Salem: Splinter of Magic [Adult American Potterverse Game] [Now Recruiting!]

Started by Rebelle, April 02, 2017, 02:19:03 AM

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Hey there, Hi there, Ho there we’re as…

Wait, totally wrong sort of magical kingdom there!  Anyways, hello and welcome to the interest thread of Salem: Splinter of Magic.  Before we go any further, allow me to preface this with the question that might be coming to the forefront of everyone’s mind… “Wait, is this a relaunch of the Salem game?”  Well…. Yes and no. 

Salem: Splinter of Magic [Or SoM] is a game of intrigue for adult characters in the Potterverse setting, and more importantly the American setting of Potterverse.  This game utilizes information and somesetting information from the Salem Institute of Magic game, but focuses solely on adult characters (either new or returning).  However, if you are reading this and are a player who had a student in Salem… Have no worries, we’ve jiggled the time just a little bit to have you covered.  This isn’t a totally GM controlled game, and it’s not a total sandbox game either.  This is a hybrid where there will be stories and plot points of interest for players to latch onto and enjoy, and GM’s who will always try to put the entertainment and enjoyment of the players first and foremost no matter what.   

The game is open to any and all, those who only know the movies, the books, or just might be intrigued in a world of magic but doesn’t know much about the books or the fandom, if at all.  You don’t really need to, because we’ve taken what J.K. Rowling has laid forth for the masses and put our own spin on it.  If you’re not too certain about Group Games and never tried one, have no fear – we’ve got you covered as well.   The only thing that we ask is to remember rule number one… And that rule is simple… Have fun.

This game wouldn’t be happening if it wasn’t for the brains behind the first iteration, and that is Codexa, so a very big thank you goes out to her.  It is also because of her and members of the Salem game we have the pleasure of being able to offer a subforum for this game as well.  But do not let the thought of ‘big game’ make you nervous!  This is the start of a whole new game, a whole new saga, a whole new wor… Ahem… I digress… This is a new story, you’re not coming into the middle of a story already running (and even if you were, that’s okay, it’s a big place after all!).  This subforum allows us more flexibility in threads, and being able to really open up the world more so. 

If you have any questions at all – please feel free to drop us a note here, or in PM’s. 

~Your GM Team

RegretNot & Rebelle


Salem: Splinter of Magic

The Setting

The history of the American Wizarding World is very different when compared to that of Europe but it is much better told by the creator of this universe. 

Brief History of Magic in North America by JK Rowling

Though European explorers called it ‘the New World’ when they first reached the continent, wizards had known about America long before Muggles (Note: while every nationality has its own term for ‘Muggle,’ the American community uses the slang term No-Maj, short for ‘No Magic’). Various modes of magical travel – brooms and Apparition among them – not to mention visions and premonitions, meant that even far-flung wizarding communities were in contact with each other from the Middle Ages onwards.

The Native American magical community and those of Europe and Africa had known about each other long before the immigration of European No-Majs in the seventeenth century. They were already aware of the many similarities between their communities. Certain families were clearly ‘magical’, and magic also appeared unexpectedly in families where hitherto there had been no known witch or wizard. The overall ratio of wizards to non-wizards seemed consistent across populations, as did the attitudes of No-Majs, wherever they were born. In the Native American community, some witches and wizards were accepted and even lauded within their tribes, gaining reputations for healing as medicine men, or outstanding hunters. However, others were stigmatised for their beliefs, often on the basis that they were possessed by malevolent spirits.

The legend of the Native American ‘skin walker’ – an evil witch or wizard that can transform into an animal at will – has its basis in fact. A legend grew up around the Native American Animagi, that they had sacrificed close family members to gain their powers of transformation. In fact, the majority of Animagi assumed animal forms to escape persecution or to hunt for the tribe. Such derogatory rumours often originated with No-Maj medicine men, who were sometimes faking magical powers themselves, and fearful of exposure.

The Native American wizarding community was particularly gifted in animal and plant magic, its potions in particular being of a sophistication beyond much that was known in Europe. The most glaring difference between magic practised by Native Americans and the wizards of Europe was the absence of a wand.

The magic wand originated in Europe. Wands channel magic so as to make its effects both more precise and more powerful, although it is generally held to be a mark of the very greatest witches and wizards that they have also been able to produce wandless magic of a very high quality. As the Native American Animagi and potion-makers demonstrated, wandless magic can attain great complexity, but Charms and Transfiguration are very difficult without one.

As No-Maj Europeans began to emigrate to the New World, more witches and wizards of European origin also came to settle in America. Like their No-Maj counterparts, they had a variety of reasons for leaving their countries of origin. Some were driven by a sense of adventure, but most were running away: sometimes from persecution by No-Majs, sometimes from a fellow witch or wizard, but also from the wizarding authorities. The latter sought to blend in among the increasing tide of No-Majs, or hide among the Native American wizarding population, who were generally welcoming and protective of their European brethren.

From the first, however, it was clear that the New World was to be a harsher environment for witches and wizards than the Old World. There were three main reasons for this.

Firstly, like their No-Maj counterparts, they had come to a country with few amenities, except those they made themselves. Back home, they had only to visit the local Apothecary to find the necessities for potions: here, they had to forage among unfamiliar magical plants. There were no established wandmakers, and Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, which would one day rank among the greatest magical establishments in the world, was at that time no more than a rough shack containing two teachers and two students.

Secondly, the actions of their fellow No-Majs made the non-magical population of most wizards’ homelands look lovable. Not only had conflict developed between the immigrants and the Native American population, which struck a blow at the unity of the magical community, their religious beliefs made them deeply intolerant of any trace of magic. The Puritans were happy to accuse each other of occult activity on the slenderest evidence, and New World witches and wizards were right to be extremely wary of them.

The last, and probably the most dangerous problem encountered by wizards newly arrived in North America were the Scourers. As the wizarding community in America was small, scattered and secretive, it had as yet no law enforcement mechanism of its own. This left a vacuum that was filled by an unscrupulous band of wizarding mercenaries of many foreign nationalities, who formed a much-feared and brutal taskforce committed to hunting down not only known criminals, but anyone who might be worth some gold. As time went on, the Scourers became increasingly corrupt. Far away from the jurisdiction of their native magical governments, many indulged a love of authority and cruelty unjustified by their mission. Such Scourers enjoyed bloodshed and torture, and even went so far as trafficking their fellow wizards. The numbers of Scourers multiplied across America in the late seventeenth century and there is evidence that they were not above passing off innocent No-Majs as wizards, to collect rewards from gullible non-magic members of the community.

The famous Salem Witch Trials of 1692-93 were a tragedy for the wizarding community. Wizarding historians agree that among the so-called Puritan judges were at least two known Scourers, who were paying off feuds that had developed while in America. A number of the dead were indeed witches, though utterly innocent of the crimes for which they had been arrested. Others were merely No-Majs who had the misfortune to be caught up in the general hysteria and bloodlust.

Salem was significant within the magical community for reasons far beyond the tragic loss of life. Its immediate effect was to cause many witches and wizards to flee America, and many more to decide against locating there. This led to interesting variations in the magical population of North America, compared to the populations of Europe, Asia and Africa. Up until the early decades of the twentieth century, there were fewer witches and wizards in the general American population than on the other four continents. Pure-blood families, who were well-informed through wizarding newspapers about the activities of both Puritans and Scourers, rarely left for America. This meant a far higher percentage of No-Maj-born witches and wizards in the New World than elsewhere. While these witches and wizards often went on to marry and found their own all-magical families, the pure-blood ideology that has dogged much of Europe’s magical history has gained far less traction in America.

Perhaps the most significant effect of Salem was the creation of the Magical Congress of the United States of America in 1693, pre-dating the No-Maj version by around a century. Known to all American witches and wizards by the abbreviation MACUSA (commonly pronounced as: Mah – cooz – ah), it was the first time that the North American wizarding community came together to create laws for themselves, effectively establishing a magical-world-within-a-No-Maj-world such as existed in most other countries. MACUSA’s first task was to put on trial the Scourers who had betrayed their own kind. Those convicted of murder, of wizard-trafficking, torture and all other manners of cruelty were executed for their crimes.

Several of the most notorious Scourers eluded justice. With international warrants out for their arrest, they vanished permanently into the No-Maj community. Some of them married No-Majs and founded families where magical children appear to have been winnowed out in favour of non-magical offspring, to maintain the Scourer’s cover. The vengeful Scourers, cast out from their people, passed on to their descendants an absolute conviction that magic was real, and the belief that witches and wizards ought to be exterminated wherever they were found.

