Prime Minister could allow this.  Something did not seem right to her and it showed on her features.   Some might assume it was jealousy that was fueling her questions but in truth, it was more a quest for knowledge because as everyone knows, knowledge is power and Sirina was all about positioning herself in a place of power.


Xavier stopped and turned around the letter sliding up into his sleeve so as to not be noticed. He looked down and had to fight to keep from showing either reaction. He didn't show any visible reaction to her question. He smiled slightly and nodded

"Do not worry my dear. I trust the Prince's judgement on this matter. But I will also personally make sure she doesn't leave the castle with out an escort." He put his hand on her shoulder giving it a light squeeze "Will that be all my dear princess?" His thoughts were now racing. He knew he'd have to keep his secret better hidden than he previously thought. 


A little shiver ran through her when he squeezed her shoulder which made her catch her breath. 

"Alright.. but if I catch her with any of my jewels, I will insist that either you or the Prince take a different course of action."

She backed away to allow him to continue on his way and mused for a moment on what she should do next.   She was not convinced that all was the way it appeared despite the Prime Minister's perfectly appropriate response.   Silina thought a moment longer and then suddenly grinned to herself. 

She hurried off in search of her new 'servant's' quarters after asking the errand boy that was scurrying past obviously doing someone's bidding.  "M'lady, she be beside the Housekeeper's rooms.  Miss Frankfurt said she be needin' watchin' M'lady"

Within minutes she stood outside Yvette's door and gave it a little knock.


"Who is it?" Yvette groaned and pulled a pillow over her head, not wanting to socialize or be a servant.


Silina heard the groan and being the person she was suddenly felt compassion for the girl's plight despite her own reservations. "Maybe she had no choice but to live the way she did..  we DO live in desperate times, " she mused to herself.   "Well lets just see what you're about Miss," she whispered to herself.

Putting her mouth a little closer to the crack in the door she said softly, "A Friend."


Jaered sat back down for the remainder of the hearing, loosing himself in the familiar complaint's of the princess. She complained about allot of the things he did, like when she found out that he was secretly pursuing his passion of psychology, or when he bought a dog for his quarters. "We will have time to discuss everything, but for now I have some papers to go over," He told Silina as court was dismissed. His first peice of business with the new servant would come later, first he judge that by the time she had spent in the cells that she would both desire and need a bath.


Yvette peaked out from her pillow and notices the princess. "Need me for something already?"


Silina shook her head and took a step into the room.  She noticed it was quite plain but that it had the basics.

"I just came to see if you needed anything Yvette.   I am thinking you're probably in need of a friend and while I'm sure you're not one bit interested in me being your friend, thought you might like to meet my personal attendant Flor.  Perhaps you might have something in common."

She took another awkward breath and wandered about the room a little more running her gloved fingertips over a rough looking trunk that had been provided to store the occupant's belongings.  She noticed dust and soot from the candles on it and frowned a little.

"Perhaps you can start with giving this room a good clean.  You can find all the cleaning supplies in a room off the kitchen.  The cook will know where to send you."

She paused when she saw the drab attire, the staff had provided her.   "Well that might do for cleaning chores, it surely won't do for attending to me or the Prince.  He has very high standards.  I'll have Flor bring up some gowns  for you as well.  They will make you a little less of an ..  well common and perhaps people will forget you're a thief."

"I do have one requirement for now though.   I would like you to wear these.. "  She offered up a wristlet of tiny silver bells that chimed prettily at the slightest movement.  "I would like you to wear this at all times."

"Now.. any questions before I send Flor up?"


Yvette held up her wrist and the bells jingled. "Like a bad cat that has to be belled huh..?" She glanced around the room and would have to agree with the princess. If she was staying here she would make the most out of it. Her mind be an to think... She had seen the princess, but what had the prince wanted from her?

"Alright... I will get to cleaning this room then..." She stood up. "I won't be needing anything from... Flor was it? Now...Is there something you needed? Other than to I guess give a peace offering and placing a bell on me" She shook her wrist with the bells.


