The Eighth Winter (if you don't know, then now you know)

Started by Photo, February 06, 2012, 04:59:01 AM

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Presenting "The Eighth Winter"

The Encyclopedia

The Eighth Winter of Anders(4-9-12):
It is the Age Without Time. Our ancestors are not counting on the details of our accomplishments. We only live by the chance that someday, our tenacity will reign supreme. We live in a world now, with vampires, and demon-kind alike. So, the Order of The Sages has informed us, continue to inform us, and operate as our only source of truth in the darkness. Whether you find yourself as a slayer, a witch, a martial artist, a priest, a wise-man, a rogue, a mechanic, etc. You have become a major player of These prophetic times. The Jikundi Truun camp will protect us this winter, as far as we hope, our life's will percevieer. It will be cold, for the Scorpio sun is rising again.

An Interest Thread


Ok! So before, you just dive in to discover everything! You should know that no one person is expected to know all of this stuff. So, only read what you want to read. And by all means, don't read. Just ask me questions. I answer PM's.

I am your DM, Photo. I control a lot of characters in this game, but they are all flavor. I'm putting the weight of the story on you, the participant. There is still a LOT of room in this gigantic game. In many attempts to simplify this interest thread. I'm at it again, with the cliff-note version! I hope you feel compelled to create a character. At the end of every roman numeral. There is a large collection of spoiler bars that explain more about the previous topic. The idea here, is to make this whole introduction process as painless as possible.

An introduction to the world
It is A.W. The Age Without time. there are no nations, and the people who still live and breathe have no real concept of what a nation is. Humans live in small villages with each other, a struggling species willing to break the laws of nature to survive. The leaders of our race are known as 'The Order of the Sages'. We are protected by them, in many ways that we are never meant to understand. Anders is on the northern banks of a wide and raging river. Within the seven walls of Anders, five seperate villages lay anxiously in hiding. Built on top of ruins, Anders uses the old wooden and concrete structures to house and shelter their kind. There is only one way into the town, and that's through the southern gate, over the river. There are some holes in the walls to the northeast and northwest corners, but the dense forest there protects the city even better than the walls are capable of doing.

Among the five camps are the Gate camp, the street camp, the tower camp, and the wall camp, each named after rather simple attributes that these camps lay adjacent to. the southern gate, the ancient main street to the northeast, their watch tower arranged just northwest of the gate camp, and the grand southwestern wall.

The fifth and final camp of Anders is known as the Jikundi Truun, a secret martial arts organization with limited admissions. Seven winters ago, the people of Anders collected to name the 'Ji Tru' warriors as protects from the evil that lurks in every direction. Only the Order of the Sages have certainty, but over 500 years ago, the demon world rose up from the mouths of hell to swallow our realm. Led by the increasingly powerful Vampire population, hundreds of vicious demon races appeared as if from the place of legends. "Our world was not prepared," say the sages. "It has been a very long war, and it does not matter how long we've been fighting it. For, this is the Age Without. We have our lives to survive, our ancestors are relying on our determination, not our accomplishments."

So as the vampire scourge continues to kill off our people one by one, we have three lines of defense here in Anders, the first being God, the second being the Order of the Sages and their snot nosed slayers that often do more harm than good. Finally, our last defense in Anders is the all mighty Jikundi Truun, the ultimate weapon against against the forces of evil.

I. Types of Characters. - This is a great place to start.
   A - A member of the Jikundi Truun - A martial arts clan/ magic mansion of education
      1. A martial artist
      2. A magic user
   B - A Demon slayer - Self explanatory. Your birthright is to pursue and destroy the forces of darkness
      1. A recon Slayer - stays in the shadows, gathers intel on powerful cells of demon activity
      2. An assault Slayer - Fire and Brimstone, throw yourself into the fire type.
          a. Man - traditionally out of control and impossible to train, subversive, ill-tempered etc.
          b. Woman - Even tempered, smart, and inceredibly intuitive. Female slayers live for a lot longer.
   C - The Anders' Guard - The liscensed and trained protectors of Anders, kind of like anti-demon-medieval-swat-teams.
   D - A Sage of the Order - a group of men and women responsible for the safety of human-kind. There is no government or time, only the Order.
   E - A Rogue Demon Hunter - You work for no one. And likely, you are not fated to follow in the Slayers footsteps.
   F - A Mechanic - The world needs people that can put things together. No factories. Cars, Guns, ovens, lights, these are all privately run businesses.
   G - Any other thing your heart desires - Be an amputee with incredibly eyesight and no hair on her body at all... If you can make a good story, I'm all ears.
Character Choices


A Note: be as creative as possible, just remember that this is AW, and that demons ARE evil. Humans can sway one way or the other, but a vampire character is not going to save a bunch of schoolchildren from a fire, reason one: there are no schools, reason two: s/he would eat them first. But seriously, the more creative you are, the bigger the world becomes, and that's what this game is about, I'll likely be working with every writer personally to optimize the narrative of our tale. Also, since this story takes place in the future, literally every name is completely legitimate, combine cultures, or just make up your own culture.

Visual Age (almost exclusively a vamp thing):
Actual Age:
Appearance (picture or description or both):
Affiliation (Jikundi/Truun/Sage/Slayer/rogue/demon/other):

Back story (write a novella for this if you want):

Jikundi Truun clan

Founded by two men, Reni Jikundi, and Albert Truun. Jikundi was a slayer of epic proportions, and still lives to this day, operating the camp with Albert's students and his own. Reni has lived through 75 winters now, the Ji Tru's eighth one will be his 76th. He mastered the movement of the physical body and started to take on students more than two decades ago. His star student was Cristop Alessy, a young man with something incredibly special in the corner of his eye. Albert Truun was a warlock with the significant specialty in energy manipulation. Truun had chi like powers, forcing inanimate objects to move with the flick of a wrist and a few soft words. In addition, he also controlled electricity and other unseen forces. For a long time, him and Reni had nothing to do with each other. Sparing the ten pages that it takes to tell the origin story, I'll skip over this section with one sentence:

A very evil woman was about to destroy Anders, a human.

Albert Truun used the defining spell of the Ji Tru clan's power. He infused Cristop Allesy with a magical essence. this spell turned Cristop into a walking thunderstorm, quite literally, his punches and kicks became powered with electricity and with enough practice he could even charge energy in the form of a projectile. In addition, Cristop was learned in the ancient knowledge of physics. It was this understanding of nature's laws that gave him the freedom to incorporate his new gift into his martial arts. Cutting much of this out again, there were and still are two backdraws to the 'infusion spell.' The caster of the spell loses a significant amount of h/er natural wiccan gift, and the recipient of the spell can never turn his lightening off, it takes extreme concentration not to damage (or kill) friends and allies. Cristop's entire personality changed, he became silent and dark. Like a god, he inspired the town of Anders to make The Ji Tru clan their official guardians.

In the Northwest corner of Anders' walls, two camps were built on either side of the altar that Cristop had placed himself during the infusion. The northern camp was intended to house witches and warlocks, the southern camp was meant to train further students of Jikundi

From the tiny walls of the tower camp, one may embark to the northwest through the treacherous woods. For even within Anders' walls, demons still roam in the dead space between camps. In the picture above, the old roads have given way to the footpaths of demons and human alike. In the picture below, the Jikundi office welcomes all visitors, but does not admit every lost soul looking to be trained. The instructors are few, and the ranks are dangerous, if one is not trained properly, s/he WILL become a threat, and not a guardian to Anders.

Once inside, the world of the Jikundi is of discipline, growth, focus, and power. The colors are a dull shade of golden yellow, and their symbols are etched into the clothing with dark blue ink. The young men and women that train within the walls share rooms and dine together. There are four structures inside of the Jikundi training grounds, and a number of tents that operate as a barracks for the youngsters in training. On the other side of the ritual ground, the wiccan students have begin to build a stone mansion. their books need to be kept safe, and stone is known to inspire the depths of the soul to come out and play. Students from one clan are expected to socialize with students from the other. And of course, when the situation calls for it, The master of the Truun cult must offer Jikundi a witch/warlock to be used for infusion. The individual, as stated before, loses some of their powers, but it is considered an honor to perform the infusion at any time.

Students gain rank in the Jikundi clan, but not in the Truun mansion. The warrior can only learn one thing at a time, focus is of utmost importance to Jikundi.
Jikundi Martial Arts

The Process of Gaining Rank

All students begin as Scholars, over time and training, Jikundi eventually promotes the individual to a Sentry. Then, further training, and the student is a Knight. finally, before death comes for some Jikundi warriors, they become Masters, and candidates to take over the clan when Jikundi dies

The Four Styles of Jikundi
Sokudi (so-koo-dye) The philosophy behind this style is quickness, agility, and fast strikes that result in instant death. The ideal weapon for a Sokudi warrior is a short sword, or a very thin javelin.
Alunka (al-oon-kay) The philosophy for this style is to keep completely still. the enemy will always be forced to launch the attack. An Alunka warrior is direct and sudden. their weapons are heavy, but their movement is balanced.
Joriad (Jo-Ree-Ad) These individuals wear extremely heavy armor, and they carry obtusely large weapons. commonly called the fourth level of Anders defenses, the Joriad do not step backwards, and they're movements are designed to keep the enemy at a distance
Depti (Dep-Tye) the tacticians and archers. these warriors are taught to move quickly through the spread of the battle field and disappear. They must be precise and silent. They all know how to climb, run, jump and fall from great distances.

All of the previous styles can be learned by any student, there are four levels to each style, once the fourth level is reached, Jikundi recommends the student to completely switch h/er focus.

Other Studies
As well as the fighting styles, a student can achieve four levels in all of the following studies.

-The study of physics left over from Cristop's contribution seven winters before.
-The study of the dark arts, even without an infusion spell, the Jikundi warrior can learn from the witches across the way; how to energize their strikes, and enchant their weapons with electric charges.
-The study of ritual magic. Although lacking in practical purpose, the study here creates maturity in the student, and often makes them more aware of the world around them, a remarkably useful tool on the battlefield. In a pinch, a ritual magic user can provide extra sensory powers to h/er allies, the most common use of this practice is to boost the warriors, and to enhance the relationship between Jikundi clan members and Truun witches
Truun Magic user

The Sages have concluded that Angels are just great men and women of the past. God has never constructed a warrior to protect his creations. Therefor, Angel's are not contained in the kingdom of heaven to save the human race, they are there in order to inspire our greatness. Magic exists in every possible form it can be imagined. The secrets of the craft were released by the Sages, but not all of it. Some covens have withheld information in order to protect themselves, out in the world, assuming the Order's position as protectors to their own people.

So, The Jikundi Truun have two training regiments: One is called Black Arts. the other is called Ritual Magic

These are the two kinds of magic that we're dealing with here. The two variety's assist each other, but they exist in large part by themselves as well. And in order to be truly powerful it is important to train in both of these aspects, or ascertain some kind of gift for one, the other, or both.

Black Arts/ Dark Arts/ Hand Magic - These powers are manifested on command. The caster can prepare spells in advance, and devastate their obstacles. This includes fire throwing, wards or shields, telekinesis, aura projection or body energy blasts, lightening bolts, etc. One can make their power stronger by using Ritual magic, but the actual act of most battle ready magics are restricted to this variety. The real strength of the magic is entirely dependent on the user(s). If multiple witches use the same spell together, their force will be stronger, naturally. Again, ritual magic and practice in the dark arts may increase the strength of an individual witch. But, it is not guaranteed, most are born with the gifts that they receive.

