Ampere's List of Itches

Started by Ampere, September 23, 2018, 11:57:53 AM

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Greetings one and all, thanks for taking the time to check out this list, which highlights what I'm currently craving.

Cyborg/AI: Filled

Long on story, but hopefully high on drama/button pressing. MC is a woman with a prosthetic arm (early adopter based on 'bot tech). She's not a bad person, but treats the bots in the factory in which she works as beneath her (and is pretty upset to be effectively part bot herself since the accident, which took her arm). The factory AI takes an interest in her, partly because it dislikes her attitude and partly because the interface between her brain and cyberarm has not been secured.

Although the bot control software has been disabled, it hasn't been deleted and so the AI could, take remote control of the MC's body (if only for a short period), which might allow it to get her into a maintenance bay and make more radical alterations to her programming. The theme is really one of mind control (but with a technological twist) and objectification (wherein the MC becomes the thing she most fears becoming). There's almost certainly some humiliation in there as well.

I'm not sure what the end game would be once the AI took matters into its own hands, but I can think of three likely outcomes:

a) The AI retains control, punishing the MC for bad behaviour and using her as part of the factory's hardware
b) The AI finishes MC's processing and arranges for her to be packaged up and shipped to a client who has purchased her
c) The AI decides she has learnt the error of her ways and releases its hold on her

The bulk of the story would be the preparation, processing of the MC - including themes such as:

Objectification (MC will receive a serial number/barcode marking her as property of the factory)
Programming/Conditioning to stop MC from revealing that she is human/not a bot
Bots don't refer to themselves in 1st person (or have names beyond those given to them)
Editing/Rewriting Memories/Skills/Knowledge
Varient Laws of Robotics
No doubt sexual/degrading treatments - such as bot cleaning/recharging etc
Consciousness trapped inside body that is no longer under MC's control


Hopefully some of this has prickled your interest - if so, please do let me know and we can try to work something out. If not, thank you for your time and attention.



Art is magic delivered from the lie of being truth.
