Elliquiy Custom Tag List

Started by Vekseid, June 10, 2011, 04:31:14 AM

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Elliquiy has some extensions to SMF's normal tags that I've written for your use. A few of these don't have buttons yet, and some of them never will. This post will get updated as new bbcodes get added. If you want a bbcode tag added, just pm me with the request. Quite a lot is doable but

Because I need to reinsert the hooks after each upgrade, these will get disabled for short periods after the site updates.

These are:

O - Overline Puts a line over the text

[o]This text will have a line over it.[/o]

Anchor and Link Tags:

Anch puts an anchor in your post. (SMF's 'anchor' tag just puts in a special span class).

Link lets you make a link to it on the same page.

[anch=top]Define top anchor.[/anch] [link=bottom]Go to the bottom anchor[/link]

[anch=bottom]Define bottom anchor.[/anch] [link=top]Go to the top anchor[/link]

Enhanced Image Tag: Allows for padding, height, width, etc. All parameters are optional.

[img height=100 width=100 padding=20]urlofimagehere[/img]

Clear Tags: clearright, clearleft, and clearboth. See Caeli's tutorial here for an explanation.

[float=right]Right Floated material goes here[/float]
This text will appear beneath the right float because it is under the clear.
[float=left]Left floated material goes here[/float]
And clear works on the left, too!
And if you want to clear both, you can.

Spoiler: Block-level spoiler text with the spoiler tag.

[spoiler=The title of your spoiler goes here, if you want it.]The text you want to hide goes here.[/spoiler]

Highlight: Works exactly like the color tag, except it has a default color (orangish). Note that you are not limited to the dropdown list for your choice of colors, hexadecimal works too.

[highlight=colorgoeshere]This would be highlighted text if you picked a valid color, or omitted it.[/highlight]

Abbr: While not a custom tag this can come in handy to display the translation of a foreign language for RP purposes. Hover over the text if you're not familiar with the tag.

Il est difficle de vaincre ses passions, et impossible de les satisfaire.

[abbr=It is difficult to master your passions and impossible to satisfy them.]Il est difficle de vaincre ses passions, et impossible de les satisfaire.[/abbr]

Flipped text
reversed text
, and

rotated text

[flip]Flipped text[/flip], [reverse]reversed text[/reverse], and

[rotate]rotated text[/rotate]

SMF 'deprecated' a few tags in 2.1. Some of them are just aliases of other tags. A couple were just bad news (flash, move) and have been disallowed for a long time.

TT: For 'teletype'. Some members use it for various inline purposes.

[tt]inline purposes[/tt].

Glow: Glowing text

[glow=orange,2,2]Glowing text[/glow]

Shadow: Shadowed text

[shadow=red,right]Shadowed text[/shadow]