Ritual Magic/ Camp Magic - This form of magic is performed in private places so that no one can disturb the process. These spells take a long time to produce, and often aren't involved with directly harming anything. this includes summoning of demons, enchanting space with protective shields, cursing some one or some thing, altering ones own appearance or personality, focusing power into people or instruments of magic, portal creation, etc. In general, the more the merrier when it comes to ritual magic: Four candles works, but why not four hundred. One person can do it, but seven people chanting in the corner would create a large force of energy to use. If you need to burn a picture, a match can do the job, but a bon fire will intensify the spell. Further, people without any natural ability with the dark arts, can use ritual magic without any trouble, and even introduce the magic into the body. Ritual magic is the gateway magic.

And another brief note that means a great deal about the magic: there is pretty much no exception, magic is dark energy being used to manifest human desire. It is evil, if one can use it with dignity and honor, they are held in high regard. this is partially why the Truun house is so well respected.

Priests: There is no holy church, and most chapel's in the world are very basic huts with blessings and candles to keep the walls purified. Where ever a bible may lay, typically ten or twenty priests grow by the decade. any bible seems to create them, the religion doesn't seem to matter. They all work together display either crosses or stars that both represent the power of god. This is technically hand magic, and ritual magic used together to create the force of faith. It has a mysterious nature to it. The power of God often does.
Slayer Information

From birth, a slayer is exceptional in almost every way. They learn to speak quickly, athletically gifted, intuitive, and witty. Their body chemistry is perfect, and finally, they are gifted with superhuman strength and reflexes. A slayer may be either a man or a woman, but it is common among them to believe that the female's are far superior to the males, who happen to get themselves killed a lot.

There are two kinds of slayers, assault and recon. The assault breed tend to live in large settlements like Anders in order to protect it's citizens. The recon breed live in small encampments with their Sages out in the sticks with the demons and vampires. They follow demons like ghosts in the daylight or night, and plot the enemy movements to prevent up-rises and stampedes that have been known to turn whole camps into rubble and ash.
The Anders' Guard

this rough group of swordsman and pike-wielders are about 200 in number, constantly patrolling the walls, streets, safe houses, and trails inside the gate of Anders. They are trained by Slayers, but they answer only to the people of Anders. a member of the Anders' Guard is only there because s/he wants to be. No one is ever sentenced to duty, or forced to work off debts. It is a privilege to protect the only place one could call home in 100 square miles of Hell.

The Order of The Sages
The Order of the Sages have been said to exist through the entirety of human history, back to our days in the 'garden of eden' and before. The have been wise-men and wise-women that guide our erratic population away from destruction. the are known to be extreme intellectuals, and since AW has been, they have made themselves public, still some out in the world do not believe in their existance. Anders on the other hand, has a base inside of the Gate Camp. The Order of the Sages are responsible for preparing, and housing the slayers of our time.

the Order of the Sages have been the self-declared leaders since the complete collapse of society, which occurred over 200 years ago. There are a very small number of remaining legends that are still circulating through the wall's of Anders. However, the short life span of the population and the extremely limited information provided for children put all of the stories to question. Of course, it is likely that one of them has to be correct.

The most popular story is about caged monsters that escaped their holds and ravaged the entire planet. For the people responsible for these evil beings had nothing to do with the Sages, they were likely the leaders of the prior age. It was obvious that these kings did not support The Order of the Sages, because if these monsters were in captivity at any time, then The Order would have surely demanded their execution. the Sages then, in this story, are ancient wisdom seekers that fought the demons and badmen in the cast shadows of the empires. The Sages trained their Slayer's in secret, and waited for opportunities to present themselves before ever deciding to act.

Another story is as such: The Order has always ruled the world, and this war with the demons is as old as the hills. Believers of this claim that ruins are only there due to failed defensive battles, that the demon's are slowly winning the war. For, the old cities in the wake of the demon onslaught are enormous and blatantly extravagant. Now people live in caves and decaying wooden houses. Now, the great machines of the past have been lost to time, and modern humans use sticks and knifes to protect themselves from evil. The greater people have magics, and intelligible gadgets to improve their odds of success. The world is a grim place in this belief. Demon's are likely men with great power, and they will rule the world one day for their own good. It appears that that day is coming. Slayer's are not powerful enough, they never have been.

Another: The Order of The Sages created the demons, and are now brainwashing the public to believe an excessive amount of lies.

Naturally, any story that you can think up is comparable to these three examples, but these three view points do suggest a pattern for the following

The different views held by the people of Anders when considering The Order Of The Sages: the supporters, the opposition, and the nomads. Supporters typically display their beliefs and often wear patches that signify a representation to their closest Order. (example: A sword that has a tree as a hilt with the number 283 embroidered into the emblem. The image of the tree/sword as an identifier and the number physical representation of the associated house. Supporter's are known to fight with the Sages and the Slayers as militia men against the demons in the forest(s). The Opposition are quiet and blend in with the crowds as a rule. They are rarely known to start civil wars with the Sages, but bar-fights are a regular occurrence. A person associated with the opposition could be pure of heart or truly evil. The nomands are an extreme, they have burnt bridges with The Order, and claim that true peace and victory will never be reached by such archaic visionary's. Nomads do cause conflict with the Sages, and typically harbor great sources of power in order to survive. There is a rumor of a great wiccan village in the woods south of Anders. Beyond the 'great ancient city' to the west and into the sea, there is an island ruled by The Order of the Sages. the island is heavily fortified by leftover infrastructure from the past age, and seven different houses of The Order of The Sages work together to keep the population safe (14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 110, 115, and 143). Many years ago, a small group of nomads left this defensive position and trekked into the woods. Everyone figured them for dead, but their rumor lives on. They were known to travel southeast through the rolling hills of the Anders forest. (The Anders Forest stretches for miles in every direction.)

As a note, the Anders settlement (the five camps within the walls of the city that our story takes place in) has two houses of The Order of The Sages, house 205, and house 409. One of them is located in the gate camp, and the other is located in the tower camp
A Rogue Demon Hunter

The idea of this character is that some one, some HUMAN, with no birthright or special abilities, takes it upon h/er self to protect the world from demons. This is an incredibly difficult way of life. For, if you are bad at it, the demon's overpower you, and you die. And, if you are particularly good at it, the demons figure it out, hunt you, and you die. When it comes down to it though, everyone's life-span is pretty short in Anders, a Rogue Demon Hunter is Respected as much as the Anders' Guard, sometimes. The Rogue is held in higher regard, embodying the civilian heroes of old.
Mechanic information

There are ancient machines from the 'Age before', when there was time and electricity flowed through every city. There are mechanics all over the world that have managed to decipher the ancient texts and create monstrous machines capable of almost anything the human mind can imagine. Naturally, mass production has given away to rust and ignored machinery. the demons run the world now, and it means nothing to anyone if a piece of metal replaceable parts or not. All mechanic tools must work. the only person who can repair something for you is likely the person that originally put it together.

So, all this information points toward a bigger picture. II:

II. The Context. - This section will breifly outline the world that this game is placed in
   A - Anders - It's a collection of camps inside of seven seperated walls. Think of it as HQ for the whole game. Everyone wants it, the humans, and the demons.
       1. The Gate Camp - At the southern tip of Anders, The walls are cut in half by a river. the Gate camp contains this river and the Gate just south of it.
       2. the Tower Camp - Recently decimated. this Camp once had a large watch-tower standing in the center of it.
       3. The Wall Camp - Smaller than most of the other camps, it is guarded by a gigantic 45 ft. wall
       4. The Street Camp - Surrounded by grave yards, and closest to the breached wall to the North. This camp is fun to live in because of the business, but dangerous because of everything else.
       5. The Jikundi Truun camp - Has been previously mentioned
   B - Outside of Anders - Is nothing but a gigantic hellish forest. Of course in every direction, there are towns, but it is a deathwish to leave the walls of Anders without a small army.
   C - Time the years are no longer being recorded. The Order of the Sages have declared that survival is more crucial than history. They believe, that without the chain of morals, and family on a man's belt. He is more likely to protect his loved ones, and keep the human race trucking forward
   D - Where are we on the planet? - The dialoects suggest America. But the climate change over the last few hundred years have made All of America a much colder place.
The Context

The eighth winter is a world contained inside of the possible future. It's a dark occult game with epic size and almost no limits at all. Long ago, people were afraid to walk into the woods, night or day, it didn't matter. There were story-monsters that kept residents in their homes; Vampires, lycan, demonbred, evil men, hell hounds, etc. The world that I am offering to you, lovely elliquiy gamers, reignites that fear by taking the human population of the planet into an endangered quantity. The demons are taking over the planet, and a global struggle between humans and the forces of darkness has been raging for centuries. The center of our game will be in the hotbed villages of 'Anders' (a fictional town). All of the guilds and players of this unholy war are present in the small town, and depending on the interest, this game can feature as much as 6-15 different writers (rp-ers)

Anders' surrounding area

The Town of Anders

The Gate Camp

1- The Gate
2- Main Street
3- Sage House 205 (The Dead Arrow)
4- Anders' Guard Barracks 1
5- Anders' Guard Barracks 2
6- Rings' Boarding house (cheap bed)
7- General Mechanic (electronic repairs / prototypes)
8- General store (daily needs, some food)
9- Green Grocer (store fore several farms and gardens in area)
10- Anders' Guard Jailhouse (evil people are kept here, no demons)
11- The Wharf ('restaurants' - 'gift shops' - some general needs - otherwise useless merchant wares)
12- The River ferry 1
13- The River ferry 2
14- Anders' Guard Barracks 3
15- Center City Grocery (everything the heart desires, massive crowds)
16- Men and Women's clothing (designed with style in mind, many other places in town to buy leathers)
17- Carpentry and Upholstery
18- Deviating Mechanic (all prototype, typically large items. Has constructed one automobile)
19- Cawl Fornis' Hotel (gigantic building, upscale rooms, expensive)
20- Anders' Guard Prison (dangerous men are kept here and some demons)

The Tower Camp

1- The Fallen Tower (ground zero. A mysterious force has destroyed this Tower)
2- Anna Bell Coriander's home
3- The Farms (functions as a free green grocer)
4- Anders' Guard Barracks 4
5- Sage House 409
6- Ander's Guard Armory

The Wall Camp

1- Childrens' homes (anyone under the age of fifteen is encouraged to stay in this proximity
2- Anders' Guard watch tower 1
3- Anders' Guard watch tower 2
4- General Market 1 (mostly what one would need, much shortage in this camp though)
5- Anders' Guard Barracks 6
6- General Market 2 ( same description as the other G. Market)
7- The Wall

The Street Camp

1- The Wares (clothing, accessorie, entertainment, and toys can be purchased here)
2- The Stores (food, and most general needs can be purchased here)
3- The Tavern (the only real tavern in the street camp, this gets a lot of business)
4- The Brothel (works with the tavern. The smallest in Anders, but the only one worth coming to)
5- The Northern Hole (the demon jail. High security. actually serves as a ward to other demons from the NE)

The Jikundi Truun camp

- 1 (coordinates I-6) Original ritual ground for Infusion. The birthplace of the clan
- 2 (coordinates G-7) Reni Jikundi's private home
- 3 (coordinates L-8) The Truun Mansion
- 4 (coordinates E-8) barracks for Sentry's, Scholars
- 5 (coordinates E-6) personal cabins for knights and masters
- 6 (coordinates D-6 / D-7) Two courtyards for group training
- 7 (coordinates D-5) open commons area with small pond
- 8 (coordinates E-5) kitchen and cafeteria
- 9 (coordinates F-5) Garden (mostly edible plants)
- 10 (coordinates F-8) Garden (mostly flowers)
- 11 (coordinates L-6) The current Truun tent city

Magic and Angelic behavior
The Sages have concluded that Angels are just great men and women of the past. God has never constructed a warrior to protect his creations. Therefor, Angel's are not contained in the kingdom of heaven to save the human race, they are there in order to inspire our greatness. Magic exists in every possible form it can be imagined. The secrets of the craft were released by the Sages, but not all of it. Some covens have withheld information in order to protect themselves, out in the world, assuming the Order's position as protectors to their own people.

fuck Anne Rice, fuck Joss Whedon (loosely based on his though), fuck stephanie meyer, and Bram Stoker. The vampires of this world are vile creatures. They can slide through the ranks of men undiscovered, but their demonic souls are bitter and without an ounce of mercy. A vampire does not age, it is a solid being in the middle of an ever changing natural environment. This stillness is said to cause an instant psychosis trigger. The moment a man wakes up from death as a vampire, his loved ones can watch the humanity drain out of his eyes, so the stories go. The Sages and Slayers claim that the human body is like a shell. The living soul leaves the corpse, and a demon spark is left inside, over the next 70 hours or so the demon gestates, and then violently rises to slaughter every living creature he finds until death finds him, rightly.

