An Evil Pathfinder Campaign

Started by PhantomPistoleer, August 09, 2018, 10:54:44 PM

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Phantom Pistoleer Presents

A Villanous Pathfinder Campaign Set in a Player-Created World

GM Announcements

Read: Characters are auto-admitted.  You do not need permission to post the character in the character sheet thread or in the OOC.

August 9, 2018: Wanted thread created;
August 10, 2018:  Wanted thread updated;
August 11, 2018:
  • Character Sheet & Rule Thread Created, located here.
  • OOC Thread Created, located, here.
August 12, 2018:  IC thread created, located here.
September 5, 2018:  Characters leveled.


This game uses the Pathfinder rules set.  It concerns a group of ne’er-do-wells who are just about to break out of prison.  The game follows their nefarious exploits.  It is a fast-paced open-world game.

Game Information

This game uses the Pathfinder rules set.  Players must use myth-weavers to submit a character sheet.  The GM uses maps to communicate the setting.  Players will be forced to improvise the setting as the game progresses.

Players are encouraged to come and go at their leisure.  Aside from building a character in accordance to the rules, there is no GM admission required.  The game is completely open.  However, players may not intrude upon closed scenes within the open world without prior permission from the players participating in the scene.

Characters level equally.  Posting is encouraged and rewarded thusly:

  • For every 25 IC posts = skill point
  • For every 50 IC posts = trait
  • For every 100 IC posts = feat
  • For every 200 IC posts = +2 attribute points
  • For every 500 IC posts = special ability

Additionally, players will be rewarded as a group whenever the group completes consecutive rounds in a timely manner:

  • First Round: 100 gp;
  • Second Round: 200 gp;
  • Third Round: 400 gp;
  • Fourth Round: 800 gp;
  • Fifth Round: 1600 gp;
  • Sixth Round: 3200 gp;
  • Seventh Round: GAMBLE, reset.

On the seventh round, players will be rewarded with a random prize.  In my last game, players got an extra trait.

Character Creation

Players must play assertive villains whose crimes landed them in prison.  Characters will be created using gestalt rules.  Paizo classes and basic races are all available.  Characters are first level, with 25 point buy, 2 traits, and starting gold of 5 gp.  Characters start out fatigued, as they are regularly deprived of sleep by the guards.  Players who submitted characters to my previous game, Adventures in the Emerald Spire, can carry over their post-count and their earned bonuses (two extra traits). 

Characters are now second level.  Characters have max HP.  New characters will start with 1,500 gp.

You cannot use material from 3.5.  You cannot use material from third-party publishers.

Characters must be evil, but they must be able to co-exist with the other PCs.

With that said, I have a general distaste for overly-tricked out characters.  Please make well-rounded characters.

House Rules

Generally:  Aside for post rewards, I try to run the game according to rules as written (RAW).  When it comes to making determinations, I try to make fair judgments that are supported by the rules.  When the rules are not clear, I try interpret the rules fairly.  In making all of my rulings, I try not to be arbitrary.  But I am human and I make mistakes.

Please don't be a jerk if you disagree with my rulings.  As with anything, there are right ways to approach me about it and there are wrong ways to approach me about it.  The right way is to say something along the lines of, "Hey, PP -- after this session, do you think that we can review the rules on such and such?  I don't think that the way you ruled on it is 100% right, but I could be wrong." 

Sometimes, you SHOULD be a jerk if you disagree with my rulings, especially if (a) my ruling is not based on a reasonable interpretation of RAW, and (b) your character is about to suffer imminent death.  If my bad ruling will deprive a player of their character, then YES, by all means, please stop the game.  But otherwise, please wait until the session is over.

My general aim is to have fun.  I understand that people don't have fun when a GM's rulings seem arbitrary, but at the same time, I'm not here to litigate the rules with players.

Don't Ask for Modifications:  I am hostile towards players who ask for modifications to their character race or class.  The answer will almost always be no.

Don't Be OP:  Characters should be well-rounded.  Don't make characters that purposefully use every nook and cranny of the rules to be overly optimized.  Also, please don't utilize rules that have not been clearly outlined.