American magical historian Theophilus Abbot has identified several such families, each with a deep belief in magic and a great hatred of it. It may be partly due to the anti-magic beliefs and activities of the descendants of Scourer families that North American No-Majs often seem harder to fool and hoodwink on the subject of magic than many other populations. This has had far-reaching repercussions on the way the American wizarding community is governed.

In 1790, the fifteenth President of MACUSA, Emily Rappaport, instituted a law designed to create total segregation of the wizarding and No-Maj communities. This followed one of the most serious breaches of the International Statute of Secrecy, leading to a humiliating censure of MACUSA by the International Confederation of Wizards. The matter was that much more serious because the breach came from within MACUSA itself.

In brief, the catastrophe involved the daughter of President Rappaport’s trusted Keeper of Treasure and Dragots (the Dragot is the American wizarding currency and the Keeper of Dragots, as the title implies, is roughly equivalent to the Secretary of the Treasury). Aristotle Twelvetrees was a competent man, but his daughter, Dorcus, was as dim as she was pretty. She had been a poor student at Ilvermorny and at the time of her father’s ascension to high office was living at home, hardly ever performing magic, but concentrating mainly on her clothes, the arrangement of her hair and parties.

One day, at a local picnic, Dorcus Twelvetrees became greatly enamoured of a handsome No-Maj called Bartholomew Barebone. Unbeknownst to Dorcus, Bartholomew was a Scourer descendant. Nobody in his family was magic, but his belief in magic was profound and unshakeable, as was his conviction that all witches and wizards were evil.

Totally oblivious to the danger, Dorcus took Bartholomew’s polite interest in her ‘little tricks’ at face value. Led on by her beau’s artless questions, she confided the secret addresses of both MACUSA and Ilvermorny, along with information about the International Confederation of Wizards and all the ways in which these bodies sought to protect and conceal the wizarding community.

Having gathered as much information as he could from Dorcus, Bartholomew stole the wand she had obligingly demonstrated for him, showed it to as many pressmen as he could find, then gathered together armed friends and set out to persecute and, ideally, kill all the witches and wizards in the vicinity. Bartholomew further printed leaflets giving the addresses where witches and wizards congregated and sent letters to prominent No-Majs, some of whom felt it necessary to investigate whether there were indeed ‘evil occult parties’ happening at the places described.

Giddy with his mission to expose witchcraft in America, Bartholomew Barebone overstepped himself by shooting at what he believed were a group of MACUSA wizards, but which turned out to be No-Majs who had the bad fortune to leave a suspected building while he was watching it. Fortunately nobody was killed, and Bartholomew was arrested and imprisoned for the crime without any need for MACUSA involvement. This was an enormous relief to MACUSA who were struggling to cope with the massive fallout of Dorcus’s indiscretions.

Bartholomew had disseminated his leaflets widely, and a few newspapers had taken him seriously enough to print pictures of Dorcus’s wand and note that it ‘had a kick like a mule’ if waved. The attention focused on the MACUSA building was so intense that it was forced to move premises. As President Rappaport was forced to tell the International Confederation of Wizards at a public inquiry, she could not be sure that every last person privy to Dorcus’s information had been Obliviated. The leak had been so serious that the after-effects would be felt for many years.

Although many in the magical community campaigned to have her imprisoned for life or even executed, Dorcus spent only a year in jail. Thoroughly disgraced, utterly shellshocked, she emerged into a very different wizarding community and ended her days in seclusion, a mirror and her parrot her dearest companions.

Dorcus’s indiscretions led to the introduction of Rappaport’s Law. Rappaport’s Law enforced strict segregation between the No-Maj and wizarding communities. Wizards were no longer allowed to befriend or marry No-Majs. Penalties for fraternising with No-Majs were harsh. Communication with No-Majs was limited to that necessary to perform daily activities.

Rappaport’s Law further entrenched the major cultural difference between the American wizarding community and that of Europe. In the Old World, there had always been a degree of covert cooperation and communication between No-Maj governments and their magical counterparts. In America, MACUSA acted totally independently of the No-Maj government. In Europe, witches and wizards married and were friends with No-Majs; in America, No-Majs were increasingly regarded as the enemy. In short, Rappaport’s Law drove the American wizarding community, already dealing with an unusually suspicious No-Maj population, still deeper underground.

Then, there was a change coming, in 1965 MACUSA finally took a note from the No Maj and their push for civil rights that was in a fever pitch around the time and finally repealed Rappaport's law.  No Maj and those of the magical community were finally able to fraternize as they showed more trust in their citizens to keep magic a secret while not being asked to keep such big things from those closest to them that they could trust (such as family members).  Those inside the congress that were against the repeal did not see as many cases needed for obliveration as they had predicted.  It showed marked progress for MACUSA and the American wizarding world. 

In 1979 MACUSA passed an appeals process on all execution verdicts rendered by the court, thus more people entering the magical detention institution Damcoles Spine rather than being put directly to death.  The usual multiple executions slowed to only one being carried out every few years over the next forty.   

MACUSA's Auror's would prove to work tirelessly for the next few decades combating the enemies to them that were not always clear to the masses but they made news of it when they could to show them that they were being kept safe from threats to their way of life.  The Scourers were thought to be defeated many times but have remained a constant villain even in current times as well as a few other groups that have been dealt with over the ages including the The Order of Black in 1996. 

In 2018, a new president was elected after the two terms of Vincent Fairstone, former Head of the Aurors Department, Lilth Burgess. The completion of the new MACUSA capital building now in Chicago was also seen only a few short months after Burgess' installment as president, it was the perfect time for a move to the city and more to the interior of the US.  With her first term she has brought back more traditional values.  The Aurors have more oversight within other departments  including The Department of Transportation, The Department of Education, and the Department of Control and Regulation of Magical Creatures (And Beings).  In her first year a bill was brought before congress that was called "The Unity of Magic", but the writing made it apparent that this was the reintroduction of Rappaport's Law.  It was struck down by a vote of 13 for and 11 against.  President Burgess remained quiet on her thoughts on it as she has worked to provide more security for the community citing isolationism as a ideal that MACUSA should strive to follow.  2019 saw a sharp increase in executions as half a dozen members of a dark magic coven were put to death for being the cause of multiple homicides inside the No Maj and magic community alike.  Now in 2020 there are rumors swirling for another try at a bill much like "The Unity of Magic", and the nation has never more divided by ideals.  Traditionalists in the Congress have suggested the community is at the threat of fracture whereas the progressives see this coming change as another evolution for society. 

The Factions

MACUSA            Council of Black          Order of Asylum 
The Magical Congress of the United States of America (shortened MACUSA) is the magical body in charge of governing the wizarding population of the United States of America. It is led by the President of the Magical Congress of the United States of America, Lilth Burgess.
Unlike the No-Maj United States Congress, which is divided into a House of Representatives and a Senate, the MACUSA is unicameral.  The Department of Magical Law Enforcement is led by the Head of the Aurors, Gary Weiss, and handles protecting the citizens of the American wizarding world from all threats both foreign and domestic.  Weiss was put in charge by President Burgess as he is a legacy traced back to the original twelve Aurors, who helped all but eliminate the threat of the Dark Wizards known as the Scourers, through his leadership and the Madam President MACUSA can be stronger than ever.
The Council of Black was born in 1946 in West Covina, California with the original council members elected being Lucille Vero, Diana Unger, James Calvin, Roger MacNeil, Michelle Rodriguez, Grant Young, Micheal O'Grady, Victor Bray, and Speaker Thomas Davis.  There were thiry nine recognized members besides the council members present when the Decree of Black was signed by all present. 

"We, The Council of Black, do hereby declare that we, no matter of blood status or family pedigree, are equal in the world of magic.  Through this we are free of the unjust laws that governments pass that do not represent their own people.  We shall face this struggle of this false rulership and break the bindings that keep us from fully realizing our potential.  We together fight and struggle not only for ourselves but for all our other brothers and sisters that continue to be kept underfoot by corruption, oppression, ignorance, and fear. 

The Council of Black is our political expression of the struggle that all those of non pure blood wizards and witches face and what must be done to deliver freedom for all to pursue a life full of liberty and happiness....
The Order was established in 1623 under the leadership of Benjamin Rutledge, a brave pioneer who was trained by the Auror's office of the Ministry of Magic.  Rutledge recruited others witches and wizards under the banner to stop the tyranny and fear that was caused by dark magic that had taken hold in the New World.  They landed in Jamestown and started in on the dark magic of the native americans that was used in the Indian Massacre of 1622 that took the life of over 300 No Maj and six witches and wizards, who were part of the community.  Banding together into families they spread out of the colonies and helped quell the dark magic users not only native american but those from Europe that had tried to take hold of communuties in America.