Killing the vampire is not an easy task. They are fast, strong, hypnotic, and attractive. It is likely that once one realizes that he is in the presence of a vampire, he is likely unable to escape. fortunately, the Sages have educated the population, and people know to stay near the fire at night, or inside. Since the vampire is a walking corpse, it is not visible in the mirror, and it is not allowed within a private residence without an invitation. Like an obedient child, vampires cannot effect the another man's world until it is acknowledged by him directly.

The sun does not light them on fire, it melts them, skipping the flame routine, and going straight to evaporation. A decapitation will finish the demon. A cherished and blessed wooden stake in the heart is enough to do the trick, anything other than wood will not do, and if the stake is picked up without ritual, the vampire can shake off the wound like a bad hair cut. Concluding, any holy symbol can function as a deterrent. For, the faith in God that the holder of the symbol possesses spite's the creature, any trinket, object, or liquid can represent the almighty, and if exposed for long enough, the creatures will disintegrate into nothing (i.e. a holy water bathe, or prolonged presence within a church).

III. Types of Villains
   A - Vampires - They are really fucking evil. No glowstick hearthrobs and sexy chicas here, mostly just mass murderous types trapped in a human body
      1. Vampires age, but like demons, they look scarier and scarier every few thousand years
      2. They are killed in most traditional ways
      3. They all love drinking blood
      4. Do not try to appeal to their better nature, it doesn't exist.
   B - everything that might go bump in the night
      1. It's all in the woods, and it's all coming towards Anders (at some point)
the Antagonists

The vampires

The Parasi-nosfero, commonly known as a vampire is a very specific breed of demon that wanders through hell without corporeal form. The Parasi-nosfero is a mischievous and truly demented species of demon. As legend has it (The Sages legends, which are pretty fucking legit) this 'vampyre' is eternal in the underworld as well. there, they live in the trillions, shapelessly conforming other's thoughts and perceptions. It seems that this creature was inspired to mentally torture damned creatures and demons alike. The loud hisses, whispers, and chuckling flares in the belly of hell are these creatures in dance, collectively creating the winds of evil. When these malicious spirits obtain a body, this purpose is inflicted upon something that has already been formed. Corrupting them absolutely.

The vampire is only a half bred demon. The text books say that all the pure breeds were killed off millenniums ago. Now, a vampire can only birth half breeds in the form of a human or animal. (yes, there are vampire bears). The process of turning is a simple one. The targeted creature is put into a weakened state, by blunt force trauma, or blood loss, even suffocation can work. Then the Vampire feeds h/er blood to the defenseless being and lets them die. the body rots for an estimated 35 hours, at that point the spirit of a demon infests the body and roams the earth like a gerbil inside of a wheel.

Vampires do not age, but they can alter their body in any way, scars last (eventually fade, but as long as a human scar lasts). They can change and style their hair, and their anatomical body parts work (they can fuck.) Further, a vampires body is only cold when it hasn't fed in a long time. The demon abstracts the body to circulate blood from the stomach rather than the heart, in fact infusing the two organs into one super organ. However, these demons cannot re-produce sexually. Their dead bodies cannot sustain life or seed.

In a fight, these demons use their human body with scary precision, speed, power, and grace. They cannot turn into bats and/or fog (unless they were also a wizard/witch). They cannot teleport or move faster than the eye can see. But, they are incredibly fast, known to outrun horses.

known ways to kill: Holy influence (blessed stake to the heart, a cross in hand, holy water, even a priest with the right prayer), removal of head, fire, sunlight, and starvation (lack of blood, approximately nine weeks)
warning: One must always carry a stake to truly protect themselves from the vampire threat. They outnumber humans, and they've been recruiting selectively for hundreds of years

10- Every body knows about the Vampire. Only half of the population knows the official term, and they are still very likely to just call them vampires.

As these creatures spend more time in their host body, they begin to look more and more like their true image, the following spoiler can give you an idea of what we're talking about. Each transformation is unique, but the severity of it should be distinguishable below.
Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide

Vampire 20 - 1000 years of age

Vampire 2000-6000 years of age

Vampire 5000+ years of age
The vampires with profiles

Name: Alikama (last name has been lost, even to her)

Race: Vampire

Visual Age: 24

Actual Age: 832

Appearance: Alikama has always been a very beautiful being. Her straight black hair, belying her East Indian roots, reaches straight to her lower back, full and lustrous. Standing at five feet seven inches tall in stocking feet, she wouldn't stand out height-wise against others, but the way in which she carries her curvacious frame would bring plenty of attention. Her eyes almost glow a sharp hazel, like a cat's, and her face holds perfectly symmetrical angles. After years of life as an other-worldly being, she's developed a predatory look to her, her facial features growing sharper.
Over her legs, hips, even up to her back, she is covered in odd tattoos. Most wouldn't know what any of them mean, but they are all incredibly intricate.

Affiliation: Demon

Personality: Alikama is very firm in what she wants. She prefers not to dirty herself with fighting when she can gain food, or belongings through a show of her body to enthrall, or even going so far as to get someone into bed. It is rare for her to show emotions when with anyone but Omen, but she does have them. They just aren't always good. It's never bad when she shows anger, but if she smiles or acts overly sweet towards anyone, again other than Omen, there is reason to fear.

Back story: Born well before AW, Alikama was everything a parent would warn their children against. She was the middle child, and constantly dismissed. She chose to make herself known the best way possible. She started smoking very early, ignored her studies and could be found at the grimiest, most disgusting pubs in her town. Her parents, fairly wealthy, from old money, never wanted to admit that such a child was theirs.

When Alikama was only sixteen, she ran away, taking a good portion of her family's safe. With all the money, she was able to easily slip into France and make her way fairly un-noticed Spain.

Once in Spain, the young woman was able to make a clean start doing something she loved, having sex with men, this time for money. She had found an amazing brothel, one that lent a lot to the illusion that it was a glamorous lifestyle. For her, it was.

One day, man by the name of Barsello showed up, after she'd been at the brothel a number of years. He was taken by her beauty almost instantly. After he'd come back more than twice, Alikama knew that she had him, he would do almost anything for her. This was proven when he came back after being gone a while and killed her.

She woke up a different being, taken over by the vampire blood that had been given to her. She was something powerful right from the start. She and Barsello took care of everyone in the brothel, enjoying a feast that they would talk about for days. Her pimps and the other working girls gave Alikama the strength that she needed to make something amazing out of herself. The relationship with Barsello only lasted long enough for them to get to a small Eastern European town before she'd had enough of him. She quickly disposed of him in the best way she could think of at the time. She tied him to the four posters of a bed and opened the window. That had freed her to be who she'd been born to be.

The next few years were slow, her getting by as she could. While posing as a nun in the Americas, she met the person she was meant to be with forever. The only problem was that he was a human. But that was easily changed. One night, she took the final leap and turned him into something like her.

They traveled far and long, picking up others as they went, but always looking for their next opportunity.

Name: Omen
Race: Vampire
Visual Age: Twenty Eight
Actual Age: Eight hundred, and Twenty Five

Omen's dress is admittedly not as modern as this picture is here, but the style that this man is wearing it in does fit the character. The eyes, shadowed here are bright shades of swollen yellow. Sometimes, the color will blend into a soft brown, and other times, his iris and pupil disappear, turning into a milky mystical white. Not shown in the picture, Omen is starting to grow a crown of horns. Two of them on the back of his 'crown' are the largest, and the only ones that are big enough to poke out of his hair.He is not overtly muscular, but he is flexible, and strong. Standing at almost six foot, three inches; there is a regal urge in his movements.

Affiliation : Demon

Personality: Omen was once the type of man to lend a hand where it was needed. He stayed quiet a lot, not shy or reserved. Rather, Omen was a very good listener. Now, after centuries of life surrounded by death and vice, pride and enjoyment; Omen's personality has only magnified itself. He is contemplative and patient. He meditates constantly and watches the moon for hours. He has a library the size of Alexandria's stored in his mind. Enjoyment comes sparingly, as only action has ever truly existed for Omen. He does not stop to smell the flowers, he only wishes to make them smell stronger.

Back story: Before he was found by Alikama, Omen worked on farms and storefronts to make money. He attended university for years before wandering the countryside. Studying language and history, he became exhausted of his studies, and he was anxious to live a life with more meaning. The young man was a jack of all trades where ever he found establishments worth his time and effort. He was a simple soul that could rest for hours with a book and one cigarette. So, he never cared too much for his social life. He was special from a young age, an almost eerie attribute had afflicted him. He was a good luck charm. His given name was Owen. However, even his parents called him Omen, confident that his presence could change some one's life. This affect was difficult to explain. It was his charisma, his genius, his willingness to explore and assist, his bravery, perhaps a complete lack of selfish aspirations, an empty hand. Omen was a wonderful man.

His much more inclusive, and exceptionally older alter ego, the vampire that's roamed the Earth for eight centuries, this monster is a manipulative master. Beware the Omen, for it strikes only one time.

Name: Havannah
Race: Vampire
Visual Age: Twenty-one
Actual Age: Seven Hundred, and thirteen

Havannah has no freckles, and several tattoos, like Alikama's. Her ink covers her back, midriff, and buttocks. Otherwise, these pictures are very informative.

Affiliation: demon

Personality: This demon is unpredictable and spends her time indulging in life and death's little gifts. She is a sexual deviant, and a demented creature with the habit of dissecting her victims while she eats. Brooding, dark and solemn when in the presence of strange demons, and her peers. Havannah is a glorified slave. She enjoys the treatment, and in turn, she's never forced to beg, or plead for anything.