Silina glanced at the ring of tiny silver bells about the girl's wrist. "Silver suits you..  and I'm sure you're very happy you have a wrist to wear them on.. Yes?.   You know, the Prince is a very fair man.  You could show your gratitude. He could have chose to have the law in place AFTER you lost your hand"

Her soft smile was genuine as was her brief look of confusion but true to her noble upbringing, she continued, "It's true that I don't understand why he would keep a thief for a servant, but I will honor his wishes Yvette.  If he wishes to have a commoner close to him then so be it. Unless you prove otherwise, I will consider you one of our family of servants and will treat you with the same privileges"

"If you do not want the gown that Flor brings up, that is your choice.  I'll leave you now to do the Prince's bidding."

Just a hint of her subtle jasmine fragrance lingered in the air after she left.


"Well... a nice gown would be wonderful..." She muttered quietly to herself. As she watched the princess leave she sighed and sat on her bed again. "Being so close to a beautiful woman makes me feel so inferior~" Yvette whined childishly. She stood up and walked over to a small mirror in her room, boy did she need a cleaning up. She brushed her fingers through her hair in an attempt to tame her curls, but to no avail. She found a ribbon and tied her hair into a low pony tail so it had been out of her face. "Might as well get to cleaning up this room."

Yvette made her way down into the kitchen area, not knowing where to look or who to ask. "U-Um excuse me... but where can I find the cleaning supplies?" She asked the cook who gave her a polite smile. "Right over here dear." He showed her to the closet where it was located. "Oh, thank you." Yvette looked through it all and grabbed what she thought she needed.

Once back in her room she opened her window to let in a welcome breeze and began to dust.


A tall woman with fine brown hair pulled back into a long braid suddenly appeared by the door.  She looked down her sharp overly big nose at the woman busily dusting and then scrinched her nose up to push her spectacles back up.   She was more than plain in her brown homespun overdress that hung lightly over her somewhat reed like frame.

"My mistress's attendant Flor sent me up to give you these Miss."  She managed a curtsey.  She was a cellar servant and even in the servant world there was a hierarchy of status which was dependent on who one served.  Since Yvette served the Prince and Princess, she held status over poor ol' Margurite.

She walked over and laid the items on the trunk at the foot of the bed.  As promised a gown of emerald green trimmed in black embroidery was there.  It looked as if it would hug every curve Yvette had and not hide much up top either.  Beside it lay two towels, a brush, a bar of soap, a green ribbon and a small.. very very small vial of an amber liquid.

"Flor said if you need anything miss, you ring for me.  I'm Margurite"  With that she turned and left.


Yvette watched her leave and stared at the items she brought in. When she saw the gown she set down  her cleaning cloth, walked over, and examined  the dress. "wow..." she muttered breathlessly to herself. Such a lovely gown... she bit her bottom lip lightly in thought before shutting her door and undressing, no hurt in trying it on.

When she began to fasten it she noted how tight it was and how little it left for the imagination around her bust. She blushed and folded her arms across her chest. "I-I think it may be to small to wear, there is no way I can go out looking like this!" she looked over and noticed the small bottle with liquid in it and curiously  walked over and picked it up. "Perfume...?" She'd never wore perfume before... it had been just too expensive.


((sorry.. did not see your most recent post Madness so when reading assume it fits in the time line rather than the order of the posts :) ))

Silina simply stared at the Prince after his rude and dismissive replies to her fighting back tears that instantly sprang to her eyes.  "Jaered, it might come as a surprise to you, but I REALLY DO have your best interests at heart!"  With that she sulkily swirled on her heels and disappeared muttering. 

"Being wed to him might not be worth the status after all!" she mumbled.  Not even seeing the cellar boy carrying up firewood to the rooms, she almost sent  him flying as he hurriedly tried to get out of her way. "What did I ever do to deserve him..  I already feel punished and I haven't even become his wife yet!"

"Whot m'um, you be talkin' to me?", the boy cowered against the wall.



Jaered winced as the princess stalked off, noting to have a sit down with her later and at least try to explain the edge pieces of his plan. He went to his chambers and started in on his noon documents and practicing what he would say to Silina.

((Fort five minutes later at Yvette's quarters:))

The prince gave an orderly greeting to one of the servants he recognized from Silina's recruits as she walked away from the closed door that had been assigned to Yvette. As soon as he was within touching distance of the door he knocked and waited for a reply. 'This is going to be easy...' He tried to convince himself, 'Just tell her why you saved her... Why did you save her? Not because she's beautiful, though that is a perk... It has to be more than to act as a pawn in my plans else I could have just hired her after her hands were lopped off...' Thoughts like this continued racing through the young man's mind for several tedious minutes as he waited for an answer.