Even after the scandal of the Salem Witch Trails and MACUSA outlawing and hunting down their numbers with the Auror's Office the Order of Asylum remained underground helped by No Maj and their wizard families alike.  The Order in modern times has used the No Maj world to keep their secrecy and get information on MACUSA as they aim to free the wizarding community from their tyranny and make a world that doesn't have sides and such inequality all based on who is and isn't anointed. 
The Views
The View from Within : "MACUSA was established for the wizarding community by the wizarding community of the United States.  We serve at the leisure of the people and protect the rights of all.  There have been threats for as long as we have existed but together the people of the Congress can prevail against anything we have proven that from my ancestor Helmut Weiss, one of the original Aurors, to now." 

The Views from the Outside:

Council of Black:  "What once was a proud idea of democracy had been compromised by favoristism and back door dealing.  It's a shell and the thing about hollow structures are they come down so much easier, one more shove and the whole thing will be debris."  - The Fenris, Council of Black Legend

Scourers:  "They let us do the dirty work and when they realized it took hard decisions to get rid of evil, for that they made us scapegoats.  MACUSA told the world we were dead or dying out but our demise had been greatly exaggerated and for that they will never see us coming."  -  Carrie Monroe, Centurion of Order of Asylum
Council of Black
The View from Within: "We see how the others have fought for centuries and neither is the answer, they both live the past of their own making, only we can bring the wizarding world into the future."  - Timothy Knight, Ex Speaker of the Council

The View from Outside

MACUSA: "Nothing but storys like the boogeyman, whatever this Order of Black thought they could do to terrorize the wizarding world they failed years ago, can we talk about something real?"  - Noah Flint, MACUSA Hit Wizard

Scourers: "Not unlikely that another rogue faction exists that sees what is wrong with MACUSA but if the news in Atlanta was true they are young ignorant upstarts at best and ineffective at worst, and that is truly the worst kind of rebel." - Lord Commander Bragg of Order of Asylum
Order of Asylum
The View from Within: "The Order has always believed that the No Maj could handle our world just as we handle theirs.  Through this we can be strong, stronger to fight against the real threats of the world, the true evils.  In the end history will show us to be on the right side all along and we will only ask those who see it finally to follow us to a better world."  - Stephanie Vincent, Trust and Respected Devotee of the Order of Asylum

The View from Outside

MACUSA: "They fought monsters and became monsters themselves, a sad and tragic story that ended with their kind's own rebellion and extermination.  Anyone who calls themselves as such anymore is living in the past and only earning themselves a red mark in our community, they are dark wizards or outsiders, sometimes even both in some cases."  - Michael Lawrence, Vice President of MACUSA

Council of Black: "MACUSA thought they got rid of them but the truth is they are much harder to kill off than all that.  Truth is that dark magic is in their blood and couple that with fanatiscism and if you get in a fight with two, be prepared, three, get some help.  You find a whole mess of them, bombarda that place back to the stone age."  - The Fenris, Council of Black Legend


"Chicago has a strange metaphysical elegance of death about it."  -Claes Oldenburg

Chicago, Illinois – the third largest city in the states – and home to almost 3 million people, No-Maj and Wizard alike.  The city has seen its fair share of ups and downs over the years, thriving as a metropolitan area, and even being considered Illinois’ true state capital instead of tiny boring Springfield.  Yet, and there is always a yet, along with its grand size, elevated rail station, and famous sports teams came violence, death, murder, drugs, crime.  There is a seedy underbelly to Chicago, and it doesn’t matter if you’re a No-Maj or a wizard, there’s just certain places you don’t want to be at late at night without something to protect you that’s for sure. 

Chicago, Illinois is a city that is comprised of not only the Metropolitan area but also many suburbs – connected by highways, byways, expressways, and the famous ‘L’ train. A person can get lost in such a place, either on purpose or by accident, and location spells do not always work out so well.  Too much interference they say.  Within the Central district precinct, buried on one of the many floors – there is a small group who work homicide cases as well as other unexplained/unsolved crimes.  These are actually Wizards, working under the direction of the Aurors department – but also separate.  These individuals are known as Hit Wizards, and have ‘detectives’ in almost every major metropolitan area in the US. 

In more recent years, as crime and scandal continue to plague the No-Maj, tensions have become higher.  Unions have begun to strike, more politicians are finding themselves facing jail time, and protests are becoming common place.  The tensions have carried over, and the wizarding community has seen an uptick in protests, uncivilized actions, and wizard on wizard crime escalating.  Yet for all of it’s warts and boils, cracks and fissures – Chicago is a strong city, a proud city, a beautiful city for No-Maj and wizard alike.

Character Creation
Witches and Wizards

Beyond are the many possible concepts and special abilities for witches or wizards inside the game.  Consider the multiple groups in a struggle for control of the wizarding world in America and above all make a character that you find enjoyment and fun in.  Any questions can be directed to the GMs in the OOC or PM. 

Magical Beings

The world is not just witches and wizards and the No Maj but there are other magical beings and creatures present.  There are some that are very playable with their own magic abilities, for more information look here.

General Game Rules

The Rules

These rules are in place in order to maintain a civil and fun environment for players to relax, and enjoy a beloved setting. This is a hobby, a fun way to escape for some, and thus I want to keep this as drama free as possible for the enjoyment of everyone.

Respect your fellow writers! We do not take kindly to disrespect, bullying or harassment of any kind. Bullying is the only rule that if violated, will result in immediate removal from the Game. Be kind. Do not harass other players in OOC or in PMs.

1. Common Sense. -Use common sense when roleplaying your character, interacting with the world and dealing with other people. If you are in a room full of people and somebody starts screaming, it is logical that you will hear it. You do not live in a bubble, so don't write in one. Also, no God Modding. It's disrespectful.

1.5 Characters: There is currently no cap on the number of characters a player can have but if there begins to be "too many" the GMs will discuss and set a cap. 

** It should be said, that just because you can, doesn't mean you have too. Please only create and bring in what you honestly feel you can handle.

2. In character vs Out of character - If you cannot separate your characters from yourself, this isn't the place for you. Our characters are not us and we are not our characters. We will not deal or put up with controlling behavior over other peoples creations, or other writers. It's not cool.

3. Comfort Levels. Everyone has limits, soft and hard on content and what they are comfortable writing. In most cases, scenes tend to go where they will, but if there is something potentially BIG or that might touch on something a person won't be comfortable with - Ask that Player first.  Also, we ask that everyone please respect the writers On/Off's and take that into consideration when plotting etc.

4. When choosing a face for your character, we require that they be real people. No anime characters, or realistic CG will be accepted or allowed.

5. Metagaming. Don't do it. Metagaming means taking advantage of what you, the player, know about game mechanics, plots, players and characters. What you know and what your characters know are different. Your character's access to information is necessarily narrower than yours; don't abuse your personal knowledge in order to place your character in a better position. It's poor gamesmanship and just plain boring. No one loves someone who wins all the time.

6. Real world always comes first. Always.

7. We follow the lore that Rowling has laid out for us. While some things change here and there to reflect the AU nature or to handle a lack of information, as a whole we respect our source material. Given the lack of information, we've went ahead and created our own settings and additions. 

8. Posting - Every post should have a header tag information. The Header Tag will be made easily available.

9. Group Scenes. If you are posting with more than one person, establish an order or keep in mind that everyone should get a chance to respond before you go again. Having two people run ahead of everyone else is annoying and a little rude. No one likes being left out. So again, be kind.

9.5. Everyone posts at their own rate, and we want this to be a comfortable place for fast paced writers, and slower writers to come and enjoy fully regardless of style or time or RL commitments. We ask everyone to be considerate of each other, and if there is any concerns please do not hesitate to bring them to the GM team. We are here for you!

10. Posts are third person, past tense.

We also don't want to lay down a super strict word count and we aren't expecting every post to be a novel.  A good general rule is to make sure you give your partner something to work with. Include details, thoughts and actions in your post.

11. Let's talk Consequences. We are not out to kill anyone's characters. However, if your witch or wizard, good or bad does something monumentally stupid, or randomly decides to attack a village or something equally insane. There will be consequences for those actions, that may result in the character needing to be 'retired' AKA killed or imprisoned. So, please use common sense, and make sure to discuss big and potentially altering plots or story lines with the staff.