Back story
: Her sire was a vampire named Silo. He wanted her for a fuck toy. Dying not three weeks after her transformation, Havannah's fresh form was abused by Silo over this time period, but afterwards the little rogue was taking in by a traveling group of middle aged vampires. The youngest was Omen, at around 140. The eldest was a vampire named Kennis, he was nearly 250. She was recruited in the early years of The Age Without, and her entire life after death has been one of spoil and excess. Omen thinks of her like an adopted daughter, and treats her like an house servant. Even though Omen is a demon, and Havannah is a gorgeous, and (visually) fragile creature. He has yet to fuck her, or beat her like his mistress.

He calls her 'The Princess.'

Other demons

At the end of every demon species is a description of it's familiarity. A demon with a SCORE of 1 is likely to ONLY be known by Sages and maybe Slayers with a passion for reading. A demon with a SCORE of 10 is likely known by every single person in Anders

A Dacrivl Ulraghe: This breed is tall, lenky and undesirably flexible. The only bones that it has outline the opening of it's digestive tract: Starting with it's teeth, and the jaw. this demon also has a bone attached to the top of it's tongue, this demon has a bone that forms a tube around it's esaphagus, and a bone that holds the stomach like a large bowl. The rest of it's skeleton is made of a plastic like substance that allows it to bend and fold in ways that are otherwise impossible. Aside from those hideous attributes, this demon is known for being exceptionally smart, and creative. It lacks the torturing spirit that other demons fancy. The Dacrivl will kill it's prey as quickly as possible, and eat it as quickly as possible. Fully able to digest any organic matter, this demon's favorite part of the meal is the bone.

These creatures are borderline shape-shifters. A testimony from experienced slayer: 'I killed four Dacrivl demons on a patrol in the northern stretches of the Street camp. They must have slid their way through the thick forest there. Two of them were walking very lazily on all fours, their heads were twisted and bowing in every direction. One seemed to move across the ground like a snake, I never really understood how it was doing that. The last Dacrivl crashed itself forward on it's knees, holding it's feet up and backwards, leaning forward with his elbows and literally resting it's head. It stepped quickly to keep up pace with the others. For a moment, I was in awe, it was actually kind of beautiful. I had to fight aggressively. If they would have surrounded me, i wouldn't have survived the fight. My first assault was a 330 foot charge, i knew what i was fighting, i could tell from a distance. I don't think they knew where they were. They weren't expecting me. After I killed them, I noticed that the last Dacrivl had no mark on it's knees at all, the impact was fierce when it was "walking", or "running" I suppose. I didn't understand at first, from a distance, it's movement made me nauseous. These demons were incredibly... heavy. I conclude now that without a bone to lacerate the skin, nothing is ever damaged. In other words they can't be bruised.'

Known ways to kill: removal of head, completely rupture the stomach, a lot of fire.
warnings: run. Do not hide. Fight if you must, it lacks the strength of other demons

4 - The Dacrivl is rare to the area and survivors often aren't aware of what was following them.

The Fenadar Arachnis

First, there are some differences between the picture above and my imagination of the demon. It's legs are shaped differently, wider at the top and less bulbous on the bottom. the demon has four arms, however they are facing the opposite direction. these arms come out of the back. Two of these arms would attach above the space in-between the legs (on the back). This demon can walk as it is pictured, but the neck can twist around and it can stand up on it's haunches, so that the demon has two ways of movement, one with it's hands behind it's back, one with it's legs behind it's back. It's penis is in the center of it's four arms, on it's (back). Further, and these are the flavor things that really make the entire picture void, but meh, might as well have some kind of visual reference: This demon doesn't have sharp edges, it doesn't look like formed rocks, it looks like a fat, misshapen, bulbous stone. Bloated, vile smelling, putrid, and literally oozing.

Now, on to the good stuff:

It's skin is stronger than metal. However, it is incredibly slow, especially to a martial artist or any slayer. Most of the demons of this breed are almost one thousand pounds, and nearly eight feet tall on all four legs, over ten when it's on two. If you can make the creature bleed, the opened wound secretes a dark red puss that burns humans, like acid. It's own kind are obviously immune to this burning. Also with humans, the ejaculate that this demon's penis produces, it's semen, it burns, but in a different way. It doesn't hurt as badly, and it doesn't make any wounds. the semen infects organic material with demonic fibers. anything infected by the semen still operates as it should. there is no degradation. The victims blood will stay red, but anything else directly contacted by the demons seed turns black: bones, organs, eyes, hair, fingernails. Like an acid, the semen melts through the skin and continues to infect as it soaks into the body. If one were to drink the liquid, they would be able to watch it flow down their body, depending on what direction they were sitting/ standing/ laying. If the body is fully saturated, it will leak out of the other side. Eventually the human body diminishes the infection, and returns to normal (four years or so). Now, the whole process is designed to make the body edible. It can eat regular human body parts, but cumming all over it is kind of like putting salt on the egg salad sandwhich, (and delicious demony enzymes)

The habits of this demon are incredibly disturbing, and in many cases, they are more feared than vampires. They live in packs of three-seven, but they never hunt in groups. They gorge themselves once a month for about two days. The food is not digested, but gestated and laid inside of eggs. By eating, this demon rapes and rapes and rapes and rapes it's food, right before and sometimes during the feed. These creatures are known for having large phallus' stronger than steel, so many are known to accidentally kill their victims while raping them. So, it has a penis, it lays eggs. Yes, this is an A-sexual creature. It needs no mate to reproduce. However it usually kills its young for fear of competition. These demons are smart, and they know how to use their size to their advantage. They also appreciate what bindings can do to a victim, and they enjoy 'eating' in privacy.

known ways to kill: a lot of fire, a blunt weapon used tenaciously (the skin cracks), powerful magics, decapitation (if possible)
warnings: hopefully your traveling in a group, escape is not difficult if you are with others, killing the demon is a task to retell for years.

7-Easy to outrun, they are seen in the area often, and there are a few of them living in the woods between the street camp and tower camp

Lonk Devik

A large breed known for slow movement and charging. The exhibit here has been caged, starved, tortured, and mistreated. They are usually much larger, bloated, muscular, and almost as wide as they are tall (usually nine to ten feet). Besides their charging tactics, and low level of intelligence, not much is known about them. It is likely because they don't think of much else.

2- These creatures do not go out very often, and there are not many of them in the Anders area.

Merica Nymis - Vorin breed


Slow, stationary, humongous, and deadly accurate. The Nymis are capable of a powerful projectile, it doesn't burn, or scold, it's not cold, or paralyzing. It travels fast enough to break bone, and the material that the Nymis spits out is impossibly dense. They don't age, change, and reproduce without a mate or purpose. Like turrets. Fire would likely harm them, but blades do good work. Their skeleton is strong, but it's not indestructible

2- they have never been on this plane before. A Sage would know

Obvio Prekkure - Vorin breed

smaller than their Vorian counterpart, the Nymis. A Prekkure is faster, much more aggresive, and viciously hungry. They are simple footsoldiers with very little capacity for free-will. They do what they are told well, though, and they are capable of understanding complex thought, just not creating it. Killing them is a simple idea, chop off their tongues, each Prekkure contains it's heart on the hanging tongue that protrudes from it's mouth. this allows it to digest it's food incredibly fast. However, getting through the shield like arms that double as death claws is undeniably challenging. In order to kill one, the attacker must be one of two things, if not both: Being faster than the Prekkure. Being stronger than the Prekkure. It cannot be outwitted, and will likely never fall for ambushes or distractions. It is horrifically resistant to all elemental attacks. An arrow does the trick pretty well if it's aimed well.

2- It comes from another realm. a Sage would know.

Noxi Dei - Vorin Breed

Naturally, these demons work well at night. They are virtually invisible and difficult to defend against. They are corporeal, and they can be sliced in half. Their claws are razor sharp, and they can wield any weapon that they wish to hold. They must walk, but most have the natural talent of levitation. a sustainable float that gives them the advantage of air, as long as they can stay focused. They are intelligent and much like men, their anatomy is functional, and it is rumored that they can create child with human. There are males and females. Surely, these people are purely evil...right?

4- The rumor of their mating habits have spread as urban legend for centuries. But they are known as Negatives, not Noxi Deis. A Sage, of course, would know.

Chimica Feuaul - Vorin Breed


Elastic, and full of variety. the Feuaul knows no exact shape. It usually has a head and four limbs, but that is subject to change at any time, and most of it's shape-shifting ability is fully functional. If it wants to fly, it can fly. If it needs gills to breathe, it can make them. Naturally, it does take some time to focus on the shift, but among the most versatile creatures in the entire known universe, it is a shame that their nature is so hostile and violent. Wishing to appear as anything, the Feuaul almost always chooses to look beautiful and full of life. It is a distraction, and a device used to soften enemies. They are bright, hot in sight, and hard to ignore.

Unlike the equestrienne picture on the far left here, they are not known for producing flames or wearing any form of clothing Certainly clothing would only bust off or slip away. Beyond doubt, they are capable of wearing clothes and starting a fire. It is just not known widely practiced by Feuaul.

2- Not of this world - a Sage might have trouble identifying it, that is until it shape-shifts

Adding a bit here as a conclusion for those of you who are just finding this young game (3-9-2012). This RP will be gory. There is a little bit of mythology to swallow (my story), but once the large scope is looked through, the depth of this game reveals itself. This is a world where our Earth (at some point in the future) has been completely overrun with demons. The most common enemy is the vampire, and they are a viscous breed with no reason to show mercy. The only reason a vampire would stop eating you is to rape you. Now, most of the evil in this world is not sophisticated and the human race is so diminished that our communications network is down (and doesn't exist as a concept to most living humans). There are probably less then ten running automobiles on the planet. The world is hell. However, we are not dead yet. It is the 8th Winter since the Ji-Tru have saved us, and we will survive the long nights again.

This Role-play is an occult game with some fantasy elements, and as stated in the title, it is of epic proportions.I'll be your DM...however I'm not prepared to run a dice system... it would be nice to have one, see, this game revolves around fighting. This post is fucking gigantic, so i hope it grabs your interest.

Additional Conceptual Photos

The following photo's are here to inspire. I thought that if i showed the people of this world, it would help any one interested in the game imagine their own characters and all that good stuff. It is likely that some of my characters will be in the section below.

A witch from the Truun camp

Another witch

A bad ass image, i think it's relevant

A great photo, stylized just like the game

A recon slayer

rogue hunter

A vampire, appearing rather shy

-infinite positions open-
Apologies and Absences



I have a lot of interest in this game. I'm always excited for games whose authors have put so much time and effort into the back story. I'm debating between a Truun witch, Sage, or a Slayer. Has anyone else expressed any interest in this? It seems like a game that would have garnered much more attention.


I've scouted two players, one of them was a bit skeptical and the other already had a character in mind. I've been pretty sloppy with the presentation, so i think that's why it's received such a slow start, but i've got high hopes for it. I'm going to add a blank character sheet so we can all get started.

Apologies and Absences



That'd be great. I'll try to narrow down which character suits me best.


Name: Reni Jikundi (Ren-I JI-Koon-DI)
Race: Human
Visual Age : 60
Actual Age: 87

In all honesty, Reni is a little less asian than the man in this picture, and maybe five years younger in the face. He's a martial arts master, they all look the same anyway. (I was pumped about the yellow gi, honestly)
Affiliation: The original leader of The Jikundi

Personality: His personality seems to morph, depending on the student he is dealing with. See, everyone is a student in Master Reni's mind, even if he wanders out of his own camp. With the gravity on par with a vampire, Jikundi attracts the world toward him in every place he may go. He lets himself go every few nights with other aged peoples in the towns, drinking wine and having conversation to lighten the stress on his shoulders. He is a fair master, unwilling to snap and torture his students. Rather, Reni takes them by the hand and guides them toward their goals. Sometimes landing them square on their ass is an important part of that process. There is always a warmth in his heart, and in the deep sockets of his eyes.

