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Started by Elf, September 08, 2014, 05:17:52 PM

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Name: Oyohusa Adawehi (from Cherokee: Death Angel)

Age: 28
Gender: male
Race: Human
Height: 6’
Weight: 187lbs
Eyes: black, cold and distant filled with sorrow and death.
Hair: Black, braided ponytail running down between shoulder blades with leather band braided into it with different beads and small feathers attached to leather band, one eagle tail feather hanging over his left ear.
Skin: copper colored (native American)
Appearance: In keeping with the tradition of his ancestors, he has no masculine facial hair, but there is no doubt that it is the face of a man there is nothing feminine about him. He has the cut and defined muscular build of a man used to working hard at what ever he does. He wears a simple unadorned collarless v-necked pull over buckskin long sleeve shirt, a hand made leather belt holding his smaller weapons and pouches. He has a leather string hanging around his neck with small beaded leather pouch on it. His legs are covered by buckskin pants with intricate but not flashy beadwork running up the outer seams, tucked into his knee high fringe topped buckskin moccasins.

Weapons: he has studied and is an expert with virtually all known weapons including firearms, but he prefers unarmed combat unless badly out numbered or classed. He carries one standard 8” bladed hunting/skinning knife, 2 Kukri blades made of pure silver (14” single edged blades about 2” near the handle widening and curving inward to a width of nearly 4” before rounding up to a point.) 2 tomahawks heads also made of silver. A standard tribal longbow and quiver of arrows with steel heads, and finally an 8’ spear with a 10” double edged silver spearhead.

He spent many hours as a youth learning from the tribe’s shaman (aka medicine man) and thus learned some of the secrets of the ancient magics. He focused primarily on those that would help make him the best hunter/warrior in the tribe, enhancing his senses, strength, speed, agility, and endurance. He also learned quite a bit about the healing arts, both with herbs and magic. For as long as anyone could remember there was always a gifted Shaman in his tribe, and only the most gifted and interested children were trained to possibly follow the ways of the shaman.

History: When he was 24 he went out alone on a vision quest. He was in the desert for nearly a week, only to have the most horrific vision he has even ever heard of anybody ever having. He had a vision of his entire tribe being massacred by blood thirsty demons in the night. When he returned it was only to find that had not just been a vision, but he had actually witnessed it really happen through his minds eye. In the ruins of his home he cast two spells, one to verify that it was indeed vampires that killed every man, woman and child, and one to forever give him the ability to identify vampires for what they truly are. Before the massacre of his tribe he knew nothing of vampires, except from the horror stories considered to be just fiction.

After searching all that remained of the village, and gathering together all the silver he could find with which to make his vampire slaying weapons, he cast one more spell. He permanently forgot the name he was given, and took the new one that will he take to his grave, as he swears to hunt the monsters responsible and destroy them.

Four years have now passed and through his hunt has learned about other supernatural beings such as werewolves, through the use of his detection ability. It seems that he can sense supernatural’s different energies, but can only positively identify vampires as such. He has also learned a little about vampires culture, now knows that most strive to remain hidden from humans and avoid such acts. He still has a very strong dislike and distrust of all vampires, but is focused on finding the group that killed his people.

When hunting he wears the traditional buckskins and war paint which after applying during a rictual gives him the strength, speed, and enhanced senses of supernatural creatures. Once the war paint comes off he goes back to normal human standards.

Personality: He used to be a fun loving, if some what serious. Now he is very serious. He seems to have lost any sense of humor.

Sexual orientation: Heterosexual. Has never thought about sentient bestiality, but then has not given much thought to sex at all in 4 years. With the proper persuasion anything is possible though.

We could put him in either a wild west setting or modern. Vampires and other supernaturals obviously exist but for the most part general human population does not know or want to know they are real. I am thinking that your character be somebody he encounters during his hunting that he becomes some how connected with and she starts to bring the humanity back out in him.

We can discuss what exactly she is, from a human needing rescuing, or some other supernatural creature, or even a vampire that was not involved in the slaughter of his people.



Still available with a deep craving for a story with this character.

Thank you for your interest, but this is now taken.