Politically incorrect - Adventures in sexism land

Started by Celestial Goblin, May 05, 2007, 03:41:54 PM

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Celestial Goblin

A wacky idea I just can't stop myself from posting.
First, a disclaimer. I do not condone sexism in real life. I am not yearning to discriminate against anyone and this game is just a silly experiment of my masochistic side. I apologize if someone affected with real discrimination in their lives feels like I'm getting overboard with this.

That's said, I'm asking for help in preparing a cocktail of shallow sexism, haughty discrimination and the most annoying aspects of certain time periods.(and yeah, I want to play a woman character)

Ladies and gentlemen, hold on to your chairs:

It's somewhere around the 40's, but the world is not how we know it. The concept of equal rights for women is in it's death throes. The Suffrage movement of the previous century is considered an amusing failure. The II world war never happened, as a certain Austrian madman tripped over a weiner sausage left on the ground by a careless woman.
(the press written a lot about how women can't be trusted with sausage and how the man was a promising painter). The technological progress took a different path during the long time of peace and so did the cultural and political progress.

America and Europe look mostly like they did during the 30's. The society is growing rich and opulent, but with a heavy class divide between the rich and the poor. Television is still black&white. The assembly line is a relatively new and distrusted concept. As life has been stable since the end of the 'Great War' (1st world in our universe), the society is conservative, self-satisfied and slothful.

Women posses no right to vote. It is a widely accepted belief that women are not mentally fit to hold serious jobs like doctor or lawyer, nor that a woman should do anything else than be a polite companion of her husband. While unmarried men often shamelessly enjoy life, unmarried women are seen as improper and expected to at least have a 'chaperone' or a family member to speak for them.

From all countries, only Canada still gives women equal(almost) rights and is in the process of taking those rights away, as gender equality was criticized even by the legauge of nations.

On the other hand, men are expected to be gentlemen. Women are weaker and less cerebral, so they need to be protected from physical tasks and politely told when they are erring. Having a good looking and polite wife is considered a status symbol.
In all social strata accept the poorest ones, being glamorous is considered a woman's duty. Women are expected to be always dressed fashionably, be beautiful and charming in their every move.
The fashions are resembling of the 30's and later times, with skirts(often very *tight* skirts), wide belts, gloves, wide hats, dark glasses, scarves and high heels being common. That a woman's clothing should highlight her 'natural' weakness and impracticality is obvious. Having her skin insulated from the enviroment is recommended, altough her shapes should be visible for men to see and enjoy.

There is no more prohibition. Cigarettes and cigars are popular, but only men smoke cigars.
Cars are still more often produced singularily and not in factories. Automobile is a popular hobby and perhaps the only chance for priviliged women to feel at least a little freedom in their lives. Of course a woman driving a car is like a lightning road for hostile and condescending attitude from everyone.

There is very little resistance to things being this way. By some quirk (this is where it gets really politically incorrect) women really tend to be vain, absent-minded and impractical. The very few who try to fight for their rights are at best mocked in their futile struggles and at worse placed in re-education compounds, but there's not much of those.

In this world, I'd like to play a lady from a rich family that tries to enjoy her automobile and have some fun in life. There doesn't need to be any particular storyline, but just day-to-day discrimination and forced glamorization. A male character could appear to show my character 'her place' and take her under his control, perhaps to marry.