Back story: As stated in the game's introduction, Jikundi was a slayer before he started his own gym. He was raised far away from Anders, and fought his way west across the great wooded continent. He became a monk, and ran away from the sages in his mid thirties. After two years of his abandonment, they figured him to be dead. 'Just another male slayer, off to "change the world" again.' His goal was to better himself, he took the Sages lessons to heart. 'Our ancestors are depending on our determination, not our accomplishments.' He wanted to know every form of battle there was to know. He looked for ancient texts, and hidden masters. He has traveled the whole world, at least it feels that way to him. Once he discovered the forgotten art of tai chi chuan, his entire life changed. He incorporated the flowing movements into every one of his former styles and finalized his theory into four separate kinds of warfare. Sukodi Jikundi, Alunka Jikundi, Joriad Jikundi, and Depti Jikundi. He was sure that every technique in the world could be put into those four categories, and he has yet to proven wrong.

He was in the northwestern woods of Anders for five years while he mastered himself, the same place he teaches his students now. However, that was over three decades ago. So in the end his back story is a simple one: Reni Jikundi is the most experienced martial artist in the known world. And eight years ago, the Sages finally begin to take notice. His is one of the only male slayer legends worth telling.
Apologies and Absences



What are your feelings on players having multiple characters? I'm currently leaning more toward a Sage at the moment but, after playing awhile, I may want to bring in a Slayer...


I fully support multiple characters. As I said in the Original post, I'll likely play up to ten different people
Apologies and Absences




Name: Caridal (kahr-eh-doll)
Race: human
Age: unknown to her (orphaned), likely 16-20

Caridal does wear clothes, so imagine her with some form of earthen colored gown here, or at least a sash that wraps around her ribs and chest. The wolf that she's cuddling with is her familiar, and it looks exactly like that.

: none at story start (hint hint, she'll probably be a Truun witch)

: "Cari" (Kahr-EE) is an exceptionally naive soul. She does not fully understand how dangerous the world around her is. Her maturity level is high, it must be in such a world. She likes to talk, and her wits are sharp but unwilling to speak out of turn, and embarrassed by ignorance, she typically stays quiet in most circles. She doesn't like to use her powers (magic), for she feels like a sinister person while performing the spells that she's learned. (Cari does not know what the word sinister means though, so it's really more of a 'gooey, gross feeling'). sexually sheltered, Cari is in for a world of surprises, for her form is angelic. She's been assaulted by multiple men, and assisted by them as well. It's mysterious to her, and none of them have been willing to deal with her ignorance enough to actually sleep with her. A few have attempted to rape her, but her magics are too powerful. Other women intimidate her, and she favors the company of animals more than anything.

Back story: Caridal lived without a name for the first few years of her life. she lived secretly inside of the house of a Sage, for the man responsible for her was empathetic towards her orphan-hood. No one else in Anders was willing to accept another hungry mouth. She was found as a child, perhaps six years old, perhaps ten. When asked, Caridal remembered four snowy seasons in her past, but she has known her whole life that her age will never be defined. The Sage (leaving name out for creative resolve with other possible characters) that took care of her taught her enough magics to defend herself, and then died seven winters ago. Caridal has lived in the Wall camp for that whole time, and mended her own things. No one else has decided to care for her, she rarely eats a healthy portion, and her only real friend is her wolf: "Lee". With the familiar canine by her side, any ditch or street corner can become a bed.

LEE- The Wolf

Lee found Cari only weeks before her protector Sage died to the hands of a demon. She only escaped because of Lee's concern, and she only lives now because of his loyalty. He usually eats better than she does, his nose is trained and he's not as picky. the two of them have been known to share a meal that he found.

She does not know his age. But he has always felt like an elder to her, a wise-man on the path by her side.
Apologies and Absences



I think this is a great story with a lot of potential and would like to officially express my interest in this. I will work and hopefully get a character sheet up i the morning as I'm preparing to go off to work at the moment.

Thank you, Naria, for bringing this to my attention.


I had a thought... Maybe it's possibly the name of the thread that is the reason it isn't garnering as much attention? I have to admit, when I first saw this thread, I thought it was yet another porno type story line until I realized the author's name was Photo. Just a theory. :)

Oh! And I've decided upon Sage for now. I'm still trying to find the perfect picture so I'll get a profile up as soon as possible.

And found a pic... She isn't really what I'd call sexy but this story strikes me as something deeper than that. I'll get her profile up soonish.

Could you do me a favor, Photo, and expound a bit upon the Sages? You can PM me the info if it's something you want to keep private for RP sake... :)


Okay my idea is a former slayer now a student of the Jikundi, or a slayer that has had Jikundi training. Kind of a rogue ninja slayer. He is very deadly and a master of stealth and misdirection with the enhanced strength and speed typical of slayers.

The Image I wish to use for him


Best idea(s) ever for a siggy! Can't wait for this thread to get started!



Am I bored? Yes. But I have 2 whole days without the fiance's kiddos so I am taking total advantage!



Thankies, thankies! I'm thinkin I'm gonna use the first one. Gotta wait for the opening thread to link it, though. I'm gonna hafta replace one of the pic already existing in my siggy, though, as you can only have 5 pics per sig. Gotta think on that...


So which one are you going to replace with it? If you're asking for votes, do need to tell you which one I would like to see removed?


Quote from: Elf on February 13, 2012, 12:42:53 AM
So which one are you going to replace with it? If you're asking for votes, do need to tell you which one I would like to see removed?

*narrows eyes* Pretty sure I know which one you'd like to see removed... Haha!


Don't give me that look. I think I have a right to want to see that one go away. It's not like I'm telling you that you have to choose that one, I'm just offering my opinion.


Oh man, this game looks amazing, but I think I'm full up on games, and wouldn't be able to give it the time it deserves.

Will you be accepting late comers once the game starts? I may join in the future, if/when some of my other games finish.
A&A's and O&O's *Status: Here and there | Games: Aiming for punctuality*
"In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends."
"In the ocean of knowledge, only those who want to learn will see the land."
"Before you roar, please take a deep breath."
Check out my poet tree!


This will be my sage once I find out more info and write the bio:


I'm very excited to see the attention, sorry it's been so long. I haven't been on lately because i have limited access to the internet. I'll be buying my own laptop soon and all of that is likely to change. I'll be on daily as soon as my check comes in. I really like tax return season.

Great picture Narianna

to answer a few quick questions:

The epic Photo title- I absolutely agree, the title is very deceiving, but I'm starting to think that won't matter after a while. Is there a way to change the title of a thread?

Elf's picture, your wording implied the need of my approval - Totally, I smiled when i read the idea for the character, and I smiled when i saw the picture, we'll talk about why he left the slayer's and joined the Jikundi Clan soon

The SIG choices - !!! you made my day. It was cool to see something so official. :P I like the 2nd option the most, the zombie-like-blandness of the man (demon?) in the photo capture's the lack of humanity and spirit that (our) villains will all possess

Hanged Man's possible late entry- Yes, we will always be accepting late entries, I have about 215 winters planned out. That is not an exaggeration.

The following spoiler contains a good deal of information, so anyone who's interested in the game should probably read it

The history of the Sages:
Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide

I PMed the actual history to Narianna however i figured i would elaborate anyway to enlighten the group

the Order of the Sages have been the self-declared leaders since the complete collapse of society, which occurred over 200 years ago. There are a very small number of remaining legends that are still circulating through the wall's of Anders. However, the short life span of the population and the extremely limited information provided for children put all of the stories to question. Of course, it is likely that one of them has to be correct.

The most popular story is about caged monsters that escaped their holds and ravaged the entire planet. For the people responsible for these evil beings had nothing to do with the Sages, they were likely the leaders of the prior age. It was obvious that these kings did not support The Order of the Sages, because if these monsters were in captivity at any time, then The Order would have surely demanded their execution. the Sages then, in this story, are ancient wisdom seekers that fought the demons and badmen in the cast shadows of the empires. The Sages trained their Slayer's in secret, and waited for opportunities to present themselves before ever deciding to act.

Another story is as such: The Order has always ruled the world, and this war with the demons is as old as the hills. Believers of this claim that ruins are only there due to failed defensive battles, that the demon's are slowly winning the war. For, the old cities in the wake of the demon onslaught are enormous and blatantly extravagant. Now people live in caves and decaying wooden houses. Now, the great machines of the past have been lost to time, and modern humans use sticks and knifes to protect themselves from evil. The greater people have magics, and intelligible gadgets to improve their odds of success. The world is a grim place in this belief. Demon's are likely men with great power, and they will rule the world one day for their own good. It appears that that day is coming. Slayer's are not powerful enough, they never have been.

Another: The Order of The Sages created the demons, and are now brainwashing the public to believe an excessive amount of lies.

Naturally, any story that you can think up is comparable to these three examples, but these three view points do suggest a pattern for the following

The different views held by the people of Anders when considering The Order Of The Sages: the supporters, the opposition, and the nomads. Supporters typically display their beliefs and often wear patches that signify a representation to their closest Order. (example: A sword that has a tree as a hilt with the number 283 embroidered into the emblem. The image of the tree/sword as an identifier and the number physical representation of the associated house. Supporter's are known to fight with the Sages and the Slayers as militia men against the demons in the forest(s). The Opposition are quiet and blend in with the crowds as a rule. They are rarely known to start civil wars with the Sages, but bar-fights are a regular occurrence. A person associated with the opposition could be pure of heart or truly evil. The nomands are an extreme, they have burnt bridges with The Order, and claim that true peace and victory will never be reached by such archaic visionary's. Nomads do cause conflict with the Sages, and typically harbor great sources of power in order to survive. There is a rumor of a great wiccan village in the woods south of Anders. Beyond the 'great ancient city' to the west and into the sea, there is an island ruled by The Order of the Sages. the island is heavily fortified by leftover infrastructure from the past age, and seven different houses of The Order of The Sages work together to keep the population safe (14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 110, 115, and 143). Many years ago, a small group of nomads left this defensive position and trekked into the woods. Everyone figured them for dead, but their rumor lives on. They were known to travel southeast through the rolling hills of the Anders forest. (The Anders Forest stretches for miles in every direction.)

As a note, the Anders settlement (the five camps within the walls of the city that our story takes place in) has two houses of The Order of The Sages, house 205, and house 409. One of them is located in the gate camp, and the other is located in the tower camp
Apologies and Absences



Sidenote: We will eventually need a map. Two maps actually.

One of Anders

and one of the surrounding area.

I have them on paper, but that won't do us any good. If we all want to get really extreme there should also be a map for The Jikundi Truun camp, all five camps within the walls of Anders and maybe even a couple exploration maps from the surrounding woods. The main reason i bring this up is because i don't want to force you all to settle with maps made in a paint program. So if anyone is willing to do cartographer work with me, i can give you the 'paint' version and you can make it pretty. If worse comes to worse... we'll use my shitty versions.
Apologies and Absences



I am very, very interested.  I think I'll play a witch/wiccan or a slayer.  I just wanted to ask what are the powers of a wiccan or warlock in this story? Are they able to bless weapons that can be used to kill vampires?
my  o&o and a&a
Current Status: Back on E, but still busy.
Sworn to the Oath of the Drake.