12. Triggering Material: While we allow darker, and more adult themes in our game, anything that could be considered triggering, such as extreme violence between characters needs to be tagged and spoilered. We want to offer our players as much creative freedom as possible in regards to interactions and personal plots. However, we require that everyone be considerate of others.

Right now we have two hard no's when it comes to questionable material. --- Non Consensual Sexual Acts. This is not allowed to be written in any of the threads, including the Broom Closet in detail. If you feel the need for this to happen, we now have a thread called GRIM for this purpose. Otherwise, you may imply it has taken place, or skip to an 'after' scene. GRIM

Incest between blood relations: Acts between blood related relatives of a sexual nature are not to be written in the game, it can be implied or referenced, but we'd prefer to keep it out of the game as much as possible.
Additional Rules: Adult Specific

1. Playing a character comes with a certain amount of responsibility. The Staff can't babysit or hold anyone's hand. We expect you to be able to plot your own story-lines, and be proactive in role-playing. We are of course here for help, advice etc. [General]

2. With the above stated, this includes us controlling NPCs. We will not control every average NPC for your character. That is your job. Exceptions to this are storyline or otherwise important NPC's. 

3. Right now we are limiting how many 'special' characters one writer can have.

4. Your adult doesn't have to had graduated. But understand that by not graduating, this can limit the careers and professions open to them. Including jobs within MACUSA or even at the hospital.


Can I make a character from the books?

Unfortunately you can't play Hermione Granger or Sirius Black's long lost daughter. We are an (AU) game, meaning that while we create our characters based on the books’ lore and canon, most characters or events which appear in the books themselves are not part of the games timeline or plot. You still may see some familiar names on Chocolate Frog Cards and in the Spellbooks.

What year is it?

We will be playing in the year 2020 - The game will most likely open around the middle of the year.

How does time flow?

We are starting 3 months In Real Life to 1 month In Game.

Can I reserve a face -claim?

Yes, we are allowing interested players to reserve fc's - We allow them to keep this reservation for ten days. We ask that players submit a character sheet within that time frame, otherwise they risk losing that face claim.

The No - Maj

In North America - Muggle's are called No-Maj which stands for ' No Magic'

Adult Specific FAQS.

The United States is a huge place! How are you handling that?

For the sake of our sanity. The game will focus primarily on the Mid-West portion of the USA. Which is where  where MACUSA is located, as well as our american wizarding areas [ think diagon alleys american style] However, we will have a thread, where players can set up scenes in their personal residences.

I want to play the next Great Dark Lord / aka Voldemort. So can I?

No. We already have an established groups that have members with questionable morals Aka 'dark wizards'.

NO others will be approved. This doesn't mean you have to play a goody two shoes! Villains come in all shapes and sizes, fashions and flavors and you don't have to be a Dark Lord (or even be associated with our game canon groups) to cause a little chaos. All we ask from you is to keep it canon, keep it realistic and don't try to be the most powerful bad ass the wizarding world has ever seen.

My character just graduated. What next?

There are so many different options open to you and your character.  Obviously the most popular places for a character to work are MACUSA or our wizarding hospital and we have many open spots for trainees in most areas. Of course, just as in real life, not everyone has the ability to get a job straight away and may not wish to continue in a traineeship or further education.

You're very welcome to have your character become unemployed, being hit by hard times, anything to have fun! You can also open your own store in Chicago or our secondary wizarding area [to be created] or gain employment in one of the already established businesses. Ultimately, it's up to you and what fits for your character.

While we offer a story and plot-line, this is a game that is about what you make it.  It relies heavily on Collaborative Writing.

Is there any way to find out who my adult might have gone to school with?

Talking with your fellow players is key in this game. Collaborative writing. Character sheets are a good way to start, and so is simply asking about connections or ties to characters who have attended around the time as your character.


Character Sheet:

[center][b][size=14pt]Character Sheet:[/size][/b][/center]

[center][size=12pt][i][b]The Basics[/b][/i][/size][/center]

[float=right][img height=250]http://*insert character picture link here*[/img][/float]

[b]Full Name:[/b]


[b]Birthday/Age:[/b][Please list year of birth as well as month and day]

[b]Blood Status:[/b]


[b]School Alumni | Year Graduated:[/b]

[b]Profession:[/b] [If applying as a member of one of the factions, there is an additional portion below the sheet]

[b]Faction:[/b] [They can be a part of any of the three factions or none, you can even put if they are just a recruitment target for one here\

[b]Wand: Wood | Core | Length[/b]

[b]Patronus:[/b] [ If yes, what form does it take?]

[b]Apparation License[/b] [y/n]

[b]Wand License[/b] [y/n]

[b]Boggart:[/b] [Please give an idea on what it is, and a possible riddikulus]

[center][size=12pt][i][b]Physical Appearance[/b][/i][/size][/center]

[b]Description: [/b]

[b]Distinguishing Features: [/b]

[center][img height=200]http://*insert character picture link here*[/img][img height=200]http://*insert character picture link here*[/img][img height=200]http://*insert character picture link here*[/img][img height=200]http://*insert character picture link here*[/img][/center]

[center][size=12pt][i][b]Delving Deeper[/b][/i][/size][/center]

[b]Personality:[/b] [At least a paragraph][Also you may list traits - Suggestion would be a mixture of positive, negative and neutral traits] []

[b]History:[/b] [Tell me about your character, his/her family, details. At least 3  paragraphs. We want to have an idea on where your character came from, and what they've done to get where they are now.]

Family: [Who is in your characters family? - List name | occupation | relation | blood-status | Reputation if applies]

[center][size=12pt][i][b]A Little More[/b][/i][/size][/center]



[b]Habits | Mannerisms:[/b] [At least three]

[b]Strengths:[/b] [At least 2 magical and 3 non magical]

[b]Weaknesses:[/b] [At least 1 magical and 2 non magical]

[b]Fears:[/b] (None is NOT an acceptable answer)


[b]Theme Song:[/b][Optional]

[b]Character Goals:[/b][At least two]

[b]Character Metrics[/b] [Optional, makes things easier for characters involved in conflicts]

Questionnaire for Members of the Factions

We ask that players interested in a faction member answer these questions and submit them along with their character sheet. Thank you.

Why would you like to play this character?

What is your vision for this character?

Would you be willing to work with GM's if the need arises for plot/storyline purposes?

Caela guys have already put a lot of work into this! Definitely interested.


Quote from: Caela on April 02, 2017, 09:59:11 AM guys have already put a lot of work into this! Definitely interested.

Haha yay that's what I like to hear and it's so good to see you Caela!  If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.


Surprised this had t been more active or are you just flush with existing Salem Characters?

"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious

Madame Professor

The Professor's Research Notes (O/O)  Locked away in the Laboratory (A/A) 
Not currently available for new roleplays
Procaffeinating: (verb) The tendency to not start anything until you've had a cup of coffee.
Perkatory: (noun) The anguished, prolonged period spent waiting for a fresh pot of coffee to be ready.



We didn't generate a lot of interest initially, there are a few people from the old timeline that are still around that were waiting for new players but no one seemed interested at first.  If this has changed we already have the board, starting Storyline, and threads set up so anyone who is interested in making a character is welcome to, as staff we were waiting for others to make characters before we began to age our own characters from the previous game or making new ones.  That being said we are open and haven't scraped the game if people want to play and get the word out if you like to other players you think might be interested.  In summary we are definitely still interested in running this game in this world.  Thank you guys for showing interest! 



Whoa, hey to those who are showing interest in the game, this is fabulous to see, and I am excited.

Let's just say this Rebelle was a little down in the dumps when it seemed that the hallowed halls of Salem were going to go unoccupied and grow under a coating of dust and cobwebs.

If anyone is currently intrigued, and would like to brainstorm or ask more questions - please feel free to ask them here, we'll get them answered asap!


I am intrigued by it. Reading through the stuff again just to kind of  better understand the whole story behind what you are doing.
There is no Order only Chaos and all the joys that it brings. 
This way too On's and Off's


If you have any questions don't hesitate to send us (Rebelle and I) a pm.  I know we both aren't always crystal clear, her more than me because I responded first for the purposes of this post. 


I do have a few questions actually;

1) What are you thinking age wise? Twenties and up or older to fit better with the previous game?