"If it's another servant coming in to big me about orders I swear to the Gods I'll-" Yvette had been yelling in her room and marched over to open the door when she paused. It was not a maid, but in fact the man who had put her in this situation. She was quiet, not knowing what to say.


Jaered's eyes seemed to have an anti-magnetic nature to the emerald green orbs in front of him. "Hello Yvette," He said deciding to look at the ground and stare. "I um... I suppose Silina has already been here. The dress is... very flattering." He developed a blush as his eyes quickly scanned her full figure and returned to the ground. "I think I may know who sent you after my documents, but without indisputable proof I would be a fool to accuse him. It's a fun war because what he doesn't realize is that before Silina was involved our plans involved the same ending." He chuckled absentmindedly. He then seemed to realize he had a job to do. "May I come in?"


Huh... he didn't seem as confident and egotistical as she assumed. With a nod she opened the door and let him in. "I-I'm sorry... if I came off as rude..." She rubbed her wrists. "If it wasn't for you stepping up I probably would be in a bad condition right now.. but what is it that you need sir?"


"I need you to be a double agent, an informant between me and your boss." He said as if revealing something that has been stopping him from breathing right. "Now that just makes it sound like I want you as a pawn but right now my feelings for you are... confusing. My goal is to make everybody I care about happy. My uncle, my fiance', you, my father. I need you all to be happy, and it gets harder for every piece added to the board game." The prince sighed and buried his face in the palms of his hands. "And now I seem like an over stressed psychopath."


Yvette lifted her eye brow in a quizzical manner. "My happiness? I'm just a lowly commoner remember? You don't know anything about me, what if it was my plan for you to do this so I have a better chance at taking you down?" she asked with a slight frown and folded her arms over her chest. "Don't trust me so easily... I have much more at stake with my current employer... If I'm caught I can't imagine what would happen, but I would also lose necessary funds for my life."

She made her way over and sat on her bed in thought. How did she get herself in this political mess?


"You need professional help." Jaered said as he stood to excuse himself, "And unfortunately for you my shop is closed until this blows over with my dad." As he exited the room he sat a small box on the chest at the end of her bed. "All of my servants wear them somewhere on their person." He told her before shutting the door behind him.


Yvette watched him leave with an irritable. "Professional help??" she muttered angrily. With a sigh she watched him walk out and noticed the small box. "More jingle bells?" she thought before standing up and taking the box. Contemplating it, she set it back down. "I'll open it later..."


Jaered knew it was a long shot, that she had to find out for herself that he could protect her, the small talisman made from woven rose stems was something he gave all of his staff, some knew of it's importance to him, some wore it because it was in the job description, and some because it made an actual fashion piece. It was a charm that symbolized the goddess the young prince worshiped in secret.


After awhile, Yvette picked up the small box and opened it. Her eyes widened slightly at its beauty. "The symbol of the Goddess? Does the prince know of this talismans meaning?" She wondered aloud to herself. It was simply gorgeous. She looked around her room for a small chain or string and she fixed herself a necklace. "Probably unoriginal... But it's so cute like this~" she mused.

Well, with that done she went back to tidying and fixing up her room to her liking. Moving furniture and rearranging.


Her nerves on edge by the ordeal of the trial and now having to deal with a thief that her fiance demanded be in their midst, she found solace in the rose garden. She could often be found here normally collecting petals for the various oils that she used to create her scented waters and soaps.. even elixirs for the skin.  Today though, she only sought refuge.

She wandered down the familiar twisting paths without any girls in attendance and had even dismissed the gardener who had attempted to hover close by in case she needed anything.  Finally Silina paused by her favorite roses of all time. Stately, delicate and fragrant, the rose the shade of a sunrise right after stormy night had caught her focus.    Lost in thought she gingerly played her fingers down its thorny stem and back up to flutter them across the petals.   She leaned down to breath in its fragrance, closed her eyes and breathed in the fragrance once more, clearly losing herself to the sensation of rose petal satin against her skin and its seductive scent.


((It's been a while sense I was denied, and I wanted to check if you ladies had moved this into the adult role play as was planned and if not could we pick up where we left off?))