Quote from: Photo on February 17, 2012, 03:06:32 AM
The epic Photo title- I absolutely agree, the title is very deceiving, but I'm starting to think that won't matter after a while. Is there a way to change the title of a thread?

Elf's picture, your wording implied the need of my approval - Totally, I smiled when i read the idea for the character, and I smiled when i saw the picture, we'll talk about why he left the slayer's and joined the Jikundi Clan soon

To change the title simply go to your first post and modify it you can change whatever is in the subject box just like the main body.

I'm very glad you like my idea and pic. I was waiting for your approval of the idea before completing the CS. I look forward to working out the details.


Carnivorous bunny. Witches and Wiccans have any magical power that you can imagine. The schools of magic sustained themselves better than any military did as the world collapsed, so I'm sure that any powers you come up with will be perfectly acceptable, just don't make them too powerful.

As far as weapon blessing. The only weapon that needs to be blessed are wooden stakes, a Sage would know how to perform the blessing, as well as Slayers, some practicing priests would also do a wonderful job, and I'm sure any practiced witch would know the ritual. the main reason i have that little stipulation in the vampire killing rules is pretty simple, I want fighters to roll into battle with exactly what they need on them. Call me crazy, but the vampire that gets killed by the leg of a broken chair is lame. A slayer will walk into fights with exactly as many stakes as they feel that they need, and if those stakes are not enough, they will probably die.
Apologies and Absences



this is for anyone creating a character that is actively working inside of the Jikundi Clan:

Answer these questions.

Which form of Jikundi are they learning? (Sukodi, Alunka, Joriad, or Depti)

How long have they been studying? (an average student can master one of the previous styles in about three years)

Have they spent their time with extra-curricular's at the gym? (Ritual magic, black arts, physics)
Apologies and Absences



My profile submitted for approval:

Name: Panthea Salvai
Race: Human
Actual Age: 20
Appearance: She's not really a modest or lavish girl. She appreciates simple things and doesn't really understand the need for clothing in general. She'd probably never wear jewelry. Any picture posted with her wearing jewelry, ignore the jewelry as if it's not there. She prefers just simple cloths draped about herself, or a simple dress. She feels it brings her closer to nature and the raw energy she thinks is connected to her powers.

Affiliation: Sage

Personality: Panthea is quiet, soft spoken, and ever serious. Not many people can ever say they’ve heard her laugh. She is thoughtful and wise beyond her years, and can many times be found staring off into deep contemplation.

Back story:

Panthea’s parents were both of a high rank in the Order of Sages. From an early age, the Order knew she had a special gift. She could predict the future. She would be overcome with a vision, seeing in her mind’s eye the happening of events in a very blurry fashion. This started as random unprovoked occurrences as a child. As she grew, she learned more control over her ability. With proper ritual and preparation, Panthea was able to make these visions come at will. She still will have the random occurrence of a vision but this is rare these days. The Order deemed her “Oracle” and played a big part in her training as she aged. Panthea learned very quickly and they saw a high ranking position in her future, same as her parents.

One day, most recently, Panthea came to the high ranking officials in the Order in the base camp in Greece, where she grew up, with a very disturbing vision. She saw a grouping of unwanted beings near a very large town. The name came to her as “Anders.” One could only assume these beings were the same demons the Order had been fighting for thousands of years. She, however, had learned long ago to not assume anything when it came to her visions.

The Order prepared a large number of Sages and Slayers to heed the need of the town called Anders, where another base camp of the Order stood. Unfortunately that night, their Grecian encampment was attacked. It was one of the largest attacks in their history and strangely strategically planned. Panthea had not seen a vision of this and that disturbed her. She then became distraught to find that the attack had taken her parents’ lives with it. When the attack was finally brought under control and seemingly won by the Slayers and the Order, there wasn’t many left to account for. The Order was only able to spare a few Sages and Slayers for the town of Anders.

Panthea was among five Sages, accompanied by a mass of Supporters and Slayers. A number of Slayers and Supporters were slain along the way. All that is known to outsiders is that one day this group arrived to the Sage base camp in Anders and was taken in.


I had a sudden spark of inspiration, an single idea I want to build a character around, possibly a witch because this character will need something to compensate for his/her disability.

I'm thinking of creating a blind character, an underdog, who is extremely sensitive to energies, life forces and intentions of people.  The character will not be endowed with super speed or super human strength but, like vampires, is able to sense the living presence (or lack of) in beings around him/her. He/she is like a lie detector and magic ward.
The last ability/gift I think this character should have is the favor of the gods, meaning he/she has uncanny luck (Like Sakura from Tsubasa) OR very good instincts (like Garret in Quest for Camelot) which would help explain how a blind being survived in such a hellish world for so long.

Either way this character will be mostly support, but I don't plan on making him/her be much of a burden. He/she will be able to take care of themselves as long as they are well versed in their surroundings (and this character will be well traveled) and armed with a familiar weapon.

Possible images I will use for my characters:
Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide
A witch with her familiar
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Another witch, but using a photo of a real person
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A recon slayer
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my  o&o and a&a
Current Status: Back on E, but still busy.
Sworn to the Oath of the Drake.


C-Bunny. I think we can work with that, ;) you're in, we'll sharpen things up quickly i believe.

This game is at the front of my mind, has been for a couple weeks now. So, with the help of you lovely people and your epic characters, I have a finalized version of our story, and this is going to be incredible. I don't know how else to say it. We're gonna roll with a shitty version of the map, and get some of these OOC pages up: like a Character thread, an official OOC board to finish up the necessary details we're still working on, probably some kind of encyclopedia page to store information. I know that elliquiy has a wiki function, I'm just not well versed with it (total virgin). We only need two or three more players and we can launch, I've updated the first post with a list of filled slots and open slots.

Check it out
Apologies and Absences




one PAINT map added to the original post, the map of Anders is coming soon. It's added to the last section of the 'ultimate spoiler' (the one that hides the hugeness of the post) it's inside of a spoiler labeled 'MAPS'

if you can't find it... PM me and I'll link you to it

UPDATE: Anders map also available too, i can make these pretty fast actually, they just look like paint :(
Apologies and Absences



I've decided on a female wiccan with a hawk familiar. I think the hawk will be extremely useful for her. :P I'll start developing her asap :)

In the town of Anders are houses just kind of scattered inside?
my  o&o and a&a
Current Status: Back on E, but still busy.
Sworn to the Oath of the Drake.


Name: Cristop Amelton
Race: Human
Actual Age: 42

His armor is not as eloquent as the picture here, but besides the fancy embroidering and the intensely fitted pieces, it's pretty proper. Cristop was trained in multiple styles of Jikundi, but Alunka was his specialty, and they wear heavy armor. The effect is light in this picture, but keep in mind that his existence is that of a lightning storm, he cannot harbor it, he can only calm the winds.

Affiliation: Jikundi Infused Knight

: Before the infusion spell, Cristop was reserved, focused, and calculated, but he was a pleasure to be around, and his attitude was positive, no matter the day. Now, he is cold and dismissive. Most of his time is spent alone in a cabin that he constructed himself before the 2nd winter. When he speaks, it is quietly, when he acts, it is quickly and with extreme purpose. That had always been his style, though. Cristop's thoughts puncture his consciousness, and a look of death always permeates from his eyes. He wishes no harm on people, but unless he actively focuses on keeping them safe, his lightning can strike them dead in an instant. He sees his infusion as both a curse, and a responsibility. Cristop has not known the touch of a woman for over seven years

Back story: Cristop was raised in a town far north of Anders. There, he was used as a hard worker to make crops grow and people fed. The people of his village had a Sage house with an extensive library, and he took to learn everything there was to know about physics. there were over seven textbooks, and it was the only scholastic opportunity he had, as a studious young man, he mastered the knowledge in no time. Cristop had always been a strong individual, and his wide spanning dreams caught sail at a young age. Jikundi stayed in Cristop's home town and took in three children that were otherwise homeless, he taught them to fend for themselves, and Cristop was the star pupil. Soon after, they begin to travel together. Cristop was sixteen when they settled in the tower camp of Anders. At that time, the other two pupils were still with them. They've since died, before Albert Truun had ever come to the villages.

As the winter's ticked by, he found exceedingly useful ways to use his training and his knowledge together, arriving at concepts that Jikundi himself, had never imagined.

From Cristop's perspective it goes a little something like this: The blasphemous woman, Kellian, a black haired witch from the easterly wilds arrived in Anders and completely took over the street camp. This woman was a necromancer, and there were two ancient grave yards near the main street that the people of the inner village lived on. Albert Truun and Jikundi battled her seperately for two months, keeping Kellian's army of undead outside of the other camps was unsuccesful, and as the tower was taken by drudge dripping skeletons, Cristop, Albert Truun, two young witches, and a powerful young warlock named Franze Derrick ran to the northwestern woods and transfered Albert Truun's magnificent power into Cristop's fragile body. Cristop was told that the spell would only give him magical powers. He did not know the truth, no one did.

His flesh became hot, and the pain from every cell in his body was extraordinary, and it never stopped. It blew up the scene of the ritual and killed the two young woman that traveled with them. Albert was able to defend himself, and Franze shattered his left leg under a young oak tree that Cristop blasted. Eventually the pain washed away his consciousness and he started to see red. Cristop charged back to the tower, and marched into the ranks of zombies, and skeletons. Kellian was shocked to see a ball of lightning walk through the numerous blockades she'd set up to defend herself. Cristop obliterated her and her entire army sunk back into the earth where ever they stood. Anders returned to normal, and Cristop never killed the pain.

He built a cabin near the infusion sight, where Albert Truun and Jikundi were preparing their new homes. As the students come and go around him. Cristop can't help but feel like a god among men. As he stands on his cabin, meditating with the motion of the trees, he knows that with ten minutes of focus he could destroy the entire Jikundi camp. He's yet to harm another living soul on purpose since the infusion ritual. But he's killed over two hundred demons in the seven winters he's lived with his electric affliction.

Apologies and Absences



C-bunny, and everyone else too i suppose.

The town of Anders is actually five small villages, there's a map on the original post inside of the thread. The villages each have their own personality that I've yet to divulge. I suppose i can do that now... I'm starting to run out of details, I PROMISE!

The Gate Camp is like downtown Brooklyn, criminals, dirt, scum, stink, cops, evil, death, and decay. population 650

The Tower Camp is more of a military base than a home for anyone. Most of Anders' guards live in the tower camp, and a sage house there also takes up a lot of space. population 200

The Street Camp is most known for it's culture, but it's dangerous to live there, population 800

The Wall Camp is the exact opposite of the street camp, it's boring, but it's extremely safe. population 450

In between these camps are ruins, overgrown with moss, underbrush, and full on forestry with canopies as high as 75 feet. Oh yeah, and demons. The walls of Anders do not always protect demons from entering. Slayers are often roaming the space between these small camps, as well as rogue hunters, powerful witches, Jikundi clan members on training missions, and/or patrol, and vampires. As far as each character's individual living situation, you can get creative. These people can build houses and bridges
Apologies and Absences



Name:Ianto Dresden
Actual Age:29
Affiliation: Sokudi Jikundi

Personality: Unlike most other male slayers Ianto is not reckless taking foolish risks. He is extremely dedicated to perfecting his skills and protecting his fellow humans. He tends to be quiet and reserved most of the time however he can be fun loving and is not above enjoying a good joke or dancing.
Back story: Ianto had been born to a slayer clan it became clear early in his childhood that he would be a recon specialist so at age 14 he sent out to his first encampment away from towns or villages. He did indeed excel following and tracking the demons through the wilderness many times practically getting into their camps to gather information. So by 19 he was moved to another encampment even further away from human settlements and would go for weeks or even months sometimes without contact with anybody other than those in his encampment.