Copy and Paste Your Spells:  If you cast a spell, you need to copy and paste its effects in a spoiler tag and provide me with a save DC.  Failure to do so will deprive your character of his spell.

Coup de Grace:  In this game, a coup de grace is a full-round action that begins on a character's turn and comes to its completion at the very beginning of the character's next turn.

Character Submissions

Characters aren't required to have vast backstories.  In fact, I highly discourage them because I am not going to read them.  But characters should be known for something.

Using see the template below.

Game Conventions


Human Rogue/Swashbuckler, 13 HP, AC 19, Character Sheet.
Known for biting off more than he can chew.


Free Action:  Mouser grimaces and says, "... damn it, I hate snakes."

Full Round Action:  Nevertheless, he resigns himself to charge towards the giant snake, drawing his rapier in the same movement.
And he pierces the enormous serpent in the chest (result of 18), dealing 14 damage because he dealt sneak attack damage since he struck before the snake ever acted.

Generally, move actions should be in their own separate action, but a charge is a full-round action.

Contextual roleplay between characters can be as lengthy as mutually desired.  However, I would like for players to be the soul of brevity when addressing me.  If you find that you absolutely must draft five paragraphs to get your point across, then please address me separately.  For example,


GM, my character changed into fresh linen."

If you don't need to address the GM, or if the GM does not need to resolve any rolls or issues, please state "GM may overlook" prior to your post.


Characters can have deeper relationships with one another.  They can be best pals or lovers or have a friendly, albeit dangerous, rivalry.  It's up to you.  Also, while new characters can generally be introduced as "just showing up," it's more likely for me to introduce new characters by placing them in perilous situations.

For example, Mouser, Candace and Ox are walking along the beaten path towards the Emerald Spire.  The walk has been pleasant, as the sky is blue and the breeze is crisp.  Suddenly, Candace hears a scream in the distance.  Ox and Mouser didn't hear anything.

"Quickly, come with me," Candace says, as she hurries towards the river.  Ox and Mouser glance at each other, shrug, and follow after her.

Candace arrives at the shoreline first, but the two men arrive just in time to see an Elven woman get swept past by the roaring river.

"... Holy shit!" Mouser said, recognizing the woman from her platinum bolt of hair.  "That's Tilda!"

"We must help her," Candace said.  "Let's go!"

Post Rate

Rapid posting is incentivized, so please expect to post twice a week.  If you cannot keep up, then do not submit a character.  Please notify the group if you cannot post during your turn.

Posts should not be voluminous.  Be direct and succinct.  This is a game, not a writer's workshop.

Character Submission Template:

[float=left][img width=250 padding=5]PICTURE HERE[/img][/float][font=impact][size=18pt][color=blue]NAME OF CHARACTER[/color][/size][/font]
RACE Class/Class, ## HP, AC ##, [url=mythweavers URL]Character Sheet[/url].
[i]Small note of notoriety[/i]

[b]Brief History:[/b]  This history should not be more than two sentences.

[b]Kinks:[/b]  Six or seven things that your character enjoys.

[b]Non-Con:[/b]  If your character is female, please inform other players if she is down for non-con either as the perpetrator or victim.  If your character is male, please inform other players whether your character is down for non-con as either as the perpetrator or victim.
Always seeking 5E games.


  I'd be interesting in this. I think I'd submit an elven fencer, a disgraced noble. I'll get the details together tomorrow. Got to admit though, the idea that my character could potentially be second rate to others for things entierly beyond my control doesn't exactly feel good. Its not a deal breaker, but I figured I'd mention it.

Callie Del Noire

Hmm.. thinking some sort of evil wizard..but with a twist, a manipulative type. Maybe a twist on my Pathfinder Society lust wizard.