2) Is the main plot going to be based around the coming changes? Or is another problem/situation going to appear on the back of that one that makes things worse? Or is the plot more character driven with the problems the community is facing being more of a back drop?

3) Is there a CS sheet that I need to follow to put in a character (or two) and a preference on images used? (such as only real people, only anime, anything but real people...Etc)


1.)  Anyone over the age of 18 and up fits the setting as we will have some that have just graduated from school and are entering the adult wizarding world and others that have been in the fray for sometime, it all depends on the story you wish to tell. 

2.) The main plot will evolve from the setting in front of the characters when they pick up, things will change and events will occur that they react to.  We fully intend on the characters being played to affect the outcome of the story in general depending on actions they take or don't.  Basically a hybrid of gm plot points and storylines coupled with player driven elements.

3.) The CS format can be found here and we do real people for face claims and even have a face claim thread here to stake your claim while making a character here.


Thank you and I am probably the most unobservant person ever because I just noticed that there is a CS at the top of this thread...

I will just check out the faceclaims before I put up a CS. Should I just post it here?


PM your CS to Rebelle and I.  Once we approve there is a place you can post it. 


You can PM the character sheets to RegretNot and myself..  That way we can get clarifications that way if there are any needed and the sort :)

Or you know... RN can answer too >.>'


So I think I will make a character...though I have a few idea going around in my head and they are kind of jumbling all together. But I will start working on it and hopefully have something Tuesday or Wednesday. Most likely Wednesday day as I know my aunt and uncle are coming over  tomorrow to ea t lunch so I won't have the time to sort my thoughts out. 
There is no Order only Chaos and all the joys that it brings. 
This way too On's and Off's


Quote from: Chaosfox on April 29, 2017, 11:09:18 PM
So I think I will make a character...though I have a few idea going around in my head and they are kind of jumbling all together. But I will start working on it and hopefully have something Tuesday or Wednesday. Most likely Wednesday day as I know my aunt and uncle are coming over  tomorrow to ea t lunch so I won't have the time to sort my thoughts out.

This is wonderful news, and that's completely all right.  I work this week Mon-Wed 3p-11pCST, but I have my cellphone during breaks so I can read through things.  Enjoy your time with your aunt and uncle :)


Hardly XD. No I love my family they are great....I just do not see eye to eye on a lot of things. Anyway I do have a question. Well first I was looking through and the random chart seems to have a bigger diversity of both woods and cores. Could We not choose from those list when making a wand? One of my ideas is for a healer and it has a core that would work well. 
There is no Order only Chaos and all the joys that it brings. 
This way too On's and Off's


By all means, of course you can!  There is absolutely no problem with doing that whatsoever :) 

And hey... I understand about family and then some.


Oh one thing I want to mention before I do work on my sheet and send it. I am working with the generic keyboard that usually comes with a new computer. Now this I not usually a problem for me. However it is older and While they only key that is messing is the return key on  the numpad my a key does not  pop back up so it works at just the slightest touch which is not really a big deal because I tend to notice too many a's. What can be a slight issue is my space key. So I will apologize if there is to much spacing between my word's for some reason when I transfer between word and here it cause spacing issues and I may miss some of  them. But I do promise to try and catch as many as I can spot before maks any post or before I send my Character sheet.
There is no Order only Chaos and all the joys that it brings. 
This way too On's and Off's


We can fix a few spacing issues for you if need be, no worries Choasfox. 

Twisted iN Tux

I must say, this scenario sounds awesome, but, well, I'm a tad bit overwhelmed with all of its actual awesomeness. I'm going to pour over all of the fantastic details and do my best to come up with something cool, but it could take me a little while. Lol. Wish me luck!



Quote from: Twisted iN Tux on April 30, 2017, 08:50:53 AM
I must say, this scenario sounds awesome, but, well, I'm a tad bit overwhelmed with all of its actual awesomeness. I'm going to pour over all of the fantastic details and do my best to come up with something cool, but it could take me a little while. Lol. Wish me luck!


Those were pretty much my exact thoughts when I first saw this idea.
There is no Order only Chaos and all the joys that it brings. 
This way too On's and Off's


Quote from: Twisted iN Tux on April 30, 2017, 08:50:53 AM
I must say, this scenario sounds awesome, but, well, I'm a tad bit overwhelmed with all of its actual awesomeness. I'm going to pour over all of the fantastic details and do my best to come up with something cool, but it could take me a little while. Lol. Wish me luck!


If you have any questions just let us know either here or in pm as Rebelle and I should be able to get back to pretty timely.  We know there is a lot to read and we tried not to be overwhelming but we also wanted players to be "in the know" for a lot of things so they could push their own adventures and story should they chose to.  Welcome to the game!

Twisted iN Tux

Quote from: RegretNot on April 30, 2017, 09:02:12 AM
If you have any questions just let us know either here or in pm as Rebelle and I should be able to get back to pretty timely.  We know there is a lot to read and we tried not to be overwhelming but we also wanted players to be "in the know" for a lot of things so they could push their own adventures and story should they chose to.  Welcome to the game!

Thank you. You'll be the first to know if I have any questions or hit any roadblocks. I love the character creation process, I just need to wrap my head around all of the details to get them just right.


Just found my first issue with my own work and that was that Faction was missing from the sheet.  I have adjusted it in the recruitment thread and creation thread accordingly.  That said putting "none" in here is acceptable or putting in which Faction you wish to be actively recruiting your character so that other players or staff can try and get your character to join their cause is perfectly fine as well. 


Looking at the  "Wand License" basically just a license to use a wand like a wizarding version of a drivers license?

Twisted iN Tux

There appears to be a wand application AND permit!

Although, I certainly have zero knowledge if such a thing exists in this AU. *looks to the GMs*


I would have noticed something like that in the information posts at the beginning of this thread and wouldn't have needed to ask the question.

Twisted iN Tux

Aaaand, now I think this brief interaction has sealed the deal on the type of character I'm going to make! Wand Permit Officer. *nods* Either that, or a Gossip Correspondent for The Obliviator. Nope! Something entirely different. *grin*

Twisted iN Tux

Quote from: Caela on April 30, 2017, 11:22:19 AM
I would have noticed something like that in the information posts at the beginning of this thread and wouldn't have needed to ask the question.

I was just noting that it does appear to be a thing in the Potter Universe, which I would assume would translate to this AU as well...or not.


Quote from: Caela on April 30, 2017, 11:04:09 AM
Looking at the  "Wand License" basically just a license to use a wand like a wizarding version of a drivers license?

Apparition License is more like a "driver's license" whereas a wand license is kind of like a Carry Conceal Permit or a Firearms Owners Permit (in a few states), it gives you the ability to carry your wand outside of your home or school enviroment.  In the US until you are 18 you can't get one, which means if a student is carrying a wand outside school grounds they can be charged for illegally doing so.  Certain crimes also could suspend licenses as directed by MACUSA.  As with most kinds of government oversight there are two sides, those who see it as necessary and those that think restricting such an inherent right to wizards and witches is a overstep and should be repealed. 


Holy cow I just woke up (second shift kicked my night owl into iverdrive) and this is awesome to see.

I do notice we don't have i on wand permits.. and while RN did answer we'll need to get that added.

Thank you guys so much, you're all pretty dang awesome

Zealously Jaded

*pops in with a literal pop*

Hey there... Greyson is itching for an adventure :D


Quote from: RegretNot on April 30, 2017, 11:37:08 AM
Apparition License is more like a "driver's license" whereas a wand license is kind of like a Carry Conceal Permit or a Firearms Owners Permit (in a few states), it gives you the ability to carry your wand outside of your home or school enviroment.  In the US until you are 18 you can't get one, which means if a student is carrying a wand outside school grounds they can be charged for illegally doing so.  Certain crimes also could suspend licenses as directed by MACUSA.  As with most kinds of government oversight there are two sides, those who see it as necessary and those that think restricting such an inherent right to wizards and witches is a overstep and should be repealed.

Thank you, that's what I needed to know!


Another  question why I am thinking about it. where did you two create the crest for your Pure blood Family lines?
There is no Order only Chaos and all the joys that it brings. 
This way too On's and Off's


Quote from: Chaosfox on April 30, 2017, 06:17:44 PM
Another  question why I am thinking about it. where did you two create the crest for your Pure blood Family lines?

I actually googled family crests after choosing the family name and looked to see if there was one I liked for the Greysons. 

However I have this generator I love for a lot of things (used it to help name some locations)  that has a coat of arms generator


Quote from: Zealously Jaded on April 30, 2017, 05:47:33 PM
*pops in with a literal pop*

Hey there... Greyson is itching for an adventure :D

That's wonderful news to hear!!