Although he had only actually faced and killed less than a dozen demons personally his encampment was responsible for a great deal of information that lead to saving many human lives by stopping or preventing large scale attacks. With his help they were so successful in fact that the monsters began plotting against them directly. When he was 25 they struck in the early morning hours once they knew all six slayers and sage were in the camp. They attacked with somewhere between 20 and 30 demons and another 15 to 20 humans. The enemy suffered heavy losses loosing about three quarters of their attack force with Ianto killing six demons personally. In the end though his camp was over whelmed by the evil numbers, with him being struck down by a mere human.

His injuries were bad enough that in a less determined man it would have meant his death. When the fighting was over he was the only one still alive from the encampment the demos thought it would be amusing to simply leave him alive in his injured state to simply let him die a slow painful death. He however was not ready to just give up and die there in his ruined encampment so when he awakened several hours after the evil ones left he started to crawl away towards the nearest settlement Anders. It took him two days to get to the track used by caravans where he once again passed out. He awoke briefly in the back of a wagon traveling to Anders to trade. The next time he regained consciousness he was in the gate stronghold of Anders.

Two weeks later when he still needed a heavy staff to lean on he made his way to the Jikundi Truun training area seeking admittance as a student. To his surprise he ended up speaking with Master Jikundi directly beseeching him to be trained in The Sokudi style.

Jikundi leaned back in his stance, at least it appeared like he had. "I understand your respect for speed. You have tact, young man. But I can see through your eyes." He smiled without even twitching his lips. They stayed still. "You are a man of deception. The speed will come naturally. The piercing power of your weapon will always come from a fiery place. Sokudi is not your path. That is unless you insist, in which case, I cannot argue with a man that has made a decision. I know that the path of The Depti will suit you better."

Ianto dropped to one knee before the honored master leaning heavily on his staff and bowed his head. “While I trust your insight and wisdom, master, I feel that I may still fall the weakness that most males of my kind are known for. Therefore I feel that I am not ready for a style that would lead me into a leadership position. If I am to follow the path of most male slayers I do not wish to endanger those whose lives I am responsible for. Please let me take my fight to the enemy in the frontlines with only my life in my hands. Perhaps one day when I feel ready I will switch to learning The Depti and accept responsibility for the lives of others.”

Over the next four years Ianto dedicated himself fully to perfecting the Sokudi style of fighting. He however mixed his natural stealth to his encounters with the enemy. While he remained in the frontlines and was always one of the first to meet the charges he would mix the speed of the style with his stealth to attack different groups and moving unseen to another. He also took to studying the art of illusion with the Truun witches. He uses this to aid in his stealth and to misdirect the enemy as to his movements and attacks.


Well well indeed:) this does appear to have gathered a signficant following. I think I shall throw my lot in as well. Id like to create 2 characters. One Demon and one other (so i can play both sides of the good/evil coin ;)).

Atheism is a Religion... Like Abstinence is a Sex Bald is a Hair Style... like Single is a Fasting is a Meal...It's NOT!

Check out my RP request section and browse my best of' characters!

Also, Check out my Ons and Offs!

I also have an F-List!


Name: Issa Chu
Race: Human
Actual Age: 25

Her clothes would be a lot less intricate. She's usually in dresses that are easy to put on and simple shoes without any heels (or she simply has no shoes on at all).
Affiliation: None for now, she is a drifter.

Personality: As expected of an individual who grew up in this wild and chaotic world, Issa is alert and observant. She thrives under pressure and in difficult situations; whenever she is idle she becomes confused, agitated, and at times downright intolerable.
While she may come across as arrogant and haughty, by nature Issa is a an emphatic protector, always ready to aid the weak and vulnerable.

Back story:
Issa was not always blind. In fact she can still picture the last festival she ever saw.  At that point she was mostly blind, but that one night she could see her mother dancing around the fire as clear as day. She reached out to her daughter and they danced the night away. When she woke up the next morning she was greeted by darkness.
That was eighteen years ago.

Issa grew up as a gypsy, surrounded by a small but capable family of traveling wiccans, wanderers and rogues, all worshipers of the energies of the Earth. When she started losing her vision her family tried to use their gifts to heal her in vain. She would be lying if she said that she was unaffected by it, but Issa took to her fate relatively well. On some level she understood that losing her sight was both a gift and a curse. It was the price she would have to pay to gain a connection to the Earth Mother that even the most gifted witches in her family did not have. As her sight went she noticed that along with the sharpening of her other senses she developed other abilities such as a level of telepathy (limited to anything living or natural, even rocks), animal ken, and a shroud-like ability while forests (as if the trees themselves actively shielded her). These gifts became apparent to her family as well, and her training immediately resumed tenfold.
When Issa turned seventeen she felt compelled to leave her family and travel on her own. These abilities had been given to her for a reason, and she was not going to find it nestled comfortably in her family's arms.

Issa and her trust hawk named Sandata (Data for short) have been wandering ever since. Her travels seem to have no real pattern, simply hopping from caravan to caravan, but generally she seemed to gravitate towards groups of people in need, becoming either a miracle worker or purger of minor demon camps.

Because of her school of magic and background, she feels most at home with her feet on natural surfaces full of life and energies. It is through these energies that Issa is able to 'see' the world around her. Many acquaintances do not even notice her disability immediately.
Data also acts as her eyes, going beyond the range of her powers (which is about thirty meters all around) or to scout of entities of the undead which Issa cannot actually 'see' with her own senses.
my  o&o and a&a
Current Status: Back on E, but still busy.
Sworn to the Oath of the Drake.


Quote from: Photo on February 19, 2012, 04:46:14 AM
C-bunny, and everyone else too i suppose.

The town of Anders is actually five small villages, there's a map on the original post inside of the thread. The villages each have their own personality that I've yet to divulge. I suppose i can do that now... I'm starting to run out of details, I PROMISE!

The Gate Camp is like downtown Brooklyn, criminals, dirt, scum, stink, cops, evil, death, and decay. population 650

The Tower Camp is more of a military base than a home for anyone. Most of Anders' guards live in the tower camp, and a sage house there also takes up a lot of space. population 200

The Street Camp is most known for it's culture, but it's dangerous to live there, population 800

The Wall Camp is the exact opposite of the street camp, it's boring, but it's extremely safe. population 450

In between these camps are ruins, overgrown with moss, underbrush, and full on forestry with canopies as high as 75 feet. Oh yeah, and demons. The walls of Anders do not always protect demons from entering. Slayers are often roaming the space between these small camps, as well as rogue hunters, powerful witches, Jikundi clan members on training missions, and/or patrol, and vampires. As far as each character's individual living situation, you can get creative. These people can build houses and bridges

I thought the sages lived in the Gate Camp?

By the way, love the new profiles!


Quote from: Narianna on February 19, 2012, 01:01:59 PM
I thought the sages lived in the Gate Camp?

By the way, love the new profiles!

If you refer to the map, you will see that there are two houses for The Order inside of Anders, The Gate camp and the Tower camp, the tower camp is known for housing Anders' guards. As there are only 17 sages in Anders, and 6 slayers not including the character's that we've introduced. They occupy both camps in order to properly keep an eye on their settlement.
Apologies and Absences




yeah, i added two maps to the original post. their made in paint but they do the job a map is supposed to
Apologies and Absences




Our OFFICIAL Character Thread is up now. So please direct yourself here and place your characters up. All character sheets in this thread are currently approved.

future applicants will still need to speak with me. CarnivorousBunny, your sheets fine even though we didn't speak much outside of the thread. You picked a witch, which is the most flexible brand of characters we have.

I've also added the Character thread link to the original post in this thread.

AS AN EDIT: I will be adding more of MY characters directly to this character thread I speak of. So check it if you find me using a character in the RP that you don't recognize
Apologies and Absences



Thanks. Before posting my sheet I'll edit in a few pieces of information such as her weapon type, and maybe a little more details about her powers, if that's okay with you.
my  o&o and a&a
Current Status: Back on E, but still busy.
Sworn to the Oath of the Drake.


Yes, feel free to add any details you want. And also, while I'm at it and replying to this thread, I'll make a note about how many characters that I'm posting in there. I want to make it clear that almost all of them are supporting characters. Bell, Franze, Cristop, even Reni are all there to help the narrative move along. It's important for you guys to know that all of your characters, everyone who has a character that's not me will be the center of the story, and the main cast that we'll all be writing about.

Also, I'm putting the encylopedia page up right now. I'll link it from here when i'm finished (not finished, presenting, that encyclopedia will never be finished) I'll put the OOC board in as soon as Lucifia and Bunny get their characters up, and then we'll be ready to start
Apologies and Absences



Apologies and Absences



This game.. really seems interesting. Would love to talk about possible characters..
Removed, due to vandalism.


PM me with your ideas Karasu!

we can work on it together, I'm in the process of putting up the IC boards now. It's a long process. * exhales dramatically *

But we need a couple more characters in this game (that aren't mine), so lets get started as soon as we can
Apologies and Absences


Drake Valentine

Interesting, but I am slightly confused.

Are there demon-demons or are demons just referred to as vampires?  >.>

Maybe I missed something. *Goes back through spoilers.* 

"When I'm Done With You, You'll Be a:
Raped, Bloody, And Humiliated, Little Alice in Wonderland."

Introduction | O&Os | O&Os2 | IM RP Request(Canceled 04/11/2010) | A&As(Updated 10/29/13) | Solo RP Request (Updated 09/20/14)
Pale Eclipse - Group Game Project{Paused} 


Nice! :D I'm should be able to post  next week :3 I have a bunch of requirements to finish up with by monday-wednsday =/
my  o&o and a&a
Current Status: Back on E, but still busy.
Sworn to the Oath of the Drake.


Quote from: Drake Valentine on February 25, 2012, 08:51:02 PM
Interesting, but I am slightly confused.

Are there demon-demons or are demons just referred to as vampires?  >.>

Maybe I missed something. *Goes back through spoilers.*

I'm pretty sure there are both demons and vampires. A vampire happens when a demon takes over the body of a living being. That's how I understand it, at least. There's an encyclopedia that he's made in the threads section that better defines vampires.



Demons in this game infest the Earth in thousands of different species and breeds. The most prevalent beast on this plane is the vampire, for it has had the ability to slip through our populations unnoticed for centuries.

Suddenly inspired and adding this to the encyclopedia: The Parasi-nosfero, commonly known as a vampire is a very specific breed of demon that wanders through hell without corporeal form. The Parasi-nosfero is a mischievous and truly demented species of demon. As legend has it (The Sages legends, which are pretty fucking legit) this 'vampyre' is eternal in the underworld as well. there, they live in the trillions, shapelessly conforming other's thoughts and perceptions. It seems that this creature was inspired to mentally torture damned creatures and demons alike. The loud hisses, whispers, and chuckling flares in the belly of hell are these creatures in dance, collectively creating the winds of evil. When these malicious spirits obtain a body, this purpose is inflicted upon something that has already been formed. Corrupting them absolutely.

