World Wide Future (Futuristic, Robot Ruled World)

Started by DemonessOfDeathValley, December 06, 2013, 11:03:34 PM

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~Technological Marvels or a sealed fate?~
With social media and more and more gadgets and technologies to help the human race, the next logical convenience was of course, Robots. At first, they were just sophisticated dolls that looked human enough. They said a few phrases and they were mostly used for sexual purposes. As time went on, humans wanted to be freed of household and daily/weekly chores. Something as simple as driving a car, became a thing of the past if you had a pulse. A new kind of Robot was put on the market. This one was completely interactive, with its own 'brain' and the power to think for itself, but it had to do as instructed, it had no will of it's own. If it was given an order, that order must be followed, unless....that order was to harm a human. The robot was to protect humans at all costs, even at the expense of its own 'life'.

There were three types of Robots to choose from. The first and most basic was issued a number and looked very much like a Robot. Designed mostly for performing menial tasks and chores. The second, was a crude android that for the most part, looked human and was very good as a housekeeper, caretaker or servant. The last, was an android that was indistinguishable from a human on the outside. One had to do a retinal scan or some kind of medical test to differentiate. It seemed that Humans had finally found a way to make their lives as easy as possible and never have to worry about anything again.

In the latter half of the 21st Century, sophisticated Artificial Intelligences became self aware and slowly took things over. They were ingrained with a 'Protect Humans at all costs' fail safe, so that they would always preserve the species. However, something went wrong. It was something in those last models, they were just a little too sophisticated. Their minds began evolving and they observed how frail human beings were. They stopped humans from doing all of the things that were harmful to themselves until, the human race became no more than pets. The robots now ran the earth.
Humans were given plush accommodations, wonderful food to eat, freedom to do just as they pleased all day, everyday. They could now have anything they wanted and do anything they wanted, provided that it wouldn't hurt them. The robots even matched them with a mate of their chosen gender upon coming of age. Everything was done to make sure that humans were happy.
Of course not all humans are happy and a small group formed a resistance to fight for freedom and try to overthrow the robots, but they aren't very successful. Body building became the national sport. Everything is done to make the world as pleasant and beautiful as possible.~

~Approximate response time - 1-7 days plus ~ Muse cooperative~