You'll need to redo her or add on the additional information  we seek and resubmit. 

Zealously Jaded

Quote from: Rebelle on April 30, 2017, 06:22:48 PM
That's wonderful news to hear!!

You'll need to redo her or add on the additional information  we seek and resubmit. 

I figured, I might have to change a few things. I might have a few updates. How many pure bloods do you guys have potentially?


Quote from: Zealously Jaded on April 30, 2017, 06:28:00 PM
I figured, I might have to change a few things. I might have a few updates. How many pure bloods do you guys have potentially?

3 potentially at the moment and reading between the lines possibly 4.  We're really not limiting them though, so if you want one go right ahead :D

Twisted iN Tux

I actually have a question, too, and forgive me if I've missed this in all of your awesome history: Does the Salem Institute have houses that they sort their students into or not?

I did notice that there appears to be a Danvers and Andover branch (house?) of the school...or at least I'm assuming that's what they are, seeing that the Gallow Family has alumni from each. Any info you can give would be greatly appreciated! I feel like there may be more info out there that I'm somehow missing, perhaps from the previous iteration of this scenario?



Hmmmm I could have sworn....

Give me a few minutes and lemme see what I can find!


Okay I found the information.  I'm going to slap it into the char c4eation thread real quick for you guys

Silly Regret Not forgot to plug that info in when we moved from world building


Triple post FTW!

There is the schooling information now available to all :)  I also plugged it into the character creation. 

But to also answer your question - yes, the students of Salem are sorted into houses via a large lantern (think a cousin to the Sorting Hat).

Sorry about that Twisted - thank you so much for bringing it to our attention!

Twisted iN Tux

Quote from: Rebelle on April 30, 2017, 07:12:16 PM
Triple post FTW!

There is the schooling information now available to all :)  I also plugged it into the character creation. 

But to also answer your question - yes, the students of Salem are sorted into houses via a large lantern (think a cousin to the Sorting Hat).

Sorry about that Twisted - thank you so much for bringing it to our attention!

Awesome! Thank YOU for the quick reply and added info. *runs off to read*


Quote from: Twisted iN Tux on April 30, 2017, 07:15:14 PM
Awesome! Thank YOU for the quick reply and added info. *runs off to read*

You're very welcome -  I try to reply as quickly as I am able to to help out you guys as players, as I know waiting around can be mind numbing.

Same thing goes for role-playing  unless my brain doesnt want to brain then we'll I need caffeine or sleep :D

Again for all, please don't hesitate to ask questions  that's what we're here for!


Also I would like to announce we have our first THREE characters whom have been accepted for the game!

IamQ and Caela's characters have been accepted

Zealously Jaded


Quote from: Chaosfox on April 30, 2017, 06:17:44 PM
Another  question why I am thinking about it. where did you two create the crest for your Pure blood Family lines?

i am pretty sure I used one of the the actual Breckenridge Crests for mine when I originally created the family for the Salem Institute game.

"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


And we have our fourth character already accepted!

You guys are keeping me busy tonight - but trust me, totally not complaining!


Kind of helping me figure out which character I want to do still deciding between a couple of ideas Will start on the CS tomorrow.
There is no Order only Chaos and all the joys that it brings. 
This way too On's and Off's


I have to pull up my old character Quincy from the last game, as well as adjust him for time, and then get his uncle created, too!
“Those who lack drama in their
lives strive to invent it.”   ― Terry Masters
"It is only when we place hurdles too high to jump
before our characters, that they learn how to fly."  --  Me
Owed/current posts
Sigs by Ritsu


Just because it needs to be done..... Again

Seriously, this is just... this makes this Rebbie feel awesome and then some.

Take your time making characters, it's totally understandable and there is no rush on it.  We're here to help in any way possible.  I posted my schedule for this week workwise in the OOC section so you guys know what's what for me.


I have had some questions on pm about newspapers and magazines for Salem.

Right now we just have the Aegis, but tonight I am going to fix that. 

So just a quick update on that. 

Twisted iN Tux

Quote from: Rebelle on May 02, 2017, 01:52:37 PM

Right now we just have the Aegis, but tonight I am going to fix that. 


Just to keep you guys updated, I'm more than halfway finished with creating my PC. He's a Pure-Blood, so there's been a lot of time spent on making sure his family tree/history makes sense. I'm hoping to have him ready to be PM'd in the next few days, preferably no later than Friday morning.


Twisted iN Tux

Quick question for the GMs: For the metrics slot on the character sheet, is there something specific that you're looking for?

Thank you,


That is an optional area for those that want to use the combat magic system here.

Twisted iN Tux

Quote from: RegretNot on May 02, 2017, 07:37:31 PM
That is an optional area for those that want to use the combat magic system here.

Oooo. Awesome. Thank you! I'm not much of a system gamer, but I may just throw something together for this scenario.


Quote from: Twisted iN Tux on May 02, 2017, 04:45:06 PM

Just to keep you guys updated, I'm more than halfway finished with creating my PC. He's a Pure-Blood, so there's been a lot of time spent on making sure his family tree/history makes sense. I'm hoping to have him ready to be PM'd in the next few days, preferably no later than Friday morning.


We can't wait to see him!  There's positively no rush though, people can build at their leisure, we're not going anywhere :D


I was gonna try my usual snowflakism at trying to play a muggle conman pretending to be a wizard but after reading the wand creation rules I'm interested, even if I want to do weird things. :D

Can you have wand materials not on the list?
Glory is being Great and being Useful - Simon Bolivar

Because its There - Sir Edmund Hillary

"The Lord of the Mans of Rod" - Me, spelling everything write and still getting the sentence wrong.

On and Offs -


Quote from: LordRod on May 03, 2017, 11:18:44 AM
I was gonna try my usual snowflakism at trying to play a muggle conman pretending to be a wizard but after reading the wand creation rules I'm interested, even if I want to do weird things. :D

Can you have wand materials not on the list?

It's dependant on what it is, what its base function is (as most materials have that flavor text), why this material would be used, and if it makes sense.   And of course, dependedant on gm approval. :D


Well Wood wise, Rowan does look attractive, but Chestnut is an interesting wood for me in a Salem game given how prevalent they were and how they nearly died off.....

As far as the core, House Elf, Giant Spider or Giant all interest me :D
Glory is being Great and being Useful - Simon Bolivar

Because its There - Sir Edmund Hillary

"The Lord of the Mans of Rod" - Me, spelling everything write and still getting the sentence wrong.

On and Offs -


Well we do have acromantula webbing for the giant spider.  What would the core be made out of though?  Giants tooth, house eld gair, or something else of that nature?


Oh, I wondered about that.  I didn't realize that acromantula was the name of the critter. :D

And I really like the idea of Giant's tooth. :D

I wonder what a chestnut wand with Giant's tooth would even do :D
Glory is being Great and being Useful - Simon Bolivar

Because its There - Sir Edmund Hillary

"The Lord of the Mans of Rod" - Me, spelling everything write and still getting the sentence wrong.

On and Offs -


Quote from: LordRod on May 03, 2017, 02:50:36 PM
Oh, I wondered about that.  I didn't realize that acromantula was the name of the critter. :D

And I really like the idea of Giant's tooth. :D

I wonder what a chestnut wand with Giant's tooth would even do :D

That's okay!  Thats why we're here :)

And hmm let me think about it a little.  It wouldn't be a whole tooth as those would be huge.  Lemme do some research whilst I am at work and talk it over with RN.. and I'll let you know. 


Fun.  I would love building a character around an odd wand combination
Glory is being Great and being Useful - Simon Bolivar

Because its There - Sir Edmund Hillary

"The Lord of the Mans of Rod" - Me, spelling everything write and still getting the sentence wrong.