Come up with a suitable backstory tomorrow

stat block
Evil Wizard
Female human (Taldan) enchanter 1 (Pathfinder RPG Adventurer's Guide 63)
LE Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +2
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex)
hp 8 (1d6+2)
Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3
Speed 30 ft.
Arcane School Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +5)
   7/day—dazing touch
Enchanter Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +5)
   1st—charm person (2, DC 15), summon monster I, unseen servant
   0 (at will)—detect magic, prestidigitation, ray of frost
Str 8, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 19, Wis 12, Cha 14
Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 11
Feats Scribe Scroll, Spell Mastery, Spell Mastery
Traits clever wordplay, extremely fashionable
Skills Bluff +4, Diplomacy +10, Intimidate +4, Knowledge (arcana) +8, Knowledge (local) +8, Linguistics +8, Perception +2, Profession (courtesan) +5, Spellcraft +8
Languages Aquan, Auran, Common, Draconic, Ignan, Terran
SQ arcane bond (signet ring), enchanting smile
Other Gear signet ring, wizard starting spellbook, 5 gp
Special Abilities
Arcane Bond (Signet Ring) (1/day) (Sp) Use object to cast any spell in your spellbook. Without it, Concentration required to cast spells (DC20 + spell level).
Dazing Touch (7/day) (Sp) As a standard action, touch dazes foe for 1 rd, if HD <= wizard level.
Enchanting Smile (Su) Gain bonuses to Bluff, Diplomacy and Intimidate. Turn enchantment spells.
Lust (Enchantment) The enchanter uses magic to control and manipulate the minds of his victims.
Spell Mastery (-See Notes -) You can prepare the chosen spells without a spellbook.
Spell Mastery (-See Notes -) You can prepare the chosen spells without a spellbook.
Spell Matery Spells
Cantrips: Detect Magic, Read Magic
1st Level: Charm Person, Magic Missile, Reveal Secret, Summon Monster 1, Unseen Servant

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Zaer Darkwail

I am always ready play villains  >:).

So far leaning to bandit sort of char, slayer/figther or barbarian.


Thank you for the interest, everyone.

I have just updated.
Always seeking 5E games.


I would love to join this!  I have a Drow that could work well, if it's allowed.  Originally she was designed around being a Warlock//Rogue as a sort of spellblade assassin type.  I can get to work on a sheet and PM it to you!


i liked your last game, of course i'm in again... if you'll have me of course. I might die on you somewhere in between again, that happens for me now and then, but if this one lives longer than the last, i'm pretty sure to come back a while after i died.

how does a cleric dedicated to the horseman of death sound? Also: same rule for magic using classes as last game? meaning if you choose a full casting class )9 levels) you may not use any other class with casting at all?

edit: memo to self, 10 posts in the old game


Quote from: Aethelinda on August 10, 2018, 01:10:54 PM
I would love to join this!  I have a Drow that could work well, if it's allowed.  Originally she was designed around being a Warlock//Rogue as a sort of spellblade assassin type.  I can get to work on a sheet and PM it to you!

No need to PM.  I will not be auditing character sheets.

Lesser drow are acceptable, but they cannot have their spell-like ability.

Quote from: Petrus02 on August 10, 2018, 01:11:50 PM
i liked your last game, of course i'm in again... if you'll have me of course. I might die on you somewhere in between again, that happens for me now and then, but if this one lives longer than the last, i'm pretty sure to come back a while after i died.

how does a cleric dedicated to the horseman of death sound? Also: same rule for magic using classes as last game? meaning if you choose a full casting class )9 levels) you may not use any other class with casting at all?

You are welcome to join.

That magic rule was too much of a hassle so I discarded it.
Always seeking 5E games.

Zaer Darkwail

Jui-Biang Xushu
Human Slayer/Monk, 12 HP, AC 15, Character Sheet.
Bandit of Briar Woods

Brief History: Jui-Biang Xushu origins hail from distant lands where he made grave crime on monastery he was raised/trained in, disliking living in poverty he became a bandit who gained bit notoriety before he got captured and sentenced to prison.

Kinks: Non-con, Bondage, Roug sex, Mind Break (fucked-beyond-caring-anymore, ahegao), gangbang/rape, Enslavement (master vs slave)

Non-Con:  Always up for non-con as perpetrator, NPC or PC alike. Can also be victim so long perpetrator is female, herm or futa (not into MxM any fashion but can be M/F/M scenario just fine).


A couple of questions for ya PP.
If we have a familiar or a companion to start. Is it dead? imprisoned as well?
I was considering a witch and since her familiar would be very important i wads wondering?