The other demons are currently contained in my imagination, but i promise you beasty's. There are plenty of them, just need to work up the energy for it. That is my long response.
Apologies and Absences


Drake Valentine

*Head slow tilt to one side.*

Soooo and sorry, just trying to figure this all outs. xD

Demons are looked upon than as more parasite beings that consume a host/warped said host?

Or do they also physically inhabit the earth?

"When I'm Done With You, You'll Be a:
Raped, Bloody, And Humiliated, Little Alice in Wonderland."

Introduction | O&Os | O&Os2 | IM RP Request(Canceled 04/11/2010) | A&As(Updated 10/29/13) | Solo RP Request (Updated 09/20/14)
Pale Eclipse - Group Game Project{Paused} 


From what I understood they were more like zombies that didn't rot, which, now that I think about it, is technically what vampires are. An undead body possessed by evil that want to spread the destruction, corruption and death. I see them as an evil energy like a curse, that latch on to 'empty'/soulless bodies. Parasite makes me think of Alien so it's more scifi than fantasy >_>
my  o&o and a&a
Current Status: Back on E, but still busy.
Sworn to the Oath of the Drake.


My friend and I have had this discussion a number of times when it comes to my vampires. He's gotten upset with me, telling me that it doesn't make any sense.

Of course, I disagree. haha. The demons of the earth in this game all come from hell. When they come to earth they become a scourge. They are not parasites, they're an invading force. So it's not fantasy. I suppose it's a little bit like sci-fi but i've always seen it as an occult monster flick from the 70's. My vampires are evil, none of them are good. That's the key to this. Think of Louis and Lestat from 'Interview with the vampire'. Louis is ashamed of himself and doesn't REALLY want to kill. Lestat is a beast that enjoys his life, and gets pleasure from hunting and feeding. All of my vampires are like Lestat, and unless otherwise affected by magic, none of my vampires are like Louis. The human soul has vanished, a demonic image has replaced that person. However, the memories, and personality of that person is absorbed into the parasi-nosfero. I hope that makes it easier to understand.

(the closest vampires that resemble mine are Joss Whedon's from Buffy the vampire slayer. the differences are thus: my vampires do not turn into dust when they die, my vampires don't have a disgusting 'game-face' when ever they get angry or feed, and... most of them gain a slight sense of style and cunning when the demon gains control, a lot of the vampires from Buffy were stupid and thug like, that's only the case in this game when the vampire has significantly stupid brain to work with.)
Apologies and Absences


Drake Valentine

Hmm, alrightie then.

Next inquiry.

When joining as demon, are we allowed to define our choice of whatever species/breed?

Also do demons have any limitations to power(s)?

"When I'm Done With You, You'll Be a:
Raped, Bloody, And Humiliated, Little Alice in Wonderland."

Introduction | O&Os | O&Os2 | IM RP Request(Canceled 04/11/2010) | A&As(Updated 10/29/13) | Solo RP Request (Updated 09/20/14)
Pale Eclipse - Group Game Project{Paused} 


Ha, Drake, you should probably send me the idea you have for your demon, and we'll make it work. This world encompasses almost anything you can imagine, and I'm pretty flexible
Apologies and Absences



This caught my eye Just now I may look into it more later tonight if not then sometime this week I will probally join but I do not know what I would join as yet
There is no Order only Chaos and all the joys that it brings. 
This way too On's and Off's



There's a lot to absorb, so let me know if you have any questions. AND, if you are completely at a loss for what kind of character you would like to play, I would like to suggest the following:

A rogue demon hunter
A male or female slayer
A priest of some kind

Bare in mind that all of these character's could be evil or good, that's all up to you, and of course, I'm not limiting to things like character creation. I just wanted to slip in some possibilities.
Apologies and Absences


Drake Valentine

Quote from: Photo on February 26, 2012, 08:52:07 PM
Ha, Drake, you should probably send me the idea you have for your demon, and we'll make it work. This world encompasses almost anything you can imagine, and I'm pretty flexible

Will get too ASAP. Just got to figure out how to go about explaining the thought of said demon. ^_^

"When I'm Done With You, You'll Be a:
Raped, Bloody, And Humiliated, Little Alice in Wonderland."

Introduction | O&Os | O&Os2 | IM RP Request(Canceled 04/11/2010) | A&As(Updated 10/29/13) | Solo RP Request (Updated 09/20/14)
Pale Eclipse - Group Game Project{Paused} 


right on. It'll be cool to have some one on the dark side of this game, it'll help the narrative a lot, and give the 'white hat' good guys a good taste of the evil doers before they decide to show themselves to the defensive warriors of Anders
Apologies and Absences



Sorry this took so long last week of classes and had project to work on last week
Name: Linell Salfor
Race: Human
Actual Age:28

Affiliation: Rouge Demon Hunter

Personality: Linell is a very quite individual he does not speak much and does not easily trust others  nor does he easily make friends with others though he will gladly help others out whenever they may be  in a bind. He is also a very even tempered and is not quick to get angry though he can be quite a passionate fighter and can be especially vicious when fighting against demons.  Also once Linell does make friends he tends to be open with them and if they break that trust that was formed it is nearly impossible to gain back.

Back story: Linell was born in the street camp and learned at an early age that making friends was not worth it. A lot of h is friends died over the years but that wasn’t he worse of it. The worse memory that Linell holds is the death of his parents, when he was only 10 years old Linell watched from his hiding spot as his parents fought to defend their home but were overwhelmed and both killed. 

After his parents death Linell went into hiding living off the land. During the day he would train and forage for food and at night would hide and rest over 8 years of this Linell became proficient at many different survival skills as well as the use of various weapons used in killing demons.  That was when he started his career as a demon hunter.

At first he stayed around the street camp helping families for foods or for the chance to have a roof over his head. The he started venturing to other areas living off the land when he had to and staying with folks when they let him.  It was simple life and he enjoyed it.

Now Linell lives a cabin situated somewhere between the street and gate camps.  He does random jobs for people not often taking money for payment, instead he usually takes food or other materials for what he has done but over all he does because he carries that scar from that one night his parents died. 
There is no Order only Chaos and all the joys that it brings. 
This way too On's and Off's


Updating the title of this thread, for most of the characters we need have been found..

There are a couple people who displayed interest that have yet to share with me any of their ideas. It is not too late for some one to enter, but the main concern now is whether anyone is willing to go the extra mile. In admitance, I'm bumping this thread to see if we can collect one more epic writer.

Please, if you feel like you can make this game more interesting than it already is, PM me, or post here. It's all the same, really. ( I sort of need a villain.)

If anyone would be willing to look at the character thread, ALL NPC's are worth being taken control of by a writer. Finally, this game is so big, we could fit over thirty writer's in it. (I'm positive) If that were to happen, we would stretch out the number IC boards (there are currently four).

"He's got, high in the sky... apple pie, hopes"
Apologies and Absences



My guy, as you know, could possibly go evil.. he's nuetral atm XD
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I've been tempted to play a villain. If I can come up with an interesting concept I'll fill up a character sheet :P
my  o&o and a&a
Current Status: Back on E, but still busy.
Sworn to the Oath of the Drake.


Apologies and Absences



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Massive updates to this thread, as far as I'm concerned anyway! check out the original post. ...


Deja vu
Apologies and Absences



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So, it occurred to me recently that there was a largely important section of information that I've left out up until now. There is magic in this game, and i've always said that it's so expansive, that it doesn't matter what anyone comes up with, it will probably fit. Right, well, I was so concerned with Vampires, and Sages, and bad guys, and creating characters to support the game that i forget to describe how magic is actually performed in the game.

So, The Jikundi Truun have two training regiments: One is called Black Arts. the other is called Ritual Magic

These are the two kinds of magic that we're dealing with here. The two variety's assist each other, but they exist in large part by themselves as well. And in order to be truly powerful it is important to train in both of these aspects, or ascertain some kind of gift for one, the other, or both.

Black Arts/ Dark Arts/ Hand Magic - These powers are manifested on command. The caster can prepare spells in advance, and devastate their obstacles. This includes fire throwing, wards or shields, telekinesis, aura projection or body energy blasts, lightening bolts, etc. One can make their power stronger by using Ritual magic, but the actual act of most battle ready magics are restricted to this variety. The real strength of the magic is entirely dependent on the user(s). If multiple witches use the same spell together, their force will be stronger, naturally. Again, ritual magic and practice in the dark arts may increase the strength of an individual witch. But, it is not guaranteed, most are born with the gifts that they receive.

Ritual Magic - This form of magic is performed in private places so that no one can disturb the process. These spells take a long time to produce, and often aren't involved with directly harming anything. this includes summoning of demons, enchanting space with protective shields, cursing some one or some thing, altering ones own appearance or personality, focusing power into people or instruments of magic, portal creation, etc. In general, the more the merrier when it comes to ritual magic: Four candles works, but why not four hundred. One person can do it, but seven people chanting in the corner would create a large force of energy to use. If you need to burn a picture, a match can do the job, but a bon fire will intensify the spell. Further, people without any natural ability with the dark arts, can use ritual magic without any trouble, and even introduce the magic into the body. Ritual magic is the gateway magic.

And another brief note that means a great deal about the magic: there is pretty much no exception, magic is dark energy being used to manifest human desire. It is evil, if one can use it with dignity and honor, they are held in high regard. this is partially why the Truun house is so well respected.

I'll be updating a few different pages with this information. As for all new world rules, nothing is expected to change in accordance with this information. It is only meant to help inform the other players.
Apologies and Absences



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Apologies and Absences



If anyone is looking to join this enormous game, please do not be intimidated, I'm the only one that really needs to understand the full scope of this world. On the other end of the spectrum, if you're excited to be involved in an imaginitive world, such as Anders, welcome. I am willing to answer any questions. For this little game has a tendency to expand upon itself.

I'd like to say that I've completed the maps for The Gate, Street, and Wall Camps. They serve a very limited purpose, but perhaps they will become useful. I'll post them here, the encyclopedia, the ooc, and likely at the opening to their own respective threads. I may even open up three new RP boards, but that seems a bit absurd... second thought, yeah, likely never going to happen

I have been forced to bump this interest thread again because a few of my players have dropped out of the game. It's a shot to my confidence, because I've taken a LOT of time to build this world in a way where others can enjoy it. Um....I think that's all. We could probably have a whole bunch of new players if they happened to show up.

I've re-worked the original post a tiny bit... It's worth looking over for new players, old players, you could probably live without it. I'll write in this again, when the new maps are up.

-Your patient DM, Photo
Apologies and Absences



I'd like to throw my 2 cents in and say that this is probably my favorite game I'm currently in. It has soo much potential, a great GM, and wonderful players. The creativity astounds me and I'm more than excited to see what the future holds for it.


It will never die, and if i have to, i will turn it into the biggest one on one you have ever seen Narianna
Apologies and Absences



Haha! I have a feeling you'll have to drag everyone else away kicking and screaming for that!


Apologies and Absences



im alive thankfully.. Jus started a new full tiem job and I work most of the blasted day and cant stay up late either >.< but at least for weekends I can come back!
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Cliffnoted 8th Winter!


Oh, we are recruiting.

and totally bumping our Interest Thread. BAM!
Apologies and Absences