On and Offs -


Olay typing in my phone so I apologize for any typos

I'm thinking due to info on hand from various Wicca sources  that the wood is good for focusing on either charms, transfiguration, or defensive spells and the giants tooth is really good for healing spells and is steadfast.  It is not conducive for dark magic and if someone is attempting to use it for nefarious purposes or a dark wizard true to take possession of it, the wand will become wild and unruly and most spells will backfire.  Plus the tooth sliver being from the source of a giant wouldnt be considered an overly strong core (as Giants aren't very bright)


Wanted to say that  some family stuff came up THe past few days.  Wil be working on the  character today and hopefully have it to you both later today or tonight.
There is no Order only Chaos and all the joys that it brings. 
This way too On's and Off's


Quote from: Rebelle on May 03, 2017, 07:44:13 PM
Olay typing in my phone so I apologize for any typos

I'm thinking due to info on hand from various Wicca sources  that the wood is good for focusing on either charms, transfiguration, or defensive spells and the giants tooth is really good for healing spells and is steadfast.  It is not conducive for dark magic and if someone is attempting to use it for nefarious purposes or a dark wizard true to take possession of it, the wand will become wild and unruly and most spells will backfire.  Plus the tooth sliver being from the source of a giant wouldnt be considered an overly strong core (as Giants aren't very bright)

Well that's just neat.  I've got some ideas in mind.  I will work on something today or at latest tomorrow.
Glory is being Great and being Useful - Simon Bolivar

Because its There - Sir Edmund Hillary

"The Lord of the Mans of Rod" - Me, spelling everything write and still getting the sentence wrong.

On and Offs -


Quote from: Chaosfox on May 04, 2017, 08:12:12 AM
Wanted to say that  some family stuff came up THe past few days.  Wil be working on the  character today and hopefully have it to you both later today or tonight.

Looking forward to seeing what you are doing and hope the family stuff calmed down some!
Quote from: LordRod on May 04, 2017, 09:49:50 AM
Well that's just neat.  I've got some ideas in mind.  I will work on something today or at latest tomorrow.


Also if anyone else wants to make a wand out of materials that are not listed by all means contact me and RN and we might be able to come up with something


I will be on vacation til tuesday, hopefully when i get back we can kick off proper.  I might not be able to write but i will respond to PMs if i have reception, if not Rebelle can handle it easily by herself for a few days and kill me later.  ;)

Twisted iN Tux

Quote from: RegretNot on May 05, 2017, 09:54:57 AM
I will be on vacation til tuesday, hopefully when i get back we can kick off proper.  I might not be able to write but i will respond to PMs if i have reception, if not Rebelle can handle it easily by herself for a few days and kill me later.  ;)

Have a safe trip!

I had hoped to get my character completed before I went off to work today, but it appears that he will have to be wrapped up sometime over the weekend. I'll be sure to PM both of you, but won't be alarmed if he doesn't get approved until sometime next week.



Quote from: Twisted iN Tux on May 05, 2017, 10:01:11 AM
Have a safe trip!

I had hoped to get my character completed before I went off to work today, but it appears that he will have to be wrapped up sometime over the weekend. I'll be sure to PM both of you, but won't be alarmed if he doesn't get approved until sometime next week.


That's completely all right.  I am working a total of 26 hours these next two days so if you do submit it I can take a look and might be able to go over the sheet, but not as thoroughly as I could on my computer :)


I am back from vacation and Rebelle and I should be looking over the recently submitted sheets in the next few days, plenty of slots still open. 


Glory is being Great and being Useful - Simon Bolivar

Because its There - Sir Edmund Hillary

"The Lord of the Mans of Rod" - Me, spelling everything write and still getting the sentence wrong.

On and Offs -


Quote from: LordRod on May 11, 2017, 06:12:05 PM
Working on a backlog but hope to get this tomorrow or Saturday

We look forward to seeing it!

Also, we would like to take this moment to announce that all currently accepted characters are now free to post in the IC Threads, and we will be kicking off our first major plot in the next day or two!!!!

We would have done it sooner but someone got slightly ill, and this time it wasn't me!

What does this mean for those who haven't submitted a character yet, you might be asking.

Well quite simply, not much, we'll still be accepting characters throughout the game in and of itself.  Those who come in later, we'll get slid right in all neat like.. or messy or.. Well you get the drift.

Also for those who might have been wondering..

There ARE more newspapers and magazines...

And they were posted for quite some time, unfortunately yours truly... Didn't see them..

However, here is that information, more readily available

Magazine and Newpaper Quick Info

The Aegis: [ The biggest Wizarding Newspaper around, delivers all over the US.]

Oblivate Me [Gossip Rag - Very popular. Covers celebrities, important figures in various careers. Scandals, anything even remotely intriguing and it's likely to be printed in this magazine. The Owner of the magazine is known for attacking pureblood politics and one year published a list of families who still belong to the social registry. ]

The Magic Beat [ Mixed content, but the heart of the magazine focuses on music and art culture, up and coming artists and other creative types. They are known for being truthful and unafraid to talk about things that aren't mainstream]

The Modern Witch [ Women's magazine. Focuses on women with families and careers, and has an advice section that often answers about anything from career questions to marital issues. It is also known to publish interviews of important and influential women in the wizarding world]

Amortentia [ Fashion Magazine, as well as focusing on women's health and beauty. Most popular with teenagers and young adults. Quizzes, articles on celebrities, or what is best to wear when thinking of an interview are just some ideas on what one can find within it's pages]

Monster Issues [ Newer magazine, it focuses on issues that plague those with mixed blood and stranger mysteries within the wizarding world.  They often have interviews from experts on werewolves or vampires, publish personal accounts from witches and wizards who face discrimination for being mixed blood. Articles on disappearances and other mysterious happenings that don't always make it to the bigger magazines and newspapers. The magazine has been called bold and 'ahead' of its time.]

I'll be filling in some more info on those too!



Hello to all those interested - I am going to do a quick little update.

Right now we have only 1 Metamorphmagi in play, with plenty of those, animagus, Seers, half-vampires, Half-Veelas and werewolves available (as well as goblins if that would tickle your fancy).  Come and take your pick.

We have also started our very first Event in game - it just kicked off.   You can find it here.

But never fear - even if you don't swing by for this event, we'll have plenty more on the horizon.

Intimate Ink

Sticking my head in to express interest/brainstorming of various concepts.  Looks like a well-thought out and fascinating game.  Very awesome you all.  :)


Quote from: Intimate Ink on May 22, 2017, 03:39:32 PM
Sticking my head in to express interest/brainstorming of various concepts.  Looks like a well-thought out and fascinating game.  Very awesome you all.  :)

Hey there and welcome to the thread!

Thank you for the loverly compliment too ^.^

If you have any questions or any bits of brain that has been stormed by all means don't hesitate to post here or in PMs and we'll be happy to help!  Also thank you for checking us out.


Hey! So rather than continue to lurk in the darkness, I have decided to make my presence known. This game has been on my mind since finding out about its inception. Plus I have seriously wanted adult Potterverse for years. Best to yield to the craving rather than continue to fight it.

Anyways, I'm excited to build a character and rip it to shreds with you guys. Just kidding. I won't be super mean to this character. >.>


Welcome out of the darkness, we knew there were people and other stuff there but poking them with a stick is usually bad form. 

Be as super mean or super nice as you like your character, it's what they are there for. 

Anyway, if you have any questions feel free to pm Rebelle and myself. 



Seriously debating it and brainstorming. -Hands in tentative interest slip.-

Seduce my mind and my body will follow.
Amarlo's O&Os
Absences and Apologies

Intimate Ink


Quote from: Intimate Ink on May 26, 2017, 09:37:51 PM
Do iiiiittttttt!
<3 Well now I have too! ;D


May I facelcaim Juwita Dewi, please? ^^

Seduce my mind and my body will follow.
Amarlo's O&Os
Absences and Apologies

la dame en noir

My character ahs been in this game forever, but I haven't done anything yet lol. UGH!
Games(Group & 1x1): 7 | Post Rate: 1 - 6 days | Availability: Actively looking!
A&A | FxF |
O/Os | FxF Writers Directory


Quote from: Intimate Ink on May 26, 2017, 09:37:51 PM
Do iiiiittttttt!

I condone this kind of peer pressure.

Quote from: Amarlo on May 26, 2017, 09:59:39 PM
<3 Well now I have too! ;D


May I facelcaim Juwita Dewi, please? ^^

Quote from: la dame en noir on May 26, 2017, 10:11:53 PM
My character ahs been in this game forever, but I haven't done anything yet lol. UGH!

You had an approved student Evangeline in the Salem School game, but feel free to update her to the new adult character sheet and submit her as we have moved the timeline up where students were able to have been graduated and be adults in this setting. 


Hey there to all those who are peeking in and showing interest!