Would a tengu be acceptable, perhaps?


Quote from: Phaia on August 10, 2018, 08:33:59 PM
A couple of questions for ya PP.
If we have a familiar or a companion to start. Is it dead? imprisoned as well?
I was considering a witch and since her familiar would be very important i wads wondering?


Familiars are long gone.  You may re-buy a familiar for free once out of prison.

You also won’t be able to study spells in prison.

Quote from: Chulanowa on August 10, 2018, 08:44:05 PM
Would a tengu be acceptable, perhaps?

If you can depower him by three race points, sure.
Always seeking 5E games.


Quote from: PhantomPistoleer on August 10, 2018, 08:57:57 PM
Familiars are long gone.  You may re-buy a familiar for free once out of prison.

You also won’t be able to study spells in prison.

OUCH!! free helps since it is 500GP for a witch's familiar...per level
Will that be the same for a wizard's spell book? not as hard to replace?
So the only spells we have are those memorized before in prison and not cast? and Cantrips?



Quote from: Phaia on August 10, 2018, 09:11:36 PM
OUCH!! free helps since it is 500GP for a witch's familiar...per level
Will that be the same for a wizard's spell book? not as hard to replace?
So the only spells we have are those memorized before in prison and not cast? and Cantrips?


I will allow characters to “become whole” for free, I assure you.
Always seeking 5E games.


I'm considering a Dhampir Rogue.  Are they allowed?  I could just as easily make her one of the core races, if it is going to be an issue.  I just never join the sort of games where a Dhampir would even make sense, and it seems like it would be fun to play one finally.

I'm fine if you'd rather she was less exotic.  Or with lowering her race points, since I literally give no shits about anything aside from her being a cool, thematically interesting race.



Quote from: Bibliophilia on August 10, 2018, 09:31:26 PM
I'm considering a Dhampir Rogue.  Are they allowed?  I could just as easily make her one of the core races, if it is going to be an issue.  I just never join the sort of games where a Dhampir would even make sense, and it seems like it would be fun to play one finally.

I'm fine if you'd rather she was less exotic.  Or with lowering her race points, since I literally give no shits about anything aside from her being a cool, thematically interesting race.

My rule is, if you can reduce a race to 10 race points, then the character will be allowed.  Dhampir has 11 rp.  Just make your character a 10rp somehow.

Quote from: Phaia on August 10, 2018, 09:34:59 PM
umm Is a Tiefling allowed?

See the above rule.
Always seeking 5E games.

Callie Del Noire

What about spells you have in mastery?


Since I have no real clue about how to reduce race points I will look at the standard races. To bad I had really cool image for a Tiefling as well!

Zaer Darkwail

Here is link to race points. However in this page, below starting ages/height is race details in point system.

Easiest way reduce -3 is by taking away spell-alike ability and then fiendish sorcery. Alternatively one racial bonuses (bluff or stealth) goes away and then fiendish sorcery. Or remove fiendish resistance racial.


Oh, that should be easy enough.  I'll just remove the Level Drain resistance thing and that makes her a 10 rp creature.


Quote from: Callie Del Noire on August 10, 2018, 09:38:58 PM
What about spells you have in mastery?

If the question is, “do I get to use spells that I have mastered?”, the answer is yes.  However, you know that magic users who use magic openly in the prison usually have their brains dashed.

The guards rightly fear magic, so they use extreme violence to control it.

If your character has survived this long, it is because he or she has been very careful not to use magic.
Always seeking 5E games.


Quote from: Phaia on August 10, 2018, 09:39:19 PM
Since I have no real clue about how to reduce race points I will look at the standard races. To bad I had really cool image for a Tiefling as well!

As Zaer said, depowering a race is as simple as just taking off a few abilities from the race.  Totally doable.
Always seeking 5E games.


I would hope that SLA still work?


Quote from: PhantomPistoleer on August 10, 2018, 09:53:28 PM
As Zaer said, depowering a race is as simple as just taking off a few abilities from the race.  Totally doable.

Yea found the section just dropping the nice resistances  :'( drop off 3 rp which brings the tiefling to 10rp