I'm very happy to have you all here, and i can't wait to see what you wonderful peoples come up with!

la dame en noir

Whew. That'll be hard to do considering I didn't do anything - I don't think. lol
Games(Group & 1x1): 7 | Post Rate: 1 - 6 days | Availability: Actively looking!
A&A | FxF |
O/Os | FxF Writers Directory


Soooo I am finally stepping out of the shadows as well. I saw this when it was posted day 1. I was a little intimidated by it as I dont know the setting -that- well. Ive seen all the movies once and read all of the books once. But my memory of everything can be spotty. I keep seeing my self click the link reading the first post and going. "Nope I will be to overwhelmed" Then a day later I am reading the post again like. Maybe I could do it?

With that being said. I challenged my self that if I looked at it again I would read through everything and make a character. SO here is me following through and reading up on the material now. I should have a character out... In the next hour ish. Depending on how work goes. (As an EMT I either have ALL OF THE FREETIME- or the stuff hit the fan and I have none of the free time. Today so far has been slow)


You will be fine. Rebelle and RN are super nice. Yay to another shadow lurker stepping into the light!


If you have any questions, are uncertain about something, or just generally want to know if you are on the right track feel free to pm us, we usually respond pretty quickly unless both of us are work and/or asleep at the time. 


Will do :) and thank you. Currently reading through the first page and thinking about what kind of charicter to play. Is there a lul anywhere. Like do you guys need anytype of charcter. I find i like playing the roles or races that there is little to none of. *shrug*


We currently don't have a lot of other faction members (Council of Black and Scourers), albeit it we have a lot of recruitment targets for each.  Which if someone is unsure about them might be the best way to be actively recruited in game and make that decision based on roleplay to join one or not.  As for other things that we are lacking I believe we only have 1 of each kind of magical creature bloodline so far (1 half vampire, 1 werewolf, 1 half veela, no goblins).  We also only have a few of the special character types (2 animagnus, 1 metamorphmagi, 1 seer).  We could alway use more purebloods but that comes with making the pureblood family template as well.  I think the only thing we really have a nice amount of and by no means does it mean we can't have more are Aurors (4 at current) as I have no problem with a magical procedural going on.     Sorry couldn't help myself.  Anyway if you have any questions about any of these special types feel free to pm. 


Regret not sent you a pm. I have a few ideas if that one is a nogo. Im not set on any of them yet. Trying to gather ideas to see which i like the best.


Taking slightly longer for my scattered brain to calm down. But I am all the way down to personality and history. I am ironing it out now. :)

Twisted iN Tux

Quote from: RegretNot on May 27, 2017, 09:10:46 AM

This gif inspired me to make my next move. *nods* So, yes, I just reserved the hotness that is Jared for my second character!



I'm currently working on a council of black metaphormagi, so hopefully you guys will like that! ;D

Seduce my mind and my body will follow.
Amarlo's O&Os
Absences and Apologies


Quote from: Amarlo on May 27, 2017, 02:48:31 PM
I'm currently working on a council of black metaphormagi, so hopefully you guys will like that! ;D

Look forward to seeing it. 



I am so super excited to see all the lovely faces that are coming out of the shadows.

Welcome to everyone again.

You guys.. are frickin'.... awesome.


My half-blood order of the Asylum character was submitted. Now to wait :)


My new characters are in dire need of connections. I would be super happy to see new faces. ^_^


We are still accepting all character types and factions at this time.  Having just entered the end of the first event thread it has set up the tone of intrigue, danger, corruption, and conflict in the game.  Anyone who is interested in a adult harry potter game should take a peak or just enjoys the supernatural set in a world that operates in shades of gray.  Our GM team responds to pm questions usually within twenty four hours for any ideas or concepts that people want to run across them. 


If anyone is looking for a way into the game through an established connection, I'm super open through Reese, Jamie, and Reed. Some ideas for connections are here.


Hey there everyone, thank you for taking a peek in on this interest thread.   Someone asked me in PMs about what the official numbers look like for special bloodlines.  So i figured if one person was curious about it maybe I should make a post.

This is what we have currently.

2 animagus
1 half-vampire
1 werewolf
1 metamorphmagus
1 half veela
1 Seer

We also have a few official council of black characters and Order of Asylum characters, and a bunch of unaffiliated, but recruitment target characters as well.

What does this mean for a new person coming in?
This means that all special bloodlines are open and available for play.

What does a recruitment target mean?
This means that they have the potential to be recruited by one of the factions.  If you as the player wants to be recruited, we can do that.  However, you can come in as an actual member of any of these factions.  What faction recruits you is totally up to you as the player.

Does someone have to be part of a faction?
No, you don't.  This is a game of intrigue, but at the same time someone can be completely be completely unaffiliated.   

But the game has started... What does that mean for new characters and players?

This means, not as much as one might think.  As this is a living world, you can come in at any time, and jump right in!  We have some super lovely players and characters who are looking for connections and scenes.    We've already one one gm led scene and going to start another here very soon.


The game is lovely but can benefit from more faces. I do hope people join. I think there's freedom in writing adults.


We are now doing a festival event in the magic center of Chicago (Dearborn Center), MACUSA is investigating some major magic misuse, and our Council of Black is assembling for a secret mission to get information MACUSA (Come on who doesn't want to mix spy vs spy and magic).  Anyone interested please pm Rebelle and I, still have plenty of specialty slots open with the adult nature of the harry potter universe set in America might be a lot more open and intriguing than any movie you have seen or book you have read.    Yeah more than that. 


Also still looking for connections to my girls and guy. I'm pretty willing to plot of someone needs a history to craft a sheet with.


Have you ever imagined a magical Windy City?

Probably not but it's awesome.

Magic has found its way into Chicago. Underneath all the grime and luster, the city hides the fantastical in plain sight.

Like usual, everything is not as it seems in the wizarding world.

A lurking menace threatens to unravel the nation and then the globe.

Are you ready?


I might be interested in creating a character.  Considering I need a new, fresh start to hopefully kick my muse in the butt and get back into writing.
No New Games At This Time
A/A updated Important: 6/2/17
Caedy's Pretty Things (SFW&NSFW)
Blog: My Bullet Journal Journey
Word of the Day
~...still like air, I'll Rise...~ Maya Angelou


Welcome Caedy!

Glad to see your interest, we have almost everything open and available to be made.  We are still in our first month in game and heading into a few scenes to get characters involved more heavily in the setting before moving into the next month.  If you have any questions please PM Rebelle and I and we will get back to you as quick as we can.  Look forward to seeing what you come up with and helping your muse if we can. 


-doubles the welcome-

This is an excellent place to rejuvenate the muse. Decent have and talented writers. (^^)


*triples the welcome *

Welcome Caedy, and thank you for coming by and taking a look at the game!  I know we have oodles of information out here, and that can be a wee bit overwhelming,  but if you have any questions any at all feel free to send us a message!

The following special abilities are available:

Half Vampires

You also have a bevy of options of where you want your character to have graduated from, and of course how they adult (professions/careers/factions)

We truly appreciate you peeking in to try and rejuvenate your muse.  Hopefully we can help in that regard.

And as Flower said we have awesome sauce writers.

(Also typing on my phone, so if there's typoes I blame my fat fingers!)

Pretty in Pink

Ya know.  I was just saying to one of my friends that I wish there was a more well established group to RP with for the American side of the Wizarding world...

How have I not seen this (or the original) in all this time?!

Interested, just need to drag an idea together, though I've already decided my faction.

I've taken the Oath of the Drake for Group RP


Glad to see more interest and more potential plotting partners. (^^)


Quote from: Pretty in Pink on August 17, 2017, 04:54:58 AM
Ya know.  I was just saying to one of my friends that I wish there was a more well established group to RP with for the American side of the Wizarding world...

How have I not seen this (or the original) in all this time?!

Interested, just need to drag an idea together, though I've already decided my faction.

Yay I'm glad to hear it, if you have any questions at all Pretty in Pink please son hesitate to PM Regret Not and me ^.^

Very awesome to see this catching some eyes :D


If anyone is looking for a way into the game through an established connection, I'm super open through Reese, Jamie, and Reed. Some ideas for connections are here.

Since new folk are coming and will hopefully keep coming, I decided to bring out this little hook. Defs looking for fish (read: connections).



I am slowly but surely working on a Seer I think.  My RL has seriously kicked me in the teeth as of late.
No New Games At This Time
A/A updated Important: 6/2/17
Caedy's Pretty Things (SFW&NSFW)
Blog: My Bullet Journal Journey
Word of the Day
~...still like air, I'll Rise...~ Maya Angelou


Take your time, if you have any questions we are here to answer them, look forward to seeing the finished product. 


I'm really interested in playing a romantic relationship with my character Jamie. She's currently a magical radio host and sort of feisty. If interested, message